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Oct 25, 2017
I cried.

About cap, someone posted this on reddit

My explanation is: he lived his life in an alternative timeline with the time travel suit and when peggy died of old age, he came back to "his" timeline, to pass on the torch.
Since they established that "for us its 5 seconds but for him it's anything else" i think this works?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
He's the same way in the comics. He has to hold back his punches so that he doesn't kill normal criminals and almost kills Fisk after he went after Aunt May.
Yeah, doesn't it go something like if Spider-Man is quipping and mocking you while fighting, you'll be okay. You'll be sore, but okay. But if you're fighting Spider-Man and he's completely silent, you're going to get hurt. Badly.
Oct 25, 2017
I was expecpecting Infinity War II, but what I got was MCU victory lap comedy holiday special with added fan service. The only film like Infinity War is still Infinity War.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Since the time stone was destroyed in the current timeline, does that mean Dormammu is free now?
Dormammu wasn't trapped at the end of Doctor Strange. Strange locked both of them in a loop to force him into a truce where he promised to give up on invading Stranger's dimension.

Now that the Time Stone has been destroyed however he might consider to renege on the deal as the deterrent is not there anymore


Mar 28, 2018
l'm not comics expert but didn't stone will slowly recovery and pop up somewhere in the galaxy when it's get destroy ?

Rare Opiums

Oct 28, 2017
Dormammu wasn't trapped at the end of Doctor Strange. Strange locked both of them in a loop to force him into a truce where he promised to give up on invading Stranger's dimension.

Now that the Time Stone has been destroyed however he might consider to renege on the deal as the deterrent is not there anymore

I'm not sure about that. I thought Cap went back to the past to give back each infinity stones to the rightful keeper/ place. In Time Stone case, I believe Cap gave it to the Ancient One.


Oct 26, 2017
It's just not in his character not to interfere. Also what's even the point of restoring the stones to the timeline afterwards?

Even if Cap interferes, he can't change the reality he lived through. He'll just create a new one as soon as he attempts to interfere. The stones are restored so that the creation of new (and potentially bad) timelines can be avoided.

Idk, maybe they'll say that Hydra won or Tony was killed with his parents or something if Cap didn't stay in the past or really didn't interfere.

Like his interference was always a part of history.

Since the past that we are focusing on as the main MCU timeline can't be changed, any interference is either pointless, since it will just result in the splintering off of a new timeline, or it was indeed part of the main timeline already. As it stands now, Cap was always meant to go back in time in this timeline and he just closed the loop.

These are essentially the rules for time travelling for the MCU. It doesn't matter if Cap went back and stopped 9/11 or Hydra taking over. All he would have done is create alternate timelines where those things don't happen. It doesn't effect "our" MCU timeline.

He knows going back and doing stuff doesn't actually change anything in the main timeline since he's seen what happens. He knows that they win in the end.

Yes, exactly.


Oct 27, 2017
Found this reddit post that explains how the MCU/Endgame timeline works: (tl;dr: it's just the multiverse)

I'm not sure if most people know this, but there are generally 3 main time travel/timeline theories that are accepted. I will explain each by example, but here is a premise: You are a person who's grandparents met because of WWII. Lets say your grandfather was a soldier from a country in Europe or America and your grandmother was from a different European country. They meet, fall in love and have a family. Let's say you, their grandchild, have been selected to time travel back in time to kill adolescent Hitler. Here is where the theories come into place.

Fixed Timeline: You successfully kill adolescent Hitler, but a new Hitler figure, regardless of how or explanation, starts the Holocaust and WWII still happens. You still exist because no matter what you do in the past, the future must adhere to it. This is essentially called a closed Time Loop. The future is always the same because you were ALWAYS MEANT to change the past. It means the original Hitler was always killed by you.

Dynamic Timeline: You kill adolescent Hitler, and world does not experience WWII related events. Your Grandparents never meet. You shouldn't exist in the present. If you return to the present, this is what creates a PARADOX, depending on how people interpret it. Either you disappear from existence or you exist but should never have existed at all from this point on.

