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Nov 10, 2017
Update 1.30 available on PS4, 127MB. Not sure what it does
EDIT: update history only says "Stability improvements and Bug fixes"
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Nov 2, 2017
I'd like them to lower the volume of Crypto's drone. It wouldn't have to be silent, but it's too loud as it stands. I think it should be seen, not heard. That would make him far more viable as a character because information is his value.


Oct 28, 2017
Worst part is some of these updates don't even auto update anymore either. It's so inconsistent.


Oct 28, 2017
Came back for duos,got matched with a guy trying to glitch into the fridge.

R6 had a freezer of some sort where people could glitch into it. It was crazy cause they could pop out and kind of fire and it was hard to catch them when returning fire. The round would just be at a stand still.

How do people find these random glitches?


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
I think it's time I faced the fact that I'm just not as good at shooters as I used to be.

My positioning is okay for the most part; but my mechanical skill and my ability usage is just terrible. I'm not the gamer I was a decade ago (with infinite time to practice and way better motor-reflexes).

With that being said, I'm STILL better than half the fucking palookas I get matched up with :/


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
R6 had a freezer of some sort where people could glitch into it. It was crazy cause they could pop out and kind of fire and it was hard to catch them when returning fire. The round would just be at a stand still.

How do people find these random glitches?

Ive seen it on my insta feed which is why I figured what he was trying to do....

The guy I was with didn't seem to get in, he was jumping and ducking at it so perhaps it was patched out


Oct 27, 2017
Got a useless jagoff in Duos who stole all the loot, ran ahead, died, and quit, leaving me alone with useless garbage. Don't be that asshole.


Dec 23, 2018
I just tried like 5 matches of Duos and holy heck do I not have remotely enough skill to play that mode. It's even harder than Ranked for me.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Came back for duos,got matched with a guy trying to glitch into the fridge.

We were chasing a team last night and two enemies were in the fridge. Didn't take much to finish them, worth patching but a minor nuisance. Strangely I want to see a team get stuck in the fridge with the circle closing in to their death.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Is it just me or are there not many people playing duos? Taking forever to find a match tonight. When I look it says 21 players in queue and rising very slowly.

Nvm I figured it out: my game hadn't updated yet lol.
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Oct 29, 2017
I just tried like 5 matches of Duos and holy heck do I not have remotely enough skill to play that mode. It's even harder than Ranked for me.

I'm finding it much easier than ranked so far. 1 less chance of an idiot on your team and if your team mate fucks off, going 1vs2 against other teams is much more manageable than 1v3.

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Worst part is some of these updates don't even auto update anymore either. It's so inconsistent.
This. Getting tired of going to fire up the game and losing 30 minutes to a file copy (the update itself is done in seconds).

Frequent "stability fixes" aside, the game feels like it's in a really good place.
I like pretty much all the S4 tweaks to gameplay. Find myself using a wider variety of legends and weapons, rather than trying to "main" stuff. Almost everything feels viable now, and more importantly, fun.

Also got the BP just to show support, but am actually enjoying the dailies and slowly ticking off all weeklies.
Still a believer that challenges should be completed "passively" and not shoe-horned into your game. (Especially ones that get squad mates to use your traversal tools, etc.)
But I definitely give more of a shit than I used to (not just because I'm no longer a freeloader!) and respect the devs for making the experience more accessible to people who don't have a huge amount of time to dedicate.


Oct 27, 2017
Had an amazing match where my team was moving patiently with me. We got into an intense three-way fight and somehow came out on top, and then another three-way at the very end. Both of my teammates were dead and I was knocked, and then I realized I had a KD shield. The enemies were fighting, so as I tried rezzing, an enemy Caustic tossed a canister on me. I was able to back up just enough to avoid being gassed, and successfully rezzed to see the teams had finished their fight, and one person was last standing. I raised my Mastiff, fired, and won the match.

Best game of Apex I've had in ages. The shouts of my teammates cheering me on when we realized the self rez was actually going to happen were deafening.


Jan 29, 2019
I had a 10 kill game (my best ever) with Mirage yesterday. My previous best was 6.
The thing is that I rarely play Mirage, yet he's also the first character that I have unlocked the knife badge (5 games with 5 or more kills).

Does anyone else find that they have their best games with characters they wouldn't consider their main? Maybe I should be playing Mirage more often?
Oct 25, 2017
I always suck when I pick a character I'm not familiar with. I keep hearing how overpowered Gibraltar is but I can't get anything done with him. He's so big that no enemy is going to miss when they shoot at him. It's also why I don't play Caustic although I like trapping behind rocks so enemies trip them while running from the ring.

I pick Lifeline or Pathfinder every time - Pathfinder for mobility and Lifeline for fast heals, both small enough to make enemies miss shots. Otherwise I'll play Mirage if teammates take both of them, or whatever character I need to play for a challenge.


Oct 25, 2017
Duos is treating me so much better than squads. Opponents can't just bumrush you and hope to confuse and overwhelm you to death. It's insane how common it is for enemies to just run straight at you on sight and also kinda embarrassing how effective that is against my squad.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Duo's is such a great game mode, but my really shows some people up in solo queues. I've been sticking to the other player like glue, but having them run for the hills as soon as the gun fire starts seems to be a common tactic with some, even when iv'e dropped one of our enemy and we have cover.

I however been able to fight off 2 man teams alone, so the team isn't is as important as in trios.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone else get odd frame drops in this game now? Like it'll get all stuttery and drop to 40ish fps for a bit then go back like nothing happened at random.


Oct 25, 2017
Man's need to stop chasing kills when we're on the edge of a circle that's going to close in a minute. Positioning and setting up are skills a lot of players could do with studying.


