Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is more or less my take as well. Freedom of Speech is unfortunately a door that swings both ways, and while Twitter is a privately owned company they hold an incredible amount of sway when it comes to visibility and discourse.

I agree that deplatforming Nazi's is a good thing and personally I'm glad that Trump is banned from any social media with a pulse, but this isn't the black and white issue that Era wants to make it.
Completely agreed


Oct 27, 2017
The response here is baffling. If you look at the actual statements it's a very reasonable position to take that someone can be for censoring information while being uncomfortable with it. He's literally saying he doesn't know the answer but he dislikes big tech having that power.


Oct 25, 2017
He's right tbh. It's a very weird situation and it's a decision that absolutely shouldn't be in the hands of a single tech ceo


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone who violates the rules and incites violence should be banned, regardless of what side they are on.


Oct 29, 2017
Let's not pretend like this hasn't been a contentious debate

Should we celebrate Trump’s Twitter ban? Five free speech experts weigh in

In recent years, the conversation around free speech – and arguments to protect it – have been dominated by the right. Should liberals try and reclaim the value for themselves?
Last week, as Twitter permanently banned Trump from its platform, critics from the right have been quick to blame a "leftist" culture within tech companies for a crackdown on free speech. That is not without its contradictions – many people have expressed concerns about the decision, including Alexei Navalny and Angela Merkel. But it does raise an uncomfortable issue: in recent years, the conversation around free speech – and arguments to protect it – have been dominated by the right.

So what do experts make of it – and should liberals try and reclaim the value for themselves? We asked five defenders of free speech to weigh in.

No slippery slope arguments needed as Twitter has been regularly yeeting leftists accounts for years. BDS has been targeted since the Obama admin. One path to try here is that Twitter makes their banning practices way more clearer, and maybe introduce some sort of public tribunal to oversee any permanent bans.

Because we don't want that future where all discourse is ruled over and ruled by private corporations with their own internal private practices. It's worse enough now, but without at least a conversation then we will slide right into that dystopia.

Twitter, Facebook, etc. are not your friends just because they finally banned that 1 shitty dude that 1 time.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I mean he should have been banned years before but not because Twitter think it's ok to ban him, Twitter thought it was ok to have him on for years and years as well as the rest of the neo nazi crew.

There should be laws forcing Twitter to ban hate speech. It shouldn't be at Twitter's discretion.

Everyone making posts about how private companies are free to do whatever, remind yourselves that you're not stanning any paragon of progressivism. Twitter/Facebook etc. are still hellholes of harassment, abuse, conspiracy, false news reporting, all the bad shit. ALL the bad shit.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
The response here is baffling. If you look at the actual statements it's a very reasonable position to take that someone can be for censoring information while being uncomfortable with it. He's literally saying he doesn't know the answer but he dislikes big tech having that power.

When you see the posts championing his primary losses, you know the real reason why.

Only way I could see concern is in the reality that ban will affect leftists disproportionately

This is literally what's happening right now and why he and many others are concerned.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Only way I could see concern is in the reality that ban will affect leftists disproportionately going forward. But even then I disagree. Progressives have constantly been tone policed on social media while white nationalists get ignored because it's more profitable.

I'm not gonna cheer these companies on for finally doing something as they could see the writing on the wall that it would cause legal issues if they continued to ignore it. But I'm not gonna lose sleep over it either.


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
$$$ rules the country. And without a country to rule, $$$ has to draw a line.

Sad when Twitter can enforce hate speech because it hurts their potential pocket more than congressman who think they can control the angry mob.


Oct 27, 2017
The response here is baffling. If you look at the actual statements it's a very reasonable position to take that someone can be for censoring information while being uncomfortable with it. He's literally saying he doesn't know the answer but he dislikes big tech having that power.
If Bernie wanted to drive that point home he should have been complaining for the last 4 years that Twitter/Facebook/Youtube etc was giving Trump special treatment. Feeling uncomfortable when they actually follow their ToS is absurd. If the President gets banned from Twitter they have plenty of government controlled ways to get their message out.
Mar 15, 2019
well, i'm not losing my sleep because an old dude who doesn't 100% understand the internet but has done more progress and helped more people than anyone else in this forum have a shitty view about this

bernie is all about stripping powers away from big tech and this sounds consistent with his positions, tbh


Nov 30, 2017
It's not hard to see the terminal end to this, where political party operatives work in concert with the tech workers who control company policy to establish and enforce platform use policies that support the things they like and nuke the things that they don't like.

I don't know what the right touch here is, but self-regulating doesn't feel long-term viable.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
they handled it in the worst way possible, marking his tweets for what felt like months with special tags that read like trophies to his base and their delusion.

Seconding this. This is the issue others don't seem to get (or maybe they have in the past few pages; stopped here b/c I agree with you).

They excused his tweets for so long out of some importance, then had to create new guidelines to ban him - since they ignored him breaking all of the other ones.

Had they judged him like anyone else from the start, I don't know if we'd have had this many conversations about this.

EDIT: shnurgleton also had a really good, concise breakdown.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember the similar thread when Angela Merkel said this. The point is it should be up to private companies, but independent regulators.

Yes, and activists and certain groups overseas are already constantly being banned and suspended. Companies like Twitter pick and choose arbitrarily who stays and who doesn't (despite their guidelines)

Trump should've been banned the moment he broke the TOS, either way. Not when he was at the very end of his term where they practically had their hand forced.

