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Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

I am just saying that Bernie's camp should focus on attracting the Warren-liberals first, since they probably will vote in a Democratic Primary, than trying to create an alliance of Obama--->Trump voters + apolitical non voters BEFORE he even wins the primary. This was a big mistake his campaign made last time around, going all in for independents that were not able to vote in key primaries like New York due to voting registration laws.


Oct 27, 2017
No it doesn't. It requires a candidate who actually gets people to show up.

I swear some of you didn't even follow the '16 election. Bannon flat out said during the election that their strategy was to make the race as disgusting as possible so that the white moderate, who might never vote Trump, would just stay home instead of voting for Clinton.

When it worked he did a fucking victory lap on it, bragging about it to anyone who would listen.

All the Dems need to do is to get the same turnout in midwestern states as Obama, a black dude with an Islamic sounding name. This should be a layup.

But to even get there Sanders needs to win a nomination he isn't particularly close to winning right now.

It's January


Oct 27, 2017
A lay up? You're forgetting that Obama was a god damn rock star with a amazing personality. He represented something new, promise of change and hope. people were voting for numerous reasons other than politics when it came to him. To see the first black president in my life time? To be apart of history? There was no way he was losing.

What does Bernie bring? Dude is ancient with the personality that doesn't even register on a scale. It's no surprise he had to resort to linking up with Rogan.

Sanders was already surging before this endorsement, has the highest favourables of anyone in the field, and has been rated the most like Senator in America for like 4 years straight.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A lay up? You're forgetting that Obama was a god damn rock star with a amazing personality. He represented something new, promise of change and hope. people were voting for numerous reasons other than politics when it came to him. To see the first black president in my life time? To be apart of history? There was no way he was losing.

What does Bernie bring? Dude is ancient with the personality that doesn't even register on a scale. It's no surprise he had to resort to linking up with Rogan.

Lol Obama has nothing on Bernie in that regard.



Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, we can't accept these FILTHY, UNPURE votes!

Bernie should make a statement saying to vote for Trump instead.

I just took a peak at that subreddit and I saw people talking about the trans movement is full of pedophiles and that "hormone blockers" are just code for wanting to groom them. So, kindly fuck off with this idea that votes are the ONLY thing that matter.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
do you think these voters will vote for bernie in the general election to own the libs

probably depends on who is on the last podcast before the deadline to register to vote and the last podcast before voting day. if it's elon musk they're probably making memes of him smoking weed. if it's ben shapiro then it's probably back to casual transphobia


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, we've narrowly classified Joe "Plant of the Apes" Rogan and his friends Sam "Islam is a nation of hate" Harris, Jordan "forced monoghamy" Peterson, and Alex "Sandy Hook is a lie" Jones.

We're pretty heartless like that around here.

Like I was saying, you have to dismiss his entire audience if you're going to lead with this argument. Despite yours and my own personal distaste for Rogan, here he is tacitly endorsing the most progressive candidate in American history and actively advocating for a society with a robust system of welfare. He sees himself as a progressive. There are millions like him. It's the responsibility of the left to push people further in that direction, not condemn them outright.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, we can't accept these FILTHY, UNPURE votes!

Bernie should make a statement saying to vote for Trump instead.
What if instead of putting energy into courting transphobes, racists and misogynists who, if they even come into the fold will likely vote for more conservative Dems downballot and in the future, we instead focused our energy on activating and providing resources to the populations that currently suffer the most disenfranchisement and voter suppression?

We don't actually need Joe Rogan's audience. There are lots of fucking people who will vote, for Bernie even, who have barriers that make it difficult for their voices to be heard.


Oct 25, 2017
Come on man, you are doing some serious mental gymnastics to try defend that sentiment. But sure, be ok with "Owning the Libs".
Votes are votes.
What if, and I'm going to throw out a wild idea here, instead of putting energy into courting transphobes, racists and misogynists who, if they even come into the fold will likely vote for more conservative Dems downballot and in the future, we instead focused our energy on activating and providing resources to the populations that currently suffer the most disenfranchisement and voter suppression?

We don't actually need Joe Rogan's audience. There are lots of fucking people who will vote, for Bernie even, who have barriers that make it difficult for their voices to be heard.
We can absolutely provide resources and help those...when we actually have power to do so. Once Trump is fucking gone we can work on making sure disenfranchisement the GOP does can never happen again.


