
Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Battlefield V returns to the major conflict of World War II, with a heightened focus on the lesser known battles of the war. The game is designed to be the most immersive experience in the series, with storylines ranging across major battles of the war. Game mechanics have been completed redesigned such as player movements, health regeneration, etc. Additionally players will have a more interactive role in gameplay by having to physically open doors, enter vehicles, or picking up health or ammo.


Different voices. Different nationalities. Different adventures. Single-player, the Battlefield way.
Deploy with a sandbox of weapons, vehicles, and destruction to dispose of your foes. Explore individual War Stories.
  • Prologue
    Welcome to the Second World War.
  • Nordlys
    Takes place during the German occupation of Norway. Use stealth, takedowns, and evasions to rescue one of your own and stop a vital enemy shipment. Players take on the role of a Solveig, a young Norwegian resistance fighter. Alone, she must brave the unforgiving cold of the Norway winter as well as evade or engage occupation soldiers, thwart a war scheme, and rescue her captive mother.
  • Under No Flag
    Inspired from the operations of the British Special Boat Section, or SBS. Not to be confused with the popularized Special Air Service, the SBS was an early special forces offshoot that was tasked with some of the most reckless WW2 missions. George Mason is the British officer who plucks Bridger out of jail and into the SBS. With some doubts about his new recruit, Mason drags Bridger along, packing a smart mouth and the ability to stay one step ahead of everybody.
  • Tirailleur
    Set late in WW2, the story title refers to the Senegalese Tirailleurs, colonial units of the French Army who were deployed to France – usually from West Africa – to fight and liberate a homeland that they themselves had never seen before. Their contributions to the war, particularly the invasion of southern France, have only recently been recognized and are still obscured by the more famous landings at Normandy. Together with veteran soldier Idrissa, the company of tirailleurs must somehow overrun the unstoppable German Fallschirmjäger defenses all while knowing that their sacrifices may endure only among those who were there.
  • The Last Tiger
    In the twilight of WW2, the German Army descends into chaos. Under the command of a veteran officer, a lone Tiger tank crew begins to question the ideology that got them to this point.

All-out warfare. Unrivaled intensity. Immense scale.
  • Airborne
    Parachute on to the battlefield and spearhead an upcoming invasion.
  • Breakthrough
    Battle to control vital sectors as an attacker or fortify and push the enemy back as a defender.
  • Conquest
    Fight for key locations on the map with up to 64 players in a vast all-time Battlefield classic.
  • Domination
    Encounter the enemy up close and personal during fast-paced, infantry-based combat in close quarters.
  • Final Stand
    Struggle to the bitter end even if ammo and health are almost depleted — there can be only one team left standing.
  • Frontlines
    Join one of two teams fighting an intense tug-of-war battle.
  • Team Deathmatch
    Don't hesitate in fast-paced infantry warfare with a simple and deadly rule: kill or be killed.

Fight through historical battles, spanning multiple maps and modes, across up to four in-game days. No fight is ever the same.
  • Day 1: A Fierce Battle Awaits. Your mission: Attack or Defend
  • Day 2: What happens on Day 1 affects your squad's position in Day 2. Secure a major victory and you'll have more troops and supplies. Lose on Day 1? You're on the defensive with limited resources. Take the map flag-by-flag or fortify your position to prevent enemy capture.
  • Day 3: Combined air and ground troops battle for what's left. Reinforcements and supplies will be scarce. It's up to you and your squad to improvise the attack and stay alive.
  • Day 4: A draw on Day 3 leads to a final battle on Day 4. Limited ammo and resources. No reinforcements. Fight to the last man. Fight to the last breath.

Battlefield V is the first title to allow Solider Customization. Alter your soldier's appearance. Customize outfits, gender, helmets, skin color, and war paint. Gain XP to unlock weapons, gadgets, and skills. Change loadouts to suit your upcoming fight. Unlock new arsenals. Choose weapons based on your style of play. Customize weapon skins, receivers, stocks, barrels, muzzle. Progress your weapons with every match.

As you play, your progress will unlock new items to outfit your company. Your time spent playing BFV is represented by ranks in 5 categories. Increasing your rank in each category rewards you with both gameplay items and cosmetic items.

  • Career Rank
    Overall rank. As you gain Career Rank, you'll earn Company Coin and unlock vehicles to add to your Company.
  • Class Rank
    Represent the 4 classes. Progression unlocks Combat Roles and additional weapons, side arms, melee weapons, gadgets, and grenades within a class.
  • Weapon and Vehicle Rank
    Both primary weapons and vehicles have a progression system all to themselves. Earn XP while using a weapon or vehicle in battle and you can then choose to spend Company Coin to unlock choices within their Specializations. Each Specialization path changes how a weapon or vehicle plays, so you can modify it to fit your style.
  • Chapter Rank
    Each Chapter in Tides of War brings a new battlefield that takes you and your Company into fresh gameplay experiences, including maps, modes, weapons, vehicles, cosmetics, and themed rewards.

