
Oct 25, 2017
It's wrong, plain and simple. If the CEO of a multi-million dollar company said this in any other field the brand name would become toxic and nobody would wish to associate with it, in gaming we seemingly shake our head for a while but ultimately let it slide. But then this is also an award show where a man can say "Some good came from the Holocaust" and not only be invited as a VIP guest but also labelled a "friend" by the host.
The worst part is the target audience of most of these individuals are children and we all collectively normalise such views by accepting platforms like Keighley's awards who in turn celebrate these people.


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest, all these social awards are bizarrely places for a games ceremony. Game awards should be a celebration of the craft, not a celebration of those that report on them. They should spin off any influencer or journalist segments into their own awards, much like other industries do... But then that would involve integrity, and we fell know game awards aren't about that.


Oct 25, 2017
If you know his excuse of jealous wife and toxic fanbase wouldn't fly in any other industry, then you shouldn't defend him by using the wife or a few female streamers who are successful enough that they don't need exposure by him.


Oct 28, 2017
The problem with this way of seeing things is that it's too limited. But it's pretty common on resetera, you read a thread title one day, engage in it, and you make the mistake of thinking that this particular issue defines the subject in the eyes of everybody. It reminds me of "Pepe being an alt right symbol" issue. People on this forum just wouldn't budge in thinking that frog was highly problematic and shouldn't be used because their only exposure to it was through articles defining it during a very specific point in time (the US election). Ignoring that nearly every fandoms, every website are using them, from the deepest shithole to the most progressive people, and that it had long been reappropriated by everyone. But to a lot of resetera, it was still a very simple issue, Pepe is racist because of those two months they heard about it two years ago.

Ninja is a similar matter. For a lot of people here, Ninja is the guy that won't work with women, and sang the n-word in a rap song that one time. This is what defines him. And everytime he's mentioned on resetera, we always come back to this as the default. But you have to understand that 99% of people have a very different view of the guy. As controversial and stupid that particular issue is, the truth is that it barely defines him. Ninja is the guy that blew up like no gamer ever did, went on the mainstream, huge american talk shows with positivity and healthy message to kids everywhere. He's well spoken, charming, and doesn't scare parents away. Even is his ridiculous fame he stays humble. For a lot of people, this is what defines him. For others, it's the daily kid friendly streams that entertain hundreds of thousands of people, for others it's his charity work. As controversial as some of his decision has been, for a lot of people his public persona, his way of presenting himself and his work largely tip the scale towards a net positive against that one headline that was spread this one time.

I'm not saying resetera should forgive him for not wanting to play with women. If you think this is stupid, harmful, or a dealbreaker, I think it's valid. Myproblem, which is typical with this website, is that sometimes one issue can completely take over any discussion to the point we might refuse to even acknowledge the big picture. The Ninja big picture is so much bigger than this issue that to always bringing it back to this no matter what he does is akin to putting your head in the sand or living in a bubble. It's refusing to understand the whole situation. We are stuck on this issue while the whole world moved on.

Great post.

Pablo Mesa

Nov 23, 2017
Ah yes, like all those male movie stars that won't work with women because they're married and afraid of rumors.

how is that bad exactly? this is not a "hi, im Ninja and I cant keep my hand away from other women. so I will not do collab with any girl streamers cause im married" scenario. this is a married guy wanting to avoid any scenario where people would make rumors about him, let peoples court instantly decided his is guilty and the risk off ruining his marriage.

to be fair I dont follow movies stars or any other circle enough to know how often or not this type of things become into rumors about cheating or not. but if a married person decides he wants to avoid any chance of feeding internet drama. why is that bad?
Streamers are well known target for trolls, from stream snipping to SWATing.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
how is that bad exactly? this is not a "hi, im Ninja and I cant keep my hand away from other women. so I will not do collab with any girl streamers cause im married" scenario. this is a married guy wanting to avoid any scenario where people would make rumors about him, let peoples court instantly decided his is guilty and the risk off ruining his marriage.

