
Oct 28, 2017
The fact that people won't buy this because it's on another store that's on the same platform, PC, is pathetic.
Oct 27, 2017
I think the only bad things is that the game was play anywhere meaning you could play it for $10 on the windows atore. Now it's only a full priced option on PC


Oct 25, 2017
Will it? There's been data showing since last year at least that a good portion of steam users entered the service for one big game they were interested and don't buy much else (the growth attributed to Pubg was essentially that way for instance) and it's not like developers having being complaining about lackluster sales on steam due the lack of exposure due the sheer amount of stuff that launches at the same time, and only a small portion of the userbase willing to byy other stuff.

If course, any sales are sales and if the game makes it steam can give you huge sales, however we don't know how good of a deal the game got, nor can we know how much it would have sell more than it's going to. I'd say Ashen is likely to be one of those big solely on the hype around the game, but you never know.

Of course its gonna hurt their sales. They aren't launching this game on Playstation...where the souls genre basically started. They aren't releasing it on Steam where the Souls trilogy has sold about 10 million units by now.

Instead they are releasing it on an unproven pc store and Xbox which does probably worst when it comes to this genre. They are gonna lose sales no matter how anyone wants to spin this. They will probably lose 2/3 the potential sales. Because once again indie platform exclusivity is fucking dumb and shouldn't be happening in this industry in this manner.


Oct 27, 2017
Won't be supporting this game. Would have either resubscribed to game pass or bought on Steam to play. Now I'll do neither as I don't have an Xbox One.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this how Epic intends to "compete"? Epic can fuck right off then, using their microtransaction money to lock away exclusives.


Oct 26, 2017
The fact that people won't buy this because it's on another store that's on the same platform, PC, is pathetic.
It's about not rewarding anti-consumer practice. If you were really excited about a new film coming out, and then it turned out, just before release, that it was only going to show in one chain of cinemas, which was much smaller and out of the way from where you normally go, why on earth would you reward that decision? It's an inconvenience for you, it means you can't enjoy the normal benefits of your familiar service, and pricing can't be competitive.

If a new storefront wants to compete, let it fucking compete. Using big bags of money for force people to go to your store for exclusivity is how Tidal collapsed.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
The fact that people won't buy this because it's on another store that's on the same platform, PC, is pathetic.
The fact that people want to proscribe for others what to do with their money, like accept having to use a worse software platform due to corporate exclusivity shenanigans, is truly pathetic.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok. Im fine with epic making deals. But PULLING a game from steam is a bridge to far.


Oct 18, 2018
The fact that people won't buy this because it's on another store that's on the same platform, PC, is pathetic.

What's pathetic and straight up dirty is using Steam to promote your game, generate hype and then on the day of release suddenly pull it from there without even officially aknowledging it. Also that other store is shite in comparison. Which is probably why all of this is happening, they realized that what they supposedly worked on for years (looks more like cobbled together in a month) is a bit lacking, so let's buy a few exclusives last minute.
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Dec 9, 2017
Will it? There's been data showing since last year at least that a good portion of steam users entered the service for one big game they were interested and don't buy much else (the growth attributed to Pubg was essentially that way for instance) and it's not like developers having being complaining about lackluster sales on steam due the lack of exposure due the sheer amount of stuff that launches at the same time, and only a small portion of the userbase willing to byy other stuff.

If course, any sales are sales and if the game makes it steam can give you huge sales, however we don't know how good of a deal the game got, nor can we know how much it would have sell more than it's going to. I'd say Ashen is likely to be one of those big solely on the hype around the game, but you never know.
It could totally end up not being a big deal but we've seen how the reaction to these kinds of moves can blow up. If Epic buying exclusives for their new store is the hot topic for the news cycle later today or this weekend, then Ashen is probably going to be the poster child for the backlash. That money up front for taking the deal might not be able to offset a backlash like that, especially as an indie title.


Jan 21, 2018
Nice to see Steam and the Microsoft Store being on the same side for once tho... :P

What a fuck up.


