Oct 27, 2017
Coming in from the review thread...

Great movie. Flash Gordon and Uncharted had an unapologetically bombastic baby. Sea creatures do everything in this movie, from playing musical instruments to leading armies into battle.


Oct 25, 2017
Spoiler question about the plot:

Where did that second nuclear sub come from?

And who was in there shooting the torpedos LOL

I believe it's implied that it's the same sub from the Manta/Arthur fight. When Holo-Orm pays Manta in the North Sea, he says the sub was damaged, but enough to pull it off.
Oct 30, 2017
Aquaman is the first comic movie I've walked out of. It's weird, because it's not a *bad* movie- I've seen far, far worse cape flicks (F4 is a spectacular trainwreck that almost *commands* your attention)- but everything in it, to me, was so underwhelming (particularly in comparison to Thor and Black Panther, two other "fight for the throne" comic book pictures released nearly a decade apart and the quality difference shows), that I just ended up pretty bored by it.

I understand that most people will like it, some people will love it, and I'm pretty bewildered myself since I've sat through every DC and Marvel movie of the last 10+ years (and probably some other studios' as well), but in a month where we also got Bumblebee and Spider-Man, a year where we got Black Panther and Infinity War, and a decade of MCU movies... Aquaman needed to be more to me personally, and I didn't get it.
This sums me up. I wanted to leave, badly, but I was with a crew and toughed it out. It's just boring and bad and nothing connected other than the opening love story until it ended with the first of like 6 walls exploding to interrupt conversation.


Oct 26, 2017
Found the movie not too bad. Looked pretty glorious in IMAX, but forgot that my city has some panoramic theatre and they're screening Aqua there.

Could've used more Jango Fett

Boxy Brown

Oct 27, 2017
I just want everyone to know, first of all... Black Manta is ASS. Just... what. His performance was so bad I was in disbelief every time he appeared on screen. Like, this is like a community arts version of Killmonger. It's bewildering that they thought this was something the audience would be hanging off of, instead of rolling their eyes or glancing about in confusion.

And then they had the fucking nerve
to put him as the mid credit stinger???
What an insult. I can't even review the rest of the movie till morning. My brain needs to rest.
Well he's been received pretty well so it looks like your the outlier in that :/


Prophet of Truth
Nov 18, 2017
I saw this in 4DX. It was one the most hilarious movie going experiences in my life. During the ocean scenes there were wind effects and rain and a mist effect. It got really cold in the cinema. And during the action scenes the seats would move very violently. When someone got swung around the seats would also swing around. During explosions the smoke machines turned on. And when Aquaman sped forward underwater the seats would also jolt backwards. It was more violent then most rollercoasters haha. I'm going to do this more often.


Oct 28, 2017
I LOVED everything from the Italy scene onwards. That second half/third act was so entertaining, and that Trench scene... Whew. 😂


Oct 26, 2017
So we are left to assume that
the sub just kept going and going and the Atlanteans intercepted it?
I thought the job would have been to dispose of the crew and leave the ship to be picked up.

The crew were cleared by Arthur anyway so i guess the job was still done.

With limited knowledge of the next arc, I'm happy Manta is already introduced. The movie can jump straight into Arthur wanting to introduce Atlantis to the world.


Oct 25, 2017
I saw this in 4DX. It was one the most hilarious movie going experiences in my life. During the ocean scenes there were wind effects and rain and a mist effect. It got really cold in the cinema. And during the action scenes the seats would move very violently. When someone got swung around the seats would also swing around. During explosions the smoke machines turned on. And when Aquaman sped forward underwater the seats would also jolt backwards. It was more violent then most rollercoasters haha. I'm going to do this more often.
I wish I could experience this in my city.


Dec 3, 2018
So this has to be a benchmark for what special effects can do in modern cinema, absolutely massive in that regard

Absolutely pointles in every other area, but yeah if youre going to see this go for the biggest and loudest theatre


Oct 25, 2017
Aquaman is the first comic movie I've walked out of. It's weird, because it's not a *bad* movie- I've seen far, far worse cape flicks (F4 is a spectacular trainwreck that almost *commands* your attention)- but everything in it, to me, was so underwhelming (particularly in comparison to Thor and Black Panther, two other "fight for the throne" comic book pictures released nearly a decade apart and the quality difference shows), that I just ended up pretty bored by it.

I understand that most people will like it, some people will love it, and I'm pretty bewildered myself since I've sat through every DC and Marvel movie of the last 10+ years (and probably some other studios' as well), but in a month where we also got Bumblebee and Spider-Man, a year where we got Black Panther and Infinity War, and a decade of MCU movies... Aquaman needed to be more to me personally, and I didn't get it.
this sums it up to me. There's a certain standard to be met after a decade of these being slapped in our face and aquaman comes close but no dice. They've only done WW justice.


Oct 28, 2017
Had a blast watching this. Enjoyable romp from start to finish. I think this should win the special effects oscar, some of the scenes were stunning.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got out of my screening. Thought it was a lot of fun and the best DCEU film to date. Didn't take itself seriously and embraced the source material.

One of the best comic films this year.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw it and I really enjoyed it! Especially the underwater scenes were really great, underwater Star Wars cought me a bit off guard but damn was it good. Same for the Trench scene and the Italy action sequence. I liked it more then Wonder Woman. I really hope Wan is able to direct a sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw it. I had some good laughs but Jesus what a shitty movie. Nicole Kidman can't act.

