
Oct 28, 2017
I'm using a 360 controller on PC and haven't had an issue with it at all. Is it the different trigger/bumper design on PS4/Xbox One controllers?

For me it wasn't the design of the buttons, just that you usually only have one finger in that area to move back and forth between the trigger and the bumper/shoulder button. When you need to press both simultaneously, it can be a bit awkward to move a second finger up there very quickly.

I switched to the alternate control scheme early on which moved the light and heavy attacks to the face buttons and found that much easier.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure RDR already had it. At least for following along with NPCs.
It was hold a button to keep pace with them, which I think any game that ever has you following someone should have. Also worked to run down a road, but you couldn't truly space out and look around at everything.

For me it wasn't the design of the buttons, just that you usually only have one finger in that area to move back and forth between the trigger and the bumper/shoulder button. When you need to press both simultaneously, it can be a bit awkward to move a second finger up there very quickly.
Yeah I have to chance my whole hand position before doing an overpower.


Oct 27, 2017
yep. a better control scheme could've catapulted this game to another level, as the combat is decent in theory

seems to be a recurring thing with western developed 3rd person arpgs. i feel like they're going for a souls combat experience but trying to re-invent the wheel at the same time. if you can't make it better then just drop the pretenses and copy
You mean like the alternative control scheme you can switch to at anytime


Oct 26, 2017




Oct 25, 2017
These side quests are Dragon Age: Inquisition/Andromeda-tier

Coming off Witcher 3 and Horizon, it's kind of embarrassing


Nov 2, 2017
Picked this up in the PSN sale, as I've heard good things. My last AC was Black Flag, so it's been a while. So far, I love the world. Man, the detail of everything is pretty astounding. It actually reminds me a lot of Witcher 3, in scope and structure. Parkour flows quite a bit more than I remember in past games, but I do occasionally stick to something I don't want to, or I go up when i wanted to drop down or vice versa, but its few and far between. The story is pretty whatever, but it drives the game forward well enough. I'm happy that the real world stuff has been almost non-existent, as that has always been one of my biggest turn offs to the series.

The combat, is where I feel the game falls short. It too resembles Witcher 3 in a lot of ways. The overpower move, is great for dealing a large amount of damage quickly, but I've hit friendly NPCs far too many times, and have wasted my overpower. Even when I'm locked on to the enemy I want to hit, an NPC steps in or gets near, the move hits them instead. WTF. In service of gameplay, this shouldn't happen. It's so frustrating to lose a long fight, because the stupid NPC moved into your path. Also, you can get overwhelmed by enemies quickly, so I'll try to run off and regroup. If there's a bale of hay with in 10 feet of me, I will always dive into it, giving the enemy plenty of free hits. I've also had on a few occasions, the game glitch out an enemy or on Bayek himself.
During the Hyena investigation, I had slowly picked off all the lower level hyenas, so that I could focus on the big bad phylake.
I had him down to his last bar of health. I climbed up a rock ledge to get a flying attack on him, and I watched him glitch into the rock face, and get stuck. I couldn't hit him, and he couldn't hit me. I had to abandon the fight. Definitely not a great feeling.

The games level gating is pretty intense as well. What they call side missions, they may as well have made them required main missions, because frankly, you have to do them to move on with the story missions. Any enemy 3 levels higher than me, could more or less one shot me, unless I was perfect in every single movement during the fight. Soon as they were only 2 levels above, I could take them easily. Not saying enemies shouldn't be tougher than me, but it just feels weird. Maybe its just me, hah.

Using Senu is awesome for spotting and setting up your assault, but let him fly even a bit too far away, then you are sitting in a loading screen for 10 - 15 seconds. Its understandable as they need to load a lot of assets, but it really kills the flow.

I'm really enjoying the game, even with these issues. My favorite AC to date.


