What is your favorite 2D Metroid title?

  • Metroid (NES, 1986)

    Votes: 12 0.9%
  • Metroid II: Return of Samus (GameBoy, 1991)

    Votes: 19 1.4%
  • Super Metroid (SNES, 1994)

    Votes: 723 54.4%
  • Metroid Fusion (GameBoy Advance, 2002)

    Votes: 291 21.9%
  • Metroid: Zero Mission (GameBoy Advance, 2004)

    Votes: 230 17.3%
  • Another Metroid 2 Remake (PC, 2016)

    Votes: 15 1.1%
  • Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS, 2017)

    Votes: 39 2.9%

  • Total voters


May 25, 2020
It's tough most of the 2D ones are great. I voted Zero mission but I could honestly take Fusion or Samus Returns above it some days. Zero mission was the first 2D Metroid I played and made me love the series.

I really like Super Metroid. It has great atmosphere, music and level design but I like it a little bit less than the 3 above because of the way Samus feels to control. It's not bad just doesn't feel as good as those other games.

Samus Returns though is what gets me excited about Dread. I'm glad this team is getting the chance to create a brand new game. The one major criticism I have with SR is it can get repetitive fighting the same metroids over and over. I'm hoping that was down to it being a remake. Otherwise it was an awesome game that felt really good to play and had some great bosses.
Jan 11, 2018
Fusion. It has the best atmosphere, bosses, pacing, story, challenge, mechanics, and room to room level design of the 2D series.


Oct 25, 2017
Fusion for me, but Super and Zero Mission are right there. All amazing games.

Samus Returns is mediocre.

Metroid and Metroid 2 both suck.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Super Metroid, and it isn't even close. I can understand why some people don't like the 'floaty' controls, but it doesn't bother me since SM was one of the games I grew up with and I got used to navigating with that movement design. The technical feats you can perform (such as quickly walljumping up one wall, how momentum can be preserved to pull off some crazy jumps/movement, and even the unintended mechanics like the mockball, spring jumping, etc.) are unparalleled even in other Metroid games.

Honorable mention to Zero Mission as a great game to start with for the 2D titles, but I still prefer Super. Fusion is just too linear for my taste.


Oct 25, 2017
It's Fusion for me. Love that game. Need to play it again soon.

I also need to replay Super Metroid soon.


Oct 25, 2017
The good thing about Metroid is that I don't expect a new 2D one to top super but at the same time the formula is so good that I enjoy all of them greatly even my least favorite


Nov 8, 2017
I've only played Fusion, Super, and the like opening of the original. I respect all of them quite a bit since I think they're all pretty well designed games, but Fusion's the only one that's really "my shit" since the OG and Super are a bit too open for my liking (though I still like Super purely on quality alone, it's just not my thing).


Nov 2, 2017
I think Fusion is better at the end of the day, but I have a much longer relationship with Super and played it a lot more so I like it more.


Oct 25, 2017
I've always shifted back and forth between both GBA entries.
I think Zero Mission might edge Fusion out for having the more connected world, shame its boss selection doesn't hope to match Fusion which is probably got the best encounter and boss design of the 2D games.
Zero Mission also has my fave art direction with its heavy shadowed comic stylings.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I'd actually vote for AM2R for me.

AM2R > Zero Mission >>> Fusion >= Metroid 2

Only played a tiny bit of Super Metroid like 2 years go on some crappy emulator. Since that didn't run well, I wasn't enjoying the floaty jumping and got stuck in some pit for a minute or two, I called it quits. I intend to properly replay it some other time, but really not that interested since I've actually seen most of the game thanks to speed run and game design videos.

Metroid 2 was one of the very first games I actually owned and played (thanks to my older cousin who gave me his GB and game collection). And, well, as a GB game it has a lot of jank that most people probably wouldn't want to endure nowadays, however, even today it would probably still rate well in regards to atmosphere. Them Metroid encounters were scary. When you run into some grotesque clown-face-ish alien thing and the music goes haywire, now that got my adrenaline pumping.

