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Jan 25, 2019
Sending a decoy infront of a full squad just to flank behind them and wipe them! Mirage you beauty!!!


Oct 26, 2017
Aaahhh, what a last game of the night. Played with one friend and one rando, who decided to solo drop to the very first area you could like a dumb asshole and died instantly, all of this after randomly reprimanding us for not picking Wraith or Bangalore. Managed to get to top 3 with the friend, played all sneaky-like and we actually managed that really fucking well but unfortunately the final tiny circle was essentially one building and we had somewhat early game guns so we didn't stand a chance against two fully kitted out full squads.

EVA fucking sucked in the final confrontation. Managed to get a good 4-5 point blank shots at someone before the squad noticed me and.. Nothing. Didn't even down the one guy.


Oct 29, 2017
Between the high TTK, fast movement, really small weapon clips and limited ammo availability, I feel like this game skews heavily in favor of high skilled players.

I feel like one of those things will have to give if they want to keep the low skilled players engaged.
Spitfire is 30 bullets in a clip. Add in level 3 heavy extended mag and it goes to 60 bullets in one clip. It's awesome and lower skilled players should definitely use it.

Also I find it easier to.focus on one ammo type. So I'll have light ammo guns (scout and carbine/99 SMG) or 2 heavies (prowler/flatline/spitfire and hemlock/longbow/wingman). The beginning of matches can be tough for ammo, but once you get to mid game there is plenty.

But you are right that this game rewards skill and aggressiveness more than other BR titles. It makes it super fun if you play that way and also very fun to watch, but I do have some concerns about longevity as crappier players get stomped. This is what happened to Titanfall.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not against emotes (no stupid dances please), but they need to be first person so people don't do 3rd person peeking with them. Maybe show a tiny version of your character doing the emote in the corner of the screen so you can watch it too. If they can't get it to work just dump the idea and focus on finishers and other stuff
Oct 25, 2017
Unlocked Mirage last night, and love playing as him. The hologram is more effective than I thought it would be, and I hope it doesn't become inert once people get used to it.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who doesn't really play many online shooters, despite many attempts, there really hasn't been a game that's drawn me in like this since Overwatch at launch. All I want to do is get home and play more, I'm slightly sickened by how much of my thoughts it's taking up actually.

Dialing in my aiming sensitivity even lower than before, warming up with aimtrainer, and just getting into fights has really made me much better to the point where I feel I'm really putting the work in and not being carried to a win like I was the first couple days. More than half of my games yesterday I ended up in the top 2, even as the kill leader. Feels good man.

Anyone else getting a "Bad Module" crash on PC? Happened in both games I played today, first time I've had problems, been playing since launch. The fixes I've seen son't seem to work.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I'm slowly learning Bangalore. My 2nd choice was Bloodhound but I noticed I play way more aggressively (and not well) when I'm trying to get close to ping and use the Ult. Trying Mirage too as I've been bamboozled too many times to count :/
Mirage is a lot of fun. I also like Bloodhound. I'd say the ones I don't really touch are Gibraltar, Pathfinder and Caustic.


Oct 27, 2017
Between the high TTK, fast movement, really small weapon clips and limited ammo availability, I feel like this game skews heavily in favor of high skilled players.

I feel like one of those things will have to give if they want to keep the low skilled players engaged.
Or maybe low skill players will have incentive to learn to play the game better since it's well made and fun?

Catering to the lowest common denominator is what got Blackout so out of shape with armor buffs and other stuff that didn't need done in the first place. It took them a month to pivot off those mistakes.

BR isn't a participation trophy game type.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
564K viewers on Twitch. Wow.

About a week in (8 days?) since launch. Last Monday when it launched the viewer count when I checked was 500K also, but people were also paid to stream/promote the game.

Hopefully Respawn can build on the success and EA keeps providing them with the tools/resources/money they need.
Oct 25, 2017
I tried playing Overwatch while the Apex servers were dying this weekend and only lasted about 3 games. Coming from someone who loves OW, it feels stale now. I'm all in for OWL season 2 but with the recent Activision/Blizzard news and how this game has been stagnating, I am bit worried for its future.

Apex is so good.
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not against emotes (no stupid dances please), but they need to be first person so people don't do 3rd person peeking with them. Maybe show a tiny version of your character doing the emote in the corner of the screen so you can watch it too. If they can't get it to work just dump the idea and focus on finishers and other stuff

Or even blur out the background like they do on executions
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Man, this game is starting to turn into a third partying nightmare. It's to the point now where you might as well avoid fights at all costs because you're just going to get your shit pushed in from a third or fourth squad if you don't.
Feb 11, 2019
Had a match last night where me and a rando got abandoned by our third member. About two minutes in I got asked "hey you wanna just go full aggro?"

I said sure... then we went through squads like a woodchipper. This game is super satisfying.

All the champs feel unique with all their skills but it doesn't detract from the FPS gameplay which stays front and center. GOTY for me I think. What a nice surprise this was.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Or maybe low skill players will have incentive to learn to play the game better since it's well made and fun?