Oct 26, 2017
I am just saying that Bernie's camp should focus on attracting the Warren-liberals first, since they probably will vote in a Democratic Primary, than trying to create an alliance of Obama--->Trump voters + apolitical non voters BEFORE he even wins the primary. This was a big mistake his campaign made last time around, going all in for independents that were not able to vote in key primaries like New York due to voting registration laws.
No, it makes total sense
Oct 27, 2017
Like I was saying, you have to dismiss his entire audience if you're going to lead with this argument. Despite yours and my own personal distaste for Rogan, here he is tacitly endorsing the most progressive candidate in American history and actively advocating for a society with a robust system of welfare. He sees himself as a progressive. There are millions like him. It's the responsibility of the left to push people further in that direction, not condemn them outright.

So what/ who is going to be jettisoned from the Democratic coalition to accommodate your influx of politically apathetic, casual bigots? Or are we to believe that robust safety nets and the force of Bern-dog's personality will make them believe trans folk aren't pedos and that PoC demanding equality before the law aren't whiney race hustlers living in a LARP of Planet of the Apes?


Oct 27, 2017
This has been discussed over multiple threads. These kind of supporters are racist bigots. Come on man. They''re not voting for Bernie in the general. What do you think that phrase means??
If they're actually being bothered to go out and vote anyways (even for as stupid a reason as that), I'd think there's a chance that, if he did win the nomination, they would vote for him in the GE because they don't consider him a "lib." I'm not arguing that these people aren't complete bozos, but if they're energized enough to vote already in the primaries and GE, then putting somebody like Bernie against Trump who doesn't immediately seem like anathema to them, like a more moderate Democrat would, might be a better outcome?


Oct 25, 2017
Man, you're completely proving every Black Dem who's against this endorsement right.
If we had the ability to deal with the GOP's disenfranchisement, you don't think we'd be doing so? You think they're just...ignoring the black vote?

Alright, lets share ideas then, how can we work towards ending the disenfranchisement? Like supporting letting felons a chance to vote?

Bernie Sanders: Everyone deserves to vote, even felons like Paul Manafort & Michael Cohen


Oct 25, 2017
We can absolutely provide resources and help those...when we actually have power to do so. Once Trump is fucking gone we can work on making sure disenfranchisement the GOP does can never happen again.
Except at that point you've made a core part of your electoral coalition people who are actively hostile to considering those people. You think they just come along and vote and don't start warping the discourse around what is and isn't a political priority with their presence?
Dec 12, 2017
If they're actually being bothered to go out and vote anyways (even for as stupid a reason as that), I'd think there's a chance that, if he did win the nomination, they would vote for him in the GE because they don't consider him a "lib." I'm not arguing that these people aren't complete bozos, but if they're energized enough to vote already in the primaries and GE, then putting somebody like Bernie against Trump who doesn't immediately seem like anathema to them, like a more moderate Democrat would, might be a better outcome?
Sure in a perfect world. But on Earth, these guys are being trolls. Just look at their sub man. Don't be naive/


Oct 25, 2017
Except at that point you've made a core part of your electoral coalition people who are actively hostile to considering those people. You think they just come along and vote and don't start warping the discourse around what is and isn't a political priority with their presence?
Name a single policy change Bernie Sanders has enacted to make the Joe Rogan audience a "Core Part" of his coalition? Is Sanders giving Joe Rogan a secretary position?
Dec 12, 2017
If we had the ability to deal with the GOP's disenfranchisement, you don't think we'd be doing so? You think they're just...ignoring the black vote?

Alright, lets share ideas then, how can we work towards ending the disenfranchisement? Like supporting letting felons a chance to vote?

Bernie Sanders: Everyone deserves to vote, even felons like Paul Manafort & Michael Cohen
Of course I support that, but that's another issue that pretty much ever other Democratic candidate supports.


Oct 25, 2017
Name a single policy change Bernie Sanders has enacted to make the Joe Rogan audience a "Core Part" of his coalition? Is Sanders giving Joe Rogan a secretary position?
You don't think that questions about what initiative to put energy behind don't start considering "well we don't want to piss off the Rogan crowd, they helped us win. Maybe trans protections can wait a few years"?

How do you think political support works? Adding these people to the tent gives them a voice. That's the point of the tent. Its not just about racking up a high score


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, we can't accept these FILTHY, UNPURE votes!

Bernie should make a statement saying to vote for Trump instead.

Jesus dude. Even if this benefits you you surely can't like or defend it so there's no need to cosset it. It's gross but unlikely to have meaningful numbers so it's OK to just admit it's gross. If Bernie wins the primary and THEN that's their strategy? I'll do victory laps with you and laugh at their strategy. Right now it's tactical and dangerous for Bernie's nomination and the country. You want Bernie primary voters to get uncomfortable that they're being played it do you want them to work their asses off to get him elected?


