
Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Alright how many of yall bought at least one Barbie due to this movie. If so I'm proud of you.

Please do not fear my horror themed mermaid, she can't hurt you.

I love the 40th one I think she's my favorite next to Western.


The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
This movie about a toy didn't have to go that hard. Fantastic cinema with real heart to it all. Didn't know there'd be so many musical elements in it either.

The only slight ding for me was it was initially pretty jarring that the film kind of revels in "look how crappy we treated kens [men] at the beginning and no, they still won't get representation". Buuuuut I mean. Let the ladies have this fantasy, god knows men get to live it enough irl and in media.
too me it sounds like theywere trying to reflect on how the real world is. With people saying gender bias is non existent now because so and so is now representation of such and such and so everyone should be satisfied but in reality it's nothing but. I like how it made even me a man with the least amount of confidence uncomfortable lol with how real they showed how men run things (white men mostly not all encompassing. ). I didn't like the movie but the message was strong and needed.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally watched this yesterday

it was fucking amazing, holy shit. probably my favorite movie of the year after Spider-Verse. pure kino.


One Winged Slayer
Apr 16, 2018
Just watched it earlier today and damn this is a great deconstruction film, and in the hands of a lesser creative team the plot would have been Barbie finding the girl in the real world with hijinks and making her feel better, the end. But they take the inciting incident and resolve it halfway through the movie. Just brilliant all around.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
I've watched this a while ago, but I didn't get to do a review on it until now. Here goes.

There was a number of ways Greta could have approached a Barbie movie and there was a number of directions it could have gone given the trailers we got (given it's a bit too much of wistful thinking to expect Hasbro to get too much of a bashing from their own movie). Still, it goes over a lot from how Barbie transformed the doll business to how it waned in influence over the decades to the point that it can be a punching bag to some. Barbie is still huge, but it doesn't hold as much influence as it did before.

I felt it was interesting to parallel regular Barbie's attempts to move through today's world with what women in general have struggled with: how to define themselves in a society that strives to tear them down. In a way, it does succeed in making the franchise more relatable to the modern audience.

That alone is well and good, but it also gives us the transformation of Ken's society. Seen as not much more than an afterthought in Barbie Land, Beach Ken gets a taste of the real world and sees a place where he's more seen (albeit due to established patriarchal societal norms. Of course he's been able to infect the entire Barbie World who has no defenses against such things (though it may also be due to the the relief of stress from responsibility, something I picked up on from the Sanctuary movie). Luckily, human characters Gloria and Sasha know just the basic countermeasures for such things and manages to take back control. It's a pretty amusing take on things.

Most of all, it does a good job tying things to how some men are trying to come to terms with said society. There's inherit power, but it comes with a lack of true bonds with each other, trying to seek validation for themselves on their worth when it appears that it was taken away from them. The lesson here is to be more like Alan. An unassuming guy who nevertheless knows his own worth, knows what he's good and bad at yet when push comes to shove he will help someone out with nothing in return. Kudos for the perfect casting of Michael Cera for this.

Hell, it may well be the best cast movie in the entire year. Damn near everyone gets time to shine to the point that I'll have to write an essay to go too deep on everyone. I just hope that at least somebody here should get an Oscar for it.

All of this while giving us the most visually unique movie experience in a good while. It may well be one of the most positively high femme movie to ever come out from Hollywood and it shows from its effects to choreography.

That said, there was no way we would get a movie that would more accurately show Hasbro's involvement in codifying toys between girls and boys that played a part of the current mess our world is facing, even if bigger factors were being applied here. It also feels like the Kens both got off the hook for the damage they caused yet get barely much reprisal for the lopsided gender balance in Barbieland.
Yet much of that can be seen as limitations as what Greta could do to appease a wide audience. All while we get beautiful small moments like Barbie meeting the old woman on the bench. The world can be awful, but it can still create gems. Much like the two beings on the bench who can surprise us. 8.5/10