
Oct 30, 2017
I hope that at the very least this disaster will mobilize the rest of the world into something resembling action.

What the others said plus, more broadly if you're politically left leaning, him and his party uphold right leaning conservative values with religiously influenced undertones. The staples are all there; pro fossil fuel and big business, pro classism, anti wealth tax, pro privatisation, open climate change denial, pro religious freedom of speech, anti immigration, etc etc etc.

With the fires specifically it's what the others above said. Cut funding despite numerous warnings for a projected volatile bushfire season, seemingly complete apathy and distance from the gravity of the situation, ambivalence towards a immediate response, depersonalised behaviour towards victims, etc.

More and more I'm starting to feel it is /extremely/ counter productive to frame this opposition as a right or left leaning 'political preference' when a simple good / evil distinction seems much more accurate.

Striking how quickly he makes the connection to inequality and classism.
Oct 29, 2017

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Don't know if posted before:



And this for good news:

When an adult star/sex worker is doing more not only than the average person but ScoMo.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
The NakedPhilanthropist I posted earlier about (#456) is now at 500K. Thirsty ppl and that lady saving lives. This kind of puts the fascist cunts in Aussie gov to shame.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Even more Firefighters from my province of Alberta are heading out to help. Say what you want about our province, but we generally have good people who understand the plight of what fires do.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Even more Firefighters from my province of Alberta are heading out to help. Say what you want about our province, but we generally have good people who understand the plight of what fires do.
The international teams of firefighters who've flown in to help (especially the ones who gave up their Christmas to be here) have been huge news in Australia. They might be small numbers-wise, but their impact, especially in terms of morale, is huge.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)


Oct 25, 2017
Russel Crowe won a golden globe but wasnt there because he was in Australia and had them read a message about the devastation because of climate change. So getting more exposure.


Oct 27, 2017

Apparently some of the CL-415 Water Bombers have been reported to be deployed, according to various early commentary on twitter(if you see a strange yellow and red aircraft flying around, that is it). Capable of near instant(takes about a minute) reloads of water, while in mid-flight(using nearby bodies of water instead of a water station), earning the nickname, Super Scooper.

These are the specific aerial firefighting planes that former NSW Fire & Rescue chief Greg Mullins was asking the government to request assistance from. They were just sitting overseas, as our fire season isn't set to begin for another 5-6 months.

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I think the mainland's smoke is blowing down south again, down in Tassie the smoke's rolling in again...


Oct 27, 2017

Man, he really just tries to make everything such a fake PR/Marketing opportunity.

He should have just accepted the offers for assistance that went out months ago.


Oct 25, 2017
Ladies and gents, this is why we are currently facing this crisis as we have people like this running the country. They are in complete denial



May 21, 2018
I'm excited to be apart of an Aussie rules exhibition game raising funds for the fires and although we have a lowly fund goal of $800 every cent counts for these people affected and even to help build up Mallacoota bigger and better than ever and is still one of my favourite Holiday spots.
Oct 30, 2017
This is a worldwide catastrophe and is in need for much more attention then some thingy like the US - Iran situation.

Saw some hearth breaking footage yesterday of a koala trying to avoid the fire and walking over burning ground.
Was injured and screaming but saved by a localā€¦


Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017

About the bots that started the 'Arsonists started these fires not climate change' rumour that's started up recently...
"A number of the tweets took police figures out of context and claimed almost 200 arsonists had been arrested in NSW."
"An article posted by an American far-right figure went one step further, claiming left-wing ecoterrorists were responsible for lighting the blazes."
"It has been shared almost 100,000 times across Facebook, Twitter and Reddit and reached a potential 2.8 million accounts ā€” significantly more than general bushfire fact checks."

šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
my head hurts now. . . .


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Is this shit accurate? Because what the fuck.
Yeah. Full time firefighters here get paid normal wages.

But the Rural Fire Service (RFS) in New South Wales is a volunteer organisation. The government provides funding for training and equipment and the like, and then the volunteers can get called up if there's an emergency in their area to help fight fires. They're unpaid volunteers. The idea is that in an emergency people can be called in to help save their towns. For a short term fire emergency it works well.

What we're seeing now are extremely prolonged fires over unprecedented areas. The Gospers Mountain Fire for example has been burning for months, and has been fought in large by unpaid volunteers. A volunteer system just can't cope. The government has been pressured into offering some sort of compensation, so they've rushed something into place, and, surprise surprise, it sucks.
Oct 28, 2017
Volunteer Firies are such massive heroes, they deserve to be treated like it. It's appalling that the Morrison government had to be pressured in to actually compensating them and that they seem to be turning it in to just a some cheap PR. Just fucking pay them what they're worth.