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Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
User Banned (1 Month): Antagonizing fellow members, Generally toxic commentary; History of bans for the same
I love how many people were hanging on to this being a real possibility. I had people waiting to qualify for a house because - "I want to wait till my student debt will be forgiven here soon" No my friend I'm sorry that's not how it works. Though you entered into a binding contract when you lack the brain power or education to understand what it was and thought you were going to be making 6 figures by now. It's no ones fault but your parents, maybe guidance counselor and assuredly yours that you find yourself in your current predicament of waiting for some holy powerball equivalent bailout


Oct 31, 2017
Your summery is incredibly disingenuous. He's testified in front of congress about Student aid, and he's on the editorial board for NASFAA.
He is:
1. Not a lawyer
2. Works for an LLC called Saving for College which aims to provide tools to "meet the challenge of increasing college costs"
3. Not a lawyer

Forgive me if I'm a little bit suspect of his motivations here. None of the bios I saw actually mentioned when and how he testified, so I tried to actually find that info and the only appearance in front of Congress I could find was in 2008. I can't find any connection between him and NASFAA either, but he does call his Forbes Contributor articles "papers".

On a lighter note though, he also offers a Student Aid Policy Magic 8 Ball that may be useful for this thread

(I had no idea it was gonna say this I swear)


Oct 25, 2017
absolutely unsurprised that a lot of people who claimed to support Sen Warren in her bid for the presidency are now loudly arguing that a core plank on her policy platform is stupid, illegal, unworkable, racist, and anti-poor.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem with AOC saying they have the Majority Leaders support is that's exactly what Biden is saying they do. Congress do your job. Schumer and them should be drafting a bill.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
I love how many people were hanging on to this being a real possibility. I had people waiting to qualify for a house because - "I want to wait till my student debt will be forgiven here soon" No my friend I'm sorry that's not how it works. Though you entered into a binding contract when you lack the brain power or education to understand what it was and thought you were going to be making 6 figures by now. It's no ones fault but your parents, maybe guidance counselor and assuredly yours that you find yourself in your current predicament of waiting for some holy powerball equivalent bailout
You sound like a very cruel person.
Nov 7, 2017
If Biden isn't down well then Schumer should put his money where his mouth is an get the House to introduce a debt forgiveness bill. I doubt Biden has the balls to veto that


Oct 25, 2017
I love how many people were hanging on to this being a real possibility. I had people waiting to qualify for a house because - "I want to wait till my student debt will be forgiven here soon" No my friend I'm sorry that's not how it works. Though you entered into a binding contract when you lack the brain power or education to understand what it was and thought you were going to be making 6 figures by now. It's no ones fault but your parents, maybe guidance counselor and assuredly yours that you find yourself in your current predicament of waiting for some holy powerball equivalent bailout

Ok cool, who cares. Go write to your senator and the president demanding that they do something about forgiving student loan debt.


Mar 4, 2020
The system needs to be fixed first, otherwise it'll just happen again. In fact, simply doing this would make it even worse in future because it introduces the mindset "I'll get a bunch of debt because the government will pay it off for me..." furthermore schools ironically will charge more they know the government might pay them off if the borrowers can't, it just introduces moral hazard into the equation. The debt should be forgiven when a plan is also in place to limit loan interest and the cost of education.


Oct 28, 2017
He is:
1. Not a lawyer
2. Works for an LLC called Saving for College which aims to provide tools to "meet the challenge of increasing college costs"
3. Not a lawyer

Forgive me if I'm a little bit suspect of his motivations here. None of the bios I saw actually mentioned when and how he testified, so I tried to actually find that info and the only appearance in front of Congress I could find was in 2008. I can't find any connection between him and NASFAA either, but he does call his Forbes Contributor articles "papers".

On a lighter note though, he also offers a Student Aid Policy Magic 8 Ball that may be useful for this thread

(I had no idea it was gonna say this I swear)

Sounds like your reply is "it doesn't count because I don't want it to." That's fine. We're done.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no ethical dilemma about student loan forgiveness. I paid my loans like anyone else and wouldn't be upset if my friends gets their paid off. You'll get some loud people complaining, but oh well. Better than not doing it at all. Simple policy always works better than adding asterisks and means testing.


