Are you a twitch subscriber or patreon backer?

  • Yes, Twitch subscriber only

    Votes: 132 19.6%
  • Yes, Patreon only

    Votes: 152 22.5%
  • Yes, both

    Votes: 105 15.6%
  • No

    Votes: 286 42.4%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I am too poor to but If I had the money I would throw some on patreon to...

Horror show with Brian Keene
Watch out for Fireballs
The Danger Room:an X-Men podcast

These are all pods.

I would also donate to Jim Sterling for both podcast and YouTube, and Gavin of Miracle of Sound (love his music) and Laura Kate Dale so she can continue being.

I would also become a premium member for The Black Guy Who Tips content, even if I only listen to the normal show now and then Rod and Karen do tremendously important work in my mind.

As for those who "don't get it" it's pretty simple. It's not just people playing games, most of the people I would are not about games and those who do are not lets players. But the bigger point is Patreon (hence the name from a time honored tradition of patronage of the arts) allows you to support people directly, making the smaller ones who would never make it in the pre-internet age a chance to actually make a living off of it, and in bigger cases cutting out the middleman. Say you donate to a musician isn't nice that they get all the money instead of the majority of it going to a record label? I mean when you buy a CD even the best artists with great contract might get a buck for that 15 to 20 you spent, most musicians already make most of their money off touring and merch. That's what Patreon is, the difference between buying a TOOL shirt at the concert and buying the cd at Best Buy, and I don't know about anyone else but I would rather my money goes to the people that are creating the entertainment I enjoy instead of some empty suits that probably already make more money than they will ever need for the "service" of being on the corporate ladder of a company that plays middleman and reaps the most rewards for it.
I definitely understand that. Like I said, I currently have Twitch Prime so I can throw support one person's way on Twitch each month.
Unfortunately, that's all I can do despite wishing I could do more and so there isn't anyone else I'm subbed to on Twitch and there isn't anyone I currently support on Patreon, because I don't have the money for that. But, while I can't support them right now, I suppose what I can do is give them a shoutout all the same, so if I did get the free money as far as Patreon's concerned, I would mostly use it support artists I really like so they can keep being themselves and create more awesome stuff, such as:
-DragonsofWales, who does a lot of cool art of Dragons:

-Mark Witton, a great paleoartist:

-Rhunevild, another great paleoartist:

-Jed Taylor, yet another great paleoartist (noticing a theme here? ;) ):

And more people like them. As for Twitch, there are similarly lots of other people I'd love to support if only I could, but can't, such as:
-ProtonJon: A wonderful game collector and variety streamer most well known on Twitch for his "Fortune Cookie" streams, things he tends to do every Saturday night when he's available where he picks 5 random games from his Backloggery, puts up a Strawpoll for which of those people want to see him play, he plays it for about 30 minutes, and rinse and repeat for a few hours. It's really good fun and he's a wonderful streamer and person.
-Luachjin (Lucahjins on Twitch): ProtonJon's wife and a wonderful YouTuber and Twitch streamer all her own. On Twitch she mostly streams "chill" stuff like Final Fantasy XIV and House Flipper, whereas on her YouTube channel, she's recently been alternating between RPGs and visual novel/visual-novel eque stuff like the Ace Attorney games and Danganronpa games (with her currently having finished Ace Attorney 1-4 and the first two Danganronpa games with plans to do the rest of both series eventually), with her current Let's Play series being a blind playthrough of Pokémon Platinum.
-Iateyourpie: Pretty cool variety streamer with a current fondness of playing Mario Maker 2, particularly versus mode
-Spikevegeta: Another cool variety streamer/speedrunner
-Brossentia: A wonderful guy who's most well-known at this probably probably for running "Kusogrande," a video game tournament where people race to see who can make the most progress in terrible/extremely quirky games (usually in hour long matches with the winner of each match being determined by who either beats the game first or otherwise who made the most progress in the game at any given point in the race), and it's all great fun and wonderful and I definitely tune in for that when I can.

And lots of others as well like TomFawkes, MasaeAnela, NintendoCaprisun, authorblues, Mr_Shasta, and so many others. I wish I had the money to support them all because they're all wonderful and deserve it, but alas~
Last edited:


Nov 6, 2017
I watch Twitch a lot. I used to use my monthly Prime sub on different people but now I'm too lazy to do even that. I think Twitch needs to give more incentive to subbing.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, they could give my broke ass some money though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Twitch prime and Patreon of $5 for EZA. They put out such amazing content that I don't really see it as a loss of money.