Oct 27, 2017
Using Senu is awesome for spotting and setting up your assault, but let him fly even a bit too far away, then you are sitting in a loading screen for 10 - 15 seconds. Its understandable as they need to load a lot of assets, but it really kills the flow.
I actually always fly Senu back to my position after doing a recon, both because it looks way cooler than a load screen, but also that once you get close enough (say, close enough to make out Bayek's head) there's no load - you just instawhoosh back.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding controls, you can re-map every single button to your liking. I played with the alternate control scheme (with minor tweaks) and didn't have much trouble pressing Square and Triangle together for Overpower, though I agree it's not ideal. If you are on PC, you can also set up a macro so that a single button press launches the Overpower move.


Oct 27, 2017
Working on the Old Habits trophy for the Platinum, where you have to complete all locations. That stuff is so time consuming I almost miss collecting feathers. Things aren't helped by the fact that the map lcons aren't customizeable and you have no completion indicator. On top of that Ubi had to clutter the map with photo icons in the name of social media that get in the way of readability of the map. Love the game but this trophy kind of highlights its weaknesses.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Man, I really do miss sitting on benches and blending in with nearby people and walking in groups of people to hide... but I can see why that wouldn't fit with the narrative when everyone is like "Heeeey Meji!" Or "Oh ho! It's Bayek of Siwa!"

People don't really bunch up like that unless you're in Memphis anyways.

How far am I in the game? I've
killed everyone except The Crocodile

And how do I replay the
naval battles with Aya?
I can't find how to replay a completed sequence like past AC games.


Oct 27, 2017
OK, finished.

"Bayek, from now on we shall be a hidden blade. A shadow. Nobody shall know of our existence."

* sinks Roman fleet. Captain yells at everybody for being 'slackers' *
* leaps Spartacus-style into an arena to kill two guards and another boss that thinks he's Sauron *

Umm... OK.

* Infiltrates Senate courtyard with no roof access, but plenty of arrows, none of which can kill the guards in one shot. *
* Sneaks through a secret threshold known as 'the front fucking door to the Senate chambers' *
* Uses social stealth the one time its allowed in the game to freedom-stabbinate Caesar. Brutus then stabs his balls *

The best part of the ending is Bayek taking a child's hand in his to walk them home. Good guy Bayek++

And for a loot game you get no loot for anything during the finale? OK.

Now, back to the good stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Question about Sobek Trial of the Gods mission

Does this mission reappear every time you load the game? I've defeated Sobek twice, both times it was in the completed quests, but reloading the game brings the mission up again with the blue diamond and goes missing from the completed list. I've still got the item for defeating Sobek.

I'm on PC and didn't do the Anubis one, too low level at the time.

Edit, looking on Ubi forums some PS4 users have the same issue and I also got the diamond appearing near Giza after beating Sobek on the first go that's reported in the link
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Idk if anyone can help me, or if this is normal, but at night, this game is dark af with HDR on.

I'm playing on a One X on an x800d. Can anyone maybe help with settings?


Oct 28, 2017
They accidentally uploaded achievements on Steam for DLC and they are interesting


It looks that old mechanic from Ezio games will be back.

If anyone's having trouble finding them in the changelog (took me a little bit), here's the list:
  • What Time is It?
  • Zip it Off
  • Prison Break
  • Team Play
  • Walls of the Ruler
  • Surgical Strikes
  • New Recruits
  • The Greater Good


Oct 27, 2017
That's an awfully short list of achievements. I'm scared the DLC is not going to be content rich now. And that was an expensive ass SP.


Oct 28, 2017
That's an awfully short list of achievements. I'm scared the DLC is not going to be content rich now. And that was an expensive ass SP.

Looks like there are 8 achievements. For comparison, both Unity's Dead Kings DLC and Syndicate's Jack the Ripper DLC had 7 each.

Hopefully both of Origin's DLC's are more substantive than those. They weren't bad, but I was hoping for something more akin to what Witcher 3 offered (at almost half the price), even if that's an especially high bar.


Oct 28, 2017
Aren't there going to be like three DLCs though?

There are 2 DLC expansions, The Hidden Ones and Curse of the Pharaohs. The rest of the game's DLC is in the form of costume packs and some additional modes such as a horde mode and the educational discovery mode. Only the 2 expansions are likely to have separate achievements/trophies associated with them.