Back off. She is a DC legend.



Banned for use of alt account
Oct 30, 2017
i am going to see this today in 4D lmao. wish me luck. never experienced 4D before


Nov 26, 2017
I think this film is so bad that you could not even MST3k it. I wanted to walk out but I never walk out of a movie.


Jul 27, 2018
About Black Manta

Was his grandad Atlantean? Because after his father talks about how Grandpa Manta was a great WW2 frogman, he gives Manta his grandpa's knife but it has a peculiar insignia on it that the camera seems to call attention too.


Oct 27, 2017
The color and visuals are top notch. Probably best superhero movie in terms of visuals I've seen so far. Movie was alright overall. DC continues to kick marvels ass when it comes to fight scenes.


Oct 28, 2017
Laser sharks. Laser sharks. Laser shaaaaarks.

I could've done with a lot less runtime, but it was a spectacular IMAX experience. Someone behind me said "best 3D I've ever seen", which might not be correct, but I'm glad I went with IMAX over a regular screen.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved the movie but that Pitbull song belonged in The Fast & Furious franchise where you would usually hear it lol


Oct 25, 2017
About Black Manta

Was his grandad Atlantean? Because after his father talks about how Grandpa Manta was a great WW2 frogman, he gives Manta his grandpa's knife but it has a peculiar insignia on it that the camera seems to call attention too.
No, it was basically saying that the dude will become Black Manta since the insignia is a manta and his grand dad was called Black Manta or Manta something, can't remember exactly what.

He took the job before Aquaman intervened though.
The original job was given to manta and his Dad to clear out the sub, which I'm assuming Orm was then going to use against his own people to convince them of a war with surface..like we saw him do in the film. Orm then got back to Manta and gave him the gold that they presumably agreed on but by this point he just wanted revenge.


Oct 26, 2017
This was amazing fun. One of the best Imax experiences I've had. The visuals and creature designs were fantastic, it really is a feast for the eyes. I guess having a whole year of post-production to work on the CGI pays off as the only thing that looked 'off' were the de-aging effects during the flashbacks. The movie itself was just nuts. I mean, there were people riding laser sharks and there was an octopus playing the drums at one point! lol. I loved that it completely embraced the absurdity of it all and just went all in.

Of course, tonaly it was all over the place and some of the dialogue was extremely hammy and there was some pretty stupid plotholes but I can look past that given how much fun I had watching it.

It slides right behind Wonder Woman as DCU's second best effort.


Oct 27, 2017
A fun spectacle. It feels like a Chinese blockbuster made in America, with all the pros and cons that come with it.

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Cut 60 minutes and have a film that really moves and this would have been a very solid flick. By the end its just completely overstaying it's welcome.

Virtually everything involving Manta should have been cut imo. Not that I didn't like him but the film didn't need him at all. His presence does serve as justification for a certain thing but you could easily write around that.


Oct 25, 2017
About Black Manta

Was his grandad Atlantean? Because after his father talks about how Grandpa Manta was a great WW2 frogman, he gives Manta his grandpa's knife but it has a peculiar insignia on it that the camera seems to call attention too.

That's what I thought since that blade was also able to stab into Aquaman, and only Atlantean steel could do it
Oct 28, 2017
Cut 60 minutes and have a film that really moves and this would have been a very solid flick. By the end its just completely overstaying it's welcome.

Virtually everything involving Manta should have been cut imo. Not that I didn't like him but the film didn't need him at all. His presence does serve as justification for a certain thing but you could easily write around that.

Said as much upthread. Completely agree with everything you said, but it wouldn't be a comic book movie without sequel bait.

Chuck Noblet

Oct 27, 2017
I have a feeling manta is gonna be petty as fuck in the sequel. Sure, probably gonna do some big bombastic bad guy stuff. But like I could also see him breaking into aquaman's place and leaving legos all over the floor. Maybe giving him splinters under his fingers while Arthur is sleeping. Move his car to tow away zone.

His motivation makes a lot of sense but manta is just all in on making him suffer.

"Honestly fuck this dude forever. I'll do anything to make him feel pain and anguish up to and including destroying the planet. Fuck Aquaman. Fuck this fucking dude." -Black Manta, probably


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
This is the first time I walked out of the theater to get myself some popcorn and drinks during a movie. The flashbacks are slow and pointless, the costume design is laughably bad and the final fight scene looks like Injustice.
Oct 27, 2017
Cross-posting from the RT thread:

Just got out of it. I have to say I actively hated it for the first 20 or so minutes but at a certain point I realized that the visual direction was actually really dope. Plus the underwater world that it created was really cool to me (the different kingdoms). Basically once I got over the script being high key T R A S H I actually had a lot of fun with it.

Also whoever was in charge of the licensed music needs to be fired. That pit bull remix of Africa and the weird slow romantic song that played during the Italy part were jarring as hell!


Oct 24, 2017
The color and visuals are top notch. Probably best superhero movie in terms of visuals I've seen so far. Movie was alright overall. DC continues to kick marvels ass when it comes to fight scenes.

The best visual scene was the flarelight dive into the deep with all of the trench monsters swarming. That whole sequence was cool.

It's too bad that the acting in this was so mediocre. Reminded me of Venom, without a Tom Hardy perfomance thrown in. The flirting scenes between Arthur and Mera were particularly bad.