
One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018
Bloodborne, apart from technical malfeasance and fuck Yahar Gul, I really can't think of anything.

The One Reborn is a terrible boss.
Mergo's Wet Nurse is a terrible boss.
The true final boss is a terrible boss.
The optional DLC boss is a terrible boss.
The Nightmare of Mensis is a let down.
Nightmare Frontier is outright terrible.
The Chalice Dungeons are the worst thing in any Souls game that isn't Dark Souls 2.

I could keep going, but I'm just being pedantic at this point...

This thread is kind of insane to me. I love Bloodborne, I got the plat and everything, but it's not a perfect game or anywhere near one. There are plenty of aspects they could have improved on if they had more time or money to make the game.

Celeste. Name one flaw.

The crystal hearts are obnoxious and they're required to see all the levels. It's dumb that you have to know about an easter egg from SMB3, a 30 year old game, to complete the game. And that's not even going into some of the other dumb shit you have to do.
Jan 20, 2019
Vanilla Bloodborne is far from perfect, too short, story is barely there, bad weapon diversity & chalice dungeons were a failed feature. Old Hunters took it from an 8/10 to a 9.5/10 for me.
I wish BB got another expansion to fix the chalice dungeons & improve PVP some more.

That is like a huge no!

If you read the lore, there is a huge ammount of story there, it offers variety in the weapon departement and is far from short. The DLC completes the game, which IMO, makes it a close to perfection.

But i do agree, it was less weapons that Dark Souls, how ever, the transformentions make it a lot better.


Dec 27, 2017
Fam, gonna be real, Hollow Knight is the only one on that list that qualifies.


Also, the camera in Bloodborne sucks shit, like all From games.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this is more of a Bloodborne respect/shill thread than an actual request for games as good as Bloodborne. None of the SoulsBorne games tapped my top 30 favorite games, honestly, but I respect its design and I think it's fair to just let people gush over it here if they like it.

Not speaking for the OP, but for me at least a game being perfect doesn't make it my favorite. While I highly rate Katamari and Tetris and consider them perfect games my actual favorite game (Xenogears) is deeply flawed. I love Bloodborne but the chalice dungeons are too big a flaw for me to consider it perfect.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Play Old Hunters OP

I'll say this, it's easy to forget all about the chalice dungeons on your first run through the game. Then you realize they exist and you hop in and realize you're wildly over-powered and then it becomes a bit of a slog. Anyway that's how I encountered them. Played through them in my NG+ run and it was a lot better. And damned challenging as well.


Oct 28, 2017
None of the SoulsBorne games tapped my top 30 favorite games, honestly, but I respect its design and I think it's fair to just let people gush over it here if they like it.

Despite not liking the game(s) to the extent that many do, it's nice that you can step back and appreciate at a macro scale what people see in it without interjecting your own opinion as if it's superior.

Breath of the Wild isn't even the top 10 best Zelda games, not sure how we're going to start shilling it as a pinnacle of gaming.


Deleted member 38227

User requested account closure
Jan 12, 2018
This game has been the apex of my gaming life; all after has been the nadir.

And I never beat Old Hunters as I was on NG+7 and it was fucking IMPOSSIBLE.


Oct 27, 2017
Not speaking for the OP, but for me at least a game being perfect doesn't make it my favorite. While I highly rate Katamari and Tetris and consider them perfect games my actual favorite game (Xenogears) is deeply flawed. I love Bloodborne but the chalice dungeons are too big a flaw for me to consider it perfect.
This is me as well. I actually find most of my favorite games are flawed, some more than others. I don't care at all if what they do well is damn good
Mar 19, 2019
Not speaking for the OP, but for me at least a game being perfect doesn't make it my favorite. While I highly rate Katamari and Tetris and consider them perfect games my actual favorite game is deeply flawed. I love Bloodborne but the chalice dungeons are too big a flaw for me to consider it perfect.

