
Oct 26, 2017
You know what a funny all of these people complaining online and there are still over 100 full Breakthrough and Conquest servers on PS4 in North America alone.
We could have said the same thing 24h ago to argue that Dice change were unecessary, after all their supposed silent majority that patch is targeting didn't prevent all thoses full server up until now.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
We could have said the same thing 24h ago to argue that Dice change were unecessary, after all their supposed silent majority that patch is targeting didn't prevent all thoses full server up until now.
The point is that most people aren't going to notice or care about these changes. Its meta-minded and crutch players who are getting huffy that their favorite guns aren't as good as they were before.

And yes I agree that some outlier cases like the FG42 need looked at again.


Oct 25, 2017
The point is that most people aren't going to notice or care about these changes. Its meta-minded and crutch players who are getting huffy that their favorite guns aren't as good as they were before.

Good players just stomp even harder in this meta. I appreciate your effort to spin this as a tryhard only thing but it impacts new players a lot, and not in a favorable way.


Oct 26, 2017
The point is that most people aren't going to notice or care about these changes. Its meta-minded and crutch players who are getting huffy that their favorite guns aren't as good as they were before.

And yes I agree that some outlier cases like the FG42 need looked at again.
What's the point of attracting that kind of attention/reaction from the vocal community only to acheive something most people aren't going to notice or care about then ?


Oct 25, 2017
How embarrassing. I had no idea DICE were this tone deaf.

Think I'm just gonna uninstall BFV for the time being. Gunplay was the best part of this game. This was not the way.


Oct 27, 2017
They pulled the same crap last year during Holiday Season, remember? Nobody liked it.

It's not hogwash when their explanations to most of the these changes from "Responding to your concerns - Update 5.2" are all about catering to newbies and "reducing frustration". New player retention is an important part of the whole "Gaming as a Service" model they've gone with this time, guess why?
The bulk of a game's sales happen in the first two weeks, and BFV isn't one of the "must have" games of the Christmas season. This update wasn't made to sell the game, and it's not meant to strictly make the game easier for beginners; it's to diversify a stagnant meta of high RPM weapons that dominate due to a previously poor damage model.

You think you've found the big conspiracy, but the reality is this is simply a balance patch the game was in need of.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll just wait until they revert back to the old system.
Me too. I'm not touching this thoothless shit again. I almost cried at the last session. What a shame...
I loved the lethal TTK of this game, it feels like there is no tension left in the game... sad sad day for BFV.
I was so hyped for Wake Island after the phenomenal Pacific update... now it's all gone.

This update is terrible and makes the game clearly worse, it's not even a matter of opinions, it's evident.

I'm very disappointed in Dice.
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Oct 25, 2017
I stuck with BfV since release. Hopefully I can deal with these changes until the eventual reversion/fix


May 11, 2019
... gentler TTK appeals to a more casual crowd.
Why do people still say that? It's not true. If you see me first but can't aim for shit, the higher TTK allows me to still kill you with my better aim. This why I can jump into BF1 and still shred like I never left. My reaction time isn't that great anymore but my aim still is.


Oct 28, 2017
The attrition is basically gone since everyone has much more ammo now.

The spotting changes are superfluos. Attentive players know where to look at or where the enemy potentially is coming from. And the "you have been spotted" notification is unrealistic and not needed.

Most of the automatic guns feel off. FG-42 is a joke right now. Two headshots 60 damage LOOOOl. Every gun i tried feels unsatisfying.

I've always defended Dice and BFV, but this is too much.


Oct 26, 2017
Trying to reframe this as some 'people mad cuz bad' thing is not going to work, FYI. The entire feel of the game has changed. The feel people got used to and enjoyed for an entire year. That is the issue, not people mad about their 'crutch' weapons. Tell me who was complaining about the FG-42, legendary crutch weapon lol

This is baseless hogwash spread by folks on /r/BattlefieldV and you should be wise not to believe it. Battlefield V isn't getting a hugely marketed relaunch. Most of these bullet to kill changes were made to improve the variety of weapons used in the game, because the meta's been stagnant for almost a year.

They literally said it was for 'new player frustration' in the explanation post. Also can we stop with this BTK shit? It didn't work to stop people talking about the TTK CHANGE the first time and it certainly won't now.


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
Ahh so it looks like the TTK changes did fuck up the game as we predicted originally.
Going by this thread and a video off of Westie, its a mess.

Well done DICE.

*Goes back to DS*


Oct 27, 2017
Pistols outgunning rifles. Rifles dropping out of effective range after just 10-15 meters. Half magazines expended to kill a single person. Who tested this? Is DICE adamant about not having any sort of CTE at all? Just a single day of testing and you'd have had oodles of feedback to refine this into something that could've been great. This is a disaster.