Because it's sending out the message that it's ok to refuse to interact with half the population if you're affraid of what some assholes might have to say about it. It's sending that message to impressionable young kids. It's allowing people who'd harass women and people who associate with women to further exclude women from a hobby and a community which already has horrible inclusivity problems.

Today's lesson for what's supposed to be one of the most inclusive gaming communities on the internet is that THESE ARE BAD THINGS.


Nov 4, 2017
Because it's sending out the message that it's ok to refuse to interact with half the population if you're affraid of what some assholes might have to say about it. It's sending that message to impressionable young kids.
And let us not forgot that Ninja has started those rumours about other people which is why he's soooooo woried about people doing it to him. He helped encourage that sort of behaviour in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem with this way of seeing things is that it's too limited. But it's pretty common on resetera, you read a thread title one day, engage in it, and you make the mistake of thinking that this particular issue defines the subject in the eyes of everybody. It reminds me of "Pepe being an alt right symbol" issue. People on this forum just wouldn't budge in thinking that frog was highly problematic and shouldn't be used because their only exposure to it was through articles defining it during a very specific point in time (the US election). Ignoring that nearly every fandoms, every website are using them, from the deepest shithole to the most progressive people, and that it had long been reappropriated by everyone. But to a lot of resetera, it was still a very simple issue, Pepe is racist because of those two months they heard about it two years ago.

Ninja is a similar matter. For a lot of people here, Ninja is the guy that won't work with women, and sang the n-word in a rap song that one time. This is what defines him. And everytime he's mentioned on resetera, we always come back to this as the default. But you have to understand that 99% of people have a very different view of the guy. As controversial and stupid that particular issue is, the truth is that it barely defines him. Ninja is the guy that blew up like no gamer ever did, went on the mainstream, huge american talk shows with positivity and healthy message to kids everywhere. He's well spoken, charming, and doesn't scare parents away. Even is his ridiculous fame he stays humble. For a lot of people, this is what defines him. For others, it's the daily kid friendly streams that entertain hundreds of thousands of people, for others it's his charity work. As controversial as some of his decision has been, for a lot of people his public persona, his way of presenting himself and his work largely tip the scale towards a net positive against that one headline that was spread this one time.

I'm not saying resetera should forgive him for not wanting to play with women. If you think this is stupid, harmful, or a dealbreaker, I think it's valid. Myproblem, which is typical with this website, is that sometimes one issue can completely take over any discussion to the point we might refuse to even acknowledge the big picture. The Ninja big picture is so much bigger than this issue that to always bringing it back to this no matter what he does is akin to putting your head in the sand or living in a bubble. It's refusing to understand the whole situation. We are stuck on this issue while the whole world moved on.
Absolutely this. Lack of any nuance, or dare I say in some case, the intent to remove all nuance, is a big problem on this forum, and it's unfortunate.

Pablo Mesa

Nov 23, 2017
And let us not forgot that Ninja has started those rumours about other people which is why he's soooooo woried about people doing it to him.

Because it's sending out the message that it's ok to refuse to interact with half the population if you're affraid of what some assholes might have to say about it. It's sending that message to impressionable young kids. It's allowing people who'd harass women and people who associate with women to further exclude women from a hobby and a community which already has horrible inclusivity problems.

Today's lesson for what's supposed to be one of the most inclusive gaming communities on the internet is that THESE ARE BAD THINGS.
The problem is not the 1 asshole saying stuff, the problem is the masses reaction to what that 1 asshole said. the people court (internet mostly) have prove to be very vocal, volatile and given most scenario, run by "guilty till proven innocent" that is what most people would be afraid off


Jan 21, 2018
User Banned (1 day): dismissive drive-by post
It's a stupid thing to say. But it's not important enough to make a fuss about in my opinion. Ninja seems like a nice guy. Deserved award.


