
Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Put the wingman on top of that list and that's pretty much mine.

The 30-30 is such a weird weapon in that it does the same thing that other weapons do, but worse. It's like a downgraded version of the longbow, wingman, and G7.

I don't think the wingman is bad at all, or necessarily worse than guns like the rampage but the thing is that most players will run guns like prowler up close which doesn't put the wingman in a good spot a lot of the time. It's still pretty nice in the hands of a good player though, but very skill dependent.


One Winged Slayer
May 7, 2018
Idk, I feel kinda meh about DZK's firing…..
In one hand what he said was abhorrent and had he said it like…last year I'd argue he shouldn't ever have a job in the industry let alone Respawn, but based on his tweets the past couple years based off a cursory scroll I did when it first got unveiled, it seems he's most assuredly not that person anymore certainly being a proponent AGAINST racist/homophobic/transphobic ideologies.

People can change, even late in their lives. I've seen it happen personally; hateful people ten years ago are completely different now.

I personally think this was initially uncovered by people who didn't care about the content of his messages from 2007, but toxic players who hated his guts due to how he probably handled their favorite character. And that's a shame I think.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally think this was initially uncovered by people who didn't care about the content of his messages from 2007, but toxic players who hated his guts due to how he probably handled their favorite character. And that's a shame I think.
I feel like the players just wanted a scapegoat for all their problems. Like now the game will have perfect balancing and zero issues.

That being said, I don't think he was fit for the role. He's very antagonist towards the player base


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Idk, I feel kinda meh about DZK's firing…..
In one hand what he said was abhorrent and had he said it like…last year I'd argue he shouldn't ever have a job in the industry let alone Respawn, but based on his tweets the past couple years based off a cursory scroll I did when it first got unveiled, it seems he's most assuredly not that person anymore certainly being a proponent AGAINST racist/homophobic/transphobic ideologies.

People can change, even late in their lives. I've seen it happen personally; hateful people ten years ago are completely different now.

I personally think this was initially uncovered by people who didn't care about the content of his messages from 2007, but toxic players who hated his guts due to how he probably handled their favorite character. And that's a shame I think.
I agree honestly. I don't think he should have been fired. Cancel culture is a double edged sword.


Oct 25, 2017
Idk, I feel kinda meh about DZK's firing…..
In one hand what he said was abhorrent and had he said it like…last year I'd argue he shouldn't ever have a job in the industry let alone Respawn, but based on his tweets the past couple years based off a cursory scroll I did when it first got unveiled, it seems he's most assuredly not that person anymore certainly being a proponent AGAINST racist/homophobic/transphobic ideologies.

People can change, even late in their lives. I've seen it happen personally; hateful people ten years ago are completely different now.

I personally think this was initially uncovered by people who didn't care about the content of his messages from 2007, but toxic players who hated his guts due to how he probably handled their favorite character. And that's a shame I think.

This is kinda where I'm at because he seemed to have changed pretty considerably, and it did seem motivated by gamer rage more than anything including protecting those harmed by his words, which is not a great look imo. People cheering it because of "game balance" is pretty gross tbh, don't like that one bit.

If he was still doing shitty things then that's one thing but 10-15 years on and if he's been a proponent for good, could be an unfair albatross. That said, the internet should not be the final judge on this regardless and if he did other shitty things in the interim that's poor form too.

Hopefully this isn't a James Gunn sitch.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Idk, I feel kinda meh about DZK's firing…..
In one hand what he said was abhorrent and had he said it like…last year I'd argue he shouldn't ever have a job in the industry let alone Respawn, but based on his tweets the past couple years based off a cursory scroll I did when it first got unveiled, it seems he's most assuredly not that person anymore certainly being a proponent AGAINST racist/homophobic/transphobic ideologies.

People can change, even late in their lives. I've seen it happen personally; hateful people ten years ago are completely different now.

I personally think this was initially uncovered by people who didn't care about the content of his messages from 2007, but toxic players who hated his guts due to how he probably handled their favorite character. And that's a shame I think.

It's 100% a james gunn scenario. People went digging as deep as they could because they don't like the balance.

