
Oct 28, 2018
More from Variety:

View: https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1554622574658723840


In other words, the movie was nearly finished, and already building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw all that away?

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, the most likely reason: taxes.


"Batgirl" found itself on the bad end of that decision, apparently neither big enough to feel worthy of a major theatrical release nor small enough to make economic sense in an increasingly cutthroat streaming landscape. Spending the money to expand the scope of "Batgirl" for theaters — plus the $30 million to $50 million needed to market it domestically and the tens of millions more needed for a global rollout — could have nearly doubled spending on the film, and insiders say that was a non-starter at a company newly focused on belt-tightening and the bottom line. (Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Warner Bros. Discovery declined to comment for this story.)

Releasing the movie on HBO Max would seem to be the most obvious solution. Instead, the company has shelved "Batgirl" — along with the "Scoob!" sequel — and several sources say it will almost certainly take a tax write-down on both films, seen internally as the most financially sound way to recoup the costs (at least, on an accountant's ledger). It could justify that by chalking it up to a post-merger change of strategy.

Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio.


Why Warner Bros. Killed ‘Batgirl’: Inside the Decision Not to Release the DC Movie

'Batgirl' was nearly finished and building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw it all away? Taxes.


Oct 25, 2017
I still can't get over how dumb this is. Every time I read the title.

How dumb.
For real, this is just a stupid and mad disrespectful decision. I see no logic in this to just eat the loss. Even if the movie is bad, they can still make some return off of it.

Like for real, fuck everyone who made this decision.

(read the above article)

"Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio."

So the only way we'll see this movie is if someone leaks a rough edit of the movie a la 1994's Fantastic Four? That's super shitty. Fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
More from Variety:

View: https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1554622574658723840


In other words, the movie was nearly finished, and already building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw all that away?

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, the most likely reason: taxes.


"Batgirl" found itself on the bad end of that decision, apparently neither big enough to feel worthy of a major theatrical release nor small enough to make economic sense in an increasingly cutthroat streaming landscape. Spending the money to expand the scope of "Batgirl" for theaters — plus the $30 million to $50 million needed to market it domestically and the tens of millions more needed for a global rollout — could have nearly doubled spending on the film, and insiders say that was a non-starter at a company newly focused on belt-tightening and the bottom line. (Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Warner Bros. Discovery declined to comment for this story.)

Releasing the movie on HBO Max would seem to be the most obvious solution. Instead, the company has shelved "Batgirl" — along with the "Scoob!" sequel — and several sources say it will almost certainly take a tax write-down on both films, seen internally as the most financially sound way to recoup the costs (at least, on an accountant's ledger). It could justify that by chalking it up to a post-merger change of strategy.

Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio.


Why Warner Bros. Killed ‘Batgirl’: Inside the Decision Not to Release the DC Movie

'Batgirl' was nearly finished and building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw it all away? Taxes.

Makes sense. I wonder if one angry employee could leak the movie to torrent sites or something.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
For those asking, I can't corroborate the rumors about Max merging with Discovery, though I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. I just know the new executives don't want to spend big money on streaming exclusives. It's back to the way things were: massive theatrical movies and a few massive prestige shows on HBO. I've been told to expect a lot of heads to roll (aka show/movie cancellations) in the coming weeks/months.

Edit: I HAVE to believe the HBO shows will remain on a streaming platform somewhere, whether that's on Discovery or on a scaled-back HBOMax that sticks around. But trust me, the people in the trenches don't really know where this is headed right now, either.

Between only wanting blockbusters for theatrical films and seeing films made for streaming as worthless...is there any reason for any creator not interested with blockbuster filmmaking to work with WB-Discovery? Streaming is now a go-to home for a lot of filmmakers and film genres due to the current box office landscape. If you're not on the level of any MCU entry, or more novel/non-superhero flicks like Jurassic World and Top Gun: Maverick, you're more likely than not getting financially hosed.

Disney made a point in bringing everything they own/produce towards Disney+ AND boosting the service with new exclusive films/shows; despite having a surefire stable of reliable moneymakers in the theaters. DC is supposed to be WB's direct answer to the hottest commodity in the industry and it's been in a perpetual state of critical/commercial flux; and as previously mentioned, WB's other major IPs like Wizarding World and GoT aren't on completely stable ground either.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
More from Variety:

View: https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1554622574658723840


In other words, the movie was nearly finished, and already building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw all that away?

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, the most likely reason: taxes.