Fusion was the next game I bought many years later and, I'm not quite sure why, but I didn't enjoy it much. I know that the storytelling didn't do it for me but even so, it arguably has a lot of qualities that should've made it a better time for me than it ultimately was. *shrug*

Zero Mission in comparison just worked for me for the most part. The Zero Suit section towards the end was something special, for sure. Though, Mecha Ridley was a rather lame boss.

AM2R is honestly just an extremely good remake that does away with Metroid 2's extreme hardware limitations and jank and adds so much more. The extra bosses where a much needed addition and generally pretty well designed. Hell, the final boss battle might just be the best 2D Metroid final boss? Not exactly tough competition, but yeah. This is one of those few fan games that really, really deliver.

I even did a bit of (quite casual) speedrunning with it.


Sep 18, 2018
Zero Mission has always been perfection for me. It had a perfect degree of difficulty, fantastic ease of movement, great environments, I never got lost or stuck, and it had the sweet new ending too. Other than the first Prime, it's probably my favorite Metroid.


Oct 27, 2017
Super Metroid for me, then Metroid Fusion.

I don't know if Super Metroid holds up but playing it on the SNES was one of my finest gaming moments up to that point.


Jan 17, 2021
Zero Mission is my favorite because it's the only 2D Metroid I've played.

...I also literally just finished it like an hour ago

Rare Opiums

Oct 28, 2017
Super Metroid is one of the greatest video of all time, and Metroid Fusion is fantastic as well. But if you ask me which Metroid I would love to play right now until Dread comes out, the answer is Samus Returns. It just feels so good.

Deleted member 1190

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's the best way to experience these games these days, if one wanted to play through the ones they missed in anticipation of Dread?


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
I will always say metroid 2: return of samus in these discussion and not to be contrarian either. It's simply a fantastic game and mind boggling that it was developed for gameboy. The modern metroid formula leads back to this game in a lot of ways, the twist with the baby metroid was pure genius and gave the series it's guiding narrative, and it's absolutely every bit a horror game as fusion. This game scared the crap out of me as a child. It's dripping with atmosphere unlike any other original gameboy game.

all in all one of nintendo's all time great games, even if it is hindered by the hardware it was released on.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be Super Metroid > Metroid > Metroid II > Zero Mission > Fusion.

The original is good despite its rough edges. Its short length and relatively higher difficulty makes it the most replayable, with its only real chaff being the opening Brinstar area due to being a bit slow on replays. I think it telegraphs its secrets more strongly than people tend to give it credit for, and is a very solvable game even if playing blind. Its stronger focus on resource management is really fun too. I don't blame anyone for being put off by the pants-on-head dumb 30 health on respawn thing, but I think this is one of the best games in the series.

Metroid 2 is totally different but still awesome. While Metroid 1 is flawed, I think Metroid 2 is great and easily recommendable without any real qualifications. Its map layouts are really intelligent and feel very thoughtfully built around the player not having a map, keeping that from being an issue as you might think it would be, and though the Metroid hunt isn't quite as cool as the search for the bosses in the first game due to its linearity, the game still evokes feelings of a great, dread-filled adventure.

Super Metroid is of course the best. The structure is basically completely different from the previous, more open games, but is still executed ingeniously. The relative lack of difficulty is a bit of a shame but the game does make up for it in other areas.

Metroid Fusion has a lot of amazing aesthetic elements, just as Super did, but falters in other areas. The first three Metroid games build and evolve on each other in really interesting ways, but Fusion just feels like a warmed-over Super Metroid rehash without any real improvements or new, great ideas beyond the (initially exciting, to be fair) novelty of the SA-X sequences. Super being an entire game full of the "get new item to expand the areas you can go to, explore the new areas until you find the next new item, repeat" concept that actually isn't used that much in the first two Metroid games is fine because that game is able to execute on that structure with incredible deft and cleverness, but Fusion repeating the exact same beats - but now as an even more linear adventure, and without any real meaningful improvements to combat that you would expect would come by streamlining - makes it feel rote in comparison.

