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Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
It looked pretty much the same, you can compare screenshots if you like

You need to get your eyes checked.


No it wasn't. It had a higher resolution and a few effects.

Unity blows it out of the water, graphical wise.

So why would you think a crossgen game would raise the bar?

You too.


Oct 27, 2017
It's like dreaming of being able to fly unassisted then being upset that you can't. Not sure why people had such belief in the first place when there was nothing suggesting it was gonna happen.
It happens every generation. "Finally, 60fps will the standard for all games!!"

Every. Single. Time.

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

Nov 25, 2017
I don't think I much minded the FPS in games as a teen playing such horrors as Stunt Race FX. Sure, I must've thought that its sluggish as frack, but I think I just accepted it and focused on playing it. That was around 1994. Certainly I remember times when the games ran well, they were a sheer joy to play just for the sake of playing. I suppose these realizations sort of nudged me towards PC, little by little and each disappointing console generation after another.

I'm not sure what I'd thought if I'd be able to tell my teen self that 30 FPS is a thing in 2020.

Maybe I'd just focus on the fact that after Stunt Race FX anything is better.


Nov 12, 2017
On Odyssey, I can do 1800p at mostly 60fps with a 2070 Super and Ryzen 3700x at high settings. Gsync smooths out the rest. If they have a variable resolution and frame rate, I'm sure they can hit 60fps in most scenarios.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
It wasn't significant, you get over it.
Bruh, the lighting and foliage were huge upgrades. We went from static bushes and flatter lighting to something much better, weather and foliage were improved to such a degree that it actually improved the gameplay

It wasn't just upgrades to model quality and resolution.
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May 25, 2018
You need to get your eyes checked.
Just.. This is hardly a significant difference. Of course it's a bit sharper and better looking, but in every conceivable way this is the same last gen game with minor touches. Unity and every other game with a similar budget made only for XB1/PS4 look way better. That character model in Black Flag possibly wouldn't look any better if it would have 1000x sharpness compared to original release. It would be need to made from scratch to really make a difference, and that's the whole point why something like Unity looks so much better.

You really think a difference like this alone is going to wow people and convince them to buy a $500 next-gen console?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Just.. This is hardly a significant difference. Of course it's a bit sharper and better looking, but in every conceivable way this is the same last gen game with minor touches. Unity and every other game with a similar budget made only for XB1/PS4 look way better. That character model in Black Flag possibly wouldn't look any better if it would have 1000x sharpness compared to original release. It would be need to made from scratch to really make a difference, and that's the whole point why something like Unity looks so much better.

You really think a difference like this alone is going to wow people and convince them to buy a $500 next-gen console?

AC Valhalla is not made to convince people to buy a new console. Ubisoft aren't selling consoles. AC Unity has nothing to do with it. I was comparing last-gen vs current gen Black Flag and the difference was huge. It's not just "a bit sharper and better looking" or just "minor touches". Watch the video above your post.


Dec 25, 2019
I don't know why people always expect this. A PS1 can run games at 60FPS. It's always just comes down to a choice between framerate and other concerns (Resolution, polygon count, texture resolution, number of effects on screen, map size, number of physics objects...)

And since most players don't really care, it almost never makes sense to downgrade your game's graphics to run it at twice the framerate.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Dude forget it, these fanboys are the worst. Delusional even. Anything Daddy Yves has for them they will slop it up.
What do u have to say about that video above? Also, wtf is up with you and this daddy Yves shit? This isn't the first time you've resorted to just calling people who correct you ubisoft fanboys, hasn't even been a day since the last time:

Just because Ubisoft is your favorite gaming publisher doesn't mean others have to swallow everything they do and thank Daddy Guillemot

Improve your level of discourse my dude.


Oct 31, 2017
It's like dreaming of being able to fly unassisted then being upset that you can't. Not sure why people had such belief in the first place when there was nothing suggesting it was gonna happen.
We had 2 things IMO that told us we might/should expect 60 fps in most games for next gen.
1. Many games on xbox one x and ps4 Pro offered performance modes (showing that devs do care and might be moving towards this option as a standard)
2. For the first couple years these cross gen games are being designed for Jag cpus and we know we are getting a massive upgrade on that front, so should at least expect a 60 fps option in nearly all games. You cant simply look at the past and say "hey consoles have always been this way," without taking all the current data/facts we have into consideration.