Oct 27, 2017
Short answer, no to both.

Long answer:

I've considered using my Amazon Prime's free Twitch sub (if they still do that?) to a Twitch streamer for the hell of it, but never got around to it since I've never used Twitch outside of the Bob Ross and Twitch Plays Pokemon several years ago. I heard people using it for the Bob Ross stream or something since it goes to charity, but I might be remembering incorrectly. The most I've done was use the Prime/Twitch sub to get a year of Nintendo Switch Online for free.

As for Patreon, there's only two or three people's content that I consume, one of which pretty much stopped entirely, and another who I stopped altogether.


Oct 25, 2017
I throw my Twitch Prime sub out every now and again when I'm enjoying watching someone stream, but as I tend to want to follow the game and not the creator that's not terribly often. If someone I enjoy moves to a game I enjoy watching I'll follow them, but I won't follow them to a game I have no interest in.


Oct 25, 2017
Not currently, but I have been in the past. I live on my own now so I can't really afford it.


Oct 30, 2017
I usually give my Twitch Prime to someone streaming a fighting game event like Teamspooky or BGCallisto. I also give small donations to dozens of artists on Patreon

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Short answer, no to both.

Long answer:

I've considered using my Amazon Prime's free Twitch sub (if they still do that?) to a Twitch streamer for the hell of it, but never got around to it since I've never used Twitch outside of the Bob Ross and Twitch Plays Pokemon several years ago. I heard people using it for the Bob Ross stream or something since it goes to charity, but I might be remembering incorrectly. The most I've done was use the Prime/Twitch sub to get a year of Nintendo Switch Online for free.

As for Patreon, there's only two or three people's content that I consume, one of which pretty much stopped entirely, and another who I stopped altogether.
Yes, they do still do that.

As for charity, I can't remember about Bob Ross specifically since I never watched that on Twitch, but I do know that the revenue that the GamesDoneQuick channel gets from their subscriptions during the Awesome Games Done Quick/Summer Games Done Quick marathons go to charity as those are going on. A whole ton of people used their Twitch Prime subs on the GDQ channel back during this past SGDQ in June for that reason, so that's definitely a thing in at least some cases at least.


Oct 27, 2017
I use my Twitch Prime sub on whatever streamer I'm watching the most at the time, usually bounces between MOONMOON, ChocoTaco, BrownMan, or TimTheTatman.

Also am a Giant Bomb Premium subscriber.
Oct 25, 2017
On Twitch I have 4 paid subs:

I use my Twitch Prime sub on whatever is catching my fancy at the moment.


Oct 25, 2017
5 bucks a month to EZA's patreon and my free Twitch Prime sub to EZA.

Those are the only ones I do now and likely the only ones I will do for the foreseeable future.

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I twitch sub to Critical Role. Used to have a patreon but the artist didn't deliver on their monthly promises so I cancelled.


Oct 25, 2017
Not currently.

My first patronage was for Unseen64 because I wanted to support discovering and documenting info on cancelled games, failed pitches, etcetera. I've also supported Easy Allies on Patreon, first because I wanted to support them getting back to doing regular content after they lost their jobs at GameTrailers, and then maybe after a year of that, I've been an on-and-off patron for them, usually only becoming one when I feel like watching something early or Patreon something exclusive, and then sticking around for a month or three.

I've only been a Twitch subscriber when I got Twitch Prime (and thus "free" subsciption) in order to get the one-year Nintendo Online bonus, or when I've been gifted a sub.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Just Todd in the Shadows. His review of Lauryn Hill's Unplugged album kept setting off YouTube's content ID, which meant it was stuck on his Patreon page for a month and I figured I've been watching his videos for a full decade, I might as well throw him some money.

Lucas M. Thomas

Editor-in-Chief of Nintendo Force Magazine
Oct 30, 2017
If you support our Patreon, we mail you physical magazines! :)

Sorry for the self-promotion. I'm just a big fan of creators that are able to offer nifty and unique rewards in return for pledges. It's more fun when it's not just a virtual tip jar!


Oct 25, 2017
I give a bit to Kilian Experience via Patreon. He makes parody videos that are mostly game-related.

