
Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
what a surprise

EDIT: DICE has twice now done me a dirty this generation. Battlefield 1 was a flawed and weird game that I wound up loving for what it did well, and Battlefield V has been a massive letdown due to how painfully unfocused and outright poorly designed it is. Star Wars Battlefront was surprisingly exciting and fun, tremendously gorgeous with a fast, arcadey approach to gunplay and movement. Battlefront II eroded a lot of the mobility and verticality, bolted on a bunch of horrendous microtransactions for progression, and somehow looked worse. Even then, Battlefront had the obnoxious bacta grenade update that completely fucking broke the meta, much in the same way that DICE is pissing in the wind with Battlefront.

Throw in Mass Effect: Andromeda and EA has really, really let me down this generation. Strong start for me with Battlefield 1, Battlefront, and even Dragon Age: Inquisition (an enormously flawed game I somehow actually really enjoyed), miserable follow-ups and finish.


Oct 28, 2017
It's sadly the worst iteration of the map. I'd probably rate it as only better than stuff like Fjell.

ex DICE:
Can anyone tell me what telemetry he's talking about? And what a CTE is? Just for my perosnal knowledge. Tx.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Can anyone tell me what telemetry he's talking about? And what a CTE is? Just for my perosnal knowledge. Tx.

Telemetry is the collation of data they collect to correlate cause and effect, and monitor player behaviour, to gauge whether or not the changes made to the game produce the desired results. EG: Data is collected on something prior to an update (frequency of deaths/kills per player, time players spend per maps, player retention, etc), then compared with the same data post patch, to measure of the goal was achieved. If I wanted to make medics revive more I'd take data pre-update, make some change to the game I hope encourages more updates, then measure the most update data to see if it worked.

Jojje is implying that DICE's telemetry data post update might indicate their aim for greater player retention is not reflected, amongst other things, and thus was a bust.

CTE = Community Test Environment. Think like alpha/beta servers players can actively play on, that DICE roll out various updates and tweaks to, including balance passes, new items/weapons/vehicles etc, and can make quick changes regularly to see how players actually respond. It's like a live testing environment with constant tweaks before the updates are made formal and rolled out to all servers.


Oct 25, 2017
Can anyone tell me what telemetry he's talking about? And what a CTE is? Just for my perosnal knowledge. Tx.

CTE is essentially a clone of the live servers (your game) they run to test things on. You need another install of the game to run it. They can test all sorts of things - especially balance - before pushing them to masses. Previous games had this and it was essential in repairing BF4 from the broken mess it launched as. The BFV team is too small to justify it.

Telemetry data refers to player tracking on DICE's end that shows how many people are coming and going, how long they are playing for, that sort of thing. If new players aren't staying longer and long time players are fleeing in droves, there's no reason to stick with their changes.


Oct 29, 2017
It's thanks to the glorious era of matchmaking we're now in. People queue up together in groups and the game doesn't want to split them up. Back in the days of just server browsers people would just have to join the same server and same team manually, and in that way the game allowed for team switching and had autobalancing.
The game should be able to distinguish who's in a party and who's know though when balancing, though. Just move those guys to the other team who play solo.

lol, yes, that one never gets old :D

Since we got reddit covered, now YouTube (don't know if posted before, couldn't find it here):


Oct 26, 2017
what a surprise

EDIT: DICE has twice now done me a dirty this generation. Battlefield 1 was a flawed and weird game that I wound up loving for what it did well, and Battlefield V has been a massive letdown due to how painfully unfocused and outright poorly designed it is. Star Wars Battlefront was surprisingly exciting and fun, tremendously gorgeous with a fast, arcadey approach to gunplay and movement. Battlefront II eroded a lot of the mobility and verticality, bolted on a bunch of horrendous microtransactions for progression, and somehow looked worse. Even then, Battlefront had the obnoxious bacta grenade update that completely fucking broke the meta, much in the same way that DICE is pissing in the wind with Battlefront.

Throw in Mass Effect: Andromeda and EA has really, really let me down this generation. Strong start for me with Battlefield 1, Battlefront, and even Dragon Age: Inquisition (an enormously flawed game I somehow actually really enjoyed), miserable follow-ups and finish.
For all of Battlefield V faults, at least the gunplay made me stay and was enough for me to put ~400h into it.
As soon as things began to get better on the content side, they destroy what I enjoyed about the game. Someone said it and it's so fitting : Dice are alchemist, they follow the rule of Equivalent Exchange, to give us something they must take something back. A damn shame.