"Batgirl" found itself on the bad end of that decision, apparently neither big enough to feel worthy of a major theatrical release nor small enough to make economic sense in an increasingly cutthroat streaming landscape. Spending the money to expand the scope of "Batgirl" for theaters — plus the $30 million to $50 million needed to market it domestically and the tens of millions more needed for a global rollout — could have nearly doubled spending on the film, and insiders say that was a non-starter at a company newly focused on belt-tightening and the bottom line. (Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Warner Bros. Discovery declined to comment for this story.)

Releasing the movie on HBO Max would seem to be the most obvious solution. Instead, the company has shelved "Batgirl" — along with the "Scoob!" sequel — and several sources say it will almost certainly take a tax write-down on both films, seen internally as the most financially sound way to recoup the costs (at least, on an accountant's ledger). It could justify that by chalking it up to a post-merger change of strategy.

Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio.


Why Warner Bros. Killed ‘Batgirl’: Inside the Decision Not to Release the DC Movie

'Batgirl' was nearly finished and building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw it all away? Taxes.

Aha. A tax write off. This does explain it.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get it. The rumour is it's canned because it's not 'blockbuster enough' to release theatrically, but they just announced it was getting a cinema release here in the UK

Edit- Ah Tax write off, can't win against that.

Are you sure? A pretty big chunk of Marvel Studio's upcoming slate is B/C-list characters.
Iron Man was B tier and they made him bigger than Superman.

Thor has a movie? *Laughter* Really? I mean, come on. And there's no Superman movie? This is, like, the world's out of balance. It's like, we've lost our minds here, people, come on.

That's an actual quote from Zack Snyderverse.
Feige is a genius.
Last edited:


Nov 4, 2017
More from Variety:

seen internally as the most financially sound way to recoup the costs (at least, on an accountant's ledger). It could justify that by chalking it up to a post-merger change of strategy.

Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio.


This isn't a "it'll be on cable in a year or two" plan, this is being put into a vault forever. You're only going to see it if someone leaks it.

Warner Brothers is dead to creatives if they do it. This is spending two years of your life and seeing nothing from it.
At least the Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie got out there for fans to watch.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Tax write-off for big budget blockbusters lmao, the absolute state of corporate acquisition entertainment.


Jul 3, 2020
So the only way we'll see this movie is if someone leaks a rough edit of the movie a la 1994's Fantastic Four? That's super shitty. Fuck.

Yeah. At best a workprint with no CGI nor post-processing. Maybe some placeholders here and there. The villain was Firefly, I guess his jetpack and flamethrower would've been CGI so...

This is making me so angry.


Mar 14, 2019
Feel bad for Leslie Grace. If she's still down to play a superhero, I'm sure Marvel has someone she'd be a good fit for.


Apr 14, 2018
Fans are angry. Creative talent feels unsupported and alienated. Employees fear layoffs. Reporters are calling it an unprecedented decision in hollywood. The snyderverse flunkies think this is somehow all about them. But hey we got the tax write off


One Winged Slayer
Dec 16, 2017
Yeah. At best a workprint with no CGI nor post-processing. Maybe some placeholders here and there. The villain was Firefly, I guess his jetpack and flamethrower would've been CGI so...

This is making me so angry.
Played by Brendan fucking Fraser, no less. Apparently he was a highlight of the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fairly unprecedented. How many major films are out there that that finished principal photography and are just stuck in a vault in perpetuity? I'm struggling to think of any. I'm not talking about movies that filmed a lot but had major reshoots (Justice League, Back to the Future, Superman 2). I'm talking just finished and never released. Utterly bizarre. Even Paul Schrader's Exorcist sequel got a release after they had Renny Harlin remake it.

Just from a standpoint of film as an art form this is honestly offensive. I don't care if the film was middling- the cast and crew don't deserve to have all their hard work stay locked up forever just so WB can take a tax writeoff.


Jun 21, 2019
Holy shit. I feel sooo bad for the actress, I mean obviously they already got paid but man all that for nothing.

A lot of people to feel bad for here.

What gets me more than anything is it's just embarrassing, especially because a lot of people are going to assume it was canned because it's terrible, when every concrete report we've had says that quality had nothing to do with it. It's just about scope and scale, and is yet another example of the relatively mid-budget movie dying off only because some of these large corporations are confused about monetizing them between the popularity of streaming and the tradition of theatrical releases.


Oct 28, 2017
More from Variety:

View: https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1554622574658723840


In other words, the movie was nearly finished, and already building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw all that away?