Guess I'm eating crow on this one! 5.2 is bad! The idealized BTK changes that I'd hoped for did come, but they are so absurdly overdone that gunfights basically don't exist past 20 or 30 meters with automatic weapons!
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Oct 28, 2017
Why are they so clueless when it comes to balance and patches? WHY? GTFO with that auto spot thing. People are once again shooting nameplates and icons instead of people.


Oct 27, 2017
tried the patch last night. my K/D ratio and score were more less the same, but the weapons now feel off, like something is not right. i was going to give the patch a chance but i didnt like what i saw.


Oct 25, 2017

This is happening to me also having this thing where my muscle memory from over a year is telling me to stop shooting because my brain thinks I've killed someone and I even turn away completely but they're still alive because of the changes.

This has been most of my encounters after the patch. I was looking forward to Wake Island, but not like this.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017

I was with them for the TTK changes, but if a custom server is using the default ruleset but a custom maplist why shouldn't Chapter and ToW XP count?

This is going to kill the feature. No one is going to want to play in these servers.

So basically their RSP is just a playlist builder. That's all... I guess they just lost all the people that wanted to set up the infamous "Metro 24/7 2000 tickets" servers.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
...gentler TTK appeals to a more casual crowd.
Why do people still say that? It's not true. If you see me first but can't aim for shit, the higher TTK allows me to still kill you with my better aim. This why I can jump into BF1 and still shred like I never left. My reaction time isn't that great anymore but my aim still is.

+1 with Naru
I think we were all noobs at one point. If I remember my time, I wasn't pissed off by being killed, and killed and killed again (from 2m or 100m away doesn't change that), that's part of the learning curve and is expected when you start any game (you will lose a lot before getting better).

What makes you stay as a noob is when you win, not when you die. Slower TTK might help you to live a bit more, but it certainly makes it more difficult to kill anything which is the satisfying part of a FPS. If higher TTK was appealing to any new player COD won't sell as much as it's currently selling.
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Oct 28, 2017
Support class is by far the most useless class after this stupid update. The guns are shit now and everyone has enough ammo from the get go.
They build some big maps lately, but killed of completely long range combat with these changes (sniperfield V from now on).

Everything about the game feels terrible right now and i'm going to boycott this game until they revert the changes and if they don't i'm going to delete it and i'm gonna throw my copy out of my fucking window.

It's tragic. Battlefield died with this update.


Jul 16, 2019
I hate that I bought the game a couple days before this update. It was great, and now it sucks. Oh well. Hopefully they will listen to the community and go back to the way it was before.
Oct 27, 2017
• Crap matchmaking and unstoppable cheaters
• No Chapter/Weekly XP

Seems like DICE are alchemists: law of equivalent exchange. Nothing good comes out without sacrificing something in return.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They've had in-game server renting since BF3 (even on consoles) and yet the feature still takes months to show up in each new game and never has the same feature set.

I don't get why this isn't a thing at launch.


Oct 25, 2017
2018: Sorry guys, we will never again just drop major TTK and 3D spotting changes on you that drastically alter tempo of the game

2019: Remember 2018? We were just joking, LOL. Here, take these major TTK and 3D spotting changes that drastically alter tempo of the game

Not that I envy DICE. V has somewhat stable, but not growing playerbase. Making growth happen without losing base that has held your game floating for last year can't be easy.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
Wake Island trailer :

this is huge bet you are doing Dice. Hope you won't lose it...

PS : "don't worry about snipers and prone machine guns" lol


Oct 26, 2017
Damnit, why'd they have to ruin the gunplay right as they start releasing good new content.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't think the weapons felt bad at all, better than any of their competitors. I'm curious as to what data determined a change was necessary.
Jul 15, 2018
The bulk of a game's sales happen in the first two weeks, and BFV isn't one of the "must have" games of the Christmas season. This update wasn't made to sell the game, and it's not meant to strictly make the game easier for beginners; it's to diversify a stagnant meta of high RPM weapons that dominate due to a previously poor damage model.

You think you've found the big conspiracy, but the reality is this is simply a balance patch the game was in need of.
It's hardly a conspiracy that companies are here to make money. This is obviously more than just a meta-shuffle balance patch seeing how we got a similar TTK nerf last year with the very same reasons.

Wake Island trailer :

this is huge bet you are doing Dice. Hope you won't lose it...

PS : "don't worry about snipers and prone machine guns" lol

Damn that's a great trailer.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
And what that plan is? They pulled this same shit year ago and just like now community rejected it back then too.

Their plan is to force you to play the game and get used to the new ttk. What's better than a new map for that, one of those that everyone was waiting for ?

