
Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Stopped after I moved away from my parents and had to do my own economy. The last release day game I bought was MGSV.
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. I've gotten alot better though. My wife and I made a deal this year that we're only buying 3 games each for ourselves this year and one for each other as a gift. She ended buying a new laptop instead and used up her 3 game allotment. I bought Marvel Unlimited and subscribed the the 3 current Justice League books. I don't know what to pick for my last game since we're probably just giving each other pokemon.


Nov 7, 2017
Mostly the exact opposite. i buy 1-3 $60 AAAAAAA games a year generally, and have those in mind for many months in advance.

Digitally I may pop for a 20-40 dollar game on more of an impulse, I guess.

Generally I mostly play Destiny and am not a huge vidyagame buyer, never have been.


Oct 29, 2017
Bristol UK
I have got a lot better at this than I used to be. I used to buy all sorts of games on launch, even when I had a few others on the go, and then they would stay unplayed sometimes for years. An example, I still haven't got round to playing Nier Automata and I bought that when it launched.

I think it used to do it because I still thought I had loads of free time like I had when I was at school/university, and over the years it has finally dawned on me that with work etc, my free time is minimal. I sometimes slip back into the impulsive purchase, the Division 2 springs to mind. I bought it, and have only played it a couple of times but overall I pass on way more games than I used too.


Oct 25, 2017
I was until I realized I either wasn't playing them until they went down in price or only really playing them for a few minutes each. been way happier since I stopped buying so many. only really buy the ones I'm super pumped for now.

most games are really samey these days so it's pretty easy to skip even the 'good' ones when I know they will provide too familiar of an experience. plus games go on sale for CHEAP really fast so that's even more incentive to wait. a lot of desire to play a game usually fades a week or two post launch anyway, and sometimes all it takes is watching a twitch stream.


Oct 28, 2017
From time to time, yeah. I tend to buy games I just want in my collection but have little interest in actually playing. And I double dip a lot these days because I can't decide which platform to buy the game for.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
most games are really samey these days so it's pretty easy to skip even the 'good' ones when I know they will provide too familiar of an experience. plus games go on sale for CHEAP really fast so that's even more incentive to wait.


there are maybe 1-3 "must haves" a year for me and even then i am often pissed that i haven´t waited a little bit because price drops come really fast these days.

plus, yeah, a lot of the games are samey and unfortunately don´t provide an unique experience anymore.