Oct 25, 2017
IMO this is what happens when you're terrified of losing or alienating even one person in your audience. I think it's an extension of Geoff's public persona. He is inclusive and very affable, but when has he gone out of his way to denounce gamergate or support those denouncing it?

The controversial comments made by Ninja, PDP, and Boogie have all been glossed over.
Oct 26, 2017

The problem is not the 1 asshole saying stuff, the problem is the masses reaction to what that 1 asshole said. the people court (internet mostly) have prove to be very vocal, volatile and given most scenario, run by "guilty till proven innocent" that is what most people would be afraid off

Apply this line of thinking to any other profession or any other group of people.

Complete these sentences in a way you feel is reasonable;

I do not work with gay people because...

I do not work with black people because...

Now tell me why there's an acceptable ending to that sentence if the group being talked about is women.


Nov 4, 2017

The problem is not the 1 asshole saying stuff, the problem is the masses reaction to what that 1 asshole said. the people court (internet mostly) have prove to be very vocal, volatile and given most scenario, run by "guilty till proven innocent" that is what most people would be afraid off
There's a clip of him doing it to another streamer on this article - if he knows that these rumours are so damaging why would he start them knowing what it would cause?


Nov 4, 2017
so you do admit there is a problem but are telling me thast Ninja should just deal with it rather than avoid the problem altogether?
If he wants to avoid it all together, the solution is leaving the job not discriminting against 50% of the population. That's what would happen in a normal workplace.
Oct 26, 2017
so you do admit there is a problem but are telling me thast Ninja should just deal with it rather than avoid the problem altogether?

I'm not admitting anything because I didn't claim anything to the contrary. If people make up rumours about you because they're fucking idiots then that's on them. Call them on it, prove them wrong or ignore them, don't exclude half the population because you're affraid of what those cunts might say. Again, if a subsection of his viewers kicked off any time he collaborated with a black streamer would he just say that's it, I'm not working with black people any more?

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Jontron is popular because:

A lot people who still watch his content don't know about his views

Some who do don't care

And then there are some who do know, do care, but are somehow able to separate the content from the creator's views


I don't think the incident was broadcast widely enough outside of enthusiast forums and a few articles on a few websites.

Like rumours, speculation and arguing about resolution/ frame rate, 99.9% of people who consume video games don't have a clue about any of this stuff. I doubt they would care even if they did which is a shame.


Apr 6, 2018
The hell is wrong with people here jumping to "he's insecure and she's jealous" or some crap to justify their biases.

No, he's just doing it to protect himself and his family harassment, none of the other stuff you're trying to accuse him of.


Nov 20, 2017
Are you guys really giving this guy a pass on this? I mean, c'mon! I know it's hard for you spoiled white men to put yourself on others place, but try in this case.


Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand why people treat this as some sort of an affront to human decency. The man has the right to decide who he will and will not play games with. He doesn't owe anyone his time or platform.

If you want to disagree with his stance or if you want to stream and play games without his own personal guidelines fine go for it. But trying to drag the dudes name through the mud as if he's committed some horrible offense when in reality he's one of the few streaming personalities who actually goes out of his way to make his streams as kid friendly and inoffensive as he possibly can is just nuts to me.

Nobody is owed his time, his attention or his platform. He is free to decide who he does and doesn't want to include in any of those. His choice doesn't hurt anyone because nobody is entitled to his platform.

If this is really the only major issue people have with him then considering the major issues that surround so many other mega popular streamers I would think he would be regarded pretty positively in comparison but instead the opposite seems true.


Oct 26, 2017
I will never understand why people treat this as some sort of an affront to human decency. The man has the right to decide who he will and will not play games with. He doesn't owe anyone his time or platform.

If you want to disagree with his stance or if you want to stream and play games without his own personal guidelines fine go for it. But trying to drag the dudes name through the mud as if he's committed some horrible offense when in reality he's one of the few streaming personalities who actually goes out of his way to make his streams as kid friendly and inoffensive as he possibly can is just nuts to me.