Whole situation is weird as hell. He said terrible things but none of the people bringing it up actually care about what was said.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Damn I read the whole thing and man I feel bad for him. I really hope he can find a good place to land fast. Somewhere it won't contribute to his anxiety.
Unfortunately his career in the gaming industry is probably over forever, nobody is going to want to touch him with a 30 foot pole.

I don't think he deserved this tbh, at least not without a chance for him to try and make amends and issue an apology.

People see shit like that and see red, doesn't matter how long it's been unfortunately.


Nov 3, 2017
OP class is ruining the game and my joy of this game, Respawn is lucky competition is just as awful as they are, Warzone is a hot mess and due the the Pandemic some of the competition is lagging behind..


alt account
Jul 27, 2021
It's 100% a james gunn scenario. People went digging as deep as they could because they don't like the balance.

Whole situation is weird as hell. He said terrible things but none of the people bringing it up actually care about what was said.


"Pro" streamers expressing joy over this are genuinely way worse people than him. They cynically exploited a situation purely because they dont like how the game has been like recently. They literally dont care if he is still the person that said those things or not.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Idk, I feel kinda meh about DZK's firing…..
In one hand what he said was abhorrent and had he said it like…last year I'd argue he shouldn't ever have a job in the industry let alone Respawn, but based on his tweets the past couple years based off a cursory scroll I did when it first got unveiled, it seems he's most assuredly not that person anymore certainly being a proponent AGAINST racist/homophobic/transphobic ideologies.

People can change, even late in their lives. I've seen it happen personally; hateful people ten years ago are completely different now.

I personally think this was initially uncovered by people who didn't care about the content of his messages from 2007, but toxic players who hated his guts due to how he probably handled their favorite character. And that's a shame I think.

Blizzard devs used to get death threats when they changed Overwatch character balance / abilities. Poor Jeff Kaplan probably had a private security detail after they changed Mercy 10 times.

My sense after reading the Reddit thread is that DKZ was let go in part because of those tweets, mainly because companies are at a total zero risk policy with this kind of twitter shit, but also because he had beef with some players too and the way he interacted with them. From a lead balance dev, he also claimed that Seer's tactical wasn't OP because it was "like a sniper rifle" which is baffling. Seer's tactical is the size of a school bus.

In general, I stand by my earlier post -- Respawn needs to take a season off and do a general balance check on everything. Right now we're essentially playing Wall Hack Legends and people are really only choosing the same 4-5 legends. What's the point of having 20 legends if they're not keeping the previous ones viable? I get that there should be overlap. People should have some different options if they like play a mobility or recon legend but when the meta is this small then something isn't right.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
In general, I stand by my earlier post -- Respawn needs to take a season off and do a general balance check on everything. Right now we're essentially playing Wall Hack Legends and people are really only choosing the same 4-5 legends. What's the point of having 20 legends if they're not keeping the previous ones viable? I get that there should be overlap. People should have some different options if they like play a mobility or recon legend but when the meta is this small then something isn't right.
Yeah, the game is definitely in need of an "Operation Health" style balance pass, no added content, just tweaks and changes to the meta to get things in a better place, with a concerted effort to also fix long standing bugs like footsteps, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
In general, I stand by my earlier post -- Respawn needs to take a season off and do a general balance check on everything. Right now we're essentially playing Wall Hack Legends and people are really only choosing the same 4-5 legends. What's the point of having 20 legends if they're not keeping the previous ones viable? I get that there should be overlap. People should have some different options if they like play a mobility or recon legend but when the meta is this small then something isn't right.
Yeah, the game is definitely in need of an "Operation Health" style balance pass, no added content, just tweaks and changes to the meta to get things in a better place, with a concerted effort to also fix long standing bugs like footsteps, etc.
They already tweak the balance in patches throughout the seasons so it's already part of their regular workload, so why would they need to take a break from content? Even the server issues are probably things that would be handled by different people, no?

Seer is overpowered but they are patching him soon. The other legends all seem pretty viable to me right now outside of maybe Crypto being a little meh.