The guy seems to put a lot of effort into editing and producing his videos. I think he's underrated, so I try to give him some support.


Oct 27, 2017
I supported Cayleigh Elise on Patreon. She did unsolved mystery videos on YouTube. She quit making videos though and ended her Patreon campaign so I do not currently support anyone.

I dont use Twitch but I get a free sub from Amazon Prime. I just give that to a friend.
Oct 25, 2017
I give my twitch prime to easy allies and give them $5 a month on Patreon.

I also give $5 a month to Pete Abrams, the creator of Sluggy Freelance, but that's through his website, not Patreon.


Oct 27, 2017
I used my twitch prime on irl friends until they stopped streaming. The only twitch channel I've ever properly subbed and donated to is newlegacyinc. I've followed them for 5 years and am honestly proud of them for the amazing community they have built, and how they have all grown as people.

I am on the patreon for Cinema Swirl (fun movie podcast) and I have been a Giant Bomb premium member plenty in the past.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
off the top of my head:

matt mcmuscles
easy allies
jim sterling
lindsay ellis
chip and ironicus
mike jeavons


Oct 25, 2017
I'm subscribed to C9 Sneaky, C9 Mang0, and Scarra on Twitch.

These people provide me entertainment and I give them money. They are entertainers in my eyes.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
I just pick random people on twitch who are playing Final Fantasy XI so far (amazon prime sub to burn)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I support Easy Allies, Open Critic, and Girlfriend Reviews on Patreon.

Twitch I sub to Easy Allies, Cdewx & Pikaboo for WoW Arena players, and my Twitch Prime on streamers that have less than 300 viewers average that I enjoy watching.

I've also gifted over 200 subs to Easy Allies.


Oct 25, 2017
I am a Patron of EZA and sub to them on Twitch whenever I remember to watch their group streams. I feel its worth giving them something since I get a large amount of entertainment from the group.


Oct 27, 2017
Nope, I follow a bunch of streamers but if I had to give 5€ to each of them monthly it
Subscribe to too many people honestly and mostly to the big streamers who are far richer than I am. I don't know why I waste my money like this but I think it's a mix of liking that I'm part of something big and belonging to the popular crowd, being able to chat when they're in sub mode, and most importantly not seeing ads. Twitch has gotten insane with advertisements to the point that I can't watch streamers who I'm not sub to because I bounce around a lot and each time loading one or even two ads drives me nuts. Somehow up until a few months ago I never saw a single add on any device when in twitch. Even when the streamers would turn on the ads for an ad break I still wouldn't see them. Then all of a sudden ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS.
I thought maybe I was grandfathered into an ad free form of twitch since I've been around since the days..
All in all I do pride myself in rewarding people who's content I consume.
Well, ublock origin doesn't let you see twitch ads, just saying.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Subscribe to too many people honestly and mostly to the big streamers who are far richer than I am. I don't know why I waste my money like this but I think it's a mix of liking that I'm part of something big and belonging to the popular crowd, being able to chat when they're in sub mode, and most importantly not seeing ads. Twitch has gotten insane with advertisements to the point that I can't watch streamers who I'm not sub to because I bounce around a lot and each time loading one or even two ads drives me nuts. Somehow up until a few months ago I never saw a single add on any device when in twitch. Even when the streamers would turn on the ads for an ad break I still wouldn't see them. Then all of a sudden ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS.
I thought maybe I was grandfathered into an ad free form of twitch since I've been around since the days..
All in all I do pride myself in rewarding people who's content I consume.

People I sub to..
  • Ninja (losing my 3 year badge hurt)
  • Shroud
  • Summit1G
  • InControl
  • Mad_Ruski (teir 2)
  • Travel Danielle (no idea why I'm still sub to her. I somehow found her stream on destiny 2 and sub because I was drunk and now a year later I still am without watching more than an hour of her during that time. I really need to unsub)
  • Travel Danielle

Twitch Prime used to just stop ads entirely but that stopped which is probably why that changed, since I noticed it too. I jump around streams a lot and it's super obnoxious.

That said I only use the prime sub and I mostly rotate, though I subbed only to MOONMOON for quite awhile. Nothing on patreon.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
Patreon of the Easy Allies and an amazing artist that goes by the name Chun Lo.
Got two of his designs tattooed so I thought I'd support him in return.