
Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
it's weird how after playing the Halo test flight and this I would assume that Battlefield was the free-to-play game.
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it's a placebo, but I turned off crossplay on Playstation 5 to test it out.

Had way more fun. Less getting killed from long distances and I was winning more engagements.

Full server too. If youre on PS5, try it out.


Oct 27, 2017
they really should've put breakthrough in this beta, a lot of people are playing this and forming opinions based on conquest which is not everyone's cup of tea
Oct 27, 2017
Randomly switching my specialist and gun mods is very annoying. Also all of the capture points currently say HQ right now


Oct 27, 2017
they really should've put breakthrough in this beta, a lot of people are playing this and forming opinions based on conquest which is not everyone's cup of tea
yep never been a CQ fan. Give me Rush(or whatever modern equivalent they call it now). Though I kind of dig this zone version more than classic CQ


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Metro Detroit
I think there is a fun game under here but man there is a lot of stuff that needs to be ironed out before launch. I'm sure a lot of it has been pointed out already in this thread.

I'll reserve my option for the launch version with EA Access and go from there.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
I will say that after playing a few matches of the beta it definitely did not leave the best impression on me. The movement feels off. It just feels floaty? Like there's no weight to it all if that makes sense.

I couldn't revive my teammates. And they couldn't revive me because it would just bug out and not work at all.

I wish I could've tried something other than conquest because I do not like that game type in the least. Never have.

It's hard to tell who your teammates are and who's on the enemy team half the time. Emptied half a clip into my teammates at one point before I realized they weren't the enemy.

I know this is supposed to be a month's old build but this still does not give me confidence in the release but we'll see I guess.


Nov 2, 2017
EA should delay this into next spring it's coming in way too hot. BFV launched rough and they need to get this one right from the get go. Especially considering halo and cod are launching in the same window.


Oct 26, 2017
Why DICE don't turn off crossplay on a consoles by default?

Its much smarter approach than everyone getting slauthered by pc players. Or just console cross-play on by default. Its not like there won't be enough players.

This way is just stupid, and someone fr DICE have told here that people who are turning crossppay are less than 5%.

Also make players only servers, fuck bots
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Maybe it's a placebo, but I turned off crossplay on Playstation 5 to test it out.

Had way more fun. Less getting killed from long distances and I was winning more engagements.

Full server too. If youre on PS5, try it out.

I can assure it's not placebo. The fact that this game doesn't have input based matchmaking is one of the more laughable decisions they've made.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really because you still have no idea what weapon or loadout they have. The specialist just gives a unique gadget and some other perks. So you can't see an engineer and know they probably have a launcher and a certain type of weapon for instance.

Yep. Anyone could have a launcher. Driving around in a vehicle is much riskier in this game.


Oct 31, 2017
I don't think they should have removed the revive from distance. Just put a timer on it. Or make it use up half the charges or something so you could only do it twice in a life or something.

That'd work a lot better. When they first mentioned it, didn't seem that bad, but playing the game, it doesn't feel like it'd be that bad. Just nerf it some, because that gun is otherwise pretty useless aside from healing yourself if your pack is on cooldown.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah every time I check the player list its mostly PC players, I don't think i've had a single game with more console players than PC.

And ive also never been a fan of conquest, I like having a sense of direction and where the front line is.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprisingly not having too much trouble with PC players. They just seem like every other player to me and I don't think I'm that great playing with a game pad (I'm horrible at Halo for reference)


Jan 20, 2021
Ok had some time to play a few more matches and think I can have an informed opinion.