Nobody is owed his time, his attention or his platform. He is free to decide who he does and doesn't want to include in any of those. His choice doesn't hurt anyone because nobody is entitled to his platform.

If this is really the only major issue people have with him then considering the major issues that surround so many other mega popular streamers I would think he would be regarded pretty positively in comparison but instead the opposite seems true.

Would you react the same way if Ninja openly stated that he doesn't stream with black people because it's just too big a hassle?

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
I'm always nervous playing with women online because I'm afraid of what my girlfriend of 7 years will think. So I can understand how Ninja feels. There are a ton of women on psn who will stick together too for whatever reason.

LMAO at you thinking this is normal.


Oct 25, 2017
Would you react the same way if Ninja openly stated that he doesn't stream with black people because it's just too big a hassle?
I'd say that's certainly a less defensible position to take and seems utterly without merit or reason to me but he's still free to make that choice as nobody is entitled to his platform.

My question is why are you flipping the script and creating an outrageous scenario that is not and never will be true in order to avoid engaging with the points I've made? He hasn't made that declaration and implying that it's an equivalent is a massive stretch due to the racial baggage and unavoidable racism it would bring to the table. Not playing with black people almost assuredly implies taking issue with people because they are black because the toxicity issue is not an equal concern.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
The person in question has chosen to not play videogames with women for reasons he knows best. It is his right to do so but this can be seen as a discriminating behaviour so such persons should NEVER being awarded because we should not make them as the good examples that represent the gaming community in general.

Defending this award sends the wrong message.
Oct 26, 2017
I will never understand why people treat this as some sort of an affront to human decency. The man has the right to decide who he will and will not play games with. He doesn't owe anyone his time or platform.

If you want to disagree with his stance or if you want to stream and play games without his own personal guidelines fine go for it. But trying to drag the dudes name through the mud as if he's committed some horrible offense when in reality he's one of the few streaming personalities who actually goes out of his way to make his streams as kid friendly and inoffensive as he possibly can is just nuts to me.

Nobody is owed his time, his attention or his platform. He is free to decide who he does and doesn't want to include in any of those. His choice doesn't hurt anyone because nobody is entitled to his platform.

If this is really the only major issue people have with him then considering the major issues that surround so many other mega popular streamers I would think he would be regarded pretty positively in comparison but instead the opposite seems true.

He won't work with women. Swap any other group of people for the word 'women' in that sentence and then tell me why that's ok. I'll wait.

While you're tying your mind in knots trying to come up with a reason that's ok, ask yourself why you feel so besieged by people having a problem with this, because your language is very telling. 'Affront to human decency', 'drag the dude's name through the mud', 'horrible offense'.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Mel Gibson broke a woman's teeth after raving about Jews and got nominated for Oscars afterward. Roman Polanski literally raped a young girl and won Best Director years later.

So. Yeah. It's a thing.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm sorry but, why is he required to play with women again?

I think the times where he shows how much of a complete scumbag and fake person he is, like when he goes on a insult rampage towards his viewers and fellow players just because he got killed, a much better example on why he shouldn't have won anything at all. Sonic Fox however, now there's an example of a decent human being and I'm glad he got recognized. Just needs to work on his modesty a bit xD
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Oct 26, 2017
I'd say that's certainly a less defensible position to take and seems utterly without merit or reason to me but he's still free to make that choice as nobody is entitled to his platform.

My question is why are you flipping the script and creating an outrageous scenario that is not and never will be true in order to avoid engaging with the points I've made? He hasn't made that declaration and implying that it's an equivalent is a massive stretch due to the racial baggage and unavoidable racism it would bring to the table. Not playing with black people almost assuredly implies taking issue with people because they are black because the toxicity issue is not an equal concern.

You're so close to getting it! Come on, you're nearly there, you can do it!