    You gain Chapter Ranks by playing any game mode during the course of a Chapter, with extra bonuses for completing Tides of War missions. The more you play during the Chapter, the more Chapter rewards you'll unlock.
There are two types of in-game currency: Company Coin and Battlefield Currency

Company Coin is earned by playing and completing assignments. Company Coin gives you the ability to choose items outside the base progression paths to further expand and customize your Company.

You can use Company Coin to unlock choices within weapon and vehicle Specializations. You can also use Company Coin to get cosmetic items, such as jackets, face paint, and weapon skins.

You earn Company Coin from Career progression, Daily Missions, and some Special Assignments.

Battlefield Currency is purchased with real-world money. Battlefield Currency can be used to acquire specific cosmetic items for your Company.

Battlefield Currency will not be available at launch. We want players to get hands-on experience with their Company, the progression system, and earning Company Coin before introducing premium currency.


The iconic Classes of Recon, Support, Assault, and Medic return in Battlefield V, each with distinct weapons and gadgets that help you forge a squad that can control any fight. Progress your Class to unlock new traits and customizations as you play. Combat Roles are new to the Battlefield series. These are tied to Classes and provide two traits. Pick a Class and Combat Role with a loadout that suits your playstyle but be ready to make a switch at the deploy overview screen to adapt to on the ground situations. In addtion, BFV introduces a fortifications system. Build sandbags, trenches, foxholes to counter the destructive nature of the game. In addition, the support class can build machine gun emplacements, bridges, etc.

Attrition System is a new addition to the series to make the game deeper, more strategic, and more satisfying for players who work together as a team. Scarcity of bullets and medical supplies is to makes the game more dynamic, encourages you to think on your feet, assess risks, and make choices in whatever situation you're in. Attrition gives more agency to you, letting you manage health and ammo through short-term and long-term methods. You can still regenerate up to max health, but you need an item and to press a button to do it.

Limited health regeneration is not something unheard of in the genre. But you need to be more mindful and tactical with your choices around health and ammo. You'll find that there are more actions to be taken beyond just spawn-run-shoot-die.

Health management is a big part of Attrition. You're now somewhat in charge of your own health, thanks to the Medical Pouch which will get you back to full health. Though you might guess otherwise, this emphasizes team play. Medics are not just there to heal you, but also to supply you with Medical Pouches. This provides more weight and purpose to the Class.


An Evolving Battlefield: Embark on your journey across the Tides of War, and experience many new modes, gear, and battlefields. Tides of War brings you and your personalized Company into themed experiences of the war, starting with the Fall of Europe, that span several months and are filled with timed events. These can include a multi-week Grand Operation, Special Assignments, and new Missions. The timed events will push further into the unexpected and influential battles of WW2 over the course of Battlefield V.
  • New Vehicles, weapons, gadgets, combat roles, fortifications and reinforcements
  • New Maps and New Theaters of War
  • Each Chapter will feature new game modes, grand operations events and more.
  • Game improvement via quality of life updates to tweak Battlefield V every month.



France - These maps depict the Fall of France which eventually led to a British retreat from continental Europe.
  • Twisted Steel - heavily inspired by the events at the fortified sector of the river Escaut in 1940, on the border between Belgium and France.
  • Arras - A rural European villages and fields along a river
Holland - Inspired by an unfamiliar conflict of World War 2, set in May 1940. Expecting little resistance, the German military pushed through the city of Rotterdam, but were met by fierce opposition from the Dutch military.
  • Rotterdam - Urban environment decorated by canals, tall buildings, and a marketplace that no longer soothes pedestrians but preludes close-quarter firefights.
  • Devastation - Inspired by the second part of the Rotterdam blitz by the German forces. The range, trajectory, and explosive yield of bombs dropped from above have reshaped the city.
North Africa - Strategic points between Libya and Egypt that was the scene of pivotal battles between the Axis and Allies during 1941 and 1942.
  • Hamada - A barren landscape of gravel and bare rock, and it perfectly describes the map. A towering aqueduct-like bridge spans the dry ravine, one of the few signs that remain of a once-thriving civilization.
  • Aerodrome - loosely based on the British attacks on German installations, supply lines, and airfields in the Libyan desert in 1942–1943.
Norway - Taking place in the spring and summer of 1940, fight in the northern port city of Narvik and the surrounding mountains.
  • Narvik - Allied and Axis troops skirmish for control of this strategically vital location and the rich iron-ore (a critical wartime supply) transported by the city's railway.
  • Fjell 652 - Follows the fight as the Axis forces retreat into the cold, unforgiving peaks surrounding the port city of Narvik.
p.s Special thanks to milkham for helping me with the OT.