Since the only things which matter is their KPI, I've simply uninstalled the game since the 5.2 release and don't intend to get back for half assed gameplay "hotfix". Jojje Dalunde pretty much state the obvious, they made those change because of KPI with no care for what the community said and I certainly don't intend to reward that by showing any kind of improvement for only doing half a step back with that hotfix.


Oct 25, 2017
I came back to the game with the Pacific maps, and honestly even after 5.2 I'm enjoying this more than BF1. A small handful of good big conquest maps really made a big difference, and for me solidifies that maps > basically everything else. There's certainly been a number of mistakes made along the way, but at its core BFV is still much closer to what I want out of BF than BF1. With the game being a flop and not meeting EA's expectations, I'm worried now that the next game will overcorrect and be BF1 on steroids. Get ready for dueling behemoths and half a dozen Elite Class pickups running around every match.


Oct 27, 2017
Team switching and autobalance should have been a top priority for this game. Has DICE ever commented on why they don't have this basic yet required feature?

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars Battlefront was surprisingly exciting and fun, tremendously gorgeous with a fast, arcadey approach to gunplay and movement. Battlefront II eroded a lot of the mobility and verticality, bolted on a bunch of horrendous microtransactions for progression, and somehow looked worse.
I'll agree with you here. The gunplay in SWBF2 feels so stiff compared to SWBF1.

But that's as far as I agree with your post. I despised BF1, didn't even get 20 hours into the MP. I've been consistently enjoying BFV much more, even post 5.2.


Oct 25, 2017
PS4 is copying the BFV Hotfix Update and it's taking foreverrrrr

EDIT: Took longer to copy the goddamn update than actually downloading the update. smh
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Thank god for the reversion. Being outgunned by medics at most ranges was just ugh and the auto-spotting just blew my mind with how terrible it was.

the game desperately desperately needs a CTE for them to test on.


Oct 25, 2017
Are there notes somewhere about today's update? I thought it wasn't a reversion, but a further tweak to the 5.2 changes.
Oct 26, 2017
what a surprise

EDIT: DICE has twice now done me a dirty this generation. Battlefield 1 was a flawed and weird game that I wound up loving for what it did well, and Battlefield V has been a massive letdown due to how painfully unfocused and outright poorly designed it is. Star Wars Battlefront was surprisingly exciting and fun, tremendously gorgeous with a fast, arcadey approach to gunplay and movement. Battlefront II eroded a lot of the mobility and verticality, bolted on a bunch of horrendous microtransactions for progression, and somehow looked worse. Even then, Battlefront had the obnoxious bacta grenade update that completely fucking broke the meta, much in the same way that DICE is pissing in the wind with Battlefront.

Throw in Mass Effect: Andromeda and EA has really, really let me down this generation. Strong start for me with Battlefield 1, Battlefront, and even Dragon Age: Inquisition (an enormously flawed game I somehow actually really enjoyed), miserable follow-ups and finish.
Battlefront 2015 utilized photogrammetry, which made the game look as wonderful as it did.



Dec 27, 2017
Lmao at the TTK revert, how embarassing for DICE

At least I van finally play wake island!

If Dice was capable of being embarrassed by this type of shit, they wouldn't keep doing it. They've released laughably half-assed, untested balance patches every holiday the game has been out. You shouldn't expect better than this from Dice anymore.
Oct 29, 2017
If Dice was capable of being embarrassed by this type of shit, they wouldn't keep doing it. They've released laughably half-assed, untested balance patches every holiday the game has been out. You shouldn't expect better than this from Dice anymore.

They really are a bunch of aimless clowns. They could learn a thing or two from the Battlefront team, funnily enough.


Oct 28, 2017
I can definitely enjoy the game again after the hotfix:) it still isn't ideal, but it is the right direction (stupid thing to say somehow).
Wake Island is solid, it's not my favourite big map in BFV, but it is ok.

5.2 and 5.2.2 is a testament how clueless Dice really is when it comes to what this game needs. Embarrassing showing, which almost destroyed my love for the franchise.

P.S.: the new added music sounds fantastic.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They really are a bunch of aimless clowns. They could learn a thing or two from the Battlefront team, funnily enough.
The Battlefront team has been overfocused on flashy heroes while they haven't added or balanced a single infantry weapon since release.

