
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Every Spider-Man will make an appearance to be the B I G P O P that makes everyone go crazy
I'm thinking for the Kang movie instead of secret wars but they can work in both
E v e r y o n e

Tobey finally learns what the avengers are
Hugh Jackman Logan shakes Tobey's hand.

$18 billion at box office confirmed.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd imagine that they're going to basically pull a '84 Secret Wars with Kang replacing the Beyonder, where Doom usurps Kang and takes his power for himself. But that's with the assumption certain rumors are true and if Doom ends up being the central figure of Secret Wars.
Like Doom making his entrance in Wakanda Forever and establishing Latveria and his presence as a threat.
Plus, it's very possible that Doom could headline as a major antagonist when we only had one film for Thanos.
Only thing is I have no idea if they're willing to spend a series and two films on a villain to discard him before Part 2. I just do think Kang is a very interesting character to center the Multiverse saga around. Very excited to see how they utilize him.

They have a conundrum imo,
With Doom that's one appearance.
He could very well be showing up in a mini series or F4 that we don't know about to flesh him out, but he would be competing with Kang who they seem to be all in on. The other option is putting him on the shelf for who knows how long when the focus on the X-Men in Phase 7+. Idk maybe I'm misthinking something at 3am lol

I guess my point is that Hickman's books work so well and are so great because Doom was a long established character and Hickman took him to new heights through a slow burn process that culminates for me in New Avengers #33, which establishes Doom as an incredible anti-hero. That's where I'm cautious, keeping my expectations in check and going in there with an open mind, because it would be mechanically unrealistic to expect a Secret Wars movie to have the same character impact.

My best guess is that here, it would work in reverse and serve first and foremost to establish Doom as a character, even if we see him a few times before that. And they could definitely use that one story beat from Shooter's SW to do that.


Jan 22, 2022
Everything building so far is Hickman's Secret Wars not Shooter's
That's exactly what I'm getting at. I'm just saying that if they make God King Doom a reality in SW, they're likely going to pull on that thread from the original since Kang is going to be at the heart of everything. Plus, it would follow suit with Doom's typical motivations of wanting to ascend to godhood/supremacy if he defeats the MCU's biggest threat across two phases.
Marvel tends to mix elements from different versions and different storylines. Look no further than their other biggest event films, where they mixed Infinity Gauntlet with aspects of Infinity.
I guess my point is that Hickman's books work so well and are so great because Doom was a long established character and Hickman took him to new heights through a slow burn process that culminates for me in New Avengers #33, which establishes Doom as an incredible anti-hero. That's where I'm cautious, keeping my expectations in check and going in there with an open mind, because it would be mechanically unrealistic to expect a Secret Wars movie to have the same character impact.

My best guess is that here, it would work in reverse and serve first and foremost to establish Doom as a character, even if we see him a few times before that. And they could definitely use that one story beat from Shooter's SW to do that.
I get where you're coming from and like with anything from the MCU, expecting it to be a straight adaptation is treading in dangerous waters lol. I do hope they're able to cement the importance of characters like Doom and make them captivating to general audiences. Regardless, Marvel has an opportunity to set the stage and develop some of their biggest villains across more projects than they did with Thanos. I hope they're able to nail it.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
RIP VFX Houses.

Unless major investment is made in this industry, none of those films are making their dates.

Not to mention the number of D+ stuff interspersed in there too.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, what could have happened between 2019 and now to heavily impact their production schedule?
Honestly even without Covid being a factor it makes sense to take such a huge break between Avengers films. After Endgame, the Avengers don't even really exist anymore from an in-universe perspective and from a real-world perspective we needed a ton of breathing room between Endgame and the next Avengers film. Multiverse Saga is the post-Avengers MCU. Phases 7-9 will probably each have their own Avengers movies again, though probably with their own twists; Young Avengers, West Coast Avengers, etc before the culmination of whatever the third saga is.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Kang Dynasty -> Secret War will absolutely start with the Kang finale and introduce Doom to the mix, likely similar to Secret Wars II in that Doom was already fucking around in various points in time without anyone knowing. Doom's gonna fight Kang in some way and take over as the main villain, and It's a perfect fit. I'm very hyped for what the MCU does with this stuff.

My only worries is that Time Runs Out won't get the time it deserves, but maybe they'll do it completely differently and it will play out during phase 6 overall.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly what in the absolute fuck is even the point of phases 4 and 5. Certainly feels like the MCU paused in summer 2019 and finally resumes in fall 2024, and in between was a whole bunch of missteps with the occasional home run.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly what in the absolute fuck is even the point of phases 4 and 5. Certainly feels like the MCU paused in summer 2019 and finally resumes in fall 2024, and in between was a whole bunch of missteps with the occasional home run.
What was the point of a lot of phase 2-3 films?

They had nothing to do with infinity stones.


Oct 25, 2017
Phase 5 feels like a filler arc.
Sure i'll watch some of those but i'm not that hype.
Phase 6 is where it's at.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Honestly what in the absolute fuck is even the point of phases 4 and 5. Certainly feels like the MCU paused in summer 2019 and finally resumes in fall 2024, and in between was a whole bunch of missteps with the occasional home run.