This is a completely different situation from last year where they didn't have any strong incentive to keep you playing.


Oct 3, 2019
So, this is obviously an order that came from above to try and get more casual players during the holidays right?

It didn't work before and it won't work now.


Oct 25, 2017
Their plan is to force you to play the game and get used to the new ttk. What's better than a new map for that, one of those that everyone was waiting for ?

This is a completely different situation from last year where they didn't have any strong incentive to keep you playing.

I think you are overestimating power of releasing single map, legacy map or not.

Edit: Also to add, even year ago people didn't drop game cold because of TTK change. They just lashed out against change and DICE very vocally until they reversed the course.
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Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
I think you are overestimating power of releasing single map, legacy map or not.

Edit: Also to add, even year ago people didn't drop game cold because of TTK change. They just lashed out against change and DICE very vocally until they reversed the course.

Are you going to play it or not ?

Dice thinks you are, and they also think you won't mind the new TTK passed the first week of outrage and once Wake drops.

As I said, this is a big bet.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you going to play it or not ?

Dice thinks you are, and they also think you won't mind the new TTK passed the first week of outrage and once Wake drops.

As I said, this is a big bet.

Me? I wont be playing it. I was there year ago and game was so much worse experience than it already was with its baseline TTK.

Also to make this very divisive and for large part unwanted change week before map release? That is solid week of your most loyal playerbase with nothing else to do than flame you for change none of them asked for.


Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Wake Island trailer :

this is huge bet you are doing Dice. Hope you won't lose it...

PS : "don't worry about snipers and prone machine guns" lol

Man if anyone needed a reminder of how fucking terrible the BF3 blue filter was it's right here


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
There's too much negativity, but I do kind of understand... here are my two cents

BTK/TTK changes are weird. There are good things and bad things. Where to start? My personal feeling is that it was much easier to kill last night (played like two hours of Frontlines). Anecdotal of course, but let's start here. What allowed this is a mix of me keeping my distance, making that most weapons not being a Sniper Rifle could barely touch me. So using the Jungle Carabine, as long as my aim is good lol, just kept wrecking players. And the other part of the mix, is that the inverse is also true. Some weapons that were ok at close range are now useless. For example, Support players not using the FG42 didn't stand a chance going against an SMG in close range. As simple as that. I tried going the inverse, using a LMG going up close, and it's night and day difference. So for that, I think that these changes could be good since it forces you to change weapons if you want to change playstyles.

Now, the other thing is that some weapons don't feel quite good, while others feel exactly how they should feel. For the ones I tested, I can say the MP40 feels kind of like how itshould feel. I don't know really how to put it, but other weapons have a more drastic change not for the better, where overall it feels that it takes much longer to kill in most instances, specially mediom to long range, but if you get too close then you won't kill either (unless it's a weapon intended for that), so you need to find the exact distance or otherwise it's a useless attack. I'm seeing a lot of assists too for that matter.

So there are good things and bad things. Maybe players need to adjust, but since there is a ton of backlash, I don't see that happening.

As for the auto-spot, I think it's too agressive. Again, it's not bad per se, it's just too much. I'm spotting players I shouldn't know they are there because they are too far away and it also kills sneaking while defending. I know people posing as bodies may be frustrating for some folks, but it's a valid strategy I think. Auto-Spot shouldn't come up until closer and possibly ADS, since that would mean you are actively looking if there is an enemy or not.

The "You are spotted" changes the spoting meta quite a bit. Well, for those of us that are obsessively aware of it anyway. The thing is that since I know I'm spotted, I'll look if there is a flare, and shooting it down (thanks for the points, losers!). The fun part is not seeing any and realizing a Sniper spotted you with the scope, so you'll need to find cover/use smoke. I.. actually like it? Maybe people need to be more aware of it since in my team no one shoot the damn flares even with the "You are spotted" message.

So overall I'm not against the changes, but they need tweaking. I can see why some many players are frustrated by it. It did change a lot in some places. Sometimes does feel like you are shooting and shooting and shooting and the enemy gets to cover anyway.

The UI changes in the menu are good (once you update the ID_asdfadfa stuff), specially the improvements made to the My Company screen.

A small suggestion there: it would be cool that when one change the faction, the background colors switch too, reflecting either the faction or the "season" they were realesed. For example, British and German = Blue Background/Year One, US and Japan = Orange Background/Year Two

Copied: elenarie

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
^^^I disagree, I think auto-spotting is inherently a terrible feature

Anyway Titanfall 2 on PS4 got revived bc of it being free on PS+ so that's convenient


Oct 28, 2017

I just freakin spawned. Also im shooting at spotted people through smoke again. Way to fuck up this game again DICE. Good job. I dont get your obsession over this stupid spotting mechanic.