May 25, 2018
AC Valhalla is not made to convince people to buy a new console. Ubisoft aren't selling consoles. AC Unity has nothing to do with it. I was comparing last-gen vs current gen Black Flag and the difference was huge. It's not just "a bit sharper and better looking" or just "minor touches". Watch the video above your post.
I'm aware of that. This whole conversation started from this comment,
Yeah Im sure this cross gen game running on an engine built for current gen is going to wow us into the next generation
to which you answered that yes it will. That's the only reason why I commented on whether Valhalla for example would be the tipping point for people to upgrade. You're contradicting only yourself with this. Black Flag is definitely better on PS4/XB1, but it's still essentially the same game and you can easily get a similar experience on PS3/360.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I'm aware of that. This whole conversation started from this comment,

to which you answered that yes it will. That's the only reason why I commented on whether Valhalla for example would be the tipping point for people to upgrade. You're contradicting only yourself with this. Black Flag is definitely better on PS4/XB1, but it's still essentially the same game and you can easily get a similar experience on PS3/360.

I'm not contradicting myself. AC Valhalla will wow us. That doesn't mean it will be worth buying a console for it. AC Origins and Odyssey are incredibly good looking games already. Next gen effects and upgrades would only make the game even more impressive.


Jan 4, 2019
"It's not the CPU that's holding 60fps back, its the GPU, so 12TF is still not enough for 4k/60 in that case."

I see so many posts that like these in this thread that show how many people need to get educated in how games work/run, and how and why no matter how many terraflops you have doesn't mean you get 4k 60fps.

Even with 12TF you can have a game that runs at 720P 30fps. Why? Because it depends how demanding the game is it self.

You can have graphical effects so demanding that no matter how powerful the GPU/CPU are, you will be running at 720P.

Or you can have a game that is so non demanding that you can have a 8k60fps game no problem.

30fps is going to make 0 difference to the PS5/Xsx sales, as most likely most games will either be 4k/30fps or upscaled 30fps/60fps. As time goes on then that's only going to get lower as develops favour graphical fidelity.

If Valhalla is 30fps, then it's probably because they favoured upping the graphics and the fidelity to a higher level. No one boycotted origins or oddyssey due to 30fps, and no one will this time either.

You guys have no idea what resolution/settings it's running on PS4 pro. Could be 1440p checkerboard with a mix of low/medium settings while XSX could be 4k30 naitive with ultra settings.

It's a console not a RTX 3080 Titan. Hype is one thing, but expectations need to be kept in check.

There will be great looking games, there will be great running games, but it's not going to do magic.
As an extreme example, they could make a game that has effects/demands that pushes performance to 4K / 5 FPS on the new consoles. Just depends how demanding the game is on the hardware.


Nov 14, 2017
We had 2 things IMO that told us we might/should expect 60 fps in most games for next gen.
1. Many games on xbox one x and ps4 Pro offered performance modes (showing that devs do care and might be moving towards this option as a standard)
2. For the first couple years these cross gen games are being designed for Jag cpus and we know we are getting a massive upgrade on that front, so should at least expect a 60 fps option in nearly all games. You cant simply look at the past and say "hey consoles have always been this way," without taking all the current data/facts we have into consideration.

I feel like a lot of ya'll are putting way too much stock into the CPUs of these machines. Yeah, they're way better than the current gen console processors and they'll remove CPU bottlenecks in a majority of games, but once you start talking about native 4k and increased/new graphical effects, the CPU is no longer a part of the equation. At that resolution it's all about the GPU, and the GPU in these consoles is not powerful enough to run a game like AC at native 4k 60 FPS.
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Jan 4, 2019
But why would the devs target 5 FPS? What kind of logic is that?
The 5 FPS example is purely illustrative. I don't think any developer would target that in real life. I just think some people have been mislead that SSDs and the like will inherently push framerates to 60 for all games when it's more nuanced than that.


Game: Here's the job I've got, can you run it?
Console: Let me give it a shot, here's how I can handle it!



May 25, 2018
I'm not contradicting myself. AC Valhalla will wow us. That doesn't mean it will be worth buying a console for it. AC Origins and Odyssey are incredibly good looking games already. Next gen effects and upgrades would only make the game even more impressive.
If you think you aren't or didn't mean it like that, okay then. No point to get bogged down in semantics. Every AAA game for next-gen will wow us to some extent, but I think that there still needs to be something more to actually wow us into the next generation and to get people think that they absolutely should upgrade to get something totally new, just like with the launch games of current gen.