  • Graphics - While I was initially a bit disappointed it wasn't a huge leap over BF1 which I still think is the best looking in the series, they are still great, Frostbite never really disappoints
  • Spectacle/scale - the tornado and rocket are awesome, and at times the map is large enough to really make you feel like you are on a big battlefield
  • Weapons - While this depends on the weapon, I found these to be decent
  • Performance - See some occasional dips, especially when first loading in to a map, but overall happy with the performance level (Series X)
  • Loading times - HUGE improvement over BF1 and BFV which I played on last gen, you load into a match near instantly which is great. The other two I remember waiting for a match to load would take forever.
  • Biggest issue by far is how buggy it is. Can't go 5 seconds without lighting or geometry glitching, people and vehicles jerking around, ragdolls going crazy. I know it's a beta but I don't think I was ever a part of a beta this buggy. Stuff like the jump button not working, not being able to toggle sights on one of those multi sight attachments, tapping down on the attachment selection menu makes both the top and bottom attachment adjust, falling through the map, and the list just goes on, and this was all in maybe 3 or 4 hours of playtime tops.
  • No input based matchmaking means on controller you are outmatched completely in mid-long range engagements.
  • Only conquest in the beta, so hard to tell if I'll actually like the main mode I'd be playing in breakthrough
  • Don't like the new non-class system. Feels like there isn't classes at all anymore, and I already miss them. Also, since everyone is a specialist, it's very hard to tell who is a friendly or not at first glance. Specialists need some balancing too, from my experience everyone is baseball cap guy since he gets the grapple.
  • Revives feel really weird for some reason
  • UI needs an overhaul. It's really big while still not being super readable in some ways. In particular not a fan of the scoreboard screen
  • Spawns are very inconsistent. I get sometimes it's my fault for spawning in a hot area, but I feel like when spawning on a point I'd expect to have at least some distance from enemies even if it means spawning further away from the point - don't remember this being a problem with BF1
  • Map size - while it is great for spectacle, it's just too big. Too much traversal, and getting between two objectives takes forever. Not sure 128 players adds too much either, since the map just got spread out more and so the number of players doesn't feel drastically different.
  • Not sure if I'm just missing it, but idk how to request health or ammo, and I don't think I've seen anyone giving out health/ammo
I'm still interested in the game, will need to try Breakthrough mode to really make up my mind, but I think I'm going to hold off until some patches come in after launch. The game is just too buggy in it's current state, and given there is a month until launch I'm not sure if all that can be ironed out until then. Unless something drastically changes though, or I fall in love with some of the other modes, I can say that I'm pretty sure I'll like BFV and especially BF1 more.

I really think there should be another (longer) delay, though I know leaving the holiday period is probably not an option.
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Mass One

Oct 28, 2017

Conquest was probably the worst mode to show off. Operations or rush or something structured would have been better. Since it requires working as a team in some veiled regard. I have not seen anyone drop ammo or revive yet. I haven't even revived anyone yet. This just feel like MW2019 Groundwar scaled up.
Jul 26, 2018
Honestly.... I will always support a 2nd delay.. this game needs it imo.

-I refuse to play on M/K since it feels... clunky.. or sluggish
-No one is reviving....
-Already miss the classic 4 classes from past BF games
-Air controls are TERRIBLE
-Mostly using a controller and there's no aim assist...
-I keep forgetting there's factions. No one looks like a Russian lmao
-Not sure if i'm bad but reviving players is hard....... no wonder i'm not getting revived!
-PC performance is poopy atm. At least I can play at 4k at 80-90fps which is nice. Yet for 1080p, only 80fps.. lolz.
-Audio is also poopy

That's my mini list for now.


Oct 25, 2017
For anyone trouble reviving, hold on to X or Square or whatever equivalent for a few seconds. Idk why but it takes a while to actually revive someone (like 3-5 seconds)


Oct 25, 2017
Some of the best and most dominant players in Warzone use controller, why is it an issue here? Weak aim assist?


Jan 20, 2021
Some of the best and most dominant players in Warzone use controller, why is it an issue here? Weak aim assist?
It's weaker than Warzone for sure, but I also think the average distance of engagement is a lot longer here as well, and in those fights M&K has a big advantage. Up close I can hold my own as a controller player, but tracking someone at long range is really hard in comparison to a mouse.


Oct 30, 2017
I hate how the gunplay feels, for some reason I can't snipe for shit but when I used to play bf4 in the ps4 i was pretty good to at least confirm body shots in the worst of cases(shots), but here? Can't even trust my own eyesight or the snipers crosshair.


Oct 27, 2017
I just realized, is there no sound effect for when you get a kill? Or is it just too subtle compared to the BFV/Q1 sounds?


Jun 21, 2018
Yes, happens to me too on Series X. You'll see it in the sky and such.

Both my brother and I have had rounds like that on Series X. My first round, the first 3 - 4 engagements were like that. Sometimes it seems like certain people take no damage, then you move to a different target and drop them with ease.

Thanks for the response I legit though my xsx was dying.

Very buggy beta, since is the game is releasing so soon I will not be pre ordering for now...


Oct 25, 2017
Played some Apex after this and I feel the movement is a mix between Apex and BFV especially with the grapple hook. Apex still feels better since this is still Battlefield in the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Played some Apex after this and I feel the movement is a mix between Apex and BFV especially with the grapple hook. Apex still feels better since this is still Battlefield in the end.
One thing I wish DICE aped from Apex is their ping system. Having played both games tonight, it's like a night and day difference.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing I wish DICE aped from Apex is their ping system. Having played both games tonight, it's like a night and day difference.