Dec 25, 2017
Makes me no difference, still a buy for me...

However, I feel like this is only gonna confuse gamers that were tracking it on Steam and eventually hurt sales...

Do they at least offer some kind of redirect or explanation as to why it's fallen off their wish list? I know Steam probably isn't obligated to...


Oct 26, 2017
Makes me no difference, still a buy for me...

However, I feel like this is only gonna confuse gamers that were tracking it on Steam and eventually hurt sales...

Do they at least offer some kind of redirect or explanation as to why it's fallen off their wish list? I know Steam probably isn't obligated to...

It's still on Steam, at least the page is. So you can still wishlist it.


Oct 25, 2017
Gosh, I really hope that one day consoles too will have multiple stores with their own exclusives, logins, friends lists, features, save games, etc. and then we can talk about why it's a pain in the ass not to be able to use a service that does not give added value to the consumer but just outright bought exclusivity.

Thankfully when I play on Switch it's the same service, features, and login everywhere and for every game. Remember how shitty per game friend codes from a user standpoint were? Yeah.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that people won't buy this because it's on another store that's on the same platform, PC, is pathetic.

Ah yes, entitled people who won't buy with their hard earned more expensive stuff on another inferior platform because it's a moneyhatted exclusive.
Seriously, it's like some of you are saying we are entitled and we owe devs money.


Oct 25, 2017
-72.290091, 0.795254
To be fair I don't think Microsoft has anything to do with this. This is probably just a business deal between Epic and Annapurna. I hope this doesn't result in Microsoft moneyhatting indie games for the Windows Store as well.

I agree that it probably doesn't have anything to do with their own decision making in this case but it still makes me question, rightly or wrongly, their commitment to the PC side of their gamepass equation.

For me to buy in to these subscription services I need to trust the providers information not only about the services current content but also their plans for content going forward. Whilst in this instance it's fairly clear that Microsoft has been, at the last hour, beaten to the punch by Epic and could perhaps be considered a victim in this case, it still doesn't instil confidence that the same unfortunate thing won't happen again going forward.
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Oct 25, 2017
This legitimately makes me so mad I'm not buying the game. Was going to get it Play Anywhere.

This isn't an exclusivity thing. I thought the Epic Games store sounds good. But this was advertised to be on Play Anywhere for so long until literally last minute. Disgraceful and irritating. Not supporting this.

Fuck that makes me mad.

Epic should have invited people to their platform with good games, a way better service, and new games, not stealing games away from other places.

And the A44 is absolutely scummy for basically taking all of Microsoft's support for years and then last minute telling them to fuck off.

What the fuck guys.


Oct 25, 2017
MS must be pissed, but I have to question what kind of hole ridden contract did they have the developers sign?

How does the game go from Play Anywhere day one to TBD on the day of release and MS just...apparently do nothing.

The developer could also potentially be risking future relationships with publishers with this kind of behaviour.


Oct 27, 2017
Man it sucks that Sweeney was such a good guy when it comes to almost everything until this point, but fucks up hard on this.


Jan 21, 2018
I agree that it probably doesn't have anything to do with their own decision making in this case but it still makes me question, rightly or wrongly, their commitment to the PC side of their gamepass equation.

For me to buy in to these subscription services I need to trust the providers information not only about the services current content but also their plans for content going forward. Whilst in this instance it's fairy clear that Microsoft has been, at the last hour, beaten to the punch by Epic and could perhaps be considered a victim in this case, it still doesn't instil confidence that the same unfortunate thing won't happen again going forward.

Agree. This doesn't increase my confidence in Gamepass.


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't mean to come off as rude but really, it sucks but I don't think it's worth boycotting a good game.


Nov 13, 2017
User Warned: Trolling
See the thing is that Valve Corporation has had a monopoly on PC gaming for a long time. Summer/Winter sales + forcing steam for AAA titles back in the day has made people invest in steam. All their games are on steam (except for a few dozen games).

