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Oct 25, 2017
Couple things

1. I think they fucked up in scaling back their customization options. All the customizations you can unlock look SO boring. I understand peoples desire for realism, but if you are going to have all updates be free and fund the game with microtransactions (which is the right call, been asking for it since BC2) then you need to have skins and such that make you want to buy them. On the battlefield no one is going to notice that coat you bought is a different shade of green and has 2 more pockets. Which brings me to my next point.

2. Enemies (potentially friendlies too) need to see your customization better. Everyone likes showing off. In the kill screen, it should come with some kind of unlockable/purchasable player badge, titles, have them see what your gun actually looks like instead of the sillohuette, have a picture of your player in some customizable stances so people can see what you actually look like.

and completley unrelated, I just need to ask.

Whats the best way to level planes? I feel like I have a solid plane match and I barely progress at all


Art Manager
Oct 27, 2017
I'm enjoying the core gameplay but there is a lot of stuff around the edges that frustrate me. The character and weapon customization stuff is more confusing than it has any right to be. Call of Duty figured this stuff out 11 years ago. Even quitting games is wonky. Ridiculous.


Oct 28, 2017
Guys I want to blow up a tank without any anti-tank weapons, and by not looking at the tank either. Please help, the enemy's tank keeps killing my team.


Oct 30, 2017
I totally understand the lower review scores (low being 7s, go figure)

The game has been rushed and is not finished that is clear.

Doesn't stop it being fucking brilliant when you are playing with veterens in a team.

Playing on my own with idiots. Not so much.

That's my main gripe, not the games fault. I'm reguarlly top of the scoreboard I'm I only have a 1.10k/d.

PTFO people. Play your class!


Oct 27, 2017
. "Anti-white males, anti white French propaganda with a heavy dose of social justice. You see whites sending black people to their death while staying on the back when in real life the French army was one of the least segregated army at the time. Also a small resistance woman killing a hundred nazis head on, what the heck?
0/10 "

Because if it would've been a man it would've been totally believable? It is how every shooter campaign ever works! Haha. User reviews are often so bad but this is riddicoulus.


Nov 1, 2017
I can't really bring myself to play the game at it's current state. No excitement. Partially because the maps are solid but kinda bland. I am having fun when I play with friends but other than that I think I will just wait for the next patch and hope for the best. I don't really understand all the praise the game (allegedly) gets. It's another BF game in early access. It was the same with the last few BF games... if you wait a few months it's pretty solid but until then it's rough as hell. Sorry about the negativity.
Oct 27, 2017
been playing it for a week now. You survive if you stick with your squad and move strategically to each objective. Having two medics including myself on my team helps, with smoke cover and med packs for days. I love how objective and team focused this one is compared to the last few ones.

You will get steamrolled and team shot if you venture on your own, especially if you play any other class than a medic to heal yourself on the spot.
Getting the team to stick together has been one of my biggest gripes. I don't have any friends I can really convinced to play this right now so I usually join up with random squads and it's either really good with tight movement and sticking somewhat close together or me as a medic with three Recons all spread out all over the map. It's extremely frustrating and I think there's a couple of mechanics that a lot of people that might be new to the series don't understand, I can't tell you how many Medics I see that don't seem to know how to revive people.

That said, I found that if you load up your medic with a bunch of smoke and start letting that down as cover you can really Inspire whole groups of people to move all at once towards an objective.


Nov 1, 2017
Loving it but the game runs like ass so far. So choppy on PC and odd since I typically have ran every Battlefield without issue, 1 plays amazingly well on my system everything maxed, this is constantly chugging.


Oct 27, 2017
Getting the team to stick together has been one of my biggest gripes. I don't have any friends I can really convinced to play this right now so I usually join up with random squads and it's either really good with tight movement and sticking somewhat close together or me as a medic with three Recons all spread out all over the map. It's extremely frustrating and I think there's a couple of mechanics that a lot of people that might be new to the series don't understand, I can't tell you how many Medics I see that don't seem to know how to revive people.

That said, I found that if you load up your medic with a bunch of smoke and start letting that down as cover you can really Inspire whole groups of people to move all at once towards an objective.
Yea recon "squads" have always been a pain in these games for sure. Playing alone is hard in this one especially, but I couldn't stand the randoms in BF1 who would sit back and try to get kills instead of being in the objective zone. Smoke has always been the all great equalizer since you are forced to move to pick new targets. It works pretty well in V too, especially to inspire scared ass people to push up.
Oct 26, 2017
Reached the level cap of 50 a day or two ago and fuck does that company coin shortage hit hard. Don't tell me the fix isn't going to be until the Dec 4 patch and/or Tides of War. Like how are there nowhere near enough coins to upgrade everything even when you skip playing dress-up with all the massively priced cosmetics? Especially when a lot of the guns and vehicles aren't viable until upgraded. It's not like I have been grinding this game 8 hours a day or something.

