
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
At first I was like holy shit that is the stupidest thing ever since when you shave your head will be covered with ants but ok if it fades away fine... if that makes you happy then go for it but it'd be way fucking cooler to shave your head and tattoo it with some viking symbols.

Deleted member 18360

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Oct 27, 2017
At first I was like holy shit that is the stupidest thing ever since when you shave your head will be covered with ants but ok if it fades away fine... if that makes you happy then go for it but it'd be way fucking cooler to shave your head and tattoo it with some viking symbols.

Nazis ruined runes and to a lesser extent shaved heads tbh.
Oct 28, 2017
Sorry, but I find tattooing your fucking head with fake hair to be absurd. And there is a perfectly normal way to improve one's appearance when heavily balding, and it's taking the hair down to a short length.

Maybe "sad" is a better term to use. I don't find the people to be sad, but I find being so desperate to have "hair" that they'd be willing to tattoo it on to be sad.
Whatever keeps you feeling superior, I guess.

Illithid Dude

Oct 26, 2017
damn just get prp treatments and go on propecia. sure prp may be the worst pain I've ever felt in my life but damn if my hair doesn't look slightly below average

Deleted member 44129

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May 29, 2018
I have a lot of issues with my body. I'm very average looking, man boobs, bit of a belly. Definitely getting upset about the ageing process, but fuuuuuck I'm glad I'm going grey like my grandad and not bald like my dad. If I go bald Im going to look ridiculous. I have a weak chin and a tiny head. I would look like a thumbs up in a T shirt.


Oct 25, 2017
Microblading is cheaper but he also did hair transplant which varies depending on how much you trying to do.


Oct 27, 2017
Short term solution for a long term (life long) problem.
What happens when your hair starts to gray or just fades in color as all hair does? The treatment you got will stick out like a sore thumb and then you have to die your hair and it will look like a toupee if you are lucky and then you are a 40 something year old dude that has what people think is a toupee on his head.

Just embrace it.
It is not cool to deny reality. This goes with hair as well. Really is that simple.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Just wear a stupid hat like that guy from Jamiroquai. Easy.
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Oct 30, 2017
I watched the video the other day, and I'm honestly thinking about it depending on how it turns out for him.

I'm pretty self-conscious about having hair and would like it to be/appear to be thicker again, and don't really want to be bald.


Oct 26, 2017
Everybody here just immediately says "GO BALD" here without know any details. OP could be at one of many different stages of balding. Shaving your head isn't the answer all the time. I had some thinning hair and was able to really improve it with not a lot of work. But the answer here for me would have been to just go bald.

Happens in every balding thread, doesn't matter what the situation is just "cut your losses" and "hit the gym".


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
My dad prepared me for hair loss from a young age, but I turn 31 next month and still going good. My dad started balding in his mid 20s
Oct 28, 2017
Happens in every balding thread, doesn't matter what the situation is just "cut your losses" and "hit the gym".
I had a little thinning in my corners and top. It didn't take long to get to this point. But this thread would have told me to just chop it all off.



Nov 5, 2017
My daily/weekly routine: Finasteride + Minoxidil + Biotin + Ketoconazole (2% strength cream) + a mixture of oils (mint + rosemary + lavender + jojoba as a carrier) + dermarolling/microneedling for good measure.

You may think this is excessive, but let me tell you this: With this setup, I went from being an average nearly 40-year-old balding man with an M-shaped hairline, to being a shoulder-length curly maned Adonis (sans muscles) with hair that dances in the wind, in just 6 months.

Before, no one used to give me a second glance; especially women. Now I get attention (OK, it's mostly compliments and questions about my hair, but it's still attention!) from women all the time. I sometimes catch balding men staring at my hair with pitiful expressions on their faces from being reminded of what they once had. Occasionally I get catcalled by men who don't realize I'm a dude. And whenever I step on the train, all eyes are on me.

I feel exactly like what Galadriel said she'd become if Frodo gave her the ring.

Before you lie down and die, AKA buzzcut + growing a beard + hitting the gym, I think you owe it to yourself to try my routine for at least a year or two to see how much you can regain.


Oct 25, 2017
As far as the guy in the video, therapy might be beneficial for him if he's stressing about his hair multiple times a day every day. Not that it's not something to be upset about, but just to possibly better cope with those feelings.
Ya he's taking this shit way too serious. Not healthy to stress about something like that IMO


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if we'll have a legit cure for baldness in the next decade. I would lose so much of my identity with a shaved head. I've been very lucky so far, but who knows how long any of us have with our glorious locks.

Also, give me a gym body with no work please, science. That would be so much better than having to spend hours and hours picking stuff up primarily to look pretty. I do it, and I'd love to be able to just stop and do fun stuff instead.
Oct 27, 2017
Everything about that video was hilarious and amazing. I'm gonna have to dig through their YT to see what else they have in there.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Not everyone born with a male body identifies as a man and balding can be some pretty rough shit to go through even outside of that.

Speaking like shaving it off is a simple one-size-fits-all solution is silly.


Oct 30, 2017
How does Lebron revitalize his hairline? I'm fortunately not experiencing much of any thinning or receding, but Lebron and Jamie Foxx's hair restoration has always impressed me. The latter might be a wig like Steve Harvey, but I've seen Lebron play 40 minutes of basketball in his shit.


