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Deleted member 2793

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Oct 25, 2017
I feel like every named and relevant character from the other movies was probably dusted too and the franchise will just ignore the whole 5 years thing and act like the world is completely normal now.

I don't think the Russos were as into that pairing as Whedon was.
I believe only Whedon ever liked that. Really disliked that in Ultron and was happy to see Thor Ragnarok mocking it, they know it wasn't a good idea for both characters.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They had to give Stark a daughter and just fuck with me that way, huh?

It was only for a glimpse, but when Nebula was messing with the quantum tunnel did I see a black "thanoscopter" behind her? I swear I did.


Oct 25, 2017
New York
When it looked like Carol was going to defeat Thanos, i thought well a bunch of angry guys are gonna be angry on the internet. Didn't happen, but I'm sure they're pissed enough at the "girl power" moment.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like every named and relevant character from the other movies was probably dusted too and the franchise will just ignore the whole 5 years thing and act like the world is completely normal now.
I can't see how Far From Home wouldn't touch on the fact that half of them kept getting older while the others were gone.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I agree, it is easy to see why. And I'm saying that why wasn't enough of a reason to killer her off for me. Every Avenger is self sacrificial. Every Avenger wants to undo the event. He had the most to gain here, and he's the one who didn't have any screen time last movie, so it makes sense. I'm saying on a fundamental level, with this whole Soul Stone beat, that this wasn't enough to justify the death for me. If it was for others, cool. For me it largely looked more like an excuse for evocative imagery.

People die dude... Someone needed to go, and it was absolutely fitting for her arc that it was her.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I love how people are saying that this reminds them of an actual comic book. Because it's true, it does feel like a major crossover even more so than the first one. I also love the subtle cleaning up of continuity that some crossovers do, like taking care of the Loki and Gamora situation thanks to time travel.

Blue Skies

Mar 27, 2019
I absolutely loved the movie and I'm not about to ruin it by conceding to contrarians and discussing whatever logic inconsistencies people want to bring up

It was a great time and Im down to talk about all the fun stuff they packed into this monster of a movie

I swear, maybe cause I just got out of the theater and I need sleep, but I'm pretty sure this is the best comic book movie ever.

Tarot Deck

Oct 27, 2017
I think everyone is curious about that, especially given the trailers show MJ, Ned and Flash all the same age. I suppose they could just play it out as a coincidence his group was all dusted?

My theory, which probably wouldn't work for a bunch of reasons, is Far From Home is a surprise prequel to Infinity War, and the film ends with the school trip arriving back in NY on the bus at the beginning of IW. Would allow them to squeeze in one last Tony Stark cameo too.


People said this is the last 3rd phase movie. Maybe this is it.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
This movie has made me super excited for guardians three now. They better not be teasing us with that last scene, but I love the idea of Gamora and star lord having to fall in love again and her being back to her old bad ass self So she also has to learn to be a family with her sister and the other guardians.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
You can see all the people alive in the Homecoming trailer that, right now, it's safe to assume they were dusted.

It would be really cool if they dropped in a few cgi-aged students to comment on how weird it is.
Liz Allan Toomes is played by the stunning Laura Harrier. Unlike the rest of the high school cast (almost all from teen to very early 20s), she is now 29 years old. My point is that Liz is a character that evolved to a sort of a villain role in the comics, I could see an older Liz returning for that saga eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
I suspend disbelief to enjoy the movie, of course, but you shouldn't be able to go forward in time, because the future doesn't exist in real time. Not to mention all the "future" problems that would be created by making changes to an established past.
Doctor Strange could look forward in time through 14.000.605 timelines. So travelling forward makes sense to me. Their time travel gps devices were able to place them at exact moments and times. Which makes it possible for Steve to come right back to the bench in current time after he's lived those 70 years with Peggy.

The movie also told you that you cannot change the past. If you change something (like knock out Star-Lord, steal a stone, goes back to Peggy), the timeline breaks out into new timelines.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I agree, it is easy to see why. And I'm saying that why wasn't enough of a reason to killer her off for me. Every Avenger is self sacrificial. Every Avenger wants to undo the event. He had the most to gain here, and he's the one who didn't have any screen time last movie, so it makes sense. I'm saying on a fundamental level, with this whole Soul Stone beat, that this wasn't enough to justify the death for me. If it was for others, cool. For me it largely looked more like an excuse for evocative imagery.
It fits so well... the real convenience is that two people turned up to the soul stone that loved each other. :p

(another can of worms, lol)

Liz Allan Toomes is played by the stunning Laura Harrier. Unlike the rest of the high school cast (almost all from teen to very early 20s), she is now 29 years old. My point is that Liz is a character that evolved to a sort of a villain role in the comics, I could see an older Liz returning for that saga eventually.
That would be cool... I hope they keep the continuity going with references to all of this in the future.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
When it looked like Carol was going to defeat Thanos, i thought well a bunch of angry guys are gonna be angry on the internet. Didn't happen, but I'm sure they're pissed enough at the "girl power" moment.