Oct 25, 2017
He won't work with women. Swap any other group of people for the word 'women' in that sentence and then tell me why that's ok. I'll wait.

While you're tying your mind in knots trying to come up with a reason that's ok, ask yourself why you feel so besieged by people having a problem with this, because your language is very telling. 'Affront to human decency', 'drag the dude's name through the mud', 'horrible offense'.
You're the second person whose pulled this nonsense. If you want an answer read my other response.

I don't feel besieged but I do feel frustrated that folks insist on looking at this guy who is clearly doing a lot of good for the medium and for society through charity work while being an extremely positive influence for kids in a field that is rife with absolutely appalling role models and then condemning him or treating him as if he is some horrible monster. In reality he is one of the least problematic popular personalities out there; one that fights for and helps fund social causes; one that makes an active effort to be a positive role model to what is widely known to be a very young audience.

So yea when I see someone that does a lot of good in a lot of ways treated as if he doesn't deserve an award for the good he's done or the incredible things he has actually accomplished in a field full of genuinely undeserving problematic people I'm both baffled and miffed. Frankly y'all are missing the forest for the trees and the repeated insistence on glaring at the tree is frustrating as all get out to see over and over again

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The problem with this way of seeing things is that it's too limited. But it's pretty common on resetera, you read a thread title one day, engage in it, and you make the mistake of thinking that this particular issue defines the subject in the eyes of everybody. It reminds me of "Pepe being an alt right symbol" issue. People on this forum just wouldn't budge in thinking that frog was highly problematic and shouldn't be used because their only exposure to it was through articles defining it during a very specific point in time (the US election). Ignoring that nearly every fandoms, every website are using them, from the deepest shithole to the most progressive people, and that it had long been reappropriated by everyone. But to a lot of resetera, it was still a very simple issue, Pepe is racist because of those two months they heard about it two years ago.

Ninja is a similar matter. For a lot of people here, Ninja is the guy that won't work with women, and sang the n-word in a rap song that one time. This is what defines him. And everytime he's mentioned on resetera, we always come back to this as the default. But you have to understand that 99% of people have a very different view of the guy. As controversial and stupid that particular issue is, the truth is that it barely defines him. Ninja is the guy that blew up like no gamer ever did, went on the mainstream, huge american talk shows with positivity and healthy message to kids everywhere. He's well spoken, charming, and doesn't scare parents away. Even is his ridiculous fame he stays humble. For a lot of people, this is what defines him. For others, it's the daily kid friendly streams that entertain hundreds of thousands of people, for others it's his charity work. As controversial as some of his decision has been, for a lot of people his public persona, his way of presenting himself and his work largely tip the scale towards a net positive against that one headline that was spread this one time.

I'm not saying resetera should forgive him for not wanting to play with women. If you think this is stupid, harmful, or a dealbreaker, I think it's valid. Myproblem, which is typical with this website, is that sometimes one issue can completely take over any discussion to the point we might refuse to even acknowledge the big picture. The Ninja big picture is so much bigger than this issue that to always bringing it back to this no matter what he does is akin to putting your head in the sand or living in a bubble. It's refusing to understand the whole situation. We are stuck on this issue while the whole world moved on.

I can't word it better than this, honestly.

I get the issue and I also understand why people are mad at him, but I also understand Ninja's explanations on it as well. I myself have a very jealous GF so I can relate. What he does is out of fear to break is marriage and not because he hates women, I mean, there is context.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I'm not sure how to get through to Geoff, because let's be honest, Ninja is one of the biggest content creators in the world. It's bigger than Geoff and the Game Awards. I was randomly recommended a video by JonTron (ick) and I saw it had over 5 million views. What. The. Fuck. How are these people even popular? I wish Geoff would acknowledge the issues that his relationships with these people create. I sadly don't see it happening though.

because they make funny videos on the internet that are largely disconnected from their private personas. Its like the NFL treating people with kid gloves who have very bad records off of the field because they are good at sports.