Oct 25, 2017
You don't think that questions about what initiative to put energy behind don't start considering "well we don't want to piss off the Rogan crowd, they helped us win. Maybe trans protections can wait a few years"?

How do you think political support works? Adding these people to the tent gives them a voice. That's the point of the tent. Its not just about racking up a high score

By my estimation there are a fair amount of tankies in Bernie's coalition, according to your logic is Bernie going to start building gulags for his political enemies to appease them?


Oct 25, 2017
So what/ who is going to be jettisoned from the Democratic coalition to accommodate your influx of politically apathetic, casual bigots? Or are we to believe that robust safety nets and the force of Bern-dog's personality will make them believe trans folk aren't pedos and that PoC demanding equality before the law aren't whiney race hustlers living in a LARP of Planet of the Apes?

Uh, nobody. Does that help?

I don't know what your politics are, but I'll tell you that refusing to court disaffected voters isn't a winning strategy.

Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
There's no defending this, and I'd rather Bernie's campaign just be honest about why they accepted it. Under no circumstance is it believable that Bernie and his staffers didn't know anything about Rogan or the things he's said in the past. So walking it back would just be even more insulting. I have to think that a good amount of his progressive voters are leaning Warren now. As are the fence sitters that couldn't decide between the two before.

I am just saying that Bernie's camp should focus on attracting the Warren-liberals first, since they probably will vote in a Democratic Primary, than trying to create an alliance of Obama--->Trump voters + apolitical non voters BEFORE he even wins the primary. This was a big mistake his campaign made last time around, going all in for independents that were not able to vote in key primaries like New York due to voting registration laws.

I can agree with this. This might very well be the straw that breaks enough progressive support that it'll cost him the primary. But if he can still pull it off, every progressive is going to have to ask themselves whether it's more important to get Trump out or if it's worth staying home and dealing with another four years of Trump because Bernie accepted the endorsement of a right-wing bigot, one that carries a lot of weight among Democrat outsiders. Trump getting to nominate another Supreme Court judge is the end of progressive reform at the federal level in our lifetimes as we know it, so I know where I'll be voting.


Oct 25, 2017
By my estimation there are a fair amount of tankies in Bernie's coalition, according to your logic is Bernie going to start building gulags for his political enemies to appease them?
Frankly I don't see his campaign actually catering to tankies, so it doesn't worry me, there's no-one with decision making power there who's really listening to them. But there seem to be quite a few people running his campaign who are more than happy to go "look how awesome it is that Joe Rogan likes us", which worries me. Especially because one of Bernie's blind spots seems to be personal loyalty and I worry about who's going to get positions of influence in a hypothetical Sanders administration.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I am just saying that Bernie's camp should focus on attracting the Warren-liberals first, since they probably will vote in a Democratic Primary, than trying to create an alliance of Obama--->Trump voters + apolitical non voters BEFORE he even wins the primary. This was a big mistake his campaign made last time around, going all in for independents that were not able to vote in key primaries like New York due to voting registration laws.
It feels like he's been running a GE campaign for the last month. You're not there yet Bernie!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Frankly I don't see his campaign actually catering to tankies, so it doesn't worry me, there's no-one with decision making power there who's really listening to them. But there seem to be quite a few people running his campaign who are more than happy to go "look how awesome it is that Joe Rogan likes us", which worries me. Especially because one of Bernie's blind spots seems to be personal loyalty and I worry about who's going to get positions of influence in a hypothetical Sanders administration.
Bernie's campaign will collect tankies (I'd say the majority of them) if they do participate (it wouldn't surprise me if few were active). Because no shit they'll support the most economically left candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
Frankly I don't see his campaign actually catering to tankies, so it doesn't worry me, there's no-one with decision making power there who's really listening to them. But there seem to be quite a few people running his campaign who are more than happy to go "look how awesome it is that Joe Rogan likes us", which worries me. Especially because one of Bernie's blind spots seems to be personal loyalty and I worry about who's going to get positions of influence in a hypothetical Sanders administration.

My point is that its silly to think Bernie will cater to either group. From a policy standpoint he has been solid and consistent, why would he prioritize the right wingers over the left wingers who have been with him since forever and have done most of the heavy lifting. Rogan is not an adviser or anything either so whatever issues you may have with his loyalty, I doubt it is at play here- he has much more to owe to his left wing surrogates, supporters and advisers than some random podcast host.