The stats are probably not gonna work anymore playercount wise. As someone said DICE changed the API and also didnt work with Battlefront 2.
But someone on Reddit yesterday with servers checking etc. Was a whole post on it. And PC player peak from 2 days ago was arround 100k,
100k yet I still run into the same motherfuckers over and over night after night, lol.


Feb 26, 2018
I'm sort of confused...there is no season pass for upcoming expansions? and the Deluxe edition is just cosmetic stuff and uniforms? This is still EA, right?
Oct 27, 2017
Game could be something amazing but i'm gonna wait until they patch in some visibility and especially footstep/ general enemy sound.
Super frustrating to play this right now.


Nov 1, 2017
Yea I don't know what it is, but the graphics in this are super glitchy. Animations constantly freak out, bodies falling through the ground, and performance kinda sucks.

And I agree, the visibility is really bad in this game, either theirs too much effects or the lighting makes seeing soldiers a real pain in the ass.


Oct 26, 2017
elenarie just want to notify that chatbox option always defaults back to "always view" when you restart game, I want it hidden or at least "view when active" but its "always active" when I start to play.
A bit annoying to always go turn it off.


Oct 30, 2017
Is the next update gonna tackle performance on PC at all? Because the game runs pretty poorly for me.


Nov 15, 2017
Game could be something amazing but i'm gonna wait until they patch in some visibility and especially footstep/ general enemy sound.
Super frustrating to play this right now.

Do you use headphones or speakers? With headphones and the sound settings set to "3D Head Phones" I've found is the best for hearing footstep sounds. One way you can really hear this is by testing it out in a building with a top floor, wait inside on the top floor, and have a team mate bust open one of the doors. You should be able to hear it along with the loud clopping of footsteps on the wood floors. That's how I've defended houses from the other team (generally they don't know I'm there and I wait at the top of the stairs when they barge in).


Oct 28, 2017
I caved and bought it. It's DLing onto my PS4 now, how big is the patch that'll hit me once it's done? My internet needs rougly 5 minutes per gig (hey, better than the 5 hours from earlier this very year), so I'm wondering if I'll be able to play this evening or not.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
I caved and bought it. It's DLing onto my PS4 now, how big is the patch that'll hit me once it's done? My internet needs rougly 5 minutes per gig (hey, better than the 5 hours from earlier this very year), so I'm wondering if I'll be able to play this evening or not.

But didn't PSN started to add the patch with the download a while back?


Nov 2, 2017
When you get blown back but don't die from the J2 rocket, is that because it was a friendly rocket?


Oct 25, 2017
Are there any good guides for good aiming settings on consoles? The amount of settings is incredibly overwhelming.


Oct 25, 2017
Got into a pretty funny battle on Narvik. Some Medic was camping in the top floor of a building and I kept shooting them through the wall with the FG42. Only problem was he could heal at the same rate I could damage him since bullet damage is severely reduced through walls. That went on for about 3-4 reloads for me until a teammate nuked the building. I'd imagine they now have PTSD.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Yes or you were far enough from the blast to damage you.

Speaking of which, there are cool details to the V1 or JB2. The other day I was holding on to get revived and a V1 fell upon us, the image blurred as it falls until the explosion sends me to the deploy screen (I still had room to hold on)


Oct 25, 2017
Loving it but the game runs like ass so far. So choppy on PC and odd since I typically have ran every Battlefield without issue, 1 plays amazingly well on my system everything maxed, this is constantly chugging.
Same problem here. Getting really choppy performance on my 1080. Talking medium settings on everything at 1440p getting anywhere from 30-70 fps


Oct 30, 2017
Same problem here. Getting really choppy performance on my 1080. Talking medium settings on everything at 1440p getting anywhere from 30-70 fps
I'm on a GTX 1070 and i5 6500, changing a few settings can improve performance but it's not unusual for me to drop as low as 25 FPS with all settings maxed, typically hangs around 45-50 FPS. Even when I drop all settings to their lowest it doesn't make a huge difference in performance.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm so confused by the 2nd and 3rd gun of the medic being worse than the 1st. Also, this is blasphemous, but I think I prefer using a controller on PC. I just can't aim for shit with a mouse...I never have a clue what to put my sensitivity to. Is it too slow, too fast....I dunno.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm on a GTX 1070 and i5 6500, changing a few settings can improve performance but it's not unusual for me to drop as low as 25 FPS with all settings maxed, typically hangs around 45-50 FPS. Even when I drop all settings to their lowest it doesn't make a huge difference in performance.
I don't really mind if it stays around 50-70fps, but that drop to 25-30 fps is fucking terrible and it's always in close range battles when I need a good reaction time the most. Extremely frustrating to deal with that on such a beast rig.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm so confused by the 2nd and 3rd gun of the medic being worse than the 1st. Also, this is blasphemous, but I think I prefer using a controller on PC. I just can't aim for shit with a mouse...I never have a clue what to put my sensitivity to. Is it too slow, too fast....I dunno.

EMP and MP40 are best SMG:s imo, EMP for ADS:ing and MP40 for hipfiring.
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