Oct 29, 2017
If i ever start balding then im gonna go full cultisac hair, might as well wield the worst hair do ever
Oct 28, 2017
Not everyone born with a male body identifies as a man and balding can be some pretty rough shit to go through even outside of that.

Speaking like shaving it off is a simple one-size-fits-all solution is silly.
Yeah it's always silly to me when people act like they've "transcended beyond the petty need for hair" or something.


Oct 28, 2017
My cousin owns a microblading business and her husband does the scalp-blading for dudes. Looks great from what I've seen. Definitely doesn't replace hair but for those who want to keep the stubble look, it works just fine.
Dec 2, 2017
People really need to chill with the kneejerk "just shave your head" thing. It's cool for dudes with Jason Statham round craniums, but it absolutely does not work as a look for a lot of guys, especially if they're pale. Like this one good guy I see from time to time came into my workplace with a shaved head & I was startled, he really looked awful, vaguely creepy. He was so much better off with the balding dad look.
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Guts Of Thor

Oct 25, 2017
Fuck the gym. I don't have time for that lame shit.

My hairline is receding at a steady rate and am thinking about getting a hair transplant.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, dude in the video is doing it right; he's fighting when there's a fight left. It's people that do this shit:


These are the ones who just need to call it and shave their heads.


Oct 27, 2017
Just transplant if you can afford it. I've done it and I'm more than happy with it. IMO it's far better than shaving your head.


Oct 25, 2017
My daily/weekly routine: Finasteride + Minoxidil + Biotin + Ketoconazole (2% strength cream) + a mixture of oils (mint + rosemary + lavender + jojoba as a carrier) + dermarolling/microneedling for good measure.

You may think this is excessive, but let me tell you this: With this setup, I went from being an average nearly 40-year-old balding man with an M-shaped hairline, to being a shoulder-length curly maned Adonis (sans muscles) with hair that dances in the wind, in just 6 months.

Before, no one used to give me a second glance; especially women. Now I get attention (OK, it's mostly compliments and questions about my hair, but it's still attention!) from women all the time. I sometimes catch balding men staring at my hair with pitiful expressions on their faces from being reminded of what they once had. Occasionally I get catcalled by men who don't realize I'm a dude. And whenever I step on the train, all eyes are on me.

I feel exactly like what Galadriel said she'd become if Frodo gave her the ring.

Before you lie down and die, AKA buzzcut + growing a beard + hitting the gym, I think you owe it to yourself to try my routine for at least a year or two to see how much you can regain.
Why does this read like an ad lmfao
Oct 27, 2017
Some guys don't like to bic their head. Well, then just shave it short. You get some semblance of identity from your hair without it looking unkempt.

Jason Statham was/is a master of this look:



The groomed stubble completes the look. Badass looking and what I go for.


Oct 25, 2017
My daily/weekly routine: Finasteride + Minoxidil + Biotin + Ketoconazole (2% strength cream) + a mixture of oils (mint + rosemary + lavender + jojoba as a carrier) + dermarolling/microneedling for good measure.

You may think this is excessive, but let me tell you this: With this setup, I went from being an average nearly 40-year-old balding man with an M-shaped hairline, to being a shoulder-length curly maned Adonis (sans muscles) with hair that dances in the wind, in just 6 months.

Before, no one used to give me a second glance; especially women. Now I get attention (OK, it's mostly compliments and questions about my hair, but it's still attention!) from women all the time. I sometimes catch balding men staring at my hair with pitiful expressions on their faces from being reminded of what they once had. Occasionally I get catcalled by men who don't realize I'm a dude. And whenever I step on the train, all eyes are on me.

I feel exactly like what Galadriel said she'd become if Frodo gave her the ring.

Before you lie down and die, AKA buzzcut + growing a beard + hitting the gym, I think you owe it to yourself to try my routine for at least a year or two to see how much you can regain.
Okay, we gotta see some before and after pics. Blur your face or whatever I don't care.


Oct 27, 2017
My dad prepared me for hair loss from a young age, but I turn 31 next month and still going good. My dad started balding in his mid 20s

Your mothers side of the family can also have a hand in determining your propensity for baldness as you age, so you might have a completely different balding situation than your father. It's a genetic crap shoot, if both sides of your family have a lot of baldness than you're more likely to go bald but it's in no way an end all be all.


Oct 29, 2017
Fuck this "shave it off" advice

Do whatever the hell you want.

I plan on rocking the whispy top to one side full wreath look.

Old people don't have hair like this because they're lame, they have it because they're old.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
As usual, I feel compelled to tell everyone in this thread with the edgy "be a real man, go bald and hit the gym" to calm the hell down.

My hair transplant is an actual miracle, as far as I'm concerned. Seven years on and it still looks absolutely incredible. No one I've ever met was able to tell it was a transplant (unless they knew me beforehand), and if you've got the money, it's more than worth it.

Hitting the gym is still cool, though.


Apr 19, 2018
My sister either has alpocia or some kind of stress induced baldness. She just shaved her head last week. If she can do it so can you, hairs mich more important for women


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Your mothers side of the family can also have a hand in determining your propensity for baldness as you age, so you might have a completely different balding situation than your father. It's a genetic crap shoot, if both sides of your family have a lot of baldness than you're more likely to go bald but it's in no way an end all be all.

Interesting. My grandad (mum's dad) is 87 and still has a good amount of his hair. Fingers crossed.