I saw this image on Reddit with the current pick rates.
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't feel like the balance is terrible. I am not high-ranked, so I do not have much room to talk to the competitive community, but I feel like all the guns are reasonably good because there isn't any particular gun I wouldn't say I hate using. I think the problem with the legend balance is that this game is heavily based on mobility. As a result, some defensive legends like Watson, Crypto, and Rampart are at a huge disadvantage because the game does not encourage sitting in one spot. Also, a lot of legends are given mobility abilities to counter defensive playstyles. The only legend I really have to complain specifically about is Mirage. He is one of the original legends and has had a low pick-rate and balance issues since launch. He's fun, but ultimately not as useful as any other offensive legend with more utility or mobility.

It sounds like Crypto will be getting some changes to make him more active and less dependent on controlling his drone, which should help fix him. Rampart could be easily changed by letting her restore the charge when she picks up her wall and maybe letting her wield Sheila like an actual minigun instead of a stationary turret. I have no clue how Watson gets fixed. They nerfed her walls and ultimate specifically because of how campy they made her, but there aren't many ways they can make her more useful without bringing that behavior back.

"Pro" streamers expressing joy over this are genuinely way worse people than him. They cynically exploited a situation purely because they dont like how the game has been like recently. They literally dont care if he is still the person that said those things or not.
I didn't want to say it myself, but the fact that a lot of pro players/streamers started jumping on the comments recently right after they were all complaining about the meta and Seer seemed a little too on the nose. It made it look like they didn't care about the actual comments and instead just wanted to try and dig up shit on someone they dislike (Similar to the toxic subreddit).


Oct 27, 2017
Wattson's cooldown needs to be in sets of nodes, not individual nodes. Without an ultimate, it takes one entire minute to be able to make a single fence. Caustic bangs out his gas traps like nobody's business. If you fence up a building but then decide you need to book it to another building, if you don't pick the nodes back up before you leave, you're fucked.


Apr 16, 2019
Ahhh, done it, got to and now hardstuck on plat 4.
KDR went from 3.5 to 2.4 already trying to level up on plat haha.
I'm solo so not surprised as it's a lot more about teamwork and synergy.

Somehow more players in gold were happy to land in less busy locations and loot up letting me win many games, compared to the 3 in 5 fragment landings if I'm not jump master, so fucking annoying.
Some people also just beam you so fucking quick haha.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
The only legends I generally see are:

1) Bloodhound -
2) Octane
3) Seer
4) Gibby
5) Valk or Bangalore tied

I rarely see people picking anything else on Xbox.
On PS4 it's probably

1) Seer
2) Octane
3) Bloodhound
4) Wraith
5) Lifeline
6) Bang
7) Valk

As much as Horizon was fucking EVERYWHERE in Season 7, it's kinda weird how rare she is now. Guess she just got slapped down too hard.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
On PS4 it's probably

1) Seer
2) Octane
3) Bloodhound
4) Wraith
5) Lifeline
6) Bang
7) Valk

As much as Horizon was fucking EVERYWHERE in Season 7, it's kinda weird how rare she is now. Guess she just got slapped down too hard.

I remember when all I used to see was Pathfinders, Wraiths and Lifelines. Those were the days.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I see a lot of everything to be honest. Not altogether uncommon that I even see several Fuse or Rampart players in a match.

I think Seer then Wraith then Blood are the most common three though, then Octane, Bang, Lifeline, Valk. Horizon slowly creeping back in too since the buff.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
God remember when Wattson was considered Meta? Seems like an eternity ago.

Only ever in ranked/competitive, and honestly she's still viable in ranked, it's just that Caustic is an all around better defensive legend.

Wattson has always been trash in pubs, that's the problem with designing a character that is only valuable in ranked, and generally no fun to play. If they fall out of the ranked meta (which generally only features a small handful of characters) then they have no value.

Lots of other characters aren't meta in ranked, but you still see a lot of them because they're fundamentally pretty enjoyable to play, characters like Bangalore, Horizon, , Lifeline, Loba, Mirage and Pathfinder, generally not meta-picks in ranked or comp today, but they're still fun characters which can be effective with their abilities.