Now when a competitor rises they are scared that their gaming backlog isn't going to be as "worth" as before.

I've hated Valve Corporation since the day they f***ed us players by stoping to develop games, the day they went on to become some store with a monopoly.

As a longtime fan of the old good Valve (been on steam since 2003) it really grind my gears that they've become Valve Corporation.

Thumbs up for Epic. I hope more things Lila this will eventually lead to Half-Life 2 episode 3 and Half-Life 3.


Oct 25, 2017
So is the blame solely on Epic here and not the developer for also allowing this and agreeing to do it? I mean they're both to blame if you're not happy about this, right?

Laser Man

Oct 26, 2017
The fact that people won't buy this because it's on another store that's on the same platform, PC, is pathetic.

lol, I decide where I buy and why I do that in particular for all sorts of reasons and I don't need to justify any of them, thank you very much! If Steam does not give you enough reasons to support them then fine, do what you like. I want them to succeed and become even more relevant than they are already because the pc gaming landscape would be a trainwreck without them!


Jan 21, 2018
See the thing is that Valve Corporation has had a monopoly on PC gaming for a long time. Summer/Winter sales + forcing steam for AAA titles back in the day has made people invest in steam. All their games are on steam (except for a few dozen games).

Now when a competitor rises they are scared that their gaming backlog isn't going to be as "worth" as before.

I've hated Valve Corporation since the day they f***ed us players by stoping to develop games, the day they went on to become some store with a monopoly.

As a longtime fan of the old good Valve (been on steam since 2003) it really grind my gears that they've become Valve Corporation.

Thumbs up for Epic. I hope more things Lila this will eventually lead to Half-Life 2 episode 3 and Half-Life 3.

Thumbs up for Epic by screwing Gamepass users,right?



Oct 25, 2017
I didn't mean to come off as rude but really, it sucks but I don't think it's worth boycotting a good game.

The developer promoted their game with the support of Microsoft and Steam for so many months only to decide they like Epic moneyhats at the very last moment. This shady behaviour should not be rewarded no matter how good the game is.
Oct 31, 2017
See the thing is that Valve Corporation has had a monopoly on PC gaming for a long time. Summer/Winter sales + forcing steam for AAA titles back in the day has made people invest in steam. All their games are on steam (except for a few dozen games).

Now when a competitor rises they are scared that their gaming backlog isn't going to be as "worth" as before.

I've hated Valve Corporation since the day they f***ed us players by stoping to develop games, the day they went on to become some store with a monopoly.

As a longtime fan of the old good Valve (been on steam since 2003) it really grind my gears that they've become Valve Corporation.

Thumbs up for Epic. I hope more things Lila this will eventually lead to Half-Life 2 episode 3 and Half-Life 3.
Everything about this post oscillates between hilariously misguided and genuinely, infuriatingly misinformed.

Starting by how Valve as a developer and Valve as a store curator are two entirely different arguments, and going through the irony of blaming Valve for being "a corporation doing corporative things" while endorsing Epic/Tencent.


Oct 25, 2017
No discounted offer on a reseller like Voidu or GMG, no buy from me.

I bought a lot of games day 1 this year alone to the fact that I don't have to pay 60+ € for a new release.


Oct 28, 2017
If they had kept the gamepass deal AND released on Epic Store, I would've been fine...but this just means I'll wait on the game until it gets marked down.

I really hope Epic money hatting games that already get listed on other platforms doesn't become a trend, but is just a temporary growing pain as they start out.


Dec 15, 2017
Exclusivity sucks. I hope they learn a hard lesson.

It isn't "exclusivity" at all.

I honestly have to clue why people are complaining.
What the hell is going on with some people and their weird logic and fixation with using a different store-front other than Steam?
You are literally still downloading the game onto your PC and playing it afterwards.

Don't y'all have other login for GOG/Steam/Origin/Ubisoft/ect..?


Oct 25, 2017
It isn't "exclusivity" at all.

