
Oct 26, 2017
By golly, this man might just win this...

Politico: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/28/texas-senate-race-club-for-growth-ted-cruz-799116

Republicans are sounding the alarm about Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's closer-than-expected reelection contest, with an influential conservative group racing to his aid.

The Club for Growth, a Washington-based anti-tax group, is drawing up plans for a major TV ad campaign boosting Cruz — the first such intervention by a Republican outside group in this race. The move comes as Democratic Rep. Beto O'Rourke, an online fundraising behemoth who has attracted national support, continues to narrow the gap in polling.

MARGIN OF ERROR BABYYYYY. Other polls have shown Beto as close at 1%
An NBC News/Marist poll conducted earlier this month showed Cruz leading O'Rourke by a narrow 49 percent to 45 percent margin



Oct 27, 2017
I genuinely think he can do it. For the past few cycles, I feel like a lot of potential Democratic voters have sat out because of it ultimately feeling futile, but Beto's chances are way too good right now for anybody to still feel that way.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
He's got the hype behind him. Ted Cruz is the most unlikable candidate I think I've ever seen. Like, I loathe Trump with a passion, but I could see how racist idiots would find him appealing.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
What date does voting start and what date does it end?
Oct 25, 2017
Just donated a little bit more to the guy, I've seen more and more Beto signs up in my neighborhood (North Dallas Burbs)


Oct 25, 2017
I saw a Beto ad on Facebook the other day. I clicked on the comments. LOL, typical troll nonsense on there like, "YES! I'm voting for strong values and integrity, which is why I encourage everyone to vote for TED CRUZ!"


Oct 27, 2017
Everyone HATES Ted Cruz so its still remarkable to me that he's in the lead at all but you know, Texas.
Oct 31, 2017
This is a legit question as I have people in TX.

Is this a white dude trying to pander to hispanics by going with "Beto" or is this dude hispanic? He looks white to me.

Eat My Jorts

Oct 26, 2017
I've been seeing a crap load of Beto bumper stickers. Way more than Obama or Hillary ever had here.

Summary: It's happening.
Oct 27, 2017
As soon as straight ticket voting is gone, Texas voters will get some democracy back. Too many lazy assholes go in, punch R and leave with a shit eating grin.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I donated to the campaign last night, which is the first time I've donated for an election in a really long time, which I regret. I really want this to happen.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a legit question as I have people in TX.

Is this a white dude trying to pander to hispanics by going with "Beto" or is this dude hispanic? He looks white to me.

No. It's a nickname from when he was a little kid. There's a photo of him wearing a Beto sweatshirt when he's like, 4. It's pretty common for folks in Texas to have hispanic nicknames since, you know, there's lots of hispanic folks.

But the same can't be said for Raphael "Ted" Cruz.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Those tweets this morning definitely felt like someone in the GOP hit the alarm button. Plus the big spend by Club for Growth means even if Beto loses, he's succeeded at drawing GOP resources away from other races and towards defending what should be safe. Given that Beto has huge amounts of donation cash on hand, if he's entering September within low single digits, I'm hoping he can push himself over the top with a spending blitz. It really feels like he's got a tipping point in broad awareness over the past week or so.


Aug 1, 2018
No. It's a nickname from when he was a little kid. There's a photo of him wearing a Beto sweatshirt when he's like, 4. It's pretty common for folks in Texas to have hispanic nicknames since, you know, there's lots of hispanic folks.

But the same can't be said for Raphael "Ted" Cruz.

Can confirm. Am white and grew up in South Texas. Most of my Hispanic friends still use a Spanish nickname for me.


Oct 30, 2017
If voters show up, Beto can win.

I'm generally optimistic about the leftswing of the entire country, but my home state...no, I refuse to believe. There is no hope, only a ragnarok of payday lenders and mass murder on the border. People like jason stickham get elected here, not beto o'rourke. The dems will fuck this up even if he does win, absolutely controlled opposition, etc etc.

*puts fingers in ears*
Oct 31, 2017
No. It's a nickname from when he was a little kid. There's a photo of him wearing a Beto sweatshirt when he's like, 4. It's pretty common for folks in Texas to have hispanic nicknames since, you know, there's lots of hispanic folks.

But the same can't be said for Raphael "Ted" Cruz.

Rafael's father is actually Cuban, but I get your point. If anything Raf was trying to pander to whites with "Ted".


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like driving up Beto's name awareness is only going to backfire for them.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm generally optimistic about the leftswing of the entire country, but my home state...no, I refuse to believe. There is no hope, only a ragnarok of payday lenders and mass murder on the border. People like jason stickham get elected here, not beto o'rourke. The dems will fuck this up even if he does win, absolutely controlled opposition, etc etc.

*puts fingers in ears*
OK, but vote.


Oct 27, 2017
This Beto guy carries himself well. I'd say he's presidential material but I doubt the party will want to give up an incumbent Texas seat. but also if he can win a general election in Texas then you have a Dem that can change the whole game for the electoral college. I think the major Democratic party effort should be focused on removing election restrictions and making it easier to vote. They gotta get certain populations voting when passions aren't running as hot as they are now.