
Oct 25, 2017
My point about capitalism is less a specific critique on the system, but how it feels like in the US we go in cycles of where specific industries get an outsized focus because of their success and as a result you get pretty much the newer version of those assholes getting attracted to it because of the opportunities and lack of regulation because no one wants to fuck with the golden goose.

Reason I bring it up is because tech still pushes this image that they are solely an altruistic force and that money is magically somehow secondary yet we fall into the same trappings as big US industries of old where internally it's a fucked up boys club.

The behavior here is no different then the abhorrent behavior skewered in various media properties about 80's bankers, but because it's not a guy in a 2k suit with coke residue on his mustache but instead a guy in Old Navy jeans they successfully sell themselves as a fair, equitable and ethical place to work.

That later is imho why it makes it more difficult to stamp out than the former. You see it in a bunch of the Activision/Blizzard stuff; where people are like 'It was fucked up, but I thought we were doing good things, and I didn't want to rock the boat'. It gives them cover. At least in the past people wore their shitty behavior on their sleeves here we have an industry that's continually about presenting a pristine image. Like it's not crazy this happened at Apple, the most vain about this image out of all tech
I certainly agree with this. I don't know how anyone could look at Facebook alone and think that big tech are a bunch of benevolent technocrats. At absolute best, they're fine with releasing their creations onto the world and being completely apathetic toward the resultant destruction and suffering.


Oct 31, 2017
My point was that it doesn't really seem to be in a "company's best interests" to have the company be a playground for abusive sociopaths unless they're such a high percentage of the workforce that they're indispensable, which is what I was asking in my original post regarding Silicon Valley.
The percentage of the workforce that's full of creepers isn't as relevant as the positions these creepers hold within the corporate power structure. The company's best interests are essentially its stock price which continues to rise and rewards these higher ups disproportionately compared to their inferiors. The only harm comes from having bad PR like this thread which will blow over eventually, so from Apple's perspective things seem to be going fine.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
The only harm comes from having bad PR like this thread which will blow over eventually, so from Apple's perspective things seem to be going fine.
Yep, people will be upset and still preorder the new iPhone in a few months. It will take massive reporting and backlash for them to address abuse in their ranks it seems.


Nov 6, 2017
We keep hearing about different problems with worker's rights and abuses in US companies.
Why is this only handled internally with a company's HR? Why isn't there an external recourse for all these complaints? Are the labor laws in the US that bad? Does the Department of Labor do anything?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The percentage of the workforce that's full of creepers isn't as relevant as the positions these creepers hold within the corporate power structure. The company's best interests are essentially its stock price which continues to rise and rewards these higher ups disproportionately compared to their inferiors. The only harm comes from having bad PR like this thread which will blow over eventually, so from Apple's perspective things seem to be going fine.
Yeah, basically at the end of the day as long as earnings stay up there isn't much of an incentive for a company to care about this type of situation beyond bad PR. Like seemingly 99% of corporate inclusivity, it only matters to the organization as long as its (a) good PR [and helps profits], (b) does not directly or indirectly harm profits, and (c) does not require deviating much from the status quo.

Apple or other companies may tell you that they give a shit about these issues, but at the end of the day they only want customers (and employees) to buy into the brand as 'one of the good guys' and ultimately purchase their products/services.


Oct 25, 2017
The percentage of the workforce that's full of creepers isn't as relevant as the positions these creepers hold within the corporate power structure. The company's best interests are essentially its stock price which continues to rise and rewards these higher ups disproportionately compared to their inferiors. The only harm comes from having bad PR like this thread which will blow over eventually, so from Apple's perspective things seem to be going fine.
Well, the harm would be having a completely dysfunctional corporate culture that destroys/drives off talent in an industry with a talent shortage.

If I were a hypothetical, completely amoral CEO who couldn't care less about human rights or dignity and only cared about profit, I still can't imagine thinking it's a net positive to have 5% of my employees turn the company into a abusive hellhole, unless that 5% were somehow creating 95% of the value and everyone else was completely interchangeable.

Like I definitely see it with Amazon where they run warehouse workers into the ground because "they're all just interchangeable meat puppets anyway," but I just find it interesting that even tech companies have the same attitude when the terrible conditions don't even have a plausible link to output like slave-driving warehouse workers does.

I wonder if there's ever going to be a talent exodus from SV when workers finally realize that they can work at companies that aren't Wolf of Wall Street crossed with Revenge of the Nerds, but maybe money is priority #1 for both sides.

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
I remember seeing this as a retweet that someone posted the other day

I didn't know what to make of it. Frankly I thought she was a twitter comedian or something. How can you possibly even have guns or ammo in Apple''s offices? Surely she must have meant they threw around some Nerf darts?