You know what's funny? I went to see this in a major NCAA college town and when Carol arrived, everyone was cheering, even my 11-year-old boy.

But I want to have a play that Way in middle America.


Oct 25, 2017
You should probably rewatch iron man 2, avengers, winter soldier, age of ultron, and infinity war (especially ultron) and come back with that "she's not a deep character" stuff. We've had a decade of films building up her character.
I don't know what films you were watching, but Widow had tonnes of great story beats and her relationship with many of the core characters was very well established.

She's one of he best characters in the films, despite not having a standalone.
Me thinking she's not deep doesn't mean I think she's a bad character. Most of the Avengers aren't all that deep. I like her character, that's why I wanted to see more of her in the movie instead of getting killed off.

Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
I'm REALLY curious how they will deal with the fallout of Endgame moving forward. I think it's clear that from the Spider-Man cast of characters, both Pete, Ned and May were dusted for 5 years. Now, who wasn't? I suspect that MJ was also dusted, but one character that I could see eventually returning and being 5 years older is Liz Allan Roomed. Hell, same for Adrian as well.
The Russos confirmed in an interview that Aunt May didn't get dusted.


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
Thanos seemed to get a buff for the end battle scene, no? He was just as strong/powerful (possibly more powerful) than in IW when he had the gauntlet and the stones I thought.


Aug 20, 2018
More weird is Pym being there. He really hated shield and specially the Starks. But thanks to Tony everybody gets undusted and he saved the entire world.

You just provide the reason why pym being there is not weird.

Whatever the differences between the starks & pym, you gotta honor the man the save the world.


Oct 28, 2017
The only thing I didn't like about the soul stone part was Nebula not telling them that someone would've had to die to get it. That aside, the fact that there's the Black Widow movie and a Hawkeye show made me think that there would be something at the last minute that would let them get away with neither having to die, so it was really surprising when Natasha ended up forcing Clint to drop her.


Oct 25, 2017
Me thinking she's not deep doesn't mean I think she's a bad character. Most of the Avengers aren't all that deep. I like her character, that's why I wanted to see more of her in the movie instead of getting killed off.
I don't agree that she's not deep relative to the other heroes. She's very fleshed out relatively, and again this is pretty impressive considering she doens't have a standalone (yet).


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Also it's interesting the comments on time travel because as much as they planned on preserving the timeline and captain did everything he could, likely included staying very low-key over the last 70 years with Peggy, probably not even showing up at her funeral, but despite all of that there were some major hiccups. Loki, Thanos dying sooner, Gamora. If their lore of time travel is true, that means that they failed to maintain the timeline regardless of caps attempt to bring back the stones. May as well just kept the fucking things because they already created a separate timeline.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanos seemed to get a buff for the end battle scene, no? He was just as strong/powerful (possibly more powerful) than in IW when he had the gauntlet and the stones I thought.
Thanos without the stones is already much stronger than Hulk. We never really see him fight with all 6 stones, just fire off that one beam attack. Maybe peak Thor would've had an easier time but he's wildly out of shape for this movie haha


Oct 25, 2017
Also it's interesting the comments on time travel because as much as they planned on preserving the timeline and captain did everything he could, likely included staying very low-key over the last 70 years with Peggy, probably not even showing up at her funeral, but despite all of that there were some major hiccups. Loki, Thanos dying sooner, Gamora. If their lore of time travel is true, that means that they failed to maintain the timeline regardless of caps attempt to bring back the stones. May as well just kept the fucking things because they already created a separate timeline.

The Infinity Stones are the foundation of the universe, as the Ancient One explains. You can remove a single individual from the timeline because the universe is 14 billion years old and will course correct itself, but the Infinity Stones are the underlying foundation and if they are removed from their correct time period it will blow everything up.


Oct 25, 2017
Doctor Strange could look forward in time through 14.000.605 timelines. So travelling forward makes sense to me. Their time travel gps devices were able to place them at exact moments and times. Which makes it possible for Steve to come right back to the bench in current time after he's lived those 70 years with Peggy.

The movie also told you that you cannot change the past. If you change something (like knock out Star-Lord, steal a stone, goes back to Peggy), the timeline breaks out into new timelines.

I think it would be more plausible if Strange was really just running 14 millions future simulations.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
The only thing I didn't like about the soul stone part was Nebula not telling them that someone would've had to die to get it. That aside, the fact that there's the Black Widow movie and a Hawkeye show made me think that there would be something at the last minute that would let them get away with neither having to die, so it was really surprising when Natasha ended up forcing Clint to drop her.