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Oct 27, 2017
On one hand I think we shouldn't make fun of the game anymore because it's slowly but steadily starting to turn around but on the other hand that title is just too good.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Nice OT but maps needs to be updated missing all of the post launch ones.
Oct 27, 2017
I always complained about bombers not having bombing sights but now after 300 hours through sheer chance I learned they have one, but only if you zoom while being in the cockpit perspective, which no one in his right mind would ever use in a bomber. I swear, this game...

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I always complained about bombers not having bombing sights but now after 300 hours through sheer chance I learned they have one, but only if you zoom while being in the cockpit perspective, which no one in his right mind would ever use in a bomber. I swear, this game...
Wait, really? I've just been using planes in third person because the cockpit view is so limiting.


Oct 25, 2017
Good OT title btw, can't forget the Soon in Battlefield 🤣

Anyways, somehow ended up being in first place by spamming flares as a sniper. Glad they added back the radius to it from BF1 so I know where they land and from teammates. Also a plus they brought back AOE crates so they're not completely useless anymore, especially the medic crates.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah and having crate icons FINALLY appearing on the minimap is great and should have been in the game a long time ago. Plus the RSC is still a BEAST, this baby was already equipped from right where I left off.


Oct 29, 2017
Great title lmao. By the way iRAWRasaurus the media beneath the section for The Last Tiger in the OT seems to be broken?

I hope this game completes its incredibly slow about-face before another Battlefield drops. So much potential.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
The title is perfect. Even when the Pacific drops, I'll be waiting for the Eastern Front sooooo I'll be on the "soon" side until that one arrives

More Op. Underground matches... god I love it. Seriously, I'm a big open vehicle BF player, but I'm having so much fun using the tommy gun.


Oct 25, 2017
Played a round of BT on Metro as Attack.

We captured the first two sectors really quick but the last line, my team took an idiot pill and lost all momentum. Rip 500 tickets. Lol


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Played a round of BT on Metro as Attack.

We captured the first two sectors really quick but the last line, my team took an idiot pill and lost all momentum. Rip 500 tickets. Lol
Yeah people love to go to the sides of the last point rather than actually getting in the capture territory. It's a hard point to cap but a lot of fun.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Finally tried Operation Underground. Landed in a 64 player match of Breakthrough. Was about as enjoyable as shoving shards of glass under my fingernails.


Oct 25, 2017
Spammed flares again all match on Breakthrough this time with 0 kills 0 deaths and was somehow the best player on my team lmao, except team still couldn't win *facepalm*


Oct 27, 2017
Well bought this on the generation sale. Looking forward to giving it a try.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Anything on DICE adding new combat roles into the mix?? We've basically had the same 2 since launch and I could have sworn they said that they were going to add new ones in for future updates or am I mistaken??
Oct 27, 2017
Anything on DICE adding new combat roles into the mix?? We've basically had the same 2 since launch and I could have sworn they said that they were going to add new ones in for future updates or am I mistaken??

There should be some seamen roles with Pacific :D It is junk. Once you realize that those roles are even less relevant than BF1 perks, what is the point.

I am butthurt that only tanks we got are Panzer IV Assault and Valentine Assault variants... NOT A SINGLE NEW (new chassis) tank has been added into the game since launch.


Nov 3, 2017
How active is the PC playerbase? Like in Australia? Been watching a lot of Jackfrags's videos and been wanting to give it a go.

By battlefield standards its kind of small on PC. Not small enough that you wont be able to find servers to play, but enough that youll often times not be able to play a given mode/map
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Dec 24, 2018
How is the performance on the new Underground map with a regular PS4? I thought it might be much closer to 60 FPS compared to other maps.


Dec 12, 2017
DICE really need to give medics a viable alternative gadget in the smoke grenade rifle slot. Smoke has its place, but I'm convinced a lot of players are just shooting it randomly.


Oct 28, 2017
Played it some more and i really like it.

But i confirm my feelings with point A having too big of a zone on Conquest. With how complex this map is, the minute one dude manage to flank and reach it, you'll be spending a huuuuge chunk of time playing hide and seek with this dude and his mates and there is a lot of hiding places. And there's an issue with the high stair case on the left (from the brit side) the very top is easily defensible by one or two dudes and doesn't seem to be counted in the capture zone. So when too many defenders arrive, you just have to retreat there, hide a bit to be forgotten, wait for your mates to spawn back on you, and you're good for another attempt. That's really irritating do deal against.