However, it apparently wasn't a joke, and it wasn't nerf darts:

I'm not sure if that's really live ammo (shouldn't there be a longer protruding bullet from that large casing?) but I sure as hell wouldn't like seeing that on display in the office.
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Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
I certainly agree with this. I don't know how anyone could look at Facebook alone and think that big tech are a bunch of benevolent technocrats. At absolute best, they're fine with releasing their creations onto the world and being completely apathetic toward the resultant destruction and suffering.

Yup. But that's the thing, as an industry they do a superb job of portraying themselves as fantasy-esque 'keepers of the light", lol.

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

(lol @ Gloria Steinem)

Not to say you aren't going to see a Citibank commercial about the one time they hooked a poor family up with a fair mortgage or Exxon paying for a $250k commercial showing how they planted three trees last year.

But tech has been relentless about their PR for decades to the point you've got fans defending them off GP online. Meanwhile you have the usual boys club harassment shit, crushing the competition monopoly practices, etc. There's an additional layer of protection they work under because of that image which is why like you said shit like this would never fly where you or I work but here they are basically fucking firing her


Oct 31, 2017
Are the labor laws in the US that bad? Does the Department of Labor do anything?
The short version is yes things are that bad because a company can fire you long before any legal consequences happen. For example, here's the timeline for the National Labor Relations Board's complaints against Google:

September 2019 - Google fires 5 workers for trying to organize
December 2020 - the NRLB files a complaint on behalf of two of them, hearing is set for April 2021
May 2021 - Biden's new NRLB head adds the other three employees to the complaint

As far as I can tell, the legal proceedings are still ongoing since Google has filed documents denying the allegations as recently as this month. Over stuff that happened almost two years ago.

Well, the harm would be having a completely dysfunctional corporate culture that destroys/drives off talent in an industry with a talent shortage.

If I were a hypothetical, completely amoral CEO who couldn't care less about human rights or dignity and only cared about profit, I still can't imagine thinking it's a net positive to have 5% of my employees turn the company into a abusive hellhole, unless that 5% were somehow creating 95% of the value and everyone else was completely interchangeable.
It's not about who's creating the value, it's about who's receiving it. The situation is a net positive for these people because they can have a grand old party at work with their buddies while getting huge compensation packages.

Lower level positions are inherently more interchangeable due to the nature of the work, so those people are out of luck. Also, from Apple's perspective, Steve Jobs being an abusive asshole has paid off tremendously in the form of being the richest company ever.

Like I definitely see it with Amazon where they run warehouse workers into the ground because "they're all just interchangeable meat puppets anyway," but I just find it interesting that even tech companies have the same attitude when the terrible conditions don't even have a plausible link to output like slave-driving warehouse workers does.

I wonder if there's ever going to be a talent exodus from SV when workers finally realize that they can work at companies that aren't Wolf of Wall Street crossed with Revenge of the Nerds, but maybe money is priority #1 for both sides.
I think a big part of the problem is that having a FAANG company on your resume is a huge boost to employability so there's even more of an incentive for them to have higher turnover. Amazon in particular is known to be a shitty place to work at even for developers. Last time I checked they're still using stack ranking, which is a terrible management system that pretty much every other major company has stopped doing.
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Alt Account
May 7, 2021
Amazon in particular is known to be a shitty place to work at even for developers.
Yep, one of my college friends got a job there after graduation, 5 years later he is now the most senior person on his team because everyone has fled the toxic work environment with that Amazon Endorsement on their resume. He keeps trying but gets sucked back in 😬


Nov 25, 2017
Yep, one of my college friends got a job there after graduation, 5 years later he is now the most senior person on his team because everyone has fled the toxic work environment with that Amazon Endorsement on their resume. He keeps trying but gets sucked back in 😬
I mean, Amazon is known to be toxic but staying at a tech company for 5 years is a pretty long time when the average churn for an engineer is 2.5 years.

Nelo Ice

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Shared this with my friend who works at Apple and she said this happens to her everywhere. She mentioned how she interviewed for another company and aced the technical portion but she got the opposite of smile more. They told her she was too nice and basically questioned why she wasn't a male archetype.


Oct 25, 2017
This stuff is so crazy.

I work in a company of 30k plus people and have not seen anything 0.01% as egregious as this. I guess we don't have as many "rock stars"


Oct 29, 2017
Although there's no shortage of people to hire, you'd think the employee turnover and low morale would make it not worth protecting the toxic assholes in the long run. Like what are they afraid of, their stock dropping if a higher-up is fired?


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
Hopefully people remember this stuff when the next flashy device comes up for preorder. The more that comes out the worse this company seems jfc


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
And people wonder why so many women don't want to be in (or stay in) tech.


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, people will be upset and still preorder the new iPhone in a few months. It will take massive reporting and backlash for them to address abuse in their ranks it seems.

