
"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My black friends call me nigga sometimes. I still feel uncomfortable saying it around them though.

But I would be lying if it didn't enter my mind all the time, it just rubs off on you after a while. And then I feel bad about it. Should I?

I am super white for context.

Like...I'm black and never say it,, I don't understand this.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I understand why you wouldn't want to say it. But when you're around people that do all the time, how should you act? Especially if you're white like me. Do you need "the card" or should you just not use it at all period? I go for the latter option.

You don't say it.

I'm around people that say it all the time. I don't have the urge to say it. It hasn't "rubbed off on me." It was a personal decision I made based on my history and beliefs. It's not something I judge other people for because blackness ain't a monolith, and I respect what it means for others.

You (specifically you and other white people) just don't say it. lol


Oct 25, 2017
User Has Been Warned: inflammatory post, antagonizing members.
Saying "nigga" as black person makes you sound like an uneducated idiot. Throw it out with "nigger"


Oct 25, 2017
I'd personally like it if nobody used the word in front of anybody,
I don't think anyone here has actually said you can't use it just that they don't. Unfortunate you view those who don't use it as being afraid of our blackness. Maybe we didn't grow up saying it or just don't like to use it. I've gotten by pretty ok in life with out referring to my friends as niggas.
That's what I was talking about. It inevitably leads to someone saying that no one should use it. It's cool of you don't want to say it personally.


Oct 25, 2017
I think that's a little different, though, because on anonymous Internet forums you're dealing with a Schrodingers nigga situation. Since you don't really know someone's race on here (without mod status, I guess) people are in a spot where nigga would be simultaneously fine and not fine to use at the same time.

regarding the topic, i say what i want when I want. easy.

and I hope the rest of y'all black brothers and sisters do the same. been through enough shit ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
You don't say it.

I'm around people that say it all the time. I don't have the urge to say it. It hasn't "rubbed off on me." It was a personal decision I made based on my history and beliefs. It's not something I judge other people for because blackness ain't a monolith, and I respect what it means for others.

You (specifically you and other white people) just don't say it. lol
Should you say it? From super white guy to super white guy, that's a rock solid, non-negotiable NO. Not ever.

Should you feel bad about thinking it? Well, if it keeps you from saying it, then that's working as intended.
Yep, this is what I thought.

It's just like, when you hang out around people who talk and act a certain way, you start to think how they speak in your head. It's how I picked up "dude" and "man" and the like in high school, hanging around all my stoner skateboarding friends. But the n-bomb is a totally different beast.

Will refrain from using it like I have been, 24/7. Thanks for your input.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My black friends call me nigga sometimes. I still feel uncomfortable saying it around them though.

But I would be lying if it didn't enter my mind all the time, it just rubs off on you after a while. And then I feel bad about it. Should I?

I am super white for context.

this thread would be more interesting if we knew every poster's race tbh
(am white so I don't get a say, don't use it)


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
lol I figured that's the kind of response I'd get. I'm just trying to be upfront. My friends say they're ok with me saying it around them but I don't want to be the "BUT MY BLACK FRIENDS" guy. It just seems super disrespectful no matter how I look at it.

Hope I didn't come off as offensive, again, just trying to be as upfront as possible. Sorry if I did.


Oct 27, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
It's just like, when you hang out around people who talk and act a certain way, you start to think how they speak in your head. It's how I picked up "dude" and "man" and the like in high school, hanging around all my stoner skateboarding friends. But the n-bomb is a totally different beast.
I get what you're saying here. I have some minor social interaction issues and I've learned to adapt quickly to personalities that I'm hanging around with in order to fit in with them better. That includes mimicking the things they say and stuff like that. I have a couple very close black friends and I have never let the N bomb drop. No matter how many times they endearlingly say it to me, it's just something I should not and will not say.


Nov 30, 2017
I have never used the word and I never understood why others do, but I'm used to it. I'm also not sure why so many people act like they are making a political statement when they use it rather than just saying they like to use it
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
love how we got this white guy in here playing I got a conscious but i still wanna know if can say it around my black friends just being upfront y'all

man foh ๐Ÿ˜‚ we know you're gonna say that shit regardless if we tell you or not. stop playing dumb questions

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Growing up I went to a public school in the Bronx and one of our teachers taught us that "nigga" was an acronym standing for "never ignorant, getting goals accomplished." I guess since the word was already widespread in the kids vocabulary she was trying to put a positive spin on it, however she kind of failed to mention that you probably shouldn't say this word if you aren't black. There were some complaints the next day when Maurice went home and proudly declared himself a nigga.


Oct 27, 2017
How about people let black people do whatever they need to do as individuals in whatever way they think is appropriate in their dealing with one of the most vile words ever created in reference to their race?


Oct 25, 2017
I love how these topics always turn to a few people saying, "No one should use it!" It's such a boring take and I've encountered other black people who say that and I always roll my eyes at them. Because I always get the impression that they're trying to hard or afraid that if they use the word they'll be viewed as too ghetto, black, or whatever.

White people have been policing us since we got here. So we shouldn't do it to ourselves.

As far as the question goes, I call non-black people nigga sometimes.
It is ghetto, or childish to be throwing it around like some people do though. Black, white, whatever... Everyone police's themselves by way of knowing the company they're in and acting accordingly, unless they're ghetto. You wouldn't casually cuss or use nigga around elder family, younger kids, in a professional setting etc. unless you just don't know how to act -- which is really the defining trait of being ghetto.

