
Nov 15, 2017
For the third year in a row.

More Californians were diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis in 2017 than ever before, marking the third year in a row that the state's STD cases hit a record high, officials said.

The trend is mirrored nationwide, where STDs have been rising for five years. Experts blame the increases on falling condom use, fewer public health clinics and people having more sexual partners linked to dating apps.

"STDs are preventable by consistently using condoms, and many STDs can be cured with antibiotics," California Department of Public Health Director Dr. Karen Smith said in a statement. "Regular testing and treatment are very important for people who are sexually active, even for people who have no symptoms. Most people infected with an STD do not know it."

More than 300,000 people in the state were diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia last year, a 45% increase compared to five years ago, state officials said.

2017 STD numbers in California

  • Gonorrhea cases: 75,450
  • Syphilis cases: 13,605
  • Chlamydia cases: 218,710
  • Congenital syphilis cases: 278
    Source: CA Department of Public Health
Officials said they were especially concerned that as the number of women with syphilis has jumped, so has the number of babies born with syphilis passed from their mothers. Congenital syphilis, as it is known, can cause stillbirths or permanent disabilities.

Since 2013, the number of babies in California born with congenital syphilis has more than quadrupled — to 278 last year. There were more babies born with congenital syphilis in California in 2017 than there have been since 1995, according to state data.

There were 47 babies born with congenital syphilis in Los Angeles County alone last year.

Of the state's 58 counties, Los Angeles County had the third highest rate of gonorrhea, the eighth highest rate of chlamydia and the ninth highest rate of primary and secondary syphilis. The county had the 14th highest rate of congenital syphilis.

Keep in mind: they're not even including HPV, herpes, HIV, hepatitis, or all the people who unknowingly carry STDs because they don't know or refuse to get tested regularly.



Oct 28, 2017
Yup... all those Gaffers/Erarrors who loved mentioning how wearing condoms was a hassle.

Yeah....keep living that cool/dangerous life.


Oct 25, 2017
The trend is mirrored nationwide, where STDs have been rising for five years. Experts blame the increases on falling condom use, fewer public health clinics and people having more sexual partners linked to dating apps.

So the forests aren't the only things burning. Everybody is fucking up.


Oct 28, 2017
welcome, nowhere
Experts blame the increases on falling condom use, fewer public health clinics and people having more sexual partners linked to dating apps.
I think the first one is the big issue.

Additionally, I feel like the apps should help you find testing facilities nearby and where to find free condoms. As well as promote safe sex. They should also have some kind of feature to remind people to get tested in regularly.
Oct 27, 2017
User warned: inflammatory generalization
Or is the rest of the US not seeking diagnosis/treatment because they're a bunch of fly over state hillbillies spitting in jugs and whatnot.


Nov 5, 2017
I think the first one is the big issue.

Additionally, I feel like the apps should help you find testing facilities nearby and where to find free condoms. As well as promote safe sex. They should also have some kind of feature to remind people to get tested in regularly.

Tinder apparently does not want to be known as a "hookup" app and has rejected ideas such as this in the past


Oct 29, 2017
It's bad but to be fair more people are probably getting tested and treated in California then say somewhere else. So the stats would be worse in say a red state like Texas and no one would know the true damage because many don't get tested/treated and lack the education in proper so further spread it to others


Oct 26, 2017
Tinder apparently does not want to be known as a "hookup" app and has rejected ideas such as this in the past

Tinder isn't inherently. You can't swap photos in the app, it's linked to your Facebook, etc.

But if they're not going to responsibly advertise to their users (even though they absolutely have the capacity to know the user behavior of those that use the app to hookup and those that use the app to chat and date), they should at least make it harder to hookup.

Grindr, on the other hand, has zero excuse. American gay bathhouses have been doing what hateradio said since the 80s, and that's literally all Grindr is.if they can point you to the direction of the nearest dick they can point you to the direction of a free clinic.


