
Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
OpenCritic - 52
Metacritic - 58 (PS5)

Supposedly no codes were out until release so we'll see reviews start coming over the next few days.

VGC - 2/5
For now, Balan is a wholly unremarkable, by-the-numbers example of a bygone era of platforming. If you go into it expecting PS2-era sensibilities, you may get something out of it, but if you're hoping for it to match up to the likes of Crash Bandicoot 4 or other modern platformers, the difference in quality is stark.

VideoChums - 8.2/10
If you have a soft spot for classic 3D platformers and imaginative game worlds, you'll have a lovely time with Balan Wonderworld. With a heartfelt story, plenty of cuteness, a clever costume system, and oodles of stages to master; it's one incredible adventure.

IGN France - 5/10
Starting with an interesting concept, Balan Wonderworld is the typical example of a game that doesn't manage to find a good mix between narration and gameplay. If several ideas are good, it would have been better to find a better balance in order to improve the feeling of the game in hand. In its desire to push the player to experiment and explore, the title takes away too many indications. A freedom that even applies to the controls or the objectives and that is confusing at first. It is hard to believe that this adventure where learning is done in pain and where reflexes are put to the test is intended for children...

NintendoLife - 3/10
We're not going to mince words here, Balan Wonderworld is a waste of your time. Monotonous level design, awful performance, and shallow gameplay combine to make for an experience that is simply not fun to play. It may look pretty (when it's framerate isn't chugging), but there simply isn't enough good content here to justify your time or money, and this is doubly true when you take into account that this is a full-priced retail release. If you're looking for a good 3D platformer for your Switch, this most definitely isn't it.

DigitalTrends - 1.5/5
Balan Wonderworld is a hodge-podge of half-formed platforming ideas that squander a whole lot of charm.

GameSpew - 6/10
If you're the patient sort, chances are you'll have a good time with Balan Wonderworld overall. Costume management is clunky, but you'll deal with it in order to find the secrets hidden within each world, and you won't be too perturbed by the eagerly respawning enemies and repetitive Balan Bout sequences. For most players though, everything combined will probably prove to be a little too much. Balan Wonderworld is a game that's capable of bringing out both delight and dismay in its players, though it serves up a little too much of the latter at times to be easily recommended.

Noisy Pixel - 5/10
Balan Wonderworld contains elements of what could have been a stellar platformer with its compelling ideas of advancement notions. However, its ineptitude with several gameplay design decisions makes it a constant struggle of unfun progression, questionable execution, and ultimately a heap of lost potential.

Use a Potion - 7.5/10
Balan Wonderworld will be divisive, but I actually had a pretty fun time exploring its whimsical levels and using the creative costumes to overcome its platforming challenges. The level design itself is on point too, whilst the wonderful soundtrack and addictive nature of grabbing all of the collectibles kept me coming back for more.

Cubed3 - 8/10
Balan Wonderworld is perfect for those who want a relatively relaxed game that delights the mind while not being overly tricky, fills up the cuteness meter, and rewards those who seek out every collectable. There are occasional frame rate drops and some potential confusion at the start due to lack of narration or knowledge about musicals. Along with what for some will be an issue with minimal lack of difficulty increase outside of boss battles and post-game content, this means overall enjoyment may be restricted for some players. However, for the ideal target audience the world of Balan is a joy to explore; the various textures of clothing, the world and items make it feel immersive. The whimsical and unique costumes add more than a style change, they are central to the thrill of helping chapter characters regain their happiness for their passion, be it a hobby or a job. The darker elements of the bosses' appearance and the regular enemies balance the predominantly cute style, making Balan Wonderworld a great new title from Square Enix.

IGN - 4/10
All the charm in the universe couldn't save Balan Wonderworld's half-baked platforming and ill-advised one-button design from being a complete bore.

TheSixthAxis - 6/10
Balan Wonderworld is a passable platformer marred by a string of increasingly baffling design decisions. It has charm by the bucketload and off-the-wall concepts that land well in spite of themselves, but the experience is inconsistent at best and frustrating at worst. There is a good game in here somewhere, and it is great fun at points, but waiting for those points isn't really worth it.