But once you give Twitter the ability to selectively apply the when and the how, it gets to the crux of his point. That Twitter's lack responsibility when it comes to information, and the way they go about it, is dangerous and irresponsible.

~*First they came for the insurrectionists, and I said nothing, because fuck them.*~
~*Then they came for the insurrectionist-in-chief, and again I said nothing, because fuck him.*~
~*Now they're all de-platformed, and de-platforming works. So fuck all of them.*~
It'd do people well to remember that Bernie is Jewish. Using this as joke, knowing its origin, is extremely bad taste.

Oh and as an added fact, the way the quotation starts is "first they came for the socialists."

So no Bernie, don't kindly shut the fuck up.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Shit like this is why white supremacy is undefeated and rarely met head on. You got "allies" that jump in front of bullets defending it


Oct 27, 2017
Don't give a fuck about the nuances of the argument. His conspiracies and dog whistling got people killed, and that was that. It's all that needs to be said. He's a dangerous fucking person.


Nov 2, 2017
I get the concern, though I don't think it's for the common good to have someone like Trump spouting his lies to his millions of followers on twitter either.


Mar 11, 2019
I get the sentiment but...

No. This is a case where "free speech" led to horrible consequences. Further, "free speech" doesn't apply to what you put onto a company's platform.

He doesn't deserve that platform after what he did.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I agree with him, technically, but also it's Donald Trump and we really needed him to just shut the fuck up. He was spreading death and hate, and Twitter was justified by their TOS in banning him.


Oct 27, 2017
This is the basis of the article, from Ezra Klein Podcast. It was a single question posed to him.

Do you think there is truth to the critique that liberals have become too censorious and too willing to use their cultural and corporate and political power to censor or suppress ideas and products that offend them?
Look, you have a former president in Trump, who was a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe, a pathological liar, an authoritarian, somebody who doesn't believe in the rule of law. This is a bad-news guy. But if you're asking me, do I feel particularly comfortable that the then-president of the United States could not express his views on Twitter? I don't feel comfortable about that.

Now, I don't know what the answer is. Do you want hate speech and conspiracy theories traveling all over this country? No. Do you want the internet to be used for authoritarian purposes and an insurrection, if you like? No, you don't. So how do you balance that? I don't know, but it is an issue that we have got to be thinking about. Because yesterday it was Donald Trump who was banned, and tomorrow, it could be somebody else who has a very different point of view.

I don't like giving that much power to a handful of high-tech people. But the devil is obviously in the details, and it's something we're going to have to think long and hard on.

Opinion | An Unusually Optimistic Conversation With Bernie Sanders (Published 2021)

The Vermont senator discusses the Rescue Act, cancel culture, the filibuster and more.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to imagine what responses would be if this statement were made by say, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Inciting violence (or an insurrection) seems to be a bit banworthy according to Twitter TOS but what do I know. I mean, the ban didn't come from thin air; surely he knows the reason why.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Say it with me

Donald Trump ________ Donald Trump
was banned __________ was banned
from Twitter _________ from Twitter
because he __________ because he
incited a riot ________ had different views

Wrong, try again


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Yes, and activists and certain groups overseas are already constantly being banned and suspended. Companies like Twitter pick and choose arbitrarily who stays and who doesn't (despite their guidelines)

Trump should've been banned the moment he broke the TOS, either way. Not when he was at the very end of his term.

Once you give Twitter the ability to selectively apply the when and the how, it gets to the crux of his point. That Twitter's lack responsibility when it comes to information, and the way they go about it, is dangerous and irresponsible.

It'd do people well to remember that Bernie is Jewish. Using this as joke, knowing its origin, is extremely bad taste.

Oh and as an added fact, the way the quotation starts is "first they came for the socialists."

I'll change it, but to be completely clear nothing about my opinion on either deplatforming violent insurrectionists has anything to do with Bernie being Jewish.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it's not Twitter's fault that Trump barely used anything else to communicate with the public. The only reason they had "all that power" to silence him was because it's practically the only platform he was on.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
This is the basis of the article, from Ezra Klein Podcast. It was a single question posed to him.

Opinion | An Unusually Optimistic Conversation With Bernie Sanders (Published 2021)

The Vermont senator discusses the Rescue Act, cancel culture, the filibuster and more.

Wow it's almost as if when read in the correct context it seems he was fine with Trump getting banned but had issues with techbros bring the ones to do it.



One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is literally what's happening right now and why he and many others are concerned.

And as I've stated afterwards this is not something that started happening as a knock on effect of the Trump ban. It's been happening for years.

I do agree that some standard must be met since the TOS is not enforced equally but this was needed long before an insurrectionist was banned.
Oct 26, 2017
I think that's where I am on this. Fuck Trump, he deserved being banned. But didn't he get banned off most social media at the same time? There's something unsettling about being blacklisted off the internet, and only after all the damage had been done and he was no longer profitable for them.
And this is the crux of the problem that no one here is keen on facing besides deflecting immediately to "Twitter is a private institution" and "he broke the TOS".

He broke the TOS many times before with no repercussions.

They promoted his tweets and other social media accounts for years.

Yet I'm supposed to be okay with them doing finally doing what they should've years ago only because their own asses were on the line.

While leftists, LGBTQ, BLM and other activists were banned for far far less.
I'm trying to imagine what responses would be if this statement were made by say, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
"They're right. They have to work with Republicans. We've got to meet them in the middle".