Apart from that, i think i made my best fire grenade ever with 4 kills and 803 damage in total while attaching point C.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
If you like that type of gameplay, it's a decent map. The flooding aspect is actually pretty cool and well done. I don't mind playing it occasionally when it comes up in the rotation, but I'm not going to be the one playing the 24/7 servers.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
There's always someone prone on the ground.


Oct 25, 2017
There's always someone prone on the ground.

I took this screenshot while watching The Broken Machine's stream yesterday. No joke it seemed like almost 1/3 of his kills while I was watching were on prone players, almost non of which were prone in a spot that made sense tactically. What has this game become lol. It's like all the worst FPS players in the world have flocked to BFV.



Dec 12, 2017
I'm sure the series is more of a sandbox like GTA on-line than a FPS for a lot of people and the mechanics in this version have made players extremely movement averse. The absolutely instant deaths that are still happening over and over again can't be helping either.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
That's because BF V allows and encourages that type of play.

Powerful, but easy to use weapons (MMGs and AT rifles) that can only be ADS with a bipod.
Poor visibility.
Low TTK, you get deleted in this game. It's much faster than previous titles.

There is no wonder why you have a bunch of players crawling around.

BF also attracts a large audience. It's not just hardcore competitive FPS players. It's like OW where you get a ton of player types.
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Oct 28, 2017
That's because BF V allows and encourages that type of play.

Powerful, but easy to use weapons (MMGs and AT rifles) that can only be ADS with a bipod.
Poor visibility.
Low TTK, you get deleted in this game. It's much faster than previous titles.

There is no wonder why you have a bunch of players crawling around.

BF also attracts a large audience. It's not just hardcore competitive FPS players. It's like OW where you get a ton of player types.


But in previous games my love for charging head-on the enemy in the middle of smokes and explosions was always quickly answered by an instant death. While in V, it's like the prone boys don't even realise people could willingly run in the middle of the chaos to maw them down with hipfire. They always seem surprised one would use a smoke for anything else than covering a revive or blocking snipers/mmgs sights. Thus, i can therefore run like a madman and take them down from behind.

It's sooo satisfying to do. Love it.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
The bright point Is that doing a melee takedown on them Is so satisfying for the same reasons


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not even sure if I like it. Movement is slow, feel like everything is just slow. I like the maps though


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
How is the performance on the new Underground map with a regular PS4? I thought it might be much closer to 60 FPS compared to other maps.

I finally got round to Operation Metro today and performance is pretty awful on PS4 Pro. Worst of all the maps released so far imo.

It tanks frame rate and aiming becomes very difficult/super sluggish.

Dice definitely need to do some optimisation here. Its a fun map though, when you're not getting curb stomped or when team balance goes out the window.


Oct 25, 2017
That's what everyone has been hyping up? I'm fairly new to the series but was extremely disappointed after playing it a few times. Operation Metro is such a clusterfuck.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Metro was never a good map. Players just liked it because you could grind out stuff. If anything, it's the antithesis of BF.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
That's what everyone has been hyping up? I'm fairly new to the series but was extremely disappointed after playing it a few times. Operation Metro is such a clusterfuck.

For some reason a lot of people love the clusterfuck. Operation Metro dropped in Battlefield 3 and attracted an enormous following of people who loved the gameplay of throwing two walls of players up against each other in a chaotic mess of gunfire. It was particularly appealing (though not exclusive) to people who were getting into Battlefield almost entirely for the self indulgent obsession with KDR and unlock grinding. A lot of regular Metro players were continuously joining the map to max out KDR through cheesy, bottleneck-like kills, and also level up characters/gear/guns/whatever.

A lot of Battlefield old guard despise the map because it in many ways signified an unusual turning point for DICE and EA with their approach to the series. It's somewhat exaggerated, but it did carve out this weird additional focus from DICE with every iteration to include some kind of infantry focused map with a lot of chokepoints and limited movement. The argument is that catering to this style of play is inherently the antithesis of what makes Battlefield Battlefield, but due to Battlefield 3 surging the series popularity off the coattails of Bad Company 2 DICE and EA have insisted in keeping this style of map design around and consciously shifting elements of the broade rmetagame to cater to this slice of the fanbase.

Battlefield 4 launched with Operation Locker, fundamentally the same idea although with a vague attempt to break up the flow via more pathing (didn't work).
Battlefield 1 launched with Argonne Forest and Suez, the former entirely infantry focused, both attempting to break up the flow (and doing a better job than Locker) but nevertheless still boiling down to two sides of infantry throwing themselves through bottlenecks.
Battlefield V launched with Fjell 652, again attempting to break up the flow, but still riddled with bottlenecks and with the added bonus of aircraft bombing runs.