HobbyConsolas - 6.8 / 10
Mixed feelings: graphics and sound offer a surreal and engaging experience, but gameplay wise, several camera hiccups and uneven level design may become frustrating. Balan is able to appeal your inner child... If that child is a patient one.

Atomix - 6.5/10
Balan Wonderworld feels like a platformer game from 20 years ago, with outdated mechanics, controls and a horrible costume mechanic which locks the player out of many collectibles way too soon.

ShackNews - 6/10
The finished state of Balan Wonderworld is disappointing to say the least. For all of its style, I was really interested to see how they would expand upon the preview. The aesthetic and characters are there, the music is captivating, the level design made me want to explore and experiment where I could, and the abilities mostly gave me options to do so. However, these things are held down by a lot of contrivances and outright holes in either functionality or context. The final release of Balan Wonderworld felt like a rush job where good ideas, visuals, and sounds were forced to dance among either unfinished or unfun nonsense

NintendoWorldReport - 3/10
Wonder how a very well known publisher could stomach having it in their library. Wonder what in the world happened with the Switch version. Wonder where your $60 went.

NintendoLife - 3/10
We're not going to mince words here, Balan Wonderworld is a waste of your time. Monotonous level design, awful performance, and shallow gameplay combine to make for an experience that is simply not fun to play. It may look pretty (when it's framerate isn't chugging), but there simply isn't enough good content here to justify your time or money, and this is doubly true when you take into account that this is a full-priced retail release. If you're looking for a good 3D platformer for your Switch, this most definitely isn't it.

Video Reviews

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Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
95+ metacritic incoming baybeeeee
You joke but...



Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"For better or worse, Balan Wonderworld feels like an HD take on a PS2-era platformer."

the score says 2/5 but i read a 5/5


Oct 26, 2017
Been watching some streams and it isn't very good but also not THAT BAD as the demo made you believe IMO. It's janky, it should have been cheaper, and it's absolutely made for kids first. But there's some good ideas here and there and it's a really feel good game that sadly people just mock too much that aspect of the game.


Jan 30, 2019
Spaceball Arena
Will be interesting to see the reviews come pouring in over the next couple of days. Like we've already seen in the thread, this game has its audience!


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I plays the demo expecting it to be baaad, but I kind see this charm , it's like a game straight off the Dreamcast


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Been watching some streams and it isn't very good but also not THAT BAD as the demo made you believe IMO. It's janky, it should have been cheaper, and it's absolutely made for kids first. But there's some good ideas here and there and it's a really feel good game that sadly people just mock too much that aspect of the game.
Yeah I added a Balan tab on TweetDeck and from what I'm seeing there's quite a few people enjoying the game. I'll grab it eventually once it gets discounted.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a weird mess, and I wouldn't say it's a good game, but it's really endeared itself to me BECAUSE it's a weird mess. Zero regrets buying this.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of the platformers (PS2, GC etc) back then were better than the shite I played in the demo for this game.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Felt like this conclusion was a good quote from the VGC review, and probably pertinent for those expecting some dramatic trainwreck.

However, this isn't the worst game of all time, as some social media accounts might have you believe: we don't expect to see Balan Wonderworld threatening to appear in anyone's top 10 lists for the year, but as a package, it's mostly inoffensive and younger players or fans of retro games might even enjoy it a lot. We played through the entire game in a day, and as fans of the genre, it was… fine.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Also quoting Crash 4 as a "modern platformer". I mean the crash formula is literally older than that of most PS2 3D platformers.

It has a lot of modernisations that make it a modern platformer. Removing the ability to lose lives, for instance. A focus on replayability and longevity (it's maybe 3 times longer than any of the original games). Lots of unlockables too. It feels like a pretty modern platformer to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad that it seems the team at least did took some of the demo's criticisms to heart, I generally like games that Naka worked on so I was a bit bummed out that the demo wasn't good even in comparison to some of the stuff he worked previously like Billy Hatcher or Rodea Wii imo. Not a game that I will paying full price for but when it gets a discount I be checking it out for sure.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
Interested to see how this is received critically. I thought the demo was horrid.