Oct 28, 2017
Do the new buttons only map to existing ones? If so, it still doesn't solve everything being mapped to square.
yeap. i'm just glad for the extra flexibility when it comes to the jumping, crouching and using abilities tho. previously had jump mapped to l1, crouch on r3 and ability on X - which was good for jumping and aiming (i'll never understand why movement heavy shooters default jump to one of the face buttons) but crouching and aiming in a fight could get a bit awkward (still better than having it on O tho) and i felt slightly disadvantaged using some legend's abilities by having to relinquish aiming momentarily. it's just good for options really 🤷‍♂️


Oct 25, 2017
Ne Monde
Happy Valentine's Day Legends

Oct 28, 2017
Keep ending up with level 80 players in duos who don't seem to know how to play. I'm not talking about they're incapable of 360 noscopes, just people who walk around like they're sightseeing, and fail to use any of the marking capabilities in the game.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
So, apparently Call of Duty Warzone is dropping any day now. It's a free to play Battle Royale based in the Modern Warfare universe. Wondering how this will affect Apex.


Oct 28, 2017
So, apparently Call of Duty Warzone is dropping any day now. It's a free to play Battle Royale based in the Modern Warfare universe. Wondering how this will affect Apex.

Initially it'll take some folks away. Long term depends on their support and updates and how it plays. I don't see it having the personality of Apex and that'll keep people coming back or possibly playing both.

I was hoping for a straight military tactical shooter (guns/grenades only) in MW. The plunder and killstreaks stuff I'm on the fence about but I will definitely check it out. It could turn out to be really good but I don't want to see it come down to UAV and airstrikes in the final circles. Apex is different cause it's legend based where warfare is all around currency and buying items?

The leaks make it seem like a br with a ton of other things to do within it. It'll be amazing and something fresh and new or a jumbled mess. Also those other things happening within the br is going to rely on the community. Like the 1v1 prison thing are people going to stay around for that if it's after a death occurred? Apex proves you need to put a penalty in place (ranked) to prevent people just leaving in a down. Unranked still had this issue with no penalty.


Dec 23, 2018
I'm wondering if I need another Battle Royale. The funny thing is that the parts of BR games I like the least are the parts that make it BR (Other than terrible stability, netcode etc. of course). Apex Legends is fun enough to play that it doesn't matter, but Call of Duty gameplay probably won't do it for me in the long run. Playing the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout Battle Royale Beta was fun, but they'd have to do more to keep me playing. Probably.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
No thank you to that CoD game, never played them, not gonna start now. Besides Apex is Apex. Never played any battle royale game before Apex, and yet I totally clicked with it, and highly totally doubt I'll click with any of the others.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
So, apparently Call of Duty Warzone is dropping any day now. It's a free to play Battle Royale based in the Modern Warfare universe. Wondering how this will affect Apex.
I'll definitely check it out. Don't see it pulling me away though.

Someone asked if we have great games with characters that are not our mains. My main is Pathfinder, to this day I've had my best games with him. My highest kill, highest damage game, etc. But for some reason when I decide to switch it up, particularly with Wraith, Mirage, and Gibralter, I tend to have some great games too.

Milky Way

Oct 29, 2017
This update like messed up my game. My controllers all sluggish and when moving the camera it stutters and lags. Anyone else having this problem?


Oct 28, 2017
Blackout had friendly fire on. If this new game does as well I wonder how greedy people get with the plunber aspect?

I'm also not a fan of all the guns having attachments on them already depending on their rarity. I much prefer picking up items and holding and attaching to what I want.

I loved blackout at the time and was hoping for a modern and better version of that. The map looks cool I'm just not sure what's it's trying to do outside of the last team standing br element. What do you do with all this plunder that you deposit at banks as the game is going on? I figure it'll come together at the official reveal but right now it's like they took a crazy amount of ideas and put into into one mode.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I think my current favorite genre of teammate are the ones who absolutely refuse to pick up a knockdown shield all match because they know they're just gonna leave when they get downed


Oct 25, 2017
So, apparently Call of Duty Warzone is dropping any day now. It's a free to play Battle Royale based in the Modern Warfare universe. Wondering how this will affect Apex.

I think it'll be fine tbh. Don't forget people swore up and down that Blackout would topple Fortnite that year. As it is now, Apex is still the best feeling FPS game I think. Even over MW.


Oct 25, 2017
Ne Monde
Only reason I uninstalled MW is because I was running out of hdd space. Haven't removed Apex though. Both offer fun experiences.


Oct 27, 2017
I've gotten really bored of MW's multiplayer, but I still like the gunplay so I'm interested in the BR. Though there are some things I'm not too confident about, like how the movement will feel on the big opened-up Spec Ops map. I though moving through the Ground War maps felt pretty bad, especially if you were dropping off of anything that would cause fall damage. The handling of the vehicles was also incredibly poor, so having to go across great distances in a vehicle is not something I'm looking forward to. The base movement feels pretty great on smaller maps with a consistent elevation, but it just feels wrong on the Ground War maps


Oct 25, 2017
This wattson on my squad really put her trophy system down where I threw my Gibby ult. At my feet because we were getting Rushed and surrounded by 3 enemies. The trophy took out every single one of my missiles AND we got rushed.

You really can't teach stupid.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it'll be fine tbh. Don't forget people swore up and down that Blackout would topple Fortnite that year. As it is now, Apex is still the best feeling FPS game I think. Even over MW.
Blackout was also sold as part of BO4, while rumor has it Warzone will be available in MW and downloadable as a separate F2P client if you don't own the game.
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