Yeah, that's all totally fair. My favorite game ever is A Hat in Time and Apinine Heights literally exists at all in it, so I guess "perfection" versus "personal enjoyment" is a good distinction to make in virtually every case.

Despite not liking the game(s) to the extent that many do, it's nice that you can step back and appreciate at a macro scale what people see in it without interjecting your own opinion as if it's superior.

Yeah, whoops, I really did a 180 there. I didn't mean to be so pushy about that lol. Sorry


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Bloodborne is fucking great. Pretty much why I migrated back to PlayStation again.

As far as "perfect" games though, I reckon Hotline Miami fits the bill. Then there's SuperHOT, which I'm pretty sure was designed specifically for me.

And yeah, Tetris is "perfect".


Oct 30, 2017
Zelda lttp
Super Metroid
Super Mario 3

Those are about the closest of come to calling games perfect.


Oct 27, 2017
Combat is hella simplistic, world layout is painfully linear compared to Dark Souls and the RPG elements may as well not exist. Great game IMO, but this conversation is pointless when what even constitutes a "flaw" is so subjective and considering that "perfection" isn't inherently interesting.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
I like Breath of the Wild more than Bloodborne, but that's in spite of its flaws. Mostly, it falls under the "higher highs" thing I bring up in the OP. It does what it does so well, its shortcomings don't bother me - but the shortcomings do exist all the same.

Bloodborne, apart from technical malfeasance and fuck Yahar Gul, I really can't think of anything.
I kinda think it ends too soon, and not just in a "I just want more T_T" sense.

If I were drawing connections to other Souls games, both Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 feel like they end at right around the point in Dark Souls 1 when you finish Anor Londo. In both I thought I was gearing up for a momentous act 3 — and then the level-up waifu informed me that the final boss was waiting for me over there. Neither really had the gravitas or lead-up that they deserve.

I mean sure people bitch about Lost Izalith or whatever, but at least the second half of the game existed.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeesh. Bloodborne is excellent but it's far from "the most perfect game ever made".

Here are a few flaws: technical issues (load times, frame pacing), blood vials, a somewhat inverse difficulty curve, being locked out of content unknowingly, largely pointless items (and subsequently minimal use for deep exploration), challice dungeons, some hit boxes.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
I honestly don't understand the souls hype. Not that they are bad games, but it seriously feels like it's fans arent serious about how good the games are

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I adore Bloodborne, but there are a number of "perfect" games like it:

Super Mario Bros. 3
Mega Man 2 / Mega Man 9
Super Metroid / Metroid Prime
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past / Link's Awakening
REmake / Resident Evil 4
Hollow Knight

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
If it wasn't for Witcher 3 Bloodborne would be my GOTG. Nothing I have played before or since comes close to either though in terms of how I felt while I played them.

Witcher 3 and Bloodborne will be the standard by which I judge games going forward.

Reven Wolf

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeesh. Bloodborne is excellent but it's far from "the most perfect game ever made".

Here are a few flaws: technical issues (load times, frame pacing), blood vials, a somewhat inverse difficulty curve, being locked out of content unknowingly, largely pointless items (and subsequently minimal use for deep exploration), challice dungeons, some hit boxes.
Let's also not forget:
* No respeccing a build, which can be frustrating when learning
* Weapon and build variety is pretty mid/late heavy, resulting in less variety for a huge chunk of the game.
* Invasion/PvP system didn't really work (for me at least, and definitely not as well as previous souls entries)

I love BB but it is far from flawless.
Nov 8, 2017
Heroes of Might & Magic III is very close to perfect. A few small balance tweaks and patching the couple of remaining bugs is all you'd need. It's outrageously good.
Oct 27, 2017
I'd hardly call it perfect, and it's probably my favorite game in at least a decade.

Performance issues alone drag it down.