Oct 26, 2017
Whatever happens with review scores, I've got faith that the Balan Wonderworld community is strong enough to endure anything.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's never that the game didn't look competently made for what it was. It's that the direction was so unabashedly clunky and felt like it eschewed years of advancements in the 3D space.


Dec 25, 2019
I'm pretty sure they had figured out walking animations in several PS2-era platformers


Oct 27, 2017
After playing something like Mario Odyssey this game looks like absolute worthless trash. Slow, clunky, confusing but at the same time not deep at all, hilariously bad visuals, etcetera. And it's $60 lol.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
This is one of those times I am bummed out that a game isn't as good as I wanted it to be from the first trailer and every showing since ended up feeling like a real time car crash, but I dunno, maybe I'll check it out at a discount.

I really wanted this to be Yuji Naka Presents: All of his good ideas in one game.

Naughty Dog in fucking shambles.


Oct 27, 2017
Comparing it to "PS2 platformers" like I've seen a few times is only applicable if you bought the most trash ass off brand platformers of the era. The demo was absolute garbage and it felt like something a kid made in Dreams.

Deleted member 7572

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Comparing it to "PS2 platformers" like I've seen a few times is only applicable if you bought the most trash ass off brand platformers of the era. The demo was absolute garbage and it felt like something a kid made in Dreams.
I mean, when I think of "off brand" platformers, I think of stuff like Ty, Kao, Vexx, etc.

All of which had more going for them than Balan, based on the demo.


Oct 25, 2017
I am here for the train wreck, but I would be absolutely delighted if this game ends up scoring well. Honestly, I want it to be good, but I did find that demo to be pretty horrific.

Assuming BW isn't radically different from the demo, that is a huge, undue insult to PS2-era platformers.

Yeah, outside of some camera issues, PS2 platformers did a lot right.


Oct 25, 2017
That VGC quote makes it sound like PS2-era platformers were never good at all, weird one. Very backhanded way to talk about a generation that gave us stuff like Ratchet and Clank, Jak, Psychonauts, and Sly Cooper.

Deleted member 75954

Account closed at user request
Jul 24, 2020
So many PS2-era platformers have aged very well, surprisingly jank-free compared to other genres in that generation. PS1-era platformers are a different issue...


Oct 25, 2017
I played a few chapters this afternoon. I dunno why I picked it up but I have a lot of appreciation for what Yuji Naka brought to my childhood so, whatever. I'm having a fun time, it's a solid 5-6/10 or so game and the art and music are fun and weird and Naka-esque which I'm enjoying. Controls like ass though. It reminds me of Yooka Laylee in that "kinda gets why you liked games like this but also misses the polish and/or point of doing that again by quite a wide margin" way and so I am not at all surprised that it's getting torn apart by a lot of reviewers, even nostalgia for the era of games this harkens back to isn't quite enough to get more than an extra occasional smile out of you.


Oct 25, 2017
What a terrible take. Jak II is great. Super tight platforming controls, great story, really amazing animation.

Playing jak 2 is legit one of my worst gaming experiences ever. To be fair I played it on the vita which was an horrendous port. Terrible controls (important buttons mapped to a specific part of the back touch pad), horrible framerates and at a couple of parts the platforming physics where straight up broken where you had like 50/50 chance of a jump actually working. Couple that with the shitty checkpoints and it was torture.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
The people who made Jak II hated platformers?

jason rubin was in an interview about how when he played super mario 64 that there wasn't any motivation other to get a cake from peach. and it was like, way to miss the actual point of the genre and why people play it.


Oct 26, 2017
on the other hand, it's an edgy trend-chasing embarrassment made by cynical assholes who hate platformers.
There was more actual platforming in Jak II than the original game though lol.
And I think there was just like 1 developer from Precursor Legacy who didn't return for the sequel, and a good amount of them were around during the Crash days.