
Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully in future DLCs they make it clear that your relationship was entirely of that choice and allow you to pursue further romantic partners.


Nov 11, 2017

Note that this the same fucking person who said this:
"Since the story is choice-driven, we never force players in romantic situations they might not be comfortable with," Dumont says. "Players decide if they want to engage with characters romantically. I think this allows everybody to build the relationships they want, which I feel respects everybody's roleplay style and desires."

So this is not simply a case of entirely different teams (like the narrative director, who confirmed she didn't work on this dlc), but this mr. Jonathan Dumont knowingly LIED to LGBT people to promote the game. He already knew what was going to happen in the dlc, but he still said all those bullshits.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, at least they were pretty fast in admitting they fucked up I guess even if the reasonning behind the child stuff is weak as hell.

Let's hope they won't fuck up like this in the future because that's a colossal failure on their part.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Good on them for owning it. It will be difficult to look past what already happened but its reassuring they definitely won't do this again. I hope any references in Part 3 are minimal or nonexistent but I'm not sure if that is possible.

I think they should offer refunds to those that want it as well.
He already knew what was going to happen in the dlc, but he still said all those bullshits.
How do we know this for sure?


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
So the answer is that Kassandra has to get impregnated for the good of the 'bloodline'?

Fucking hell that's got some issues.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Our goal was to let players choose between a utilitarian view of ensuring your bloodline lived on or forming a romantic relationship. We attempted to distinguish between the two but could have done this more carefully as we were walking a narrow line between role-play choices and story, and the clarity and motivation for this decision was poorly executed
Ah, yes, the utilitarian view of crying because a person left, receiving them with obvious joy, claiming to have a "genuine connection" with them, settling down to live with them and their father, kissing them under the moonlight, having a child with them and claiming they are now family.

"Poorly executed" is perhaps a bit mild of a descriptor.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
Not happy with that half-ass response tbh. He basically says "we'll do something else next time."


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
How do we know this for sure?
The areas of the world the DLC episodes explore are conspicuously empty of side-quests in the main game. It's plenty obvious that, while the narrative content may have not been 100% done, the DLC was planned before the main game released.

Not an awful response, good on the director for adressing it. Also good that such relationship isn't forced on the player in the next part of the DLC.
The relationship has already been forced on the player. If they start the next dlc episode with some patchwork addition of Alexios and Kassandra saying something like "I'm just doing this to continue my bloodline" that was obviously never going to be part of the original vision, given how this episode ended. It's all very unfortunate.

Kylo Rey

Dec 17, 2017
I don"t know if his response is good or bad.

I think it's still bad. Quite homophobic. Ubi don't learn.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
If the Bloodline story is so important seeing through, even in a game with choice, they should have just forced a sexuality on the sibling you don't pick and have their partner (or themselves depending on choices you've made) come to you with the child after the fact if you don't decide to pursue the canon relationship of this DLC.

Just seems like such a bizarre thing at odds with the rest of the game to force on the player and I would have to think this would have gotten some pushback internally given how big their studios are and how diverse the people that make up those studios likely are.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
The issue here is they give you a choice and then take it away. If they are going to walk down the choice driven path; they've got to commit to it. This is a really shitty thing to do with the way the game was setup.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
Damage control apology.
Yet they could patch out the forced relationship or at least write it better, respect their players choices and allow them to completely decline the procreation and portray it accordingly but, if they must, make the bloodline choice as canon. Or not, blood will find a way. Maybe Pythagoras has other children with people of the Isu blood, who knows.

By doing nothing and saying that in part 3 it will not matter at all is like hand waving the issue.

Kylo Rey

Dec 17, 2017
This is why Assassin's Creed is doomed and i don't understand why people tell me i'm out of the subject.
One of the main story of the franchise is the bloodline. It's the story of our ancestors.

Problem? No way to have a baby without "sexual relationship" in the past (or without a piece of eden...).
And since 2010's see the rise of the LGBT community (and that's awesome) now it feels like Assassin's Creed is promoting bloodline so far-right stuff.

AC is doomed. It can"t recover from this. This is the end of the franchise. It's Weinstein lvl of shit.

I can already see at E3 2020 about next AC the "choices are back" and then sarcastic meme around reddit, resetera, boards etc... "until you meet someone and have a baby" or stuff like that. AC is over.
And more of that , the "lore" they built during the games made some assassins to be played or to appeared an obligation.
A China Game without playing Shao Jun? No.
But what if i want to play as a man? Or a lesbian female? We know Shao Jun is the only student Ezio had. So what? We destroy the lore so we can please everybody (and THEY HAVE TO! THAT'S THE SOLUTION! ) .They won't.
AC is over.

