Aug 30, 2020
you would have to shut down tech threads entirely

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, etc all have some ugly things going on

Well FWIW at least FB's presence here is mostly everyone saying how horrible they are. Occasional pointless VR office announcement (might as well throw that in the garbage while you're at it).

Google has what? Do we have interesting Google news of any kind too? It's mostly just terrible stuff out of there too.

As far as tech, it'd be fine. None of these companies are doing anything worthwhile nor interesting. Only evil.
May 14, 2021
At least have a banner at the top with reminders of how shitty and dangerous these companies are, similar to what was done with cyberpunk. I actually asked the mod staff if they could do this for console talk because of the actual slave labor, but the response was essentially "it would be too many threads". Like no shit? Maybe that's a clue about something?
Yep, the banner should be what is used. I think the admin made the right call choosing that path. Shutting down talk about the products from all of these companies will never work if they intend for this site to remain viable.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
It's incredibly toxic this silicon valley culture, yet everyone keeps getting surprised when the stories come out from everyone's favorite tech companies

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Well FWIW at least FB's presence here is mostly everyone saying how horrible they are. Occasional pointless VR office announcement (might as well throw that in the garbage while you're at it).

Google has what? Do we have interesting Google news of any kind too? It's mostly just terrible stuff out of there too.

As far as tech, it'd be fine. None of these companies are doing anything worthwhile nor interesting. Only evil.

Google's among the worst, probably second only to Facebook. All I'm saying is shutting down all tech discussion would be a big decision, so I can see why a board would be hesitant.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
At this point treating apple like CDPR/cyberpunk might be a good idea, given how the company has been responding to the allegations. Doubtful it changes though, like someone on the last page said sweeping your favorite companies terrible stuff into the mindhole is A OK (for certain companies).


Jul 22, 2019
Just saw this topic. Surprised it is only 4 pages after a few days.

Apple fans on Era all burying their heads in the sand.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
Just wanted to add some more updates that Ashley has been sharing recently.

And most importantly...



Oct 25, 2017
Ive been thinking for years now that it is only a matter of time until governments at large were forced to step in and slap a lot of the tech industry for how it treats women. It's filled with sexism, harassment, phratboy behaviour and preferential treatment. And that goes double for these larger firms like Apple that are supposed to be "better".

The Activision Blizzard stuff is just the beginning.


Oct 28, 2017
Shit like this starts from the top down, and given that this has been going on for years, then I would suggest the entire Apple executive is complicit in some way. No doubt some more than others, but they do not get to play the "we didn't know" card given how toxic the work environment and corporate culture appear to be. The executives know, they always fucking know.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
Shit like this starts from the top down, and given that this has been going on for years, then I would suggest the entire Apple executive is complicit in some way. No doubt some more than others, but they do not get to play the "we didn't know" card given how toxic the work environment and corporate culture appear to be. The executives know, they always fucking know.
Yep, I can't read the legal doc but she references another similar case (have to pay to read it) where tim cook was on the witness stand in a gender discrimination lawsuit and he defended apple discriminating on the basis of gender. can't quote it directly unfortunately


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
She has so much that the whole thing seems even more insane than reality could be.

I almost wonder if there's a lack in reporting because this mountain of evidence is almost comical in it's absurdity. I hope it gets picked up soon and the people responsible for treating her like this get black listed. It's just inexcusable.


Oct 27, 2017
So are they playing like they're Mad Men with the full bar in the offices? I feel like the first step Apple would take is banning alcohol.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit
Just saw this thread, thinking the title was a tad too dramatic, but after reading all i can say is
What the actual fucking fuck

Who the fuck behaves like this? I have never heard of such behaviour. Is this more common in tech or something?
Sure, holding a grudge is one thing. But actually making someones time a living hell? Wtf

I hope apple seriously cracks down on everyone that behaves like that or condones it


Oct 25, 2017
Aye, unfortunately you'll still get people posting "My new M1 MBA is the best laptop ever made!" or "The new iPhone is just soooo sexy!" and turning a completely blind eye to all of this, and if put on the spot they'll happily take having cool luxury tech gadgets over people being treated with basic human dignity and respect.