Never heard this take before lol.

They _literally_ just gave you "the point", and they already did with Loki and all following shows and movies. Multiversal war, Kang, Avengers Secret Wars. It's one thing to not be interested, but a whole other to still ride the "where is this even going i am so confused none of the movies do anything" train. It's just silly.


Oct 25, 2017
Fair point, I have mostly hated (what as as of yesterday called) the multiverse saga, so perhaps I should really get more excited for phase 7? Lol. Multiverse stuff in general....mannnn it ain't for me.


Oct 29, 2017
Honestly what in the absolute fuck is even the point of phases 4 and 5. Certainly feels like the MCU paused in summer 2019 and finally resumes in fall 2024, and in between was a whole bunch of missteps with the occasional home run.
I mean...we've seen the multiverse explained, the start of the Thunderbolts, the first mutant and the fallout of the Infinity War mixed with some new origin movies. That was Phase 4. That's more than phase 1 and 2 combined.

Fair point, I have mostly hated (what as as of yesterday called) the multiverse saga, so perhaps I should really get more excited for phase 7? Lol
Now this I can get behind. I can't deny that there was a lot of seeds to be planted for the future and they did that well enough. But beyond Loki I haven't been very interested in any multiverse stuff. I never have and never will. I dislike the concept and the possibilities it brings (retcons, fake out deaths, doubles,...). So I'm really not in for the ride.

Then again, I'll also be nearing 40 when Secret Wars rolls around and the MCU has been going for 15 years. I've seen its schtick and it was inevitable that it'd become 'not for me anymore' at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
Only just realised but if Thunderbolts is the phase 5 capper then that makes phase 6 only 1 year long? Seems very short?


Oct 25, 2017
Now this I can get behind. I can't deny that there was a lot of seeds to be planted for the future and they did that well enough. But beyond Loki I haven't been very interested in any multiverse stuff. I never have and never will. I dislike the concept and the possibilities it brings (retcons, fake out deaths, doubles,...). So I'm really not in for the ride.

That's exactly it, and why I'll never enjoy multiverse stuff ever in any franchise (it can work in a one off movie or limited series though). Hate to be Mr "No Steaks!" but that's exactly what multiverse stuff feels like, when you can kill off a character but then just bring in another variant of them, the whole thing feels pointless and weightless to me. So for the MCU to invest what will ultimately be 3 whole phases and 5 years into it, is a huge miss for my personal tastes. On top of that, a number of the phase 4 entries have been big misses in a number of other areas too (some of them in fundemental filmmaking ways), which adds to my dismay.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Thanks y'all. So just to make sure: it's only related to Hickman's runs? I'm good as long as I stick to the stuff he was involved with, there's nothing else that'd be important? I don't mind reading a bunch of series that all tie into Secret Wars by the end— I feel like I'm long overdue on reading a bunch of Marvel stuff anyway.

Hickman Fantastic Four
Hickman Avengers
Hickmnan Secret Wars

is an opus - a work of art. i think you'll be good with just those.


Oct 25, 2017
There is no way that secret war movie keeps that date. It's definitely going to get pushed into the following year


Oct 27, 2017
Two films with six months of difference and zero movies before that to set the team... It could be very rough.


Mar 30, 2019
Considering marvel likes to mix it up a bit, what's the bet that Kang is also Dr Doom?


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Considering marvel likes to mix it up a bit, what's the bet that Kang is also Dr Doom?
As in he takes Dooms role in Secret Wars or that he is the same character as Doom?

Doubt the latter, especially since
Doom supposedly shows up in Wakanda Forever as the one who baits Namor into invading Wakanda


Mar 30, 2019
As in he takes Dooms role in Secret Wars or that he is the same character as Doom?

Doubt the latter, especially since
Doom supposedly shows up in Wakanda Forever as the one who baits Namor into invading Wakanda

I'm suggesting both! have we heard any casting rumours for mcu doom?


Oct 25, 2017
So far in Phase 4, i still dont know who the fuck will be the "new" avengers

So? There's plenty of options. To name just a few: Captain America (Sam Wilson), War Machine, She-Hulk, Hercules, Yelena, Monica Rambeau (whatever her superhero name may be)....

This was my thought.

Or possibly an even simpler explanation -

The "young avengers" come together as a team during Thunderbolts as the protagonists. By the time Kang Dynasty happens they're just the Avengers.

Think about it:

Rogers is retired/dead/on the moon
Tony is dead
Clint is retired
Thor is a stay at home dad
Hulk's arm is busted
Natasha is dead
Wanda is dead
Vision 1 is dead
BP is dead

... So who would be the Avengers?

You're forgetting or ignoring everyone I mentioned above.

Sam Wilson is Cap now. War Machine exists and Ironheart is coming too. Clint met and blessed his replacement already, Kate Bishop. Thor still exists, even though he has a daughter. Even then, Hercules could fill the "demigod" role. Hulk's arm got better. Also, there is She-Hulk. Yelena exists. Vision 2 exists. Someone will likely take the BP mantle, since it's always been a mantle.