I honestly have to clue why people are complaining.
What the hell is going on with some people and their weird logic and fixation with using a different store-front other than Steam?
You are literally still downloading the game onto your PC and playing it afterwards.

Don't y'all have other login for GOG/Steam/Origin/Ubisoft/ect..?

Or you know, you can read all the arguments already made against this very simplistic logic.


Dec 15, 2017
What's pathetic is supporting anti-consumer practices.

What anti-consumer practice?

Forcing you to create another login that is probably going to tie/merge with your PS/Google+/FB account either way?

This is like complaining that you have to go to Walmart instead of Target to buy a new game, and you don't like it because Walmart is 5mins farther away.


Oct 25, 2017
See the thing is that Valve Corporation has had a monopoly on PC gaming for a long time. Summer/Winter sales + forcing steam for AAA titles back in the day has made people invest in steam. All their games are on steam (except for a few dozen games).

Now when a competitor rises they are scared that their gaming backlog isn't going to be as "worth" as before.

I've hated Valve Corporation since the day they f***ed us players by stoping to develop games, the day they went on to become some store with a monopoly.

As a longtime fan of the old good Valve (been on steam since 2003) it really grind my gears that they've become Valve Corporation.

Thumbs up for Epic. I hope more things Lila this will eventually lead to Half-Life 2 episode 3 and Half-Life 3.

So, Valve is terrible because they don't make Half Life 3. But Thumbs up for Epic for killing off Unreal Tournament ?

What anti-consumer practice?

Forcing you to create another login that is probably going to tie/merge with your PS/Google+/FB account either way?

This is like complaining that you have to go to Walmart instead of Target to buy a new game, and you don't like it because Walmart is 5mins farther away.

If you want to participate a thread. Read it. That'll prevent you from asking questions that has been covered already.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, sure. The Steam page wasn't pulled, just updated to say "TBD" rather than "2018". I don't think attempts to secure hard exclusivity would have worked as even the developers/publishers aligning with Epic today are surely aware that the bulk of their respective audiences on PC are going to be on Steam, arbitrary delay or not.

The problem is, what does this mean for Play Anywhere? There's never been a retroactive PA title has there?


Oct 25, 2017
What anti-consumer practice?

Forcing you to create another login that is probably going to tie/merge with your PS/Google+/FB account either way?

This is like complaining that you have to go to Walmart instead of Target to buy a new game, and you don't like it because Walmart is 5mins farther away.

No, it's like forcing you to buy only from a small shitty store with poor service who can decide on discounts and sales as they want since there's no other store selling it. Also while the game no longer offers previously promised packages (Play Anywhere) or features (cross platform play).


Nov 13, 2017
Everything about this post oscillates between hilariously misguided and genuinely, infuriatingly misinformed.

Starting by how Valve as a developer and Valve as a store curator are two entirely different arguments, and going through the irony of blaming Valve for being "a corporation doing corporative things" while endorsing Epic/Tencent.
Well that is your opinion.

Valve changed its name to Valve Corporation because it wasn't a game developer no more, they just became a store that had pracitcly monopoly on PC gaming. I want them to go back to they game developer roots and think competition like this will be a good incentive.

I have more trust on Epic and Tencennt then I have in Valve Corporation.

You can still play this game on PC.


Jun 7, 2018
See the thing is that Valve Corporation has had a monopoly on PC gaming for a long time. Summer/Winter sales + forcing steam for AAA titles back in the day has made people invest in steam. All their games are on steam (except for a few dozen games).

Now when a competitor rises they are scared that their gaming backlog isn't going to be as "worth" as before.

I've hated Valve Corporation since the day they f***ed us players by stoping to develop games, the day they went on to become some store with a monopoly.

As a longtime fan of the old good Valve (been on steam since 2003) it really grind my gears that they've become Valve Corporation.

Thumbs up for Epic. I hope more things Lila this will eventually lead to Half-Life 2 episode 3 and Half-Life 3.

This entire post is just sad... But especially the bolded part, just....sad