This lady's story is horrendous. It's mindboggling how any company could allow this sort of shit to take place. I could almost see how it could happen at a tiny tech startup where the HR department is non-existent but Apple is a huge org and should (but obviously doesn't) have robust policies in place to prevent employees being harassed and abused.
Not trying to dismiss this but what phone company do you think is a good alternative lmao


Oct 27, 2017
It's incredibly toxic this silicon valley culture, yet everyone keeps getting surprised when the stories come out from everyone's favorite tech companies

It's the same with Gaming, everytime there are new allegations everyone is acting surprised, but the reality is, that it would be more surprising if the big and especially old Companies don't have problems with it. Working in Tech / Software development, I would wager that a huge part of the Industry have huge Problems with it. It is still a (white) boys club in most companies and the casual misogyny from a lot of people is disgusting.

It's interesting that this is not picked up by any of the bigger outlets.... Probably hard to square with the Image Apple is projecting.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
And people wonder why so many women don't want to be in (or stay in) tech.

Yeah the more I hear about it, the more I realized why my dad made the (admittedly sexist) suggestion/pressure for me to not go into tech (a decade ago). He didn't think it was because my gender made me incapable, but rather he said tech jobs were terrible for women due to the environment and the way they were treated.

I remember being annoyed with him like "well maybe they should change" but now I realized it's easier said than done, and it's not that surprising he didn't want his kid to be the one that had to go through it, even if it's the women now going through it paving the way for it to not be the case in the future.


Oct 25, 2017
It's the same with Gaming, everytime there are new allegations everyone is acting surprised, but the reality is, that it would be more surprising if the big and especially old Companies don't have problems with it. Working in Tech / Software development, I would wager that a huge part of the Industry have huge Problems with it. It is still a (white) boys club in most companies and the casual misogyny from a lot of people is disgusting.

It's interesting that this is not picked up by any of the bigger outlets.... Probably hard to square with the Image Apple is projecting.
Yeah the moral superiority posts come off as really strange when it can be guaranteed that the users making those posts are patronizing a phone running software produced by a similarly shit company. It isn't to say that Apple shouldn't be shamed and shit on for it and yes there should be a banner lol but let's examine the companies we buy from before shitting on anyone else or calling them sheeple
They need to take action ASAP


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
Good to see she's not caving under the amount of pressure. Would be nice if it would get some media exposure though. I don't expect any enthusiast press outlet to get their lips off Apple's boot, but surely one of the largest companies on the planet is known enough that a general news outlet could pick up on it?


Oct 25, 2017
Good to see she's not caving under the amount of pressure. Would be nice if it would get some media exposure though. I don't expect any enthusiast press outlet to get their lips off Apple's boot, but surely one of the largest companies on the planet is known enough that a general news outlet could pick up on it?
It's only a matter of time. I hope it gets picked up


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
All big tech companies are garbage frat houses.


Oct 25, 2017
She has so much that the whole thing seems even more insane than reality could be.

I almost wonder if there's a lack in reporting because this mountain of evidence is almost comical in it's absurdity. I hope it gets picked up soon and the people responsible for treating her like this get black listed. It's just inexcusable.

It's because Apple PR retaliate against sites writing articles they don't like.

The Guardian were cut off from iPhone review models for years for an article that Apple didn't like. Sites like Macrumors can't afford to piss Apple off that much.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021

Just a totally normal day when your management tries to... KILL YOU??? Man WTF is going on at this company


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory Generalization and Attack of Fellow Members; Meta Commentary
And then you compared it to some of the "controversy" threads that DO get a lot of replies, especially the ones involving women in any way that do get a lot of replies, and you paint a pretty clear picture of a larger cultural problem here on era.
The fact that most of the apple posters I see on this section havent said anything is also rather telling... Not even a "oh this is not good..." Response. As the saying goes, silence is violence.
Last edited:


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
Why is it so hard for people not to be assholes in the office? Christ
This team and the culture that Steve jobs made seem to think that good products are born out of strife and toxic environments. I feel for the people still working there the more we learn about this vile company.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't read every post yet, but why haven't the abusers been named and shamed yet? Seems like an abundance of evidence at this point?


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
I haven't read every post yet, but why haven't the abusers been named and shamed yet? Seems like an abundance of evidence at this point?
I believe she is trying to go through a legal method first, she's filed DOL complaints and recommended a RICO investigation as well. not a lawyer but she seems to be (almost) one so I would trust her judgement on it over my intuition
Nov 1, 2017
What are the odds California or another government state chases Apple on employee abuse too? Or are Apple's legal team too intimidating?

Jill Sandwich

Oct 25, 2017
I'm extremely dissapointed to read this. I thought shit like this would've been immediately squashed and the perpetrators removed from Apple. I believed it wasn't in their culture to let this happen.
Do better Apple.

And time to change my avatar.