Best Mega Man partner?

  • Proto Man. *Whistles*

    Votes: 52 38.8%
  • Zero. It's not over yet!!

    Votes: 72 53.7%
  • X. A lasting legacy.

    Votes: 8 6.0%
  • Giro. A true friend to the end.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vent/Aile. Taking up the mantle of their mentor.

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I know my Mega Man threads aren't very popular, but I love making them, dang nabbit.

Every major Mega Man game - or, at the very least, every major platforming Mega Man game in the main timeline - has a major supporting character who acts as an informant, assistant, partner, mentor, or otherwise helps the lead Mega Man character in a substantial way.

I'll divide them by series.

Proto Man (Classic)


The original robot, and the only one jointly designed by Light and Wily, Proto Man is Mega Man's too-cool-for-school older brother. As the original robot, his defense systems are weaker and his attack output is less regulated. These may sound like weaknesses, but they leave him with two very cool assets; his trademark giant shield, and the ability to deliver more powerful energy blasts. I don't think it's actually stated anywhere in canon that he can fire more powerful shots than Mega Man, but the games tend to support this, with his energy blasts in Power Fighters being substantially larger than his brother's, as well as him firing off a special charged shot in Mega Man and Bass that we haven't seen any other character capable of doing.

A loner who lives by his own rules, he always appears with his trademark whistle, and always wears his trademark shades and scarf. Stylish and cool, he's always there to lend his younger brother a helping hand - and in later games, jump into the fray himself. His Japanese name was Blues, to contrast with his brother, Rock.

Zero (X)


Wily's greatest creation, based on the schematics of Proto Man before him. Built in the 21st century, he was sealed away until he was discovered about one hundred years later, where he went on a rampage before being stopped by the leader of the Maverick Hunters, Sigma. Zero was originally the carrier of a deadly virus, although it was beaten out of him by Sigma shortly after he awakened. Zero spends most of the X series offering support to Mega Man X, acting as his mentor, partner in battle, and closest friend. As the two of them are the original reploids, both from another era, it's no wonder that they feel a special bond.

In comparison to X, Zero is seen as a much more capable fighter. He defeats his enemies without hesitation, makes quick and sound judgements, and is an extraordinarily capable Hunter, saving X from enemies he could not defeat himself on several occasions. Despite this, Zero admires X for his genuine nature, and views him as the true protector of humanity.

Zero wields a number of abilities in battle, including the very powerful Z-Buster, an energy sword capable of firing beams of energy, and several special martial arts and swordsmanship techniques.

X (Zero)


How the tables have turned! In Zero's own series, taking place in the 23rd century, X has already passed on, although he continues to offer assistance to Zero. Having turned into a Cyber Elf, X gives Zero moral support from beyond the grave, explaining to him what he must do and doing whatever he can to help him do it. He is the one who held onto Zero's Z-saber, returning it to him upon his awakening.

X's most interesting role in the Zero series is in his legacy, and his progeny, the Four Guardians. X fought tirelessly to make a better world while Zero was gone, and largely failed, leaving Zero as his last and greatest hope. His Four Guardians, created from his schematics, act as his children of sorts, and, once they ascertain that Zero is fighting for the right side, offer him their assistance in X's place.

Despite X not being able to fight directly, he is a great source of help for Zero.

Giro (ZX)


The owner of Giro Express and the wielder of Biometal Model Z, Giro is a cool, composed, and logical man who acts as a mentor to Vent/Aile. Giro was chosen by Model Z to be Zero's successor in the future, fighting back against the evil Model W alongside the other biometals. Unfortunately, Giro dies in the prologue of the game, passing on his biometal to Vent/Aile. Despite his absence for most of his own series, his status as the true successor to Zero and his lasting impression on his understudies leave a great impact on the world.

Vent/Aile (ZXA)


Giro's successor in ZX Advent, Vent/Aile are now older and more experienced, returning to help the new protagonists of the game. They've styled their hair longer in honor of Giro, and serve a role very similar to Zero in the X series, as a partner fighting the good fight alongside the hero.

Who's your favorite, and why?


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Why was Legends omitted.


Two great choices there between Roll Caskett and Data.
The platforming games all have a similar partner character who fits the same archetype. Although I suppose Roll could be this, she feels more like an Alia than a Zero to me.

It's also why I didn't mention Rush, Bass, Signas, etc. They're a different kind of character.


Oct 26, 2017
Zero is such a boss that the X series begins to center around him starting with X4. Dude stole the X's series lmao. Even from X1-X3 he has the coolest scenes, always saving X.


Oct 25, 2017
Zero, and it shouldn't even be close. Remember when he first showed up and how badass he looked?!? Dayum what a G. The only supporting character to get his own main series and it be better than the main MegaMan games.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Roll is the most precious character in all of video games, and she's always there to support her brother.



One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Since I dont see any legends charters I gotta go with that man in my avatar.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I read the threadmark about why Rush wasn't included, but surely Rush was a better partner for Megaman across the NES and GB games than Protoman was?

Personally I also like Tango from MMV. Not wonderful in battle but there's something fun about watching your robot cat wreck stuff then teleport out!


Oct 28, 2017
Zero being a supporting character is arguable considering the entire X series revolves around him more than X, really.

Protoman for me.