Oct 27, 2017
Soooo....I just got home from Christmas shopping for my fiance's nieces and nephews to discover our dog decided to assassinate my brand new copy of Assassin's Creed Origins I picked up on Black Friday. Feels bad man. I didn't even finish the prologue. I guess this is why people buy protections plans. This sucks. I am a huge fan of the franchise, and what I played so far was amazing.



Oct 25, 2017
Bayek is coming for your dog. High possession, gaerek.

One of the things I dislike the most is when you are extra daring and go in deep real fast without scouting to get the perfect drop point on a commander, but then the game ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to target him for the assassination rather than the peon next to him, and of course chain assassination will never work. I fight my way out anyway, but it kills all the assassin flavor and I'm like why didn't I just brawl in.


Oct 31, 2017
Does upgrading individual armor pieces apply to all new gear sets you get as you progress? I'm still fairly early and have a decent amount of supplies to upgrade armor pieces but doubt wanna waste them on low level gear.


Oct 25, 2017
Does upgrading individual armor pieces apply to all new gear sets you get as you progress? I'm still fairly early and have a decent amount of supplies to upgrade armor pieces but doubt wanna waste them on low level gear.
The armor is static stat boosts. Outfits you buy are cosmetic. Weapons have their own individual stats.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
I actually always fly Senu back to my position after doing a recon, both because it looks way cooler than a load screen, but also that once you get close enough (say, close enough to make out Bayek's head) there's no load - you just instawhoosh back.
Hmm, I can fly four km away from my position and there is no loading screen when I exit eagle view. Is that only a One X feature?


Oct 25, 2017
Quick question - how important are levels in the game? Because I'm doing most side quests and exploration points and am already significantly higher level than I should be judging by the main storyline quests (I'm 15 and have just met my wife, so it's giving me level 10 quests). I've bumped the difficulty up to hard, but really don't want to ruin the game by being overlevelled...


Oct 28, 2017
You mean like the alternative control scheme you can switch to at anytime
I think the default controlscheme is there for a reason and the best option imo. Alternative control scheme is there for emulating the feel of the old ones.
Default controls(ps4) are better in combat since you have conrol over camera position all the time. In alternative controls you have to switch your right thumb between stick and buttons constantely and that is simply not good and would hinder the enjoyment of the combat honestly.
In default controls your right thumb never leaves the stick, and since camera movement is essential in this games' combat you have to go with default. You can charge heavy attack without leave the thumb from the camerastick. Gamechanger.


Double Eleven
Oct 27, 2017
Just like Syndicate, really enjoying this! About 40hr in now...cleared 60ish quests with a mixture of main and side. Really good stuff.
Oct 27, 2017
Working on the Old Habits trophy for the Platinum, where you have to complete all locations. That stuff is so time consuming I almost miss collecting feathers. Things aren't helped by the fact that the map lcons aren't customizeable and you have no completion indicator. On top of that Ubi had to clutter the map with photo icons in the name of social media that get in the way of readability of the map. Love the game but this trophy kind of highlights its weaknesses.
You can disable (remove) photos from the map. On your map screen, take a look at the bottom right.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Soooo....I just got home from Christmas shopping for my fiance's nieces and nephews to discover our dog decided to assassinate my brand new copy of Assassin's Creed Origins I picked up on Black Friday. Feels bad man. I didn't even finish the prologue. I guess this is why people buy protections plans. This sucks. I am a huge fan of the franchise, and what I played so far was amazing.

You could try hitting up Ubisoft support and see if they might replace the disc. I'm not sure whether they will or not but it's at least worth a try.
Oct 27, 2017
On alternative control scheme does anyone else find clicking L3 to loot makes Bayek poison nearby bodies simultaneously? I'm sure I'm clicking only once and yet I pick up loot then he poisons. It's annoying.


Circumventing a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
So I just completed this. Where do you think the game will go now?

I like the fact that Layla is being the main modern day protagonist and I wonder what Will Miles will get her to do? where do you think the next setting will be?


Oct 25, 2017
So, just checking, at the start of this game there doesnt seem to be any modern day stuff, right? Making sure i didnt miss anything.