Kylo Rey

Dec 17, 2017
The issue here is they give you a choice and then take it away. If they are going to walk down the choice driven path; they've got to commit to it. This is a really shitty thing to do with the way the game was setup.

Once you give choices to the player in a game, it can't go back.
Next game have to give gender choices too even if this make big inconsistencies.
Or it would be also see as an insult.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why Assassin's Creed is doomed and i don't understand why people tell me i'm out of the subject.
One of the main story of the franchise is the bloodline. It's the story of our ancestors.

Problem? No way to have a baby without "sexual relationship" in the past (or without a piece of eden...).
And since 2010's see the rise of the LGBT community (and that's awesome) now it feels like Assassin's Creed is promoting bloodline so far-right stuff.

AC is doomed. It can"t recover from this. This is the end of the franchise. It's Weinstein lvl of shit.

I can already see at E3 2020 about next AC the "choices are back" and then sarcastic meme around reddit, resetera, boards etc... "until you meet someone and have a baby" or stuff like that. AC is over.
And more of that , the "lore" they built during the games made some assassins to be played or to appeared an obligation.
A China Game without playing Shao Jun? No.
But what if i want to play as a man? Or a lesbian female? We know Shao Jun is the only student Ezio had. So what? We destroy the lore so we can please everybody (and THEY HAVE TO! THAT'S THE SOLUTION! ) .They won't.
AC is over.

........da fuck?
Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
I played Alwxios as a guy dude

On the one hand this sucks

On the other the sex/relationships never went very far. I had a cool thing with a guy with a candle lot date at the end.

Then he was alll like 'ok stuff to do maybe catch you later'

He never showed up again.


Nov 1, 2017
Raccoon City
No one would have an issue if Kassandra or Alexios were presented to us as heterosexual to begin with (i.e. we are given no choices in who they are) but for them to give us those choices, and even market the game around this concept, then take it all away suddenly for the purposes of "storytelling" is quite disrespectful to those players who were promised to have total control on who their character is/becomes, and it's the epitome of a bait-and-switch.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
This is why Assassin's Creed is doomed and i don't understand why people tell me i'm out of the subject.
One of the main story of the franchise is the bloodline. It's the story of our ancestors.

Problem? No way to have a baby without "sexual relationship" in the past (or without a piece of eden...).
And since 2010's see the rise of the LGBT community (and that's awesome) now it feels like Assassin's Creed is promoting bloodline so far-right stuff.

AC is doomed. It can"t recover from this. This is the end of the franchise. It's Weinstein lvl of shit.

I can already see at E3 2020 about next AC the "choices are back" and then sarcastic meme around reddit, resetera, boards etc... "until you meet someone and have a baby" or stuff like that. AC is over.
And more of that , the "lore" they built during the games made some assassins to be played or to appeared an obligation.
A China Game without playing Shao Jun? No.
But what if i want to play as a man? Or a lesbian female? We know Shao Jun is the only student Ezio had. So what? We destroy the lore so we can please everybody (and THEY HAVE TO! THAT'S THE SOLUTION! ) .They won't.
AC is over.

I can't tell if this a joke post or a troll one.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why Assassin's Creed is doomed and i don't understand why people tell me i'm out of the subject.
One of the main story of the franchise is the bloodline. It's the story of our ancestors.

Problem? No way to have a baby without "sexual relationship" in the past (or without a piece of eden...).
And since 2010's see the rise of the LGBT community (and that's awesome) now it feels like Assassin's Creed is promoting bloodline so far-right stuff.

AC is doomed. It can"t recover from this. This is the end of the franchise. It's Weinstein lvl of shit.

I can already see at E3 2020 about next AC the "choices are back" and then sarcastic meme around reddit, resetera, boards etc... "until you meet someone and have a baby" or stuff like that. AC is over.
And more of that , the "lore" they built during the games made some assassins to be played or to appeared an obligation.
A China Game without playing Shao Jun? No.
But what if i want to play as a man? Or a lesbian female? We know Shao Jun is the only student Ezio had. So what? We destroy the lore so we can please everybody (and THEY HAVE TO! THAT'S THE SOLUTION! ) .They won't.
AC is over.
Take a breather, they fucked up with this DLC. The franchise is nothing near doomed though. I get it if this soured you enough to not play any future AC games, that's of course valid. But the franchise will keep on rolling and it will keep selling.


