Overall, do you think Bernie Sanders is the best candidate for the rest of the world?

  • I am not from the US, and I agree

    Votes: 614 47.7%
  • I am not from the US, and I disagree (please specify who is best)

    Votes: 77 6.0%
  • I am from the US, and I agree

    Votes: 483 37.5%
  • I am from the US, and I disagree (please specify who is best)

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 38 3.0%
  • I don't care (I am from the US, and domestic policy is all that matters to me)

    Votes: 11 0.9%

  • Total voters
Oct 27, 2017
Yup. Will the American press/media tear him to pieces if he gets the nom though? They've got the Corbyn playbook to work from.
Well, they cannot call him an antisemite because he's Jewish.

As for Corbyn, he was a horrible candidate, because he didn't take a position in the only issue (Brexit) that mattered in that election.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
As shown by every poll here era doesn't hate Sanders, an extremely loud group of people does and it colors the perception.
That's probably a fair. I haven't seen the polls (or are you referring to recent polls? Because I would argue that doesn't factor against my joke) I don't remember them being up back during/post the previous elections (era came after). But I just remember around last election (GAF) and after with discussion about the DNC and issues with supression of Bernie etc. A lot of threads were pretty dominant of how Bernie felt like he was being forced upon democrats by Bernie Bros and such through projection/signaling. Then also Bernie supporters not exactly being treated too well on the whole. But that's just what I remember anecdotally.

But I'll digress, it was an off color joke and I wasn't wholly serious about it. Just a jab.


Nov 20, 2017
If Bernie is elected I predict it won't take two years until he's thought of as neoliberal sellout by a portion of his base.

Well that's kind of a given because the average person doesn't seem to understand that the presidency isn't some magic wand position. Candidates can promise all they want, but you still have to push your dream legislation through the shit hole that is the US congress and deal with the realities of politics. Hope and change aren't shit if you're going to leave the other third of the government the same.


Oct 28, 2017
Not from the US, and surely not as well informed as any of you, but I'm gonna go with Warren.


Oct 25, 2017
Well that's kind of a given because the average person doesn't seem to understand that the presidency isn't some magic wand position. Candidates can promise all they want, but you still have to push your dream legislation through the shit hole that is the US congress and deal with the realities of politics. Hope and change aren't shit if you're going to leave the other third of the government the same.

Yes, but people think of compromise to push through something that resembles your idyllic vision as being spineless, when the alternative, especially in America's rigid two party system, a lot of times is just to change absolutely nothing at all. It doesn't mean you shouldn't fight tooth and nail for what you believe in, or that you should concede at the earliest opportunity, but you can't be an island as President.

I feel like a Bernie presidency would either be somewhat efficient and terribly disappointing to his base, or there'll be endless infighting where he maintains integrity and blames the lack of anything being accomplished on Republicans and his base remains happy. It's really hard to be a revolutionary from within the system.


Jun 7, 2019
Bernie says it like it is but he's the complete opposite of Drumpf. He wants to change and fix so many America broken systems and some very ambitious plans about the future. No other candidate does that in a similiar fashion. Also Bernie's records are extremely impressive and is giving him extra credibility about himself. From all the candidates he's the best without a doubt. But how things work in the US (a system where a Hillary Clinton lost despite having 2.87 million because of a completely unfair, broken and outdated voting system) I see another trainwreck coming because states where votes count more than others gonna vote Donald again while more populate, educated places will vote more diverse than ever.
Last edited:
Dec 12, 2017
Do you not remember the threads. Do people really have such a selective memory lol. It's a joke, it's just I'm kind of feeling a bit vindicated after last election when there were a lot of people on GAF then Era with the DNC stuff who were quite against Bernie and Bernie supporters.

I want Bernie to get his chance.
There was a poll where everyone selected their favorite candidate and Bernie won overwhelmingly. It's you who has selective memory.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, please vote for Bernie. Or Warren, that would also be ok. The most important thing is that the democrats then restore democracy in the US. Make voting possible for everybody. Reverse all the stupid gerrymandering the GOP did over the last decades. Hell, get rid of the damn electoral college.
If they're not able to do that and republicans will have the presidency in another 4 or 8 years it's the final nail in the coffin and I'll lose all hope in the US.


Oct 25, 2017
I regardless of who's nominated the majority of the world will not see the difference. The US's foreign policy is more complicated than just who the president is. You have to deal with the military industrial complex, the GOP, and the intelligence agencies all pushing for more aggression. Sanders would probably be better than the others, but I think people will be disappointed when it's mostly business as usual were he to win.


Feb 17, 2019
You either are right wing or you want Bernie in office. No inbetween. Where I live Bernie would be a centrist. Based on policies of course. I think personally he would want to go further but you take what you can get.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What's Warren's stance on Israel? Blind unconditional support like every other politician?
While a lot of the initial public response (including here at Era) fell for the headlines and wondered if Trump's "peace" proposal was doing something positive or good, Warren called it out for what it was within minutes of its release: a sham and a move for annexation.

