Are you vaccinated yet?

  • Yes, I am fully vaccinated

    Votes: 3,557 52.3%
  • Yes, but I'm waiting on a second shot

    Votes: 1,485 21.8%
  • No, but I will be soon

    Votes: 286 4.2%
  • No, but I will be in a few months

    Votes: 406 6.0%
  • I have no clue when I'm getting mine

    Votes: 1,063 15.6%

  • Total voters


Apr 18, 2018
Getting the first of the Moderna shots in six hours. Looking forward to my new mutant powers and having a CCP spy follow me around everywhere now that they can track me.


Feb 15, 2018
Changed my vote to 'no clue', as I'm (perhaps pessimistically) believing the wheels are about to fall off the UK vaccine rollout in the coming days and weeks...

Oct 25, 2017
Is it bad if I fib to get the vaccine early? Apparently there are tons of sites sitting empty in LA. Hundreds of open appointments day of even. I feel like I'm not snatching a vaccine out of Grandma's arm with so many available slots, but it still feels wrong to check yes on the eligibility screens.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got an appointment for a vaccine on the Trump coast of Florida. Much excite.

None available on the Biden coast.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my second Pfizer shot yesterday morning. Was okay for the work day, but started feeling off around early evening. Ended up with body soreness, fatigue, headache, and a 102F fever overnight. Ended up taking an nsaid and my fever broke sometime after that. Fever is mostly cleared at this point, but I still feel like garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got my second shot of Pfizer! Just left the waiting area and now in my car before leaving. Literally barely felt the shot at all. Like weirdly didn't feel it. Haha. I felt the tiniest pinch but nothing more.

Lets see if I have any reaction as the day goes on.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Got my J&J yesterday! Arm was sore then got chills and hot flashes all night.


Oct 27, 2017
First Pfizer shot yesterday! Slightly stiff shoulder but otherwise no side effects today! Can't wait to get the 2nd one and have it over with.


Oct 25, 2017
Got in line for extras at neighborhood CVS and got moderna the other day. It was such a relief.


Feb 4, 2018
Having an annoying side effect from Pfizer2, lymph node in armpit on the side of the shot got swollen and armpit hurts 24/7 which is really distracting and sleep fucking up. Apparently this is normal with 11% occurrence in Moderna trials, .3% in Pfizer and will clear up, but I sure hope this clears up sooner than later cause it's gonna make everything in life tougher until then.

Still worth it, but man, was so close to being done with no real side effects outside a stiff arm and some fatigue and then this suddenly appeared on night #2 and now still there morning of day #3.


Oct 24, 2017
Just got my first Pfizer shot half an hour ago. Feels fine so I'm about to hit the gym for my regular workout lol.


OG Direct OP
Oct 25, 2017
This thread is a constant mood brightener.

A week and half until my second Moderna shot here in SWFL!


Oct 27, 2017
My brother and I are going to be heading out to get our first doses in a few minutes. I'm mildly concerned because he got a confirmation text yesterday and I didn't, and his text had the wrong time listed, but I figure that even in the worst case it should only mean that we wait about an extra hour. When I checked the appointments at the location yesterday I saw that there were still plenty of times available today.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my first shot of Moderna today!

If you don't mind going for a second shot, I would personally prefer either of the MRNA vaccines. They're holding up really well in real world application, and with two doses you should be good against the current variants.

Decided to go with Pfizer. Got my first dose last night!

Feel completely normal other than a slightly sore arm.

My wife got her 2nd Pfizer dose almost 2 weeks ago too, so she is nearly fully protected (which is great because she is an elementary school teacher).


Oct 25, 2017
Found out a local university had a vaccine site set up yesterday, signed up for an appointment last night via Mychart, and now have my first dose (Pfizer).

Considering every other place has either no open slots, or the waitlists are full, not sure how this place I went to was so... low traffic (compared to what I was expecting) and had multiple appointments available throughout the day. Guess signing up via Mychart was asking too much for some people. That or no one thinks university hospital divisions would have vaccines.


Apr 18, 2018
Getting the first of the Moderna shots in six hours. Looking forward to my new mutant powers and having a CCP spy follow me around everywhere now that they can track me.

got my shot about 2 hours and not feeling any side effects so far.

felt the tiniest pinch and then boom, done in a second. It was a "wait, that's it?" moment.


Oct 27, 2017
Got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine about two hours ago so I get to change my vote to waiting for a second dose. Arm is a little sore, but other than that, I'm fine.

The vaccination site was the most crowded place I've been in months. There must have been hundreds of people there. Fortunately, most of the waiting was outside. Crazy thing is that when I looked at the location's website yesterday, there were still spots open for today.
Oct 27, 2017
Got my 2nd Pfizer shot about an hour ago. It was kind of funny because when I got my first shot, they said I'd get an e-mail or text to schedule my 2nd shot, but if nothing came in I could just go to the site anyway after 3 weeks. I hadn't received anything and was just pulling out of the garage to go there when the text came in, LOL. I filled it out and they had an "appointment" ready in 30 minutes which is about how long it takes to get there.

Guess I get to find out if I'm only going to get a sore arm or the more severe symptoms tomorrow.


Oct 28, 2017
New, accelerated phase timeline + found out my occupation qualified me earlier than expected, so I got dose 1 of Moderna yesterday. Arm hurts like hell but otherwise no significant side effects. Pleasantly surprised to get it done much sooner than my original pessimistic estimate.


Oct 27, 2017
Joined the Moderna gang today with dose 1. Been a little tired but honestly I was tired beforehand anyway. Honestly I'll power through any side effects, even if the 2nd dose is as bad as a few people here have made it out to be, just to end this shit.

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Oct 30, 2017
Just got the J&J in... the fitting room of a Target store. Surreal.

Shot didn't hurt like the lady next to me made it sound (she screamed "OW OW ow ow" really psyched me out). Feel fine three hours on. Had some brief aches in both my arms 30min ago for a few seconds.