Nebula is now a reformed villain, but also a very practical person. She not telling them - and maybe even suggesting that the two go together off screen - is very much something I see it as in character for her. The way she treats Scott warning Rhodes that there's an idiot in the landing zone AND the fact she is the only one that knows the location of Volmir sort of hints to me that she knew, but didn't warn them. Nebula is easily the character from the Guardians films that had more growth from the last two Avengers films.

Deleted member 27246

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
He used magic. So who the fuck knows how it works precisely.

All we know for certain is he did see them all, and understand that only one held a victory. And it was the ONLY reason why he gave up the stone.

Yeah but couldn't he have seen 7 million possibilities of him not giving the stone, all failing and 7 possibilities of him giving the stone, with 1 leading to victory?
That would still be reason enough to give it.

If you'd simplify it to 4 scenarios he saw (instead of 14 million)
1. Escape with stone and rescue Tony, Thanos wins
2. Escape with stone, leave Tony, Thanos wins
3. Give stone, but not summon all armies, Thanos wins
4. Give stone, summon all armies, Avengers win.

Now would he give the stone? Yes because it is the only way they can win, but it is not a guaranteed win. I am not seeing how there is only one scenario out of 14 million he saw where he would give up the stone. Unless I am misunderstanding something.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
This movie was amazing. I thought IW captured the feeling of reading a line-wide comic book event in film form, but Endgame surpassed it.

Did anyone else think about Secret Wars when Thanos was talking about his new plan? Basically describing what Doom eventually does.

Was also nice to see Jim Starlin get a cameo at the survivor's meeting.

Have way more thoughts but bottom line is this movie is a real feat.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to know whether fat Thor was CG, or if Hemsworth actually had to get fat for this movie. LOL


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I didn't like about the soul stone part was Nebula not telling them that someone would've had to die to get it. That aside, the fact that there's the Black Widow movie and a Hawkeye show made me think that there would be something at the last minute that would let them get away with neither having to die, so it was really surprising when Natasha ended up forcing Clint to drop her.

You know can't be a coincidence that she was part of the foursome that went to 2014, she probably had a hand in deciding that Nat and Clint would go for the soul stone.


Aug 31, 2018
It blows my mind seeing people that preffers IW to this one.

My problem with Marvel movies, most of the time, is that even when facing death, they are cracking jokes and one liners. This "feel good" vibe always ruined the emotional parts for me. They were always fun movies to watch, but I couldn't care less for the heroes safety. "Saving the universe" sounds just like a shallow motivation to me. I preffer personal stuff to get me emotionally involved.

With EG they did a pretty good job humanizing the heroes and showing the impact on them of the last film's ending.
Thor's depression, Nat's and Tony's sorrow and the whole vibe honestly did a lot for me to connect emotionally with them. This time I cared for their victory like I've never did before with any Marvel movie.

Seeing people complaining about pacing and length also bogles my mind. I imagine these people watching LotR back then at cinemas, saying that the movies are boring. The first hour of EG was great, and made the emotional payoff that much satisfying in the end. Felt like a 2h movie to me.

Excellent movie.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Black Widow dying was done well but I absolutely would not be surprised that she's alive after Banner's snap. I don't think that 'I tried to bring her back' line was just for fluff.

Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
Also it's interesting the comments on time travel because as much as they planned on preserving the timeline and captain did everything he could, likely included staying very low-key over the last 70 years with Peggy, probably not even showing up at her funeral, but despite all of that there were some major hiccups. Loki, Thanos dying sooner, Gamora. If their lore of time travel is true, that means that they failed to maintain the timeline regardless of caps attempt to bring back the stones. May as well just kept the fucking things because they already created a separate timeline.
There is no problem with having separate timelines. The problem is if those timelines doesn't have an Infinity Stone in them.

Deleted member 1478

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The only thing I didn't like about the soul stone part was Nebula not telling them that someone would've had to die to get it. That aside, the fact that there's the Black Widow movie and a Hawkeye show made me think that there would be something at the last minute that would let them get away with neither having to die, so it was really surprising when Natasha ended up forcing Clint to drop her.

Nebula didnt know the rules on how to get the soul stone. All she knew was that Thanos and Gamora went there to get it and only Thanos came back. She didnt know the circumstances of Gamora's death.


Oct 25, 2017
You just provide the reason why pym being there is not weird.

Whatever the differences between the starks & pym, you gotta honor the man the save the world.

Yes, and that reason is valid for Aunt May too. Tony Stark gave his boy back. (responding the posts about aunt may being in the funeral was "weird")
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