Wattson really needs the whole team to play into her playstyle to find success, and that's a really unenjoyable way to play pubs. So she's pretty much a no go there. Caustic is more versatile in pubs, because you can just throw out his ult and individual traps, they require less setup and have a more immediate individual effect.

She just needs a redesign. Same with Crypto, who is another character that needs his whole team to lean in to his playstyle to make any decent contribution. Most Crypto's in pubs hinder their team more than they help.
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Oct 25, 2017
Valkyrie does not seem very good. Her jetpack is great, but both her tactical and ultimate aren't, especially in games with randoms. Her tactical needs a shorter cooldown and faster travel time.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of the time with rampart it feels like you're just escorting her to high ground in the last circles.

Then you get the occasional ramparts that slap cheeks with her barriers the while game. Most of my season wins so far have had those ramparts in the team


Oct 27, 2017
Valkyrie does not seem very good. Her jetpack is great, but both her tactical and ultimate aren't, especially in games with randoms. Her tactical needs a shorter cooldown and faster travel time.
Her Ultimate has won me multiple games now. Being able to quickly reposition or escape a late ring is huge. Now that you can ping your Ult, I have very little issue letting randos know that we can and should jump.

It's especially useful when the last two squads are fighting a ways away, you can get your third-party on before the victor has a chance to heal up.


Oct 26, 2017
Her Ultimate has won me multiple games now. Being able to quickly reposition or escape a late ring is huge. Now that you can ping your Ult, I have very little issue letting randos know that we can and should jump.

It's especially useful when the last two squads are fighting a ways away, you can get your third-party on before the victor has a chance to heal up.
This, she's REALLY strong with just her passive and ult. Her tactical is impactful without feeling too strong, and there's edge case uses for it indoors that can catch people off guard thats fun to pull off once in a blue moon.


Oct 25, 2017
Only ever in ranked/competitive, and honestly she's still viable in ranked, it's just that Caustic is an all around better defensive legend.

Wattson has always been trash in pubs, that's the problem with designing a character that is only valuable in ranked, and generally no fun to play. If they fall out of the ranked meta (which generally only features a small handful of characters) then they have no value.

Lots of other characters aren't meta in ranked, but you still see a lot of them because they're fundamentally pretty enjoyable to play, characters like Bangalore, Horizon, , Lifeline, Loba, Mirage and Pathfinder, generally not meta-picks in ranked or comp today, but they're still fun characters which can be effective with their abilities.

Wattson really needs the whole team to play into her playstyle to find success, and that's a really unenjoyable way to play pubs. So she's pretty much a no go there. Caustic is more versatile in pubs, because you can just throw out his ult and individual traps, they require less setup and have a more immediate individual effect.

She just needs a redesign. Same with Crypto, who is another character that needs his whole team to lean in to his playstyle to make any decent contribution. Most Crypto's in pubs hinder their team more than they help.

Speaking the truth about my baguette in this post, well said. her best feature for pubs rn is basically skinny cover with an ult stocked, holding ultimate accelerants, and having the game's best hitbox (her true ability tbh).

I'm hoping they give her something that allows for more player expression. Saw a great but probably OP concept on the subreddit that involved being able to pull her nodes/fences towards her iirc. Very high skill ceiling in theory but potential for nasty wall of nails stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
As a Seer main (lol), my only complaint this season is that there are so few arenas maps on rotation. I feel like they should rotate way more in, even if it's the existing BR arenas maps they've done in these 2 seasons. The BR maps are the worst arenas maps but they're still fun. Arenas still can't touch the variety that you get in the large BR maps and it's largely due to the limited map selection IMO, as well as the rings and starting areas being so fixed.


Nov 3, 2017
She just needs a redesign. Same with Crypto, who is another character that needs his whole team to lean in to his playstyle to make any decent contribution. Most Crypto's in pubs hinder their team more than they help.
Crypto has maybe the most overpowered ability in Apex. He is the only legend who can tell, with absolute certainty, whether your team is safe. Ping before a fight to see how many teams you're pushing and ping after a fight to see if you're about to get third partied or if you have time to loot.