On the other hand....there could be actual reasons why Ninja says he doesnt like to play with women, and people on Era could just use out of context soundbites to determine people's worth and their arguments every time those people are brought up.

Both could be right, both society's habit to look the other way, and the Resetera moral outrage bubble.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry but, why is he required to play with women again?

Nobody is saying he's required to, and you know that. What a few of us are saying is that his reasons for refusing to are bullshit, reinforces an already hostile environment for women in gaming communities, normalises that shit for his audience (which is largely children) and that in a time where women are being increasingly targeted by fuckwits within our hobby telling them that they're pretty much just an inconvenience he doesn't need and then celebrating him with industry rewards despite that is kind of shitty.
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Jan 7, 2018
So how does this work? Does he have a group of friends he streams with and if a girl ends up in the discord call or whatever she just gets kicked or what lol. He's been streaming/making vids for ages right? Only reasonable excuse I can think of is some dumb rule he made up because of ancient history internet drama.

Devils advocate imagine a female streamer saying she doesn't like streaming with men and everyone being like "...ok?"


Oct 26, 2017
I can't word it better than this, honestly.

I get the issue and I also understand why people are mad at him, but I also understand Ninja's explanations on it as well. I myself have a very jealous GF so I can relate. What he does is out of fear to break is marriage and not because he hates women, I mean, there is context.

His wife didn't ask him to do this. It's on him. But putting it on the "very jealous" woman in the relationship instead of the sexism displayed by Ninja fits this issue pretty well.

I'd say that's certainly a less defensible position to take and seems utterly without merit or reason to me but he's still free to make that choice as nobody is entitled to his platform.

My question is why are you flipping the script and creating an outrageous scenario that is not and never will be true in order to avoid engaging with the points I've made? He hasn't made that declaration and implying that it's an equivalent is a massive stretch due to the racial baggage and unavoidable racism it would bring to the table. Not playing with black people almost assuredly implies taking issue with people because they are black because the toxicity issue is not an equal concern.

Why is it less defensible to descriminate based on race than to descriminate based on gender? This shouldn't be a competition.

Both of these scenarios are the same - both discrimate a marginalized group in our industry. In the current one, Ninja doesn't engage with Women because he doesn't want to deal with the hassle of his community possibly spreading "rumors". In my scenario, NInja wouldn't engage with Black People because he doesn't want to deal with the hassle of his community possibly being racist.

Both are equally categorically not OK. This is exactly how and why basically every group of people other than white men have such an uphill battle to fight in the industry.


Oct 29, 2017
Ninja doesn't stream with women because the internet is a dumpster fire and he is a married man. In addition to the stupid rumors and the way twitch chat reacts to it, it could also come between him and his wife personally. How would it effect his relationship if he was spending that much time each week with another women? I know it is just online, but his wife could still start to see it as a problem and/or get jealous. This isn't just a business decision it's also a personal one.

And he also doesn't play with subscribers or children. If he starts playing with subscribers, it would open the floodgates and every donation and message would be "can I play?!?". And if he plays with subs/children, he can't predict how they will behave or what they will say on his stream.

And sure at the end of the day you might still say he is wrong. I understand that, but even if that is the case the dude made a mistake. It doesn't make him a horrible person, or unworthy of an award. People are fallible and he did what he thought was best for his business and his marriage.

Sometimes it feels like ERA is a forum of 100% perfect people that have never made a mistake before in their lives.


Oct 26, 2017
Ninja doesn't stream with women because the internet is a dumpster fire and he is a married man. In addition to the stupid rumors and the way twitch chat reacts to it, it could also come between him and his wife personally. How would it effect his relationship if he was spending that much time each week with another women? I know it is just online, but his wife could still start to see it as a problem and/or get jealous. This isn't just a business decision it's also a personal one.