Oct 29, 2017
Bloodborne has too many technical issues for it to be perfect. It is good though. A shame we'll likely never get a sequel


The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017
It's not perfect, no game is, there are some issues I have with it, but overall it's one of if not the best game I've played.
Atmosphere is unmatched, combat is ridiculously good, so many different weapons which all feel great to use/play with, level design is really good, bosses are some of the best I've ever played, Lady Maria might be 1 all time, Kos, Laurence, Ludwig, Gehram, all amazing fights and some others like Blood Starved Beast, Vicar Amelia which were pretty good as well. Just an all time great, and although it's hard to say, if you forced me to pick one game as the best of all time I'd most likely go with Bloodborne. :D



Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
Threads like this that claim any game is perfect always make me feel the game is overrated even if I happen to like it.

I wouldn't say even my favorite games ever are perfect.

Fanbases can help spoil games for me, big time.

I mean, "no flaws"? Really?

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Threads like this that claim any game is perfect always make me feel the game is overrated even if I happen to like it.

I wouldn't say even my favorite games ever are perfect.

Fanbases can help spoil games for me, big time.

Why let other peoples opinions on the internet change anything about your enjoyment? seems like a self fulfilling prophecy.
Like ive seen a lot of annoying Undertale fans, but it doesn't change anything about the game.

Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne

Id put SC:Brood War, and Counter Strike 1.6 in there for close to perfect multiplayer games


Oct 31, 2017
Bloodborne is far from perfect, not only there are the technical issues that you listed (that are a big deal IMO), it also has other problems:

-Enemy variety is poor in some areas: you'll fight the same enemies in the first area, in the first half of the forest, in the entire Yahar'gul revisited. It's not as bad as in BotW, but it's noticeable.
-Hitboxes are meh, lots of bosses are big monsters that can hit you in a really inconsistent way.
-The bad framepacing means that parrying is not as funny as it should, and for some reason half the times you parry the enemy also hits you in a really awkward animation.
-The game starts strong but is worse and worse with every new area IMO, Yahar'gul revisited and the nightmare areas feel far worse than the first half of the game.
-The blood vial system is bad, and a huge step backwards compared to the estus/Sekiro system.
-The game makes you teleport a lot, you have to endure 2 loading screens if you want to go from A to B.

Overall I think that Sekiro is a far more consistent (and better) game, that is more polished and has a better progression. I love BB as much as everyone else, but it's not the game that comes to my mind when I think about "perfect". It's a game I'd like to play in good technical conditions, as the artstyle and lore are AMAZING, but I think that Dark Souls 1 is a better "souls" game and Sekiro is a better and more polished "FROM" game.

About perfect games... I think that tetris is perfect, that Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Super Mario World are perfect. Super Metroid too, RE4, Metroid Prime 1, even the first God of War. And Pikmin 1. But all these games are perfect because I can't think of an obvious way to improve them, there are lots of games that I like more, and my favorite game ever (BotW) is a flawed experience.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Celeste. Name one flaw.
My stubbornness + C sides have made me hate this game.

Calling a game perfect is a bit hard as besides technical stuff like frame pacing, it's really down to the person's preferences. For instance, I think BB has some occasional bad/meh bosses, some very obtuse side quests, areas that are more annoying than fun, and occasional bouts of frustration that I feel add very little to the experience like hitting your weapon off of walls in tight corridors or having to fight the camera while fighting larger enemies. Granted, these are largely issues I have with From games in general and not everyone will agree, but as a result I have a hard time thinking of the games as perfect.

This doesn't even include the more personal issues I have such as disliking the hands off approach to story telling, the difficulty curve being kind of garbage(beginning of the game is easily among the hardest of the game) while games like Dark Souls 3 have a much better progression as far as difficulty, or finally just not being that big a fan of the setting. though I recognize everyone else does, and I mostly don't as it unnerves me


Oct 30, 2017
Twente (The Netherlands)
It's one of my favourite games of all time, but you can't deny it has some flaws. Aside from the technical flaws, blood vial farming and the travelling system you have the Chalice Dungeons. They're all samey and some of them are really trash with their 'rules' like half health. Some of the bosses and areas are also less than good.