Alternate Timeline/Multiverse: a slight combination of the above. You kill Hitler in the past, but YOUR timeline does not change, it still happens. The idea is a new timeline is created when past events are altered, hence there is now a new timeline where WWII did not happen and you were never born. You didnt erase the events from your own timeline, you essentially created a new universe.

Avengers Endgame adheres to the Alternate Timeline/Multiverse theory. It is mentioned several times in the film that changing events in the past does not effect the future, only creates new timelines (the characters then proceed to make fun of films like Hot Tub Time Machine and Back to the Future).

The film creates roughly 5 timelines in its 3 hour running time (Granted, Cap puts most things back that change but it does not fix certain things in each):

A timeline where Loki gets away, the Mind stone is taken and the Ancient One gives away the time stone. This also is a timeline where 2012 cap fights himself and knows Bucky is alive. Cap puts back both stones but everything else should be unchanged. A version of Thanos can still snap this universe after.

A timeline where Nebula and Rhodes knock out Quill, preventing him from getting the power stone and probably meeting the Guardians (more on this in a second), and where Natasha dies and the Soul stone is taken. This timeline also has its version of Nebula, Gamora and Thanos plus his armies escape it to come to the main timeline. This timeline is free from any Thanos based threat. Gamora is gone from this timeline, so again, no more Guardians. Thanos cannot snap this universe (He dies at the end)

A timeline where Thor takes Mjolnir and the Reality stone from Jane. Both get put back by Cap, Thanos can snap this universe.

A timeline where Tony and Cap go back even further in time to the 1970s and take the Tesseract. Gets put back by Steve in the end. Thanos can snap this universe.

In all 4 of these instances, a new timeline was created as a result of removing those stones and altering certain events. This does NOT change the main timeline. The snap still happens, and Thanos is dead in the main timeline. Additionally, they return to their own, main timeline after traveling through the quantum realm.

However, the main point of this thread is Cap and the last timeline alteration:

Cap goes back to each of these 4 timelines to return the stones. Whether or not this is a good thing is up to the viewer (it seems it still allows Thanos to snap 3 of these universes), but that's not the point here.

After this, Steve goes back even further in time (1940s/50s) and lives his life with Peggy. This CREATES A NEW, 5TH TIMELINE.

Instead, he does NOT return immediately, and spends decades with her. In this timeline, Cap could easily have stopped Hydra, saved Bucky, saved Howard and Maria, etc, and it STILL would never change the main timeline.

Steve then returns to his own timeline/the main timeline, when he's ready, as an old man.

Reason we know he does this is he goes through the QR WITHOUT his shield. He then comes back with a brand new shield. We can assume its from his alternate timeline.

Yes I understand that Cap didn't return via the platform, however it may have been at an undisclosed point when he did. We just don't know, hopefully the Russo's clear this up.


Oct 25, 2017
Found this reddit post that explains how the MCU/Endgame timeline works: (tl;dr: it's just the multiverse)
Yes it's essentially them introducing different Earths. Just view the main MCU timeline as Earth 616 and the other timelines that they go to are different "Earths". They could have simplified it a little bit by showcasing it a little like how Spider-Verse handled it.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
So anyone want to clear up the thing with the ancient one?

So after Banner tells her strange willingly gave Thanos the time stone, what did that change for her?
Does she figure out why strange did that, or does this just mean that strange never received the time stone in an alternative timeline?


Oct 25, 2017
So anyone want to clear up the thing with the ancient one?