Nov 2, 2017
Well when the consequences of not telling someone you have an STD are deuces you're probably going to see stuff like this happen


Oct 25, 2017
Bareback is the default method these days. It's crazy how nobody mentions condoms anymore on these apps.


Oct 31, 2017
Am I the only one who thought this was about the band and their California Nights album?


Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck guys. Raw dogging is a privilege for those of us in relationships. No way I'd not wrap it up with someone from a dating app(forget stds, I ain't knocking up a one night stand).


Oct 28, 2017
What the fuck guys. Raw dogging is a privilege for those of us in relationships. No way I'd not wrap it up with someone from a dating app(forget stds, I ain't knocking up a one night stand).

Yes, and even then it's someone you REALLY F'n trust... not, think you trust.

Someone you plan to be with for a while.... not just starting a "relationship" so you can fuck raw and claim a girlfriend.

I remember I had a fwb for a while and one time she finally asked me... "who is your main one? The one you fuck raw? I know you have one".. "if not we should".. I'm like shiiiiit so that means you fucking someone raw. Thank God I stay strapped up.


Oct 26, 2017
PREP in the gay community probably contributed to this as well. The protection against HIV make people completely disregard serious STDs because they are treatable. With how they becoming resistant towards antibiotics, it won't be true anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Syphilis is the real issue at first, its up there with HIV and hepatitis because they take years to show synptoms.

Its really interesting the way that syphilis exists in our history since ever, driving people crazy, bald, blind, tons of different ways to get someone sick, it was one propaganda way that the nazis used.

Its really coming back on all around the world, what concerns me is that I have this perception about the US that some people cant understand that condoms are both a birthcontrol and a STD prevention way. And for sure it aint spreading only in California, they are doing a better job testing

Please get yourself to do a quick test, dont mislead trust with prevention. My job is with counseling and prevention about STDs, you have no Idea how a positive test can hurt your feelings if you dont know you had these diseases, and most people never think that they have it. Gonorhea and many STDs will drive your because of the pain, syphilis only hurts when its already pretty developed in your body so people just ignore it as they do with HIV, HCV and HBV.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
They need to make it easily accessible for people to get tested honestly, and should be apart of sex ed that you and a new sex partner talk status.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
I'd love to hear some stories of posters in this thread finding the nearest clinic that will test blood, urine, booty, and oral swab for free on a regular basis.

Remember that just because they're offering HIV tests doesn't mean they're covering the necessary bases.


Oct 25, 2017
Proudly going "I don't use condoms because I just don't wanna" is almost as dumb as proudly saying that you don't take your medicine or your vaccines.

Seriously. You're willingly taking a lot of known, extremely well documented health risks by not using condoms. Going "I don't wanna" or "it just doesn't feel the same" are VERY poor arguments against those things. It's just not worth it.

Deleted member 33887

User requested account closure
Nov 20, 2017
What the fuck guys. Raw dogging is a privilege for those of us in relationships.

Being in a relationship does not make you immune to STDs, especially if your partner is a cheater. They're probably a lot more likely to lie about it too. I suspect a random stranger who is forthcoming with their test result papers and sexual history is a lot more reliable than simply trusting your partner to be monogamous. Something like 1/3rd of relationships have a cheating partner.

I always get tested between partners. I wonder how much eroding Planned Parenthood has worsened the situation, because it's really not that easy to get low cost testing where I am anymore. Which doesn't matter much for me, but it seems like a public health crisis in the making.


Oct 25, 2017
Being in a relationship does not make you immune to STDs, especially if your partner is a cheater. They're probably a lot more likely to lie about it too. I suspect a random stranger who is forthcoming with their test result papers and sexual history is a lot more reliable than simply trusting your partner to be monogamous. Something like 1/3rd of relationships have a cheating partner.

I always get tested between partners. I wonder how much eroding Planned Parenthood has worsened the situation, because it's really not that easy to get low cost testing where I am anymore. Which doesn't matter much for me, but it seems like a public health crisis in the making.
Obviously don't do it if you don't trust your partner even a little bit. Common sense rules.