Catering to the lowest common denominator is what got Blackout so out of shape with armor buffs and other stuff that didn't need done in the first place. It took them a month to pivot off those mistakes.

BR isn't a participation trophy game type.

Most people dont play the game to become better at them. Its not a useful skill you will need in life lol. Most people play to have fun and spend time with their friends.

Thankfully developers know this. There is a balance multiplayer games strive for where someone who is just playing for fun has their highlight moments and players with high skill still get to win.

You seem to think its a either-or scenario. Its not.


Oct 25, 2017
Leeds, UK
A Lifeline bailed on us right at the start, went to a different dropzone, died instantly, dc'd but me and a Wraith went on to win a super tense insane game. Didn't even know the Legendary Knockdown shield had a self-revive but that was a clutch move my teammate used when in the final circle and the enemy squad thought she was dead.

My heart rate, dudes. Videogame cocaine.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a weird post. It will evolve the same as any other game does. More viable playstyles will appear and disappear as people get better at the games and learn more about it. If you are watching Doc and Summit and Shroud etc play then tht is no way to judge how the meta of a game will play out.

Isn't a weird post at all, don't be silly. But we shall see.


Oct 25, 2017
I love how people don't know that the legendary knockdown shield lets you self-revive.

Entire squad went down and I used it to save everyone and ended up winning the game.


Oct 27, 2017
So, been playing some games this afternoon and I can _feel_ the general crowd getting better. Not lasting nearly as long now, and when we do make it to the Top 3 - I get taken out by someone who has 200-300 kills. Was loading into a match and this came up:


One squad mate literally just disconnected, and the jumpmaster just immediately launched us into the crowd of people and were were dead almost instantly.

I really love playing this game, but when you have several rounds like this it starts to get disheartening.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
Getting less and less kills the more players are playing on PC. My randoms lately have been playing this like Fortnite and hiding or sneaking around all match then dying instantly because they have no loot from kills or any gunplay practice. It's been less fun for me lately.


Oct 28, 2017
Super appreciative for the advice. Thanks a bunch.

Would you say caustic is the better unlock option for defensive players like myself?

Caustic is... hard to get the hang of for a lot of people. However, seeing as how you said you like to play a more methodical game, he might just be right up your alley because his Tactical leans more towards a defensive style of play and his ult being throwable means you can still help your team without charging into a fight you're not yet comfortable with.

The only downside is his animations make him feel slow, which can mess with the timing your movement. But since you're not an aggressive player yourself it may not be an issue for you.


Oct 25, 2017
So, been playing some games this afternoon and I can _feel_ the general crowd getting better. Not lasting nearly as long now, and when we do make it to the Top 3 - I get taken out by someone who has 200-300 kills. Was loading into a match and this came up:


One squad mate literally just disconnected, and the jumpmaster just immediately launched us into the crowd of people and were were dead almost instantly.

I really love playing this game, but when you have several rounds like this it starts to get disheartening.
do they have the extra large shit bucket


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Or maybe low skill players will have incentive to learn to play the game better since it's well made and fun?

Catering to the lowest common denominator is what got Blackout so out of shape with armor buffs and other stuff that didn't need done in the first place. It took them a month to pivot off those mistakes.

BR isn't a participation trophy game type.

I dunno; I thought COD was the most unfriendly BR game ive played, LOL. While its more forgiving than PUBG early in the match it quickly devolves to COD Bro gamestyle nonsense in the end game.

I do have a personal beef against high TTK games though; people say it's about skill but it's at the detriment to the strategy element because you can always 'twitch' your way out of a stupid situation you got yourself in. If I flank you from behind with a gun that takes two head shots to kill its a bit ridiculous for you to just ninja flip a quick scope headshot because yours takes one , lol.

I find it less annoying here because the fights themselves are generally a tug of war and the odds are in the favor in the better prepared, more strategic groups as opposed to someone weaned on twitch shooters.


Jan 25, 2019
Today is the shittiest day since launch in looting. Winning two games with level 1 armour and helmet is unreal


Oct 27, 2017
so for most of the time i've been playing this game, i've been playing at 3200 dpi, in-game sensitivity at like 5.0. basically same for pubg, which is the only other fps i've played a lot of in the last decade. i am pretty good at sniping but awful at close fights and i think this is why

i've started bringing my settings down to stop handicapping myself, but it's really hard to undo years of muscle memory. my flicks keep stranding me halfway to where i was trying to go. any advice on getting used to low sensitivity? i know about using my arm more and my wrist less, but it's still slow going


Oct 25, 2017
so for most of the time i've been playing this game, i've been playing at 3200 dpi, in-game sensitivity at like 5.0. basically same for pubg, which is the only other fps i've played a lot of in the last decade. i am pretty good at sniping but awful at close fights and i think this is why

i've started bringing my settings down to stop handicapping myself, but it's really hard to undo years of muscle memory. my flicks keep stranding me halfway to where i was trying to go. any advice on getting used to low sensitivity? i know about using my arm more and my wrist less, but it's still slow going
Don't flick, just track. Flicking is an advanced technique.
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