Hopefully people remember this stuff when the next flashy device comes up for preorder. The more that comes out the worse this company seems jfc
Aye, unfortunately you'll still get people posting "My new M1 MBA is the best laptop ever made!" or "The new iPhone is just soooo sexy!" and turning a completely blind eye to all of this, and if put on the spot they'll happily take having cool luxury tech gadgets over people being treated with basic human dignity and respect.

This lady's story is horrendous. It's mindboggling how any company could allow this sort of shit to take place. I could almost see how it could happen at a tiny tech startup where the HR department is non-existent but Apple is a huge org and should (but obviously doesn't) have robust policies in place to prevent employees being harassed and abused.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
And people wonder why so many women don't want to be in (or stay in) tech.
Yep, my current team is the most women I've ever encountered in tech at a company before. Previously I would have 1 random person who might not stick around, but at this company we have I want to say about half the team are women which is surprising (in a good way).

Aye, unfortunately you'll still get people posting "My new M1 MBA is the best laptop ever made!" or "The new iPhone is just soooo sexy!" and turning a completely blind eye to all of this, and if put on the spot they'll happily take having cool luxury tech gadgets over people being treated with basic human dignity and respect.

This lady's story is horrendous. It's mindboggling how any company could allow this sort of shit to take place. I could almost see how it could happen at a tiny tech startup where the HR department is non-existent but Apple is a huge org and should (but obviously doesn't) have robust policies in place to prevent employees being harassed and abused.
Unfortunately the bigger the company it seems the easier it is for stuff like this to happen since they can all just... blend in and fall into the melting pot.


Oct 28, 2017
Unfortunately the bigger the company it seems the easier it is for stuff like this to happen since they can all just... blend in and fall into the melting pot.
I think that's probably true in tech companies but I'm not entirely sure it's true in all corporate cultures. Maybe it's because other, more established or traditional businesses (I'm thinking finance here as that's my industry) are a bit more risk-averse and tend to make sure that they don't leave themselves wide open to costly lawsuits - not that these industries don't have serious problems with bullying, harassment and mistreatment of employees, of course. It feels like tech companies are still a bit like the Wild West though, or are just a bit less mature. There's also the fact that these jobs tend to be in extremely high demand so there's a never-ending conveyor belt of fresh meat to be fed into the grinder.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
not that it's great in other industries of course, but this shit seems really bad in silicon valley/tech.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021

...is she saying they literally poisoned her?? Holy shit
yeah, believe its referencing this article she published in March


I thought I was dying: My apartment was built on toxic waste

Ashley Gjovik exposes the influence of a powerful corporation against the need for accountability and public safety on her journey to save her life. The challenges she encounters are ongoing for many people in the Bay Area, and they may not even know it yet. Her single victory has been the fight...


Oct 28, 2017
yeah, believe its referencing this article she published in March


I thought I was dying: My apartment was built on toxic waste

Ashley Gjovik exposes the influence of a powerful corporation against the need for accountability and public safety on her journey to save her life. The challenges she encounters are ongoing for many people in the Bay Area, and they may not even know it yet. Her single victory has been the fight...
Unless I missed something in that article, it has nothing to do with Apple (?)


Oct 28, 2017
The connection is what Vox will be working on is my guess. They must be related because this is the first item on her timeline of the Apple events.
I am sorry but something is not right here. Look at her job description in that article from 5 months ago, and her job description as described in the tweets. How do these co exist? Again, unless I am missing something, e.g her Apple job was years ago.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
I am sorry but something is not right here. Look at her job description in that article from 5 months ago, and her job description as described in the tweets. How do these co exist? Again, unless I am missing something, e.g her Apple job was years ago.
her apple job just ended last week (technically still going but shes on forced "leave")
Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck Apple. Like the first thing to do is find every person who was involved, from the POSs who made her life awful, to the HR who offered no help, fire them publicly and throw them under the bus.

Jesus this is awful. Obviously leadership needs to change at the top of so many of these ppl can be hired by the company and never fired for their behavior.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
That's terrible and a huge invasion of privacy.

Apparently Apple encourages employees to link their personal and work accounts. Which is all kinds of awful. Work accounts should stay on work machines, and vice versa.

What a fucking mess.


Alt Account
May 7, 2021
Yep, my work "encourages" people to link their work account to their phone to get emails and what not on the go. Heeeeeellll no. Get me a company phone if its that important.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Fucking hell. Some people definitely need to be fired but criminal investigations seem necessary for a lot of this stuff. Just mind blowing how disgusting this stuff is.


Nov 13, 2017
Yeah they usually have the ability to keep anything that's on a company device (or remotely wipe it) so I always opt for a separate device to read company emails on.