Which is your dominant hand?

  • Right

    Votes: 652 60.3%
  • Left

    Votes: 332 30.7%
  • Ambidextrous

    Votes: 69 6.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 29 2.7%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Kinda where I am. Right hand dominant, but weirdly, I cut food with my left and brush my teeth with my left. I'm also left eye dominant (my right eye totally sucks), so on the rare occasion that I shoot a long gun like a rifle or shotgun, I do that as a lefty as well.

Ditto on brushing teeth. I can eat with either hand, but usually eat with knife/fork with the left, and if only using a fork/spoon with the right, but can vary.

I play piano, and the right hand is definitely more dexterous there, but I think it's just because of the nature of how most piano pieces are written...


Oct 8, 2019
Right handed but I'm capable with both. When I was young I was mostly left handed and was bullied quite a bit until I adapted to use my right hand more naturally.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017

Definitely become more of us after we stopped believing that writing with your left hand was linked with someone cursed by the devil.


Jan 24, 2018
I was born right handed, but over the past few years I've been doing almost everything with my left hand except write and use a knife.

It started as a desire to be good with both hands which I pushed and worked on for a few years. Then one day this past year I woke up and was really good at a lot things with my left hand, but also lost some fine motor control in my right.

I can't explain it other than multiple head traumas in my youth somehow caught up to me.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm very much a lefty in most regards, I write a lot more poorly with my right hand than I've seen righties write with their left. However, it's not like I do everything the "opposite" way. I play guitar and golf for example like righties do, and I eat with the fork on the left and knife on the right. Anything that involves one hand I have to do with the left, though.


Nov 14, 2017
New Jersey
Almost every male in my family is left handed. I'm right handed, but I think I'm a "forced" righty. I do some activities left handed, but I clearly favor my right side. My sister is ambidextrous. She writes right handed, but any activity she chooses she can do with either hand being dominant. That's super cool, and I envy those of you like my sister that have that talent.

My daughter is still quite young, but I think she might be ambidextrous. It's been fun watching her develop, and I'm excited to see where she ends up.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I was supposed to be left handed and my parents must have forced me to use my right hand when learning to write. Because I am left foot dominant and left eye dominant.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Strongly right-handed. Which made it a real bitch for a couple months there after I tore the rotator cuff in my right shoulder, while simultaneously dealing with carpal tunnel in my left hand.


Oct 25, 2017
It's always weird to see everyone mention that they use a mouse with their right hand in these threads, maybe it's just me but I've never met someone who used their left hand for it even amongst lefties. I always just assumed that it was because most people learned how to use computers in shared spaces like school computer labs, libraries, or on family computers that were all set up with the mouse and keyboard in the default mouse on right set up, and taught by people to use the computer that way. It was always more work then it's worth to switch the mouse to the other side.

Lefty baby, we're cooler but we die younger 🤷‍♂️

Pretty sure that statistic is partially due to accidents involving machinery or industrial equipment like chainsaws that were designed for right-handed use leading to injuries that otherwise wouldn't happen.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
It's always weird to see everyone mention that they use a mouse with their right hand in these threads, maybe it's just me but I've never met someone who used their left hand for it even amongst lefties. I always just assumed that it was because most people learned how to use computers in shared spaces like school computer labs, libraries, or on family computers that were all set up with the mouse and keyboard in the default mouse on right set up, and taught by people to use the computer that way. It was always more work then it's worth to switch the mouse to the other side.
Used to think the same when it comes to mouse. But then I noticed John Romero, who is also a leftie (just learned recently), uses the mouse with his left hand.



Oct 25, 2017
Used to think the same when it comes to mouse. But then I noticed John Romero, who is also a leftie (just learned recently), uses the mouse with his left hand.


I didn't know he was a lefty, that's cool. There are definitely people who do use the mouse that way, they make left handed mice for a reason, I just assumed it was a really tiny minority even among left handed people.

I've met a couple of lefties who apparently couldn't use right-handed mouse set-ups, one of whom sticks in my memory because she was really insistent that she needed to be provided with a 'left-handed mouse' even though the mouse in question was just a standard office mouse (no contouring or side buttons or anything) that could just be swapped to the left side, and the Windows settings had already been changed for her...

Thats really weird but without knowing the actual circumstances it could also have been an ergonomic thing at that point.

It mainly seemed funny to me because my assumption (and I i admit I could be completely wrong about it) is that it's the default to the point that I would rather know when someone does use their mouse with their left hand. And I do wonder how much of right handed mouse use among lefties is because it's kinda a trained behavior moreso than natural inclination vs natural cross dominance, and if that number will change as getting personal computers when your younger and using wireless mice is more common.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
I'm a bit unsure as to whether I'm ambidextrous or not as I use my left hand to write and eat but use my right for sports (i.e. throwing a football, shooting a basketball, and my boxing stance is right-handed). But I can't write to save my life with my right hand. I'm not sure if that cross-development came naturally or if it was the result of adults just assuming I was right-handed and having me practice that way since I was very young. If it at all matters, I consider myself left-handed.

Edit: After reading some of the other replies, it seems I'm cross-dominant. I always thought ambidextrous would be something along the lines of Da Vinci writing with both hands at the same time and I certainly can't do that. My right can't write and my left can't throw.
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