I have the same criticisms towards Zero Mission, though I appreciate that Zero Mission at least isn't as completely gated and linear as Fusion (though it's not really much better). The first Metroid is a very different game than Super Metroid, and despite its poorly thought-out elements, it appeals to the player in very different ways. Zero Mission just feels like a simplified, worse Super Metroid that's been pressed into a shape vaguely resembling the original Metroid. I feel the same way towards Samus Returns - though it's enjoyable, I don't think it captures the appeal of Metroid 2, and it isn't as well-executed as Super Metroid, either.

I'm hopeful for Metroid Dread but I don't think the Metroid franchise / concept is one that lends itself well to repeated iteration without major shakeups. I enjoy even the weaker entries in the series but I don't have a ton of passion for them.
Mar 31, 2018
Super followed closely by Fusion for me. Nice to see a lot of love for Fusion here. It's such a tight, streamlined experience…all meat and no fat. While it lacks some of the exploration of previous entries, it makes up for that with a tense, harrowing experience. I think this one could have easily been called "Dread" as well. It's fitting that the actual Dread is a direct sequel to this.

Deleted member 19702

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Super Metroid is a no brainer. Zero Mission and Fusion are a tough match for the second place. 1 and 2 were bad even for their respective times. Still have to play SR.


Oct 27, 2017
I really liked Fusion, but it simply must be Super for me.

That honestly might be nostalgia though, as I haven't really played it in many, many years.
I guess it's not a bad time to revisit it... I could play it on my SNES Classic (or the rom ripped from the Classic on my Super NT).


Prophet of Truth
Mar 19, 2020
Super Metroid is the GOAT, I even like it more than any of the Primes. Fusion is great as well.
Mar 31, 2018
Super Metroid is one of the greatest video of all time, and Metroid Fusion is fantastic as well. But if you ask me which Metroid I would love to play right now until Dread comes out, the answer is Samus Returns. It just feels so good.

This pretty much echoes how I feel…I'm actually replaying Samus Returns and I'm really digging my current play through. The counter mechanic is really good and it looks even better in Dread.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the only one I've played to completion was Metroid II on GameBoy.

I recently played an hour or so of Super Metroid on NSO and I just didn't enjoy how it controlled. Coming off of the silky smooth gameplay of the Ori games I just couldn't take it. It's been a good half year since I played Will of the Wisps now, so I might give it another shot. I'd love for Fusion to show up on NSO as well :(


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
What's the best way to experience these games these days, if one wanted to play through the ones they missed in anticipation of Dread?

Release order (kinda) starting with Super Metroid.

1. Super Metroid
2. Zero Mission
3. Fusion
4. Samus Returns

This is the order long time fans experienced them and it's also the order from best to worst (for the most part: Fusion came out before Zero Mission). If you're gonna get burned out, better to play the better games first.

Zero Mission and Samus Returns cover you narratively. Metroid and Metroid II are worth playing if you fall in love with the series, but probably not if you don't.


Oct 27, 2017
I basically like all of them, but Super Metroid is still one of the best games ever made and holds up to this day.


Mar 20, 2020
Nothing tops Metroid Fusion for me. It's just the perfect blend of everything I like.
Plus it has the best suit in the series.


Agreed! The sequences where you ran away or engaged with the SA-X were amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Its Zero Mission, then super.
Fusion was my first metroid, and while i have a special place in my heart for it, it would be third place with Samus Retruns.

But all 4 games are great


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I love Super Metroid, but Fusion is better in my opinion, don't know why exactly, but I can replay Fusion a hundred times and never get tired of it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Fusion was everything I wanted and more. I loved the bleak tone. I'm chomping at the bit for Dread for the same reason.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 25, 2020
It's a toss up for me between Super Metroid and AM2R, and going by this thread more people need to go play AM2R immediately it's soooooo good!


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Super and Fusion are fantastic, but Zero Mission is flawless in my eyes. A sublime experience.

A special shoutout to Samus Returns, as well, which I don't think gets enough credit for really modernizing the way Samus controls in a satisfying way. That game feels great to play, even if the world design isn't quite as good as the others.