I kinda want a Battlefield + Apex + Titanfall game. It'll be amazing with mechs and stuff all over the place. The movement in Titanfall and Apex feels so much better.

I wouldn't be surprised if Respawn is credited to have pit the grapple hook in since it's been in the games since Titanfall


Oct 25, 2017
This feels like a game 5 years older than BFV

WTF is going on

I can totally overlook bugs if this is an actual beta and not a "beta", but so many things feel like step back. Everything seems lifeless. Movement and gunplay are not good. Game looks uglier than BFV even if technically it may be superior


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
As a diehard fan, I am a bit frustrated with the 2042 Beta thus far.

- Just to add onto the pile of comments regarding crossplay with PC — it is rather annoying. There really isn't any aim assist for us console players, while PC players are destroying us.

- Hit detection is wonky and definitely needs work. There are times where I feel my shots are not being recognized.

- As someone who is BIG on reviving and always playing a Medic, I have to say the reviving animation is nowhere as good as previous BF titles. If anything, it feels like a huge step back. Standing still waiting for an animation to complete just to revive one person at a time does not entice anybody to revive. It is rather annoying and not well thought-out.

- I know this is a beta, but there are a TON of bugs that I wouldn't expect to be a thing this close to launch (doors glitching, wonky ladder climbing animations, clunky driver animations, random flashes in the sky, glitched parachutes, rag doll physics are having issues, etc.).

- I do believe 2042 can be a great game with proper updates and fixes, but I cannot deny my concern for the state of the game at launch.


Nov 18, 2020
Diehard BF fan here and honestly, I was reading a lot of the criticism here earlier and kinda brushed it off. But after playing it tonight, I can't even describe how disappointed I am. This really doesn't feel like the BF I love. I agree with the earlier take that it feels like COD in a BF wrap. I thought the gunplay on BF5 was just fantastic, even though the game had a lot of other issues. But this does not feel anywhere near as good as BF5 or 4 mechanics wise.

And I have to say, UI wise this game is a fucking train wreck. I can't believe how bad it is. Like someone else noted, I hit LB to open up the menu and I had no clue how to swap attachments. There's not even a single prompt. This is UI 101. And I still have no clue if you can access the map. I certainly couldn't figure it out. And the screen is so busy with all of the updates that it feels overwhelming. And the UI on the weapons load out is just bad. You select a different gun or grenade and there's a ton of empty space to the right and left but they make you look above and to the left just to see what you're clicking on. Again, UI 101. Don't have the user move their eyes to somewhere completely different and out of their main sight line. Amateur hour.

So disappointed and BF is my game.

The Living Tribunal

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 weeks): Sinophobia
This feels like a chinese knockoff of Battlefield.

I just saw like 6 Falcks, killing each other. What the fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought this was going to be the return to form and now I am not so sure anymore. Map is too fucking big. And apparently this is one of the smaller ones in the game. I'm not seeing any benefit to 128 players. It feels like MAG. They can host about player counts but does it actually make it better?

The class system feels pointless. No one is reviving because it leaves you way too open and everyone is opting to not wait and go for the quick respawn. Also, its not fun to cap points. I can't tell where the boundaries are and there isn't good feedback when you cap a point.


Oct 27, 2017
Had a good couple of matches just now.

To steer away from my criticism, I would like to compliment DICE on the vehicle weight, namely the armoured jeep thing with the mini gun on top. It seems like the engine has finally, finally got the feel of driving right relative to server latency. Battlefield has always had this weird quirk where brushing up against objects or smashing through barriers in a vehicle results in slight lag/stutter to the vehicle physics as the engine attempts to taper and approximate the impact. I feel it's mostly totally fixed here. Slamming into walls and other objects, or breaking through fences and going off jumps, doesn't result in the weird physics banding and instead flows seamlessly.

Really happy this has been improved.
This is one positive I noticed immediately as well. Way less jank when driving. Though we'll see when the envitable snowmobiles are released. That will be the real test. They were awful in BF4.


Prophet of Truth
Jul 10, 2019
I'm having a blast so far, but there's definitely major room for improvement. Lots of UI glitches, and I still don't think having the same operators for both sides makes a lot of sense. Would like it to be running better on my 3080, but I hope DLSS can be the saviour there.

I don't get the CODlike comments though personally, because gunplay still feels very Battlefield to me.