Oct 27, 2017
No one would have an issue if Kassandra or Alexios were presented to us as heterosexual to begin with (i.e. we are given no choices in who they are) but for them to give us those choices, and even market the game around this concept, then take it all away suddenly for the purposes of "storytelling" is quite disrespectful to those players who were promised to have total control on who their character is/becomes, and it's the epitome of a bait-and-switch.
You never have total control.

The baby thing was a stupid idea, but it's something they were determined to have happen (and lots of gay people have biological children). They're apologizing for fucking up the execution, and promising to not take away choice to that degree in future (including letting you distance yourself from the forced scenario here in the final installment).

I don't think there's much else they can do, short of rewriting it (which obviously isn't in the cards, at least for now).

I can't tell if this a joke post or a troll one.
Concern trolling.
Nov 2, 2017
This is why Assassin's Creed is doomed and i don't understand why people tell me i'm out of the subject.
One of the main story of the franchise is the bloodline. It's the story of our ancestors.

Problem? No way to have a baby without "sexual relationship" in the past (or without a piece of eden...).
And since 2010's see the rise of the LGBT community (and that's awesome) now it feels like Assassin's Creed is promoting bloodline so far-right stuff.

AC is doomed. It can"t recover from this. This is the end of the franchise. It's Weinstein lvl of shit.

Bloodline stuff has always been a bad look, not just because of the LGBT angle.

Family and bloodline are very different. Family stories are one thing, focusing on the people who surround you and raise you (and, worth noting, doesn't rule out LGBT-inclusivity because families are families and don't have to have anything to do with reproductive function). However, bloodline plot devices are usually in the form of "You're superior because of your blood", which has been the preferred narrative of bigots since time immemorial.

Any time you're talking about "bloodline", it's always about who is superior or inferior due to the circumstances of their birth. It's basically inherently gross.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Okay, so the Isu had the ability to see and interact with the future. Why not have it so they (Aletheia and Hermes maybe) saw that Kassandra's and Darius' bloodlines had to continue and merge to "save the future" or whatever? They could have created a special Piece of Eden that would create a child with both of their DNA (and a hefty amount of Isu DNA) when Kass and Darius' son both touched it. They could have also relayed a message to the future to guide them to this special PoE.

There, problem solved.


Nov 24, 2017
This is why Assassin's Creed is doomed and i don't understand why people tell me i'm out of the subject.
One of the main story of the franchise is the bloodline. It's the story of our ancestors.

Problem? No way to have a baby without "sexual relationship" in the past (or without a piece of eden...).
And since 2010's see the rise of the LGBT community (and that's awesome) now it feels like Assassin's Creed is promoting bloodline so far-right stuff.

AC is doomed. It can"t recover from this. This is the end of the franchise. It's Weinstein lvl of shit.

I can already see at E3 2020 about next AC the "choices are back" and then sarcastic meme around reddit, resetera, boards etc... "until you meet someone and have a baby" or stuff like that. AC is over.
And more of that , the "lore" they built during the games made some assassins to be played or to appeared an obligation.
A China Game without playing Shao Jun? No.
But what if i want to play as a man? Or a lesbian female? We know Shao Jun is the only student Ezio had. So what? We destroy the lore so we can please everybody (and THEY HAVE TO! THAT'S THE SOLUTION! ) .They won't.
AC is over.



Oct 27, 2017
Hello all,

After hearing player feedback and discussing within the development team we are making changes to a cutscene and some dialogue in Shadow Heritage to better reflect the nature of the relationship for players selecting a non-romantic storyline. These changes, along with renaming a trophy/achievement, are being made now and will be implemented in an upcoming patch.

We've also been carefully looking at the next episode, Bloodline, to ensure the paths that players experience mirror the choices they make in game.


Nov 11, 2017
The patch with the "changes" to the DLC is out and from what I'm reading... it's fucking nothing.
Apparently all they did is changing ONE line of dialogue and removing a hug.

This shows how much Ubisoft care for LGBT. From the beginning it's all been lies and false promises.

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The patch with the "changes" to the DLC is out and from what I'm reading... it's fucking nothing.
Apparently all they did is changing ONE line of dialogue and removing a hug.

This shows how much Ubisoft care for LGBT. From the beginning it's all been lies and false promises.

They also changed the trophy name to Blood of Leonidas.