On using it around white people... Your close friends that are cool and know the deal? Fine. But to carelessly throw it around people you'd wanna fight if they got the wrong idea and said it themselves is just stupid.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
love how we got this white guy in here playing I got a conscious but i still wanna know if can say it around my black friends just being upfront y'all

man foh ๐Ÿ˜‚ we know you're gonna say that shit regardless if we tell you or not. stop playing dumb questions
Thanks for your generalizations. I have never used the word in my life and was only asking because my friends explicitly told me I could and should use it around them. I felt uncomfortable doing so and came here for clarification.

Don't lump me in with those other assholes.


Oct 25, 2017
But to anyone who feels like no one should use it, this is a good article explaining why that's bullshit. I like this line:

"The Black community is required to be the paragon of virtue in order to 'earn' their basic human rights and the same level of respect that white Americans are given freely."

So anyone who says we shouldn't use it, I hope you feel that way about white people (and everyone) using profanity and slang too. Hell, I hope your skin crawls when posters on this shit use internet acronyms in emojis (lol).

There's a time and place for everything. Obviously you shouldn't go around saying it 1,000 times a day to any and everyone ๐Ÿ˜‚


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for your generalizations. I have never used the word in my life and was only asking because my friends explicitly told me I could and should use it around them. I felt uncomfortable doing so and came here for clarification.

Don't lump me in with those other assholes.

You got told it was ok by your nโ€”โ€”r representative and now you're checking with the nโ€”โ€”r consulate?


Oct 28, 2017
I dont use it around most white people, or at work or school. I dont say it around whites because they will start trying to repeat you so they can say the word without feeling like a racist or if you get mad its "I'm just repeating what you said" and that gets annoying. But in general I say it much less than in my teens and early 20s


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
You got told it was ok by your nโ€”โ€”r representative and now you're checking with the nโ€”โ€”r consulate?
I wanted a detached opinion. And I got one. Thank you for that.

My friends keep telling me "it's ok, you got the card" and similar things. I never agreed with that. Wanted a clarification from people who don't really know me. Got one. Thanks.


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
Usually don't say it in general conversation, but damn sure not gonna refrain from saying it either.

If you're not black, don't say it. Period


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
I dont use it around most white people, or at work or school. I dont say it around whites because they will start trying to repeat you so they can say the word without feeling like a racist or if you get mad its "I'm just repeating what you said" and that gets annoying. But in general I say it much less than in my teens and early 20s
Oh yes, the "I'm just repeating what you said" defense. They tryna be cute with that one.


Oct 25, 2017
No. However I'll admit if I'm in a group of my non-black friends there's a bit of hesitancy to say it tbh
Sep 28, 2018
Disclosure: I'm white but from a place with no history of black slavery.

So, this feels like the right place to ask: Why do black people still use this word that was invented as a racial slur against them?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like when other people say it so I don't say it at all. Even if I did I certainly wouldn't use it around non-black people to give them the impression that they can do it too.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
No. However I'll admit if I'm in a group of my non-black friends there's a bit of hesitancy to say it tbh
For me, even if it's a group of other black people I know from work, I don't say it because I'm gonna get that "I didn't know you said that? Wow" type reaction like I wasn't "black enough" to say it.


Oct 22, 2018
Why would you call your non-black friends that word? "Hey I can call you this word because we're friends, but you can't say it back because we're friends". It makes no sense. Friends call each other stupid names(asshole, fucker, etc) all the time. They do it because they know there is no ill-intent. I've never used the word, but have been called it before. It's like dude, if we're friends, don't call me something I can't say back.


Oct 28, 2017
nigga is part of my daily vocabulary unfortunately, I should stop though lol


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
If Era is to be considered my white friends, then no, I don't say it on here. I don't have any close white friends though. But I am marrying into a Spanish family soon & I have to check them every now & then because it doesn't feel right when they try. That's a different thing altogether though.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
Dude where do you live? Did you not grow up with black friends?

Depending on your age and where you grew up, it's not that uncommon in the UK. I grew up in a small market town in Yorkshire in the 80s and in my entire secondary school I can remember there being one black kid, a few of asian/Indian heritage and one Chinese kid (surprise surprise his family owned the local takeaway). That's from around 800 kids. The first black person I ever spoke to was at Uni. My friends from London are incredulous at this because it was so different down here.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
As a brown minority I find it hilarious that people think that black people should only be allowed to use that word in certain situations. It's also hilarious that it's censored in mainstream media. So black people have been oppressed for centuries and white people used denigrating slurs at them but now you can't have black people use that word in public television or radio because it's too 'explicit'. It's not black peoples' fault if a non-black person suddenly gets the idea that they can use that word too.


Oct 28, 2017
As a brown minority I find it hilarious that people think that black people should only be allowed to use that word in certain situations. It's also hilarious that it's censored in mainstream media. So black people have been oppressed for centuries and white people used denigrating slurs at them but now you can't have black people use that word in public television or radio because it's too 'explicit'. It's not black peoples' fault if a non-black person suddenly gets the idea that they can use that word too.

This. We can say all day long and no white person should suddenly feel its cool for them to replicate.
Oct 27, 2017
I dont use it around most white people, or at work or school. I dont say it around whites because they will start trying to repeat you so they can say the word without feeling like a racist or if you get mad its "I'm just repeating what you said" and that gets annoying. But in general I say it much less than in my teens and early 20s

Are your white friends that dense?