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, the most likely reason: taxes.


"Batgirl" found itself on the bad end of that decision, apparently neither big enough to feel worthy of a major theatrical release nor small enough to make economic sense in an increasingly cutthroat streaming landscape. Spending the money to expand the scope of "Batgirl" for theaters — plus the $30 million to $50 million needed to market it domestically and the tens of millions more needed for a global rollout — could have nearly doubled spending on the film, and insiders say that was a non-starter at a company newly focused on belt-tightening and the bottom line. (Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Warner Bros. Discovery declined to comment for this story.)

Releasing the movie on HBO Max would seem to be the most obvious solution. Instead, the company has shelved "Batgirl" — along with the "Scoob!" sequel — and several sources say it will almost certainly take a tax write-down on both films, seen internally as the most financially sound way to recoup the costs (at least, on an accountant's ledger). It could justify that by chalking it up to a post-merger change of strategy.

Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio.


Why Warner Bros. Killed ‘Batgirl’: Inside the Decision Not to Release the DC Movie

'Batgirl' was nearly finished and building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw it all away? Taxes.

Hilarious. Zazlov wants to repair damage with creatives upset at the films going straight to streaming by putting them in theaters first(let's be real this was about more money not helping creatives) and then damage relationships with creatives by dumpstering two films for a tax right off. Oh boy.
Nov 3, 2020
I mean yeah, most people that are alive are 30 plus. Like people have been going to the movies along time fam, along time before batfleck came around.

You were born in 97 so it makes sense you would not care much about him. You probably didnt care about the 90s bats either.
That's statistically untrue, about 52% of the world's population are under the age of 30.

More relevant to the film though is that the olds haven't been showing up to the theater for a lot of films post-COVID. Maybe Top Gun has changed things though. It will be interesting to see how it performs.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
More from Variety:

View: https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1554622574658723840


In other words, the movie was nearly finished, and already building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw all that away?

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, the most likely reason: taxes.


"Batgirl" found itself on the bad end of that decision, apparently neither big enough to feel worthy of a major theatrical release nor small enough to make economic sense in an increasingly cutthroat streaming landscape. Spending the money to expand the scope of "Batgirl" for theaters — plus the $30 million to $50 million needed to market it domestically and the tens of millions more needed for a global rollout — could have nearly doubled spending on the film, and insiders say that was a non-starter at a company newly focused on belt-tightening and the bottom line. (Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Warner Bros. Discovery declined to comment for this story.)

Releasing the movie on HBO Max would seem to be the most obvious solution. Instead, the company has shelved "Batgirl" — along with the "Scoob!" sequel — and several sources say it will almost certainly take a tax write-down on both films, seen internally as the most financially sound way to recoup the costs (at least, on an accountant's ledger). It could justify that by chalking it up to a post-merger change of strategy.

Doing so, however, would mean that Warner Bros. cannot monetize either movie — no HBO Max debut, no sale to another studio.


Why Warner Bros. Killed ‘Batgirl’: Inside the Decision Not to Release the DC Movie

'Batgirl' was nearly finished and building awareness among fans. Why would Warner Bros. Discovery throw it all away? Taxes.

This is insane.


Nov 13, 2017
This is fairly unprecedented. How many major films are out there that that finished principal photography and are just stuck in a vault in perpetuity? I'm struggling to think of any. I'm not talking about movies that filmed a lot but had major reshoots (Justice League, Back to the Future, Superman 2). I'm talking just finished and never released. Utterly bizarre. Even Paul Schrader's Exorcist sequel got a release after they had Renny Harlin remake it.

Just from a standpoint of film as an art form this is honestly offensive. I don't care if the film was middling- the cast and crew don't deserve to have all their hard work stay locked up forever just so WB can take a tax writeoff.

And if I'm reading that correctly, because it's a tax write off they can never release it. Like no Snyder cut, no direct to video/streaming way down the line, nothing.

Stupid corporate mergers.

Lionel Mandrake

Prophetic Lionel Mandrake
Oct 26, 2017
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.


Oct 25, 2017
After this news who is excited about the state and future of dc, raise your hand. Killing movies for tax ride offs good god.


Oct 25, 2017
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.
I hope some leakers that are angry workers ruined their plans for a narrative they had all laid out and right now the dude is fuming.


alt account
Oct 23, 2021
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.
Fuck them. Let them sink. Apple or Disney will buy them eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.