So after Banner tells her strange willingly gave Thanos the time stone, what did that change for her?
Does she figure out why strange did that, or does this just mean that strange never received the time stone in an alternative timeline?
Strange is her appointed successor. She trusted in his judgment is all.
Is fat Thor unworthy? If so....does that mean we get Jane thor later?!!?!?
he is still worthy


Oct 25, 2017
Even if Cap interferes, he can't change the reality he lived through. He'll just create a new one as soon as he attempts to interfere.
Yeah but that new timeline where he interfered is now the timeline he is living in. It's basically how Trunks in Dragon Ball approached time travel. He went back in time to change things knowing it wouldn't do anything to his own present but at least there would be one timeline that is better off.
Found this reddit post that explains how the MCU/Endgame timeline works: (tl;dr: it's just the multiverse)
If he actually hops between timelines that definitely makes it sound and better.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah creating a multiverse is smart since it gives them the option for the next crisis to be able this multiverse collapsing or something which can bring the next refresh.


Dec 13, 2017
Yeah he mentioned some satellites to search Thanos but it was dumb given the size of the universe

The first appearance of Captain Marvel is totally a deus-ex machina, that's too bad

In the Cap Marvel stinger Carol presumably learns about Tony. That scene is pre-Endgame.

Have you actually watched the movie? Sounds like the kind of drive by complaints coming from the people who have just read spoilers. You're wrong btw. Steve met Peggy before he even became Cap, and knew her for years before landing in the ice. It was a different time so they weren't dating, sure, but he loved her. Edit: It's even longer than I thought. He took the serum in 1939, and crashed in the ice in 1945. Six whole years.

Oh and it's entirely possible that Cap did heavily alter his timeline, but somehow returned to the endgame timeline at the end in order to pass the baton.

You could argue either interpretation, no change because that's the way it always was, or he came back using his particles, but I go with the former myself.

So anyone want to clear up the thing with the ancient one?

So after Banner tells her strange willingly gave Thanos the time stone, what did that change for her?
Does she figure out why strange did that, or does this just mean that strange never received the time stone in an alternative timeline?

She is clear that Strange is "the best of us," so if Strange did it, he must have had a reason.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
That's weird but I'll accept it.

How's it weird? The movie shows that the world five years later is basically a post-apocalyptic hellhole. Scott runs into a kid who looks like he's going to eat him to survive. 5 billion people turning to dust doesn't make the world go on as normal.

For all we know Ned was dusted. And Peter established that people remember being dusted.


Oct 25, 2017
How's it weird? The movie shows that the world five years later is basically a post-apocalyptic hellhole. Scott runs into a kid who looks like he's going to eat him to survive. 5 billion people turning to dust doesn't make the world go on as normal.

For all we know Ned was dusted. And Peter established that people remember being dusted.

That's what makes it a little weird. I mean I guess we need see how much time has past between the movies. You go from post-apocalyptic to school trips. I don't have a problem with it. I'm just curious how it all flows, also why they went in this direction.

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
The movie was alright. Not a fan of how the film got rid of Black Widow, same as how Gamora was done dirty in IW.

Film was surprisingly low on action, outside the final battle. I liked that, after IW was so stuffed with battles to the point of exhaustion.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
That's what makes it a little weird. I mean I guess we need see how much time has past between the movies. You go from post-apocalyptic to school trips. I don't have a problem with it. I'm just curious how it all flows, also why they went in this direction.

I mean, you've only seen one teaser trailer for Far From Home that was VERY CAREFULLY edited as to hide any Endgame spoilers. At least wait a couple of weeks to see the second trailer that's post-Endgame before thinking that.

Also Feige explained why Far From Home is set AFTER Endgame:

"He is one of us. He is, quote-unquote, a normal person, lives a normal life, with a normal environment, who, you know, got these powers, and who is exposed to these extraordinary things," Feige explained.

"And we loved how the events of Civil War, for as dramatic and intense and politically complex as they were, we loved how Peter dealt with it [in Spider-Man: Homecoming]. And how Peter dealt with it is, he then went and tried to go back to a normal life."

"It's fun to see that, because he can represent, you know, the world as a whole, as they try to move forward," Feige said. "And you can do it in a way that is tonally unique, and tonally different than, certainly, the two Avengers films that people are about to see."


Oct 25, 2017
That's what makes it a little weird. I mean I guess we need see how much time has past between the movies. You go from post-apocalyptic to school trips. I don't have a problem with it. I'm just curious how it all flows, also why they went in this direction.