He is on record saying that it's his idea alone and his wife as nothing to do with it. Seriously. Seeing the decision of a man not to engage with women during his work hours being put on his wife because ,hey, maybe she is an actual crazy person who can't deal with him ever looking at another woman WHAT ELSE SHOULD THE POOR MAN DO, is so extremely and completely sexist I can hardly deal with it.

Yet again: I want you guys to imagine a scenario where Ninja openly states that he will not talk to black people, latinos or anyone but white men on his streams because he doesn't want to deal with the casual racism in his chat. Would you be OK with that?

No? Good! You're halfway there!
Yes? Then you have a lot more problems that are way too fundamentally fucked up to get resolved in this thread

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
how is that bad exactly? this is not a "hi, im Ninja and I cant keep my hand away from other women. so I will not do collab with any girl streamers cause im married" scenario. this is a married guy wanting to avoid any scenario where people would make rumors about him, let peoples court instantly decided his is guilty and the risk off ruining his marriage.

to be fair I dont follow movies stars or any other circle enough to know how often or not this type of things become into rumors about cheating or not. but if a married person decides he wants to avoid any chance of feeding internet drama. why is that bad?
Streamers are well known target for trolls, from stream snipping to SWATing.

What actor refuses to act on the same scene as the opposite gender?

Pablo Mesa

Nov 23, 2017
What actor refuses to act on the same scene as the opposite gender?
wut? I never said that.

also different matter (orange and apples) . actors dont have the leisure to chose who they act with. Steramers (specially someone the size of Ninja) can pick up who he wants to do collars with or not

Yet again: I want you guys to imagine a scenario where Ninja openly states that he will not talk to black people, latinos or anyone but white men on his streams because he doesn't want to deal with the casual racism in his chat. Would you be OK with that?
this is some hard mental gymnastics there bro.
He is not avoiding it cause "I dont want people to know im a asshole" he is avoiding cause "I would rather not give people room to create rumors".

how is that many people here still driven to the conclusion that he is avoiding pairing with girl streamer cause he hate em or something in those lines?


Oct 27, 2017
You need to think that the vast majority of people just doesn't care about that stuff. You're like the 1%, almost irrelevant to even care on his audience.


Oct 29, 2017
He is on record saying that it's his idea alone and his wife as nothing to do with it. Seriously. Seeing the decision of a man not to engage with women during his work hours being put on his wife because ,hey, maybe she is an actual crazy person who can't deal with him ever looking at another woman WHAT ELSE SHOULD THE POOR MAN DO, is so extremely and completely sexist I can hardly deal with it.

Zero reading comprehension. I literally didn't say any of that. I didn't say it was her decision, I didn't say she is crazy/would have to be crazy for feeling that way, and I never called Ninja "poor man" or felt sorry for him.


Jun 9, 2018
The most insane thing about this is people call it discrimination as if the streamers he isn't streaming with are employees, or customers, but they're neither. He's not paying them, or being paid by them, or anything like that.

It would be one thing if he refused to Hire women, another if he refused to produce content for women (As odd as that would be in this context...) but neither of these are the case. In fact, I bet there are plenty of streamers of both genders that choose not to do this, either for similar or other reasons, but they aren't under a microscope because they're not the "Number 1 streamer" or somesuch.
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Inflammatory false equivalencies
I've had female commilitones who refused to study with a guy for a test, if no other women were present... even in a public place like a library, because their boyfriend wouldn't be ok with it.

You can think about that what you want, but connecting that with her being sexist is pretty stuid in my opinion.
Oct 25, 2017
I was discussing this tonight with a friend if the Game Award winners know in advance that they have won like with the MTV Movie Awards. And who of course decides on the awards? The producer's I suppose?

There was alot of lgbtq representation at the awards this year with nominees and winners. It's not excusing the presence of controversial individuals but I think it shows the producers are not perfect but they are trying.
Nominees are voted on by a jury of game journalists, and I think some devs? Winners are chosen through popular vote on the TGA site some weeks before the event.