Nov 19, 2018
Had my first go in ranked arenas and it was a lot of fun! Games were very competitive and balanced after the first few placement matches


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
They already tweak the balance in patches throughout the seasons so it's already part of their regular workload, so why would they need to take a break from content? Even the server issues are probably things that would be handled by different people, no?

Seer is overpowered but they are patching him soon. The other legends all seem pretty viable to me right now outside of maybe Crypto being a little meh.

I saw this image on Reddit with the current pick rates.
On one hand, I'm sad to see Rampart doesn't get more love. On the other hand, it means I almost always get to play as her.

Valkyrie does not seem very good. Her jetpack is great, but both her tactical and ultimate aren't, especially in games with randoms. Her tactical needs a shorter cooldown and faster travel time.
I'm not the biggest fan of her tactical, but it's useful in the right hands. Her ultimate is great though, even when playing with randoms.


Apr 16, 2019
Seer tactical might be the main issue for many but to me his PASSIVE is probably the best ability in game and better than even all of crypto's scanning ability.

Being able to "sense" almost the exact location of an enemy at all times with no cool down and crazy good range is so broken.

Hope it gets a big nerf. Literally unable to defend against it and defeats the purpose of sneaking and trying to flank as he will know.

I see players running around with it out just searching for people who have no idea he is near. Just watch any seer main streamer to get my point. Pair it with his tactical and it's just mental.

How anyone thought it was balanced or even acceptable is beyond crazy.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Crypto has maybe the most overpowered ability in Apex. He is the only legend who can tell, with absolute certainty, whether your team is safe. Ping before a fight to see how many teams you're pushing and ping after a fight to see if you're about to get third partied or if you have time to loot.

This is just my opinion and everything, but in my view, this isn't right. I think Crypto's passive is pretty trash.
  • Knowing how many squads are in the area does not prevent you getting thirded right after a fight. If you are going to get hit right after a fight is completed, then that's going to happen either way.
  • Having a crypto in-drone when you get thirded, leaves you at an even worse scenario than you would have been otherwise
  • The drone information, doesn't tell you much of the key information that you need to know to take action, such as the direction of the enemy teams or distance. Simply having a team in the drone radius does not mean its unsafe to loot.
  • At any decent level of play, in either ranked or comp, there is almost always going to be many squads in your drone radius. Simply saying '4 squads in the area' is not meaningful or actionable information.
  • Crpyto's passive is reliant on his tactical, so if his tactical isn't available, then he can't use his passive. It's not much of a passive if it isn't ever present like basically every other character in the game.
Seer does what Crypto's passive does, far better. He doesn't have to go into drone, he can see the direction and approximate distance of the opposing team, and he can tac them to slow down any push if he sees them advancing. Meanwhile, Crypto's passive lacks key information to be actionable, and at most decent levels of play you will find teams playing much tighter in smaller rings, where the passive becomes utterly useless.

If you want to prevent a third party, the best bet is to place the drone ahead or above you, forcing any team that pushes you to either enter scan radius or shoot the drone before being able to push you. That in turn gives you vastly more information than his passive does (because you get directional and proximity).

People play Crypto to EMP people and really that's basically it. If you're spending any excess time in drone other than directly making a play that benefits your team, then I think you're disadvantaging them. I think the vast majority of Crypto players, especially in pubs, hinder rather than help their team.

Honestly, as a rework I think Crypto should get Seer's passive or similar. Crypto needs something in his character that isn't reliant on his drone. His drone is his ultimate, his drone is his tactical, his drone also holds his passive information. Crypto sucks without the drone but paradoxically while using the drone, Crypto's team is vulnerable to a 2 vs 3.

Seer could do without his own passive, honestly. Making the tactical a skill-shot wherein he has to estimate where people are, rather than simply being guided by his passive. It's like he has 3 overlapping abilities which makes him fool proof. If Crypto misses his ultimate, then he can tac the team, if he misses his tac, he can just use the passive ability to detect where folks are. Too much of everything in one character, and I think they'd benefit from stripping a lot of it out.
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Oct 25, 2017
Crypto has maybe the most overpowered ability in Apex. He is the only legend who can tell, with absolute certainty, whether your team is safe. Ping before a fight to see how many teams you're pushing and ping after a fight to see if you're about to get third partied or if you have time to loot.