Anyway, the number of people who don't understand Conquest Assault is staggering.


Dec 27, 2017
They really are a bunch of aimless clowns. They could learn a thing or two from the Battlefront team, funnily enough.

I wouldn't call them aimless clowns because a staggering amount of work has gone into this game and there's been some great stuff. Unfortunately, BFV has been a rollercoaster since launch. It would be cool to see what would have happened if the team had gotten to make the game they wanted without the absurd backlash they've had since launch from the worst people alongside the clearly unfocused studio leadership.

The game is gorgeous, runs great, and the gunplay before 5.2 was stellar. So many pieces have been there. The period from the pacific front launch to 5.2 will be the game's zenith and its nuts they hit it so late and then immediately self-immolated.

Jason Schreier needs to do some work here.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that DICE ignored their promise to not mess with TTK despite heavy assurance it won't happen again just screams to me they don't care to listen


Dec 27, 2017
Or someone up top is telling them to mess with shit to increase the new player engagement numbers.

It's this. Considering they started with "attrition" and a focus on hard-core gameplay, this definitely was never the plan until the higher ups told them to sell more cosmetics. You expect better from the developer that was so shameless they killed loot boxes.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I'm glad people here like Battlefront 2015 more too.

I don't think it's even really that good but it did have some good aspects about it that EA BF2 just ignored or removed
Oct 27, 2017
I like wake as well. It still has the battlefield feel to it. They made some modifications so that you can't get picked off by snipers across the map.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a unanimous opinion? I know its twice as large, but do people hate Wake 2019?

Here are my beefs with Wake:

-Too flat terrain with next to no verticality (by comparison, the 1943 version felt much taller and varied)
-Too unbalanced (and it's weird that the US are invading, it should be the other way around)
-Too many fake tanks and planes (even in the skybox!)
-The map looks bland too (yeah, I get they need to be the same assets for all pacific maps, but at least change the lighting or weather to make it look somewhat decent)
Oct 26, 2017
I'm glad people here like Battlefront 2015 more too.

I don't think it's even really that good but it did have some good aspects about it that EA BF2 just ignored or removed
I've had more fun with BF2, hated the pickup system in 2015 and it being limited to the OT was a bummer. There were some cool smaller details that were dropped like hero escorts though. And once they got rid of the lootboxes progression became better too.


Oct 25, 2017
Here are my beefs with Wake:

-Too flat terrain with next to no verticality (by comparison, the 1943 version felt much taller and varied)
-Too unbalanced (and it's weird that the US are invading, it should be the other way around)
-Too many fake tanks and planes (even in the skybox!)
-The map looks bland too (yeah, I get they need to be the same assets for all pacific maps, but at least change the lighting or weather to make it look somewhat decent)
This. JP needs more tanks and fortification placements. The two Type 10s on the map are practically useless.


Oct 28, 2017
I've had more fun with BF2, hated the pickup system in 2015 and it being limited to the OT was a bummer. There were some cool smaller details that were dropped like hero escorts though. And once they got rid of the lootboxes progression became better too.
Team Battlefront 2 over here too.
The game is in a great state and it's fun as heck.
Star Fighter Assault alone make BF2 better then BF1.


Oct 25, 2017
BAR feels like a toy even though it was a nearly 20lb .30-06 beast. What a bummer.

Revert the changes and make the next map a banger DICE.


Oct 28, 2017
Ok, the hotfix is a bit better. I'm still missing the old TTK tho.

As for Wake. It's an OK breakthrough map and probably the worst experience i've had on a Conquest map on this game. But that's coming from someone who never liked Conquest to begin with.

And so much open space for you to be picked out by the snipers without being able to respond thanks to the range nerf on almost all weapons feels quite wrong.


May 11, 2019
Previous/Original Wake has the right size imho. It's not too clustered yet you are right back in the action after a death. The current one doesn't really feel like Wake.

Hot Priest

Oct 11, 2019
Here are my beefs with Wake:

-Too flat terrain with next to no verticality (by comparison, the 1943 version felt much taller and varied)
-Too unbalanced (and it's weird that the US are invading, it should be the other way around)
-Too many fake tanks and planes (even in the skybox!)
-The map looks bland too (yeah, I get they need to be the same assets for all pacific maps, but at least change the lighting or weather to make it look somewhat decent)

Same critique. Too flat and the lighting is shit.