Any other argument is bad faith or merely selfish.

Ultimately, it would offer major macroeconomic stimulus that the entire economy would feel the benefit from. It's not even a question of individual winners and losers, imo.


Jan 8, 2018
I love how many people were hanging on to this being a real possibility. I had people waiting to qualify for a house because - "I want to wait till my student debt will be forgiven here soon" No my friend I'm sorry that's not how it works. Though you entered into a binding contract when you lack the brain power or education to understand what it was and thought you were going to be making 6 figures by now. It's no ones fault but your parents, maybe guidance counselor and assuredly yours that you find yourself in your current predicament of waiting for some holy powerball equivalent bailout
Forgive me for not being born in a country that doesn't cripple people with debt for getting a higher education.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
So? I advocate, from time to time, for a direct wealth tax, why would I care about how much money they get if I'm planning to tax it back anyway.

Sure, I want to tax the wealthily too but I don't see a reason give rich people money just so we can take it away later.

Anyways I have to get going to work. It was fun.


Oct 29, 2017
The guiding principle of a lot of old people seems to be, "better a million people go hungry than a single person get something undeservedly".

The root of a lot of problems, that one.
Oct 27, 2017
I love how many people were hanging on to this being a real possibility. I had people waiting to qualify for a house because - "I want to wait till my student debt will be forgiven here soon" No my friend I'm sorry that's not how it works. Though you entered into a binding contract when you lack the brain power or education to understand what it was and thought you were going to be making 6 figures by now. It's no ones fault but your parents, maybe guidance counselor and assuredly yours that you find yourself in your current predicament of waiting for some holy powerball equivalent bailout
Fuck this attitude.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County


Oct 26, 2017
i'm cool with student loan forgiveness. no reason biden can't do the 50k right now.

other reforms must follow of course because otherwise we'll just need to forgive loans again in a few years for the next cycle of college grads.
lawmakers have to do something to curb the skyrocketing costs of higher education, which many feel isn't a choice due to credential creep in the job market. student loans as currently constructed also place all the risk on the borrower, because they're essentially nondischargeable in bk.

also, if student loans are going to be forgiven in some amount they should also do something for people who paid off their student loans too. someone who decided to live a more austere lifestyle to be able to throw more money at their loans shouldn't be left out.


Oct 26, 2017
Sure, I want to tax the wealthily too but I don't see a reason give rich people money just so we can take it away later.
This is why I support universal policies over targeted policies. Ducks a lot of the crab bucketing. Targeting works great in magic policy wonk Christmas land where everyone is perfectly rational and transactions are frictionless but not in an actual flesh and blood democracy.

Means tesing is bad because it introduces a friction into a system and history has shown the US state is very bad at managing this particular kind of friction. If they were as good at policy Rube-Goldberg machines as they thought they were I would not believe the things I do, but they're not.


Oct 29, 2017
Another reason why Biden won't do it - the guiding principle of American politics is that capitalism is an inherent good. Canceling debt for the common folk would mean acknowledging that capitalism doesn't serve their interest. It's an existential issue for someone as steeped in capitalist ideology such as Biden.


Oct 27, 2017
I love how many people were hanging on to this being a real possibility. I had people waiting to qualify for a house because - "I want to wait till my student debt will be forgiven here soon" No my friend I'm sorry that's not how it works. Though you entered into a binding contract when you lack the brain power or education to understand what it was and thought you were going to be making 6 figures by now. It's no ones fault but your parents, maybe guidance counselor and assuredly yours that you find yourself in your current predicament of waiting for some holy powerball equivalent bailout
Nice, and here comes the liberals with the Republican-esque bootstraps argument.

You know that's a great way to get people to turn out in 2022 and 2024. By blaming them for the systemic failures of the various American systems.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
This discussion was generating a high number of reports temporarily locked while we looked at those and the thread. As the OP has been banned, it will remain closed.
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