Oct 25, 2017
By my estimation there are a fair amount of tankies in Bernie's coalition, according to your logic is Bernie going to start building gulags for his political enemies to appease them?

do you...really think there are a fair amount of tankies in Bernie's coalition and further that that's no big deal

if I believed that it would be an enormous red flag to me


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
So my brother is a big time leftist and we've talked about this stuff a lot. I'm gonna attempt to explain where I think leftists are coming from, or at least how my brother sees it:
To leftists, centrists are the biggest road block when it comes to progress because they're the keepers of the status quo. A lot of leftists believe in accelerationism, so, they believe, if right wingers got their way things would change so drastically that people would be up in arms and fight for progress. As it is, things are just good enough for a number of people to keep the populace pacified, but still terrible for a huge number of people. This system is propped up by moderates and centrists and "neolibs". At best, these people are for incremental changes but these changes are so small as to be negligible; add to that increasing wealth disparity and climate change and it's clear things need to change quickly. So moderates, to leftists, are at best cowards too afraid to embrace progress or, at worst, terrible people that refuse to see how bad things are for their fellow countrymen because they personally don't have it so rough.

Not a great summary of leftist thought, not to mention it paints a pretty big brush, but this is what I've gleaned from my discussions with my brother.
A random aside, but I wonder when people like that think the good part of accelerationism starts kicking in? I've been watching the worst case scenario for years in the US and UK and the support for the bigots hasn't collapsed and moved either towards being a left wing utopia.

And since we have kids dying in cages I'm not sure how much worse things are supposed to get before people wake up. The really bad stuff scares people so much they go right into denial and deflection rather than admit they did something that allowed these things to happen.

Brexit and Trump voters (or people who sat out) are either groups that won't suffer or who are prepared to suffer so long as minorities suffer more.

I understand the desire to point out to those who have deified Bernie that he is no Saint. I understand why people hold him to the same purity test bullshit he allowed his supporters to throw at his opponents. This is rhetoric he has invited.

This move by the campaign is a mistake. One that should be acknowledged and rectified.

I know how maddening it gets seeing people refuse to do that.


If Bernie wins the primary and people use this as an excuse not to support him, I know who that will make happy.

I hear Joe Rogan loves having them on as guests.


Nov 19, 2019
You don't think that questions about what initiative to put energy behind don't start considering "well we don't want to piss off the Rogan crowd, they helped us win. Maybe trans protections can wait a few years"?

How do you think political support works? Adding these people to the tent gives them a voice. That's the point of the tent. Its not just about racking up a high score

Reminder: Bernie didn't change his agenda to appeal to the Rogan crowd. He didn't budge on a single issue or fish for that endorsement.

He's been a supporter of LGBT people for decades. Zero chance he backtracks on that.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I live in europe. I listen to joe Rogan regularly, along with a lot of my friends. I don't think any of us identify as anything near right wing.


Oct 25, 2017
My point is that its silly to think Bernie will cater to either group. From a policy standpoint he has been solid and consistent, why would he prioritize the right wingers over the left wingers who have been with him since forever and have done most of the heavy lifting. Rogan is not an adviser or anything either so whatever issues you may have with his loyalty, I doubt it is at play here- he has much more to owe to his left wing surrogates, supporters and advisers than some random podcast host.
My problem is not even really with Rogan giving his endorsement. It's that someone on the Sanders staff thought that it was acceptable to boost him. I don't worry that Sanders the man is going to come out next month with a new, bigoted platform, but I do worry that Sanders the political apparatus, if it wins in part due to the mobilization of the Joe Rogan audience, will begin making decisions of prioritization that are influenced by needing to keep the Roganites happy.

My new years resolution was to do less of this exact thing here, so I'm going to duck out now, but for those of you who, in good faith, reject Rogan and what he stands for but believe that this is necessary electoral strategy: if this gains traction I really hope that in 3 years you don't regret who you find yourself standing next to


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, because history is chocked full of examples of minority concerns prioritized by apathetic majorities.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're advocating for. It sounds like you have a problem engaging with politics, because literally everything I'm talking about would be true if this thread was about any other Dem candidate. You sway a particular bloc of voters (swing, moderates, disaffected, whatever) to build your majority and enact policy.
Oct 27, 2017
By point is that its silly to think Bernie will cater to either group. From a policy standpoint he has been solid and consistent, why would he prioritize the right wingers over the left wingers who have been with him since forever.

Because when it comes time to compromise--which will happen considering the Dem coalition and Senate cloture rules which Bernie seems quite reluctant to mess with--he will get heat from all sides and have to decide whose priorities to push for. This whole discussion is about bringing in disaffected casual bigots and assuming they're going to shrug when Trans folks demand they not be put in danger when they need to take a crap in a public restroom.

Stop trying to make people believe Bernie isn't subject to political winds and vote counting.
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