Remember that weird 8 years later card in Homecoming. It was actually the first hint at a set of films set on another earth in the multiverse. One where Thanos disappeared in 2014. Far from Home is a sequel set in that universe.

I'm only half joking.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah but that new timeline where he interfered is now the timeline he is living in. It's basically how Trunks in Dragon Ball approached time travel. He went back in time to change things knowing it wouldn't do anything to his own present but at least there would be one timeline that is better off.

There's not only one Cap though. The timeline split means that the Steve Rogers that interfered is a duplicate Steve Rogers that will continue in the new timeline.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 16, 2017
Interested in seeing the Black Widow film... it's set in the cold war, right?

Anyone know what the trumpet piece Cap and Peggy were dancing to was?


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you've only seen one teaser trailer for Far From Home that was VERY CAREFULLY edited as to hide any Endgame spoilers. At least wait a couple of weeks to see the second trailer that's post-Endgame before thinking that.

Also Feige explained why Far From Home is set AFTER Endgame:

Hmm I see. Also silly Parker when will he learn his life can't be normal. I know MCU is getting a lot new faces going into Phase 4, but I'm always looking forward on how they handle Spidey. He is coming on into his second movie, and I feel like we haven't seen enough of him.


Oct 30, 2017
In the Cap Marvel stinger Carol presumably learns about Tony. That scene is pre-Endgame
Yeah but it's not in the movie (Endgame) and nobody on Earth knew Tony/Nebula (and the other vanished like Dr Strange, Quill, etc...) were in Titan (even Rocket and Groot because they were with Thor in Infinity War) and it doesn't explain how Captain Marvel found a lost spaceship after more than 20 days of travel in space
Oct 27, 2017
Hmm I see. Also silly Parker when will he learn his life can't be normal. I know MCU is getting a lot new faces going into Phase 4, but I'm always looking forward on how they handle Spidey. He is coming on into his second movie, and I feel like we haven't seen enough of him.

Real question: Does Sony keep lending out Spidey to MCU after FFH? Or do they keep him to themselves and attempt to build their Spider-Verse?
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah but it's not in the movie (Endgame) and nobody on Earth knew Tony/Nebula (and the other vanished like Dr Strange, Quill, etc...) were in Titan (even Rocket and Groot because they were with Thor in Infinity War) and it doesn't explain how Captain Marvel found a lost spaceship after more than 20 days of travel in space

I mean all of these movies are built on unbelievable coincidences. People keep invading the Earth at the same location as where the heroes are. Imagine if Moscow and Beijing were the sites of invasions and no Avengers were around. These things just have to be accepted.


Oct 30, 2017
I mean all of these movies are built on unbelievable coincidences. People keep invading the Earth at the same location as where the heroes are. Imagine if Moscow and Beijing were the sites of invasions and no Avengers were around. These things just have to be accepted.
That's why I said it's a deus-ex machina and it's too bad, usually writers found some tricks but they didn't even try here


Oct 27, 2017
there was a moment I thought they were about to drop a Nova Prime on it... But it was just Carol...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
We'll see that at San Diego Comic Con, hope Sony will continue the deal with Marvel Studio

Holland says he has a sixth Marvel (three solo, three team appearances) movie on his contract still. Pascal said when SpiderVerse came out she has nightmares of Spider-Man not being in the MCU. Nothing is changing. Stop listening to FUD people put out there to get rage clicks.


Oct 30, 2017
Holland says he has a sixth Marvel (three solo, three team appearances) movie on his contract still. Pascal said when SpiderVerse came out she has nightmares of Spider-Man not being in the MCU. Nothing is changing. Stop listening to FUD people put out there to get rage clicks.
So good news !


Oct 25, 2017
Can we just have two Caps cause I need my goddamn Bucky Cap on the screen. Sam deserves it cause it fits his arc better, but like, they constantly foreshadowed Bucky and then no payoff. Dumb.
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