Dr. Strange left earth 616 with Clea because he caused an incursion somewhere. He is going to be very busy and i assume he's off the board until one of these untitled projects is revealed.

Given Thunderbolts happens right after Cap:NWO this implies neither sam nor bucky are in any shape to lead an Avengers squad. Thunderbolts as a plan only works if there are no Avengers, and USAgent is likely getting another crack at taking the shield from him.

Rhodey was never an Avenger- he broke the accords to assist in the time heist. He's showing up in Secret Invasion but with Armor Wars seemingly incorporated into that this might be the end of the road for him. It also seems redundant to have both Ironheart AND war machine as active heroes so if we get Ironheart joining (likely) we don't get Rhodey.

I can honestly see Ant Man 3 as being Rudd and Lily's last film (outside of cameos) before passing the torch to Cassie lang as stature/stinger. They've been building up to this one for a while.

Spider-Man's status as an Avenger is likely in a VERY grey area as everyone has forgotten who Peter Parker is and his life is basically ruined.

Danvers was never an Avenger- she inspired the initiative but that's it. She explicitly chose to spend a couple of decades off world as well as all her time during the "blip" because that's where she'd be needed. She's space based, not earth based. Monica and Kamala are in a different boat so if anyone joins the Avengers it will be one of them but probably not both.

All of the guardians cast is leaving at the conclusion of that film, they won't be available.

Thunderbolts works if it's a mission that Avengers wouldn't want to touch out of principle (and the person assembling them is even a little bit evil).

Rhodey was absolutely an Avenger, someone already posted the AoU scene.

I'd say Danvers was also an Avenger in Endgame. She checked in regularly, keeping the team apprised of cosmic goings-on and threats.


Sep 18, 2018
Two films with six months of difference and zero movies before that to set the team... It could be very rough.

Enough Avengers are still around that, at least for the first one, it could be a reunion movie. Hawkeye, Hulk, Ant Man, Sam Cap, Bucky, War Machine, Thor, and Captain Marvel team up again and bring their new buddies along. It could be set up in post credits scenes (and Ant Man, Marvel, Hulk, and Cap all have new movies/shows coming up too). Add Strange in there too, who has a connection to Shang Chi, and there's also the Fury show which could end with him bringing the team back together.


Oct 27, 2017
It's crazy thinking about the sheer amount of MCU content there is. I remember doing a MCU rewatch before Endgame.

No way can I do a Multiverse Saga rewatch.. especially with the TV shows added in the mix.


Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy thinking about the sheer amount of MCU content there is. I remember doing a MCU rewatch before Endgame.

No way can I do a Multiverse Saga rewatch.. especially with the TV shows added in the mix.
I think it's well past the point of being approachable for new viewers, unless they aren't concerned with watching the entirety of the MCU's content.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's well past the point of being approachable for new viewers, unless they aren't concerned with watching the entirety of the MCU's content.
I think the shows are entirely skippable. When Kang is introduced in the film universe for example, it will be as if it was for the first time for sure. Way more people watch the movies than the shows.

Especially shit like Ms Marvel which had very lower viewership numbers. You almost have to reboot her in film form if she is to become a notable part of the movies because the vast majority will be like...what?

Shows will just be some extra shades for the super fans that watched them. Passive references. Even the new captain America film, it helps to know the personal struggle for the new cap that it showed in the tv show but ultimately you don't have to.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's well past the point of being approachable for new viewers, unless they aren't concerned with watching the entirety of the MCU's content.
I honestly wonder how kids view the MCU these days.

Back during phase one/two, my friends and I viewed every new Marvel movie as an absolutely huge event and looked forward to them for months prior to release. Now there's something new almost every week, and it feels like a lot of the "magic" around big releases is gone.


Jul 12, 2019
Very ambitious by Feige but I'd be really shocked if secret wars isn't bumped back a few months.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I think the shows are entirely skippable. When Kang is introduced in the film universe for example, it will be as if it was for the first time for sure. Way more people watch the movies than the shows.

Especially shit like Ms Marvel which had very lower viewership numbers. You almost have to reboot her in film form if she is to become a notable part of the movies because the vast majority will be like...what?

Shows will just be some extra shades for the super fans that watched them. Passive references. Even the new captain America film, it helps to know the personal struggle for the new cap that it showed in the tv show but ultimately you don't have to.

Multiverse of Madness is a direct sequel to WandaVision
May 10, 2018
I think the shows are entirely skippable. When Kang is introduced in the film universe for example, it will be as if it was for the first time for sure. Way more people watch the movies than the shows.

Especially shit like Ms Marvel which had very lower viewership numbers. You almost have to reboot her in film form if she is to become a notable part of the movies because the vast majority will be like...what?

Shows will just be some extra shades for the super fans that watched them. Passive references. Even the new captain America film, it helps to know the personal struggle for the new cap that it showed in the tv show but ultimately you don't have to.
Kang yes because it will be a different version of Kang.

But otherwise I disagree. Wandavision is very important for Doctor Strange 2.

I don't expect any sort of reboot for Ms Marvel either. At this point I believe the thinking of Feige & Marvel is like "if you didn't watch it, you didn't watch it, oh well"