Trump's "peace plan" is a rubber stamp for annexation and offers no chance for a real Palestinian state. Releasing a plan without negotiating with Palestinians isn't diplomacy, it's a sham. I will oppose unilateral annexation in any form—and reverse any policy that supports it.
Oct 25, 2017
User warned: Inflammatory generalizations over a series of posts
Am Dutch, and do understand policy versus 'yelling dreams at clouds'.

Elizabeth Warren had the most extensive answer on the military presence in the middle east, Bernie is basically just left Quackery made into male form. He'd be a great VP or someone to position on Housing or Education, but he needs to stay the hell away from the actual presidency.

The only people who want Sanders to be president are either fools dreaming of 'free money' and Russians mobsters. Because Trump WILL beat him, easily. You guys seem to think 'Jewish man' versus 'Literally Hitler' is going to work? He's going to slaughter the man! He already had a hearth attack ffs, that's just easy prey for a predator like Trump. It. Will. Never. Work. And we'll all be stuck with four more years or god knows how many of GOP dictatorship.

"best for the international community", my ass.

If it takes Biden to get the USA back on track to anything normal, I will happily see President Biden until AOC can take over in 2024. But no more of this Republican bullshit just because the American voter is an idiot. This election isn't a wishlist, it's an ultimatum. Either you end this wannabe-dictatorship here and now, or there won't be a second chance.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
South American here.

Bernie seems the only candidate that actually sounds different and adressing the core problems of society in regards to his home policies. As for international, the fact that he's the only one tackling the difficult topic of Israel shows a lot. A LOT.

As a Chilean more specific, his policies make me feel more safe thinking that we can change core problems in our country and not being sanctioned to hell by the US.

I still have my grain of salt though. I hope he doesn't end bombing the middle east like every single US President since decades


Oct 25, 2017
Am Dutch, and do understand policy versus 'yelling dreams at clouds'.

Elizabeth Warren had the most extensive answer on the military presence in the middle east, Bernie is basically just left Quackery made into male form. He'd be a great VP or someone to position on Housing or Education, but he needs to stay the hell away from the actual presidency.

The only people who want Sanders to be president are either fools dreaming of 'free money' and Russians mobsters. Because Trump WILL beat him, easily. You guys seem to think 'Jewish man' versus 'Literally Hitler' is going to work? He's going to slaughter the man! He already had a hearth attack ffs, that's just easy prey for a predator like Trump. It. Will. Never. Work. And we'll all be stuck with four more years or god knows how many of GOP dictatorship.

"best for the international community", my ass.

If it takes Biden to get the USA back on track to anything normal, I will happily see President Biden until AOC can take over in 2024. But no more of this Republican bullshit just because the American voter is an idiot. This election isn't a wishlist, it's an ultimatum. Either you end this wannabe-dictatorship here and now, or there won't be a second chance.
What in the world are you talking about

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Quite easily.

Some of his notions about trade are outdated but when it comes to conflict he shits on the rest of the Democratic party at huge heights.

Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
While a lot of the initial public response (including here at Era) fell for the headlines and wondered if Trump's "peace" proposal was doing something positive or good, Warren called it out for what it was within minutes of its release: a sham and a move for annexation.

Wow ok I'm impressed. I guess when you're that rich you don't care about doing what the special interests groups desire.


Oct 25, 2017
Swede here. Yes, you'd be an idiot to not vote for Bernie. I don't expect him to ger nominated though, the average american is still so goddamn scared of any policy that might not fuck them up their own ass.

International politics if anything here is what interests me the most his domestic policies wont affect me, and maybe, just maybe, 4 years of bernie would lead to less of their international interventions and many other international politics, ergo: making the world a worse place for essentially everyone.

Deleted member 9932

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
idk. I lack information about their policies and I'm very misinformed about the country social context.
Considering the us political system, I would go for the shitty tactical voting that the system seems to favor and vote for the candidate that has a bigger chance to win against trump, whoever that is.


Oct 25, 2017
He's definitely the candidate that would stand the best chance at beating Trump in my opinion. I just wish he wasn't so damn ancient.


Oct 27, 2017
Given that the UK seems to be mini-America on a time delay of a few years, and that I believe Sanders would kill off any idea of a Tory wet dream US trade deal and push us back towards Europe - yes, I'd rather hope he does get the vote. But I can't say I'm hopeful, the world is on a fast downward spiral.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes but knowing the US, we're told that the US is in debt and we can't afford basic shit like healthcare, housing and education.

And we have to spend it all on military to protect our freedom from countries across two big oceans.
Oct 25, 2017
Shhh! The average American voter hates the opinions of the rest of the world. Bernie's numbers are going to drop now.