I really doubt any of this will happen. I really wonder if most of the masses even knew a Batgirl movie was in the works, and there isn't an online cult behind Batgirl like there was with Snyder. Sadlly this will probably all be forgotten by the time the next DC movie releases.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Hilarious. Zazlov wants to repair damage with creatives upset at the films going straight to streaming by putting them in theaters first(let's be real this was about more money not helping creatives) and then damage relationships with creatives by dumpstering two films for a tax right off. Oh boy.
He didn't want to repair damage with creatives. By and large aside from Nolan, others had made peace with WB prior. This is just damaging creative relationships by saying either make blockbusters guaranteed to make money or make budget reality and sitcoms.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hilarious. Zazlov wants to repair damage with creatives upset at the films going straight to streaming by putting them in theaters first(let's be real this was about more money not helping creatives) and then damage relationships with creatives by dumpstering two films for a tax right off. Oh boy.
Yeah, I can't imagine that anyone linked to either film would come away from this with good feelings about WB. Putting a year of your life into something only to have it buried never to be seen must be a horrible feeling.


Oct 28, 2017
He didn't want to repair damage with creatives. By and large aside from Nolan, others had made peace with WB prior. This is just damaging creative relationships by saying either make blockbusters guaranteed to make money or make budget reality and sitcoms.

I know it's just in the article. The entire thing is comical.

Discovery as CEO this spring, the exec went on a well-publicized listening tour designed to repair the company's relationship with the creative community. As part of that effort, Zaslav has made no secret of reversing Kilar's strategy and committing to releasing first-run feature films in theaters before putting them on HBO Max.


Sep 18, 2018
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.

It's not going to be a good look for the merger when literally every story is negative. Like, Chapek sucks over at Disney, but early on he mostly kept his toes out of SW/MCU/WDAS so even while he was destroying the parks there was at least something to hang your hat on. Not only does it feel like nothing is safe at WB, but they're not even trying to distract with anything.


Oct 25, 2017
So according to Variety they think that the amount they would save on taxes is greater than the amount of money they would make on HBO Max subscribers due to Batgirl and also greater than any profit they would make in a theater, especially given the ~100 million it would cost to expand the movie, market the movie, and distribute the movie.


Nov 13, 2017
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.

I mean maybe if there's an AMA and the bots come out in force, otherwise I don't see this becoming a huge thing that's going to eclipse, say, the Black Adam premiere. Plus this is just Tuesday August 2, Zaslav will surely have some other baffling decisions that trump this before Black Adam nears.

I guess nobody had residuals for this? I'm surprised they can just shelve this with no penalty, though I guess this is in house so that makes a difference? I remember when the other guy made the announcement that their theatrical slate was going to HBO Max there was a great deal of commotion and people threatening to sue, right? This seems much much worse when it comes to making money.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I know it's just in the article. The entire thing is comical.
Right. It was more of a give me ammo to justify forced resignations tour rather than mending relationships. It's been almost entirely nothing but cancellations from Zaslav even for popular established shows.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about Batgirl but this bodes pretty poorly for HBO Max/WB's future under Zaslov. I thought WB was the last remaining major studio making some interesting content (and HBO has been great for tv) but it may be veering towards crap soon enough.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Like how is this supposed to work?

Every WB-centered Q&A at every convention and publicity tour is going to be filled with questions and angry reactions about this decision. There's going to be #ReleaseBatgirl stuff all over Twitter. This shit isn't going to just disappear. It's going to poison the well for all WB marketing for years.
It's Batgirl. As much as this sucks for the people involved, this isn't going to poison the well for years. Black Adam is up next. The person who will be fielding most of these questions at the press junket? The Rock. Warner Bros will be OK because if there was someone I'd trust to provide good PR, it's the Rock.

As for creatives, creatives need money and Warner Bros will still have money to hand out. You saw how quick the HBO Max day and date releases debacle went away when they offered talent money for their troubles. It's a business.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean maybe if there's an AMA and the bots come out in force, otherwise I don't see this becoming a huge thing that's going to eclipse, say, the Black Adam premiere. Plus this is just Tuesday August 2, Zaslav will surely have some other baffling decisions that trump this before Black Adam nears.
Maybe this week if rumors are true about merging hbo max with discovery. The shipwreck just started


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure which I'm more annoyed with:
1. We could have had a suit similar to a Burnside Batgirl design in a live action presentation.
2. This gets canned, but The Flash is still surviving in some kind of limbo.
3. Taxes.