Constantly having to go into your drone to check if there are squads nearby isn't overpowered.

Gungjoe is right, Crypto's abilities rely too much on your teammates playing around them to truly be effective. Especially if you solo queue alot.

Even when I try to be quick with my drone-time, I can end up sometimes finding myself a little too far behind to support my team in critical moments during fights.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
I really can't believe that stupid Seer, who was looking like a boring filler legend in all the trailers, ended up being the one legend that has had the most effect on the game. It's to the point where if your squad isn't running Seer then you're at a disadvantage. Especially in ranked. Ridiculous.

Even if they nerf him next week, he so OP that he'll still get picked.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless they change his passive to where you have to damage an enemy before you can sense their heartbeat, he's going to be a T0 pick even if they nerf everything else to the ground.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
Unless they change his passive to where you have to damage an enemy before you can sense their heartbeat, he's going to be a T0 pick even if they nerf everything else to the ground.

For me, it's the tactical. No way it should do damage, interrupt healing, AND reveal your location. It also makes that insanely loud sound effect which is annoying as shit when 3 Seer teams are fighting and all of them firing off tacticals.

The cool down on this thing should be like an ult. 45 seconds or something.


Apr 22, 2019
Crypto has maybe the most overpowered ability in Apex. He is the only legend who can tell, with absolute certainty, whether your team is safe. Ping before a fight to see how many teams you're pushing and ping after a fight to see if you're about to get third partied or if you have time to loot.

The issue though is, does it matter when you play with two randoms who pay no attention to anything going on outside of their own individual game? My problem with many of the legends is that they're fairly useless unless you have a squad that cares. I doubt there is a fix for that. The "there's another squad!" ai line is a less effective version of Crypto's ability, plus no one has to actually do an action, as soon as a shot lands from a 3rd party that voice line goes to all in the squad letting them know it's party time.


Nov 3, 2017
This is just my opinion and everything, but in my view, this isn't right. I think Crypto's passive is pretty trash.
  • Knowing how many squads are in the area does not prevent you getting thirded right after a fight. If you are going to get hit right after a fight is completed, then that's going to happen either way.
  • Having a crypto in-drone when you get thirded, leaves you at an even worse scenario than you would have been otherwise
  • The drone information, doesn't tell you much of the key information that you need to know to take action, such as the direction of the enemy teams or distance. Simply having a team in the drone radius does not mean its unsafe to loot.
  • At any decent level of play, in either ranked or comp, there is almost always going to be many squads in your drone radius. Simply saying '4 squads in the area' is not meaningful or actionable information.
  • Crpyto's passive is reliant on his tactical, so if his tactical isn't available, then he can't use his passive. It's not much of a passive if it isn't ever present like basically every other character in the game.
Knowing how many squads are around you is the best option for preventing third partying in the game because the information should inform the actions of your team, if your team is any good. If you see "4 squads in the area" and you decide to wade into the middle of it you're probably going to get killed, especially in the current Seer meta. But if you see "2 squads in the area" and they're already fighting you can, with a decent amount of certainty, full send for some easy kills. After the fight you just pop into your drone for a second and see if the coast is clear. A drone sitting in sight of a champion banner is usually more useful than one where the Crypto is actively moving it around trying to get a visual on enemies.

I'm not saying that Crypto is OP. I think he needs a lot of work. Maybe start by giving him the Bloodhound treatment, triple the radius of his scans (a man can dream). I'm saying that having absolutely accurate information about the number of enemies around you can have way more impact than most people give it credit for if used correctly.

The issue though is, does it matter when you play with two randoms who pay no attention to anything going on outside of their own individual game?
Yeah, no amount of intelligence can overcome idiocy. I have a special hatred for hot droppers and w key enthusiasts.
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Feb 21, 2021
The Sentinel is now the worst sniper in the game. Charge rifle always has the benefit of not having to lead shots, so it's slightly better. The Longbow has a faster fire rate and nearly the same damage output as the Sentinel(uncharged). Plus, having to charge the Sentinel with shield cells is bad because they are so important and somewhat hard to come by. I don't know what they should do with this sniper.