Oct 31, 2017
I feel like a lot of ya'll are putting way too much stock into the CPUs of these machines. Yeah, they're way better than the current gen console processors and they'll probably completely remove CPU bottlenecks, but once you start talking about native 4k and increased/new graphical effects, the CPU is no longer a part of the equation. At that resolution it's all about the GPU, and the GPU in these consoles is not powerful enough to run a game like AC at native 4k 60 FPS.
Most of us, including me, are not asking for 4k60 (so your argument is moot). we simply want a performance mode at lower res and settings.


Oct 28, 2017
30 fps for action games feels so bad. I like great graphics but if I can turn on an option to get 60 fps, at the expense of the graphics, I'm going to do it.

Md Ray

Oct 29, 2017
Chennai, India
The CPU is >4x previous gens. I am not sure what troubles Ubisoft can possibly have.

If the is 4k 30fps it means half the CPU power is used on next-gen consoles.
Eh. For one, there could be increased NPC density. In which case, 2-3x NPCs could easily soak up the cpu power.

They're likely GPU bound rather than CPU at native 4K. And probably using PC's Ultra quality graphics to differentiate from current-gen console's Low-Med/High graphics quality.


Dec 18, 2017
Isn't this what you would call "non-news"? Minimum of 30fps... I mean, what kind of info is that?

I don't really think AC needs to be 60fps and I'd be happy with the graphic quality being bound to that.
It doesn't need surround sound. It doesn't need 4k. It doesn't need color. We don't even need Assassin's Creed.

Smartphones don't need 60Hz/fps but go for it nevertheless because the user experience is significantly smoother and simply more fun.

If Karl Benz had said "we don't need cars" we would still have horse carriages today.
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Md Ray

Oct 29, 2017
Chennai, India
People need to understand that PC benchmarks are not performance guides. They are for comparing GPUs relative to each other.
No-one should actually be using ultra settings to play games unless it's already running so well that it makes no difference.

Consoles don't use ultra settings, and neither should you.
Ultra settings are typically throwing away significant amounts of performance for details that people struggle to see in a direct A/B comparison.
It is very likely that devs are using Ultra settings in Valhalla on next-gen consoles. Typically, at the beginning of a new console's lifecycle, devs do use Ultra settings or close to it, especially in cross-gen titles to make it look "next-gen" compared to current-gen consoles which would be using lower quality graphics. You can see Black Flag screenshots above in this page as an e.g.
Oct 29, 2017
It doesn't need surround sound. It doesn't need 4k. It doesn't need color. We don't even need Assassin's Creed.

Smartphones don't need 60Hz/fps but go for it nevertheless because the user experience is significantly smoother and simply more fun.

If Karl Benz had said "we don't need cars" we would still have horse carriages today.
I mean, it seems like a rather peculiar reply to make to me.

Your arguments of smoothness and whatever else are sort of tied to the part of my post you ignored. If you'd prefer 60fps with lesser graphics, awesome, that's why I said we need to be given the option. To me, the graphics are far more immersive in an RPG. FPS, racing games, fighting games, sure, give me a higher frame rate. Assassin's Creed? I don't really care.


Nov 14, 2017
I feel like a lot of ya'll are putting way too much stock into the CPUs of these machines. Yeah, they're way better than the current gen console processors and they'll remove CPU bottlenecks in a majority of games, but once you start talking about native 4k and increased/new graphical effects, the CPU is no longer a part of the equation. At that resolution it's all about the GPU, and the GPU in these consoles is not powerful enough to run a game like AC at native 4k 60 FPS.

But right now AC runs at variable 4k/30 on the One X, with graphical fidelity that is already far beyond the base PS4/Xbox One. That is the basis of comparison that led to the initial speculation.

Unless the IQ is far beyond what we're already seeing in current gen "enhanced" games, the question then becomes why don't you offer a performance mode that offers (approximate) One X fidelity? If they just come out and say "We're trying to push Ultra settings with limited RT at a locked 4k/30 FPS, and we only had 9 months of dev time on this version", that's totally understandable and reasonable.
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