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Deleted member 11069

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Oct 27, 2017
Well, this game (like only Quake games before it) makes me want to actually get better at it and I'm puzzled how it is possible that dudes
on reddit get 27 kills while I barely get 1 or 2.
I even bought a damn aim trainer. Not wanting to be a burden to team mates helps as well I think.
But man, all these years playing quake has thought me nothing about headshots and reloading.


Aug 19, 2018
Can anyone give me some tips as a PS4 player struggling with controls? I'm not much of a console FPS player but decided to give it a go and really enjoyed it, except I completely fall apart when I get into a firefight. Aiming all over the shop, etc.

I know things will improve as I get used to the game and get used to the tension of being in a firefight, but if there's any tips people can offer to being a competent controller player, I'd really appreciate it.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, this game (like only Quake games before it) makes me want to actually get better at it and I'm puzzled how it is possible that dudes
on reddit get 27 kills while I barely get 1 or 2.
I even bought a damn aim trainer. Not wanting to be a burden to team mates helps as well I think.
But man, all these years playing quake has thought me nothing about headshots and reloading.
What's an aim trainer?

Your Quake skills are only going to translate on very specific situations, with particular weapons.
Other than that, you have to get on the bike as everyone else, and be as efficient as you can managing everything.

Watch Shroud play for example.
Besides his ridiculous aim\awareness, he holsters his weapon every time he moves, to gain speed and out maneuver opponents.
He is very quick navigating menus and adjusting his load out to be as optimized as possible.
He tries to subvert the opponents expectations when he uses abilities.
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Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Well, this game (like only Quake games before it) makes me want to actually get better at it and I'm puzzled how it is possible that dudes
on reddit get 27 kills while I barely get 1 or 2.
I even bought a damn aim trainer. Not wanting to be a burden to team mates helps as well I think.
But man, all these years playing quake has thought me nothing about headshots and reloading.

IMO, the best way to improve aim is to move the mouse with your arm and elbow instead of your wrist for wide movement. Wrist control for fine-tuning your aim. Make it so that you move the mouse around 10 to 15 inches to do a 360 in the game. Low DPI and sensitivity diminish human error and shaky hands. Try to make hipfire and ADS sensitivities feel the same(Currently impossible in Apex) so it's easier to develop muscle memory. Also, never use mouse acceleration and turn it off from Windows settings.

If you play multiple shooters, try to match their sensitivities as close as possible.


Oct 27, 2017
I think all my best performances have been with the spitfire, just a shame I find it so rarely


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Mirage is a great character. In the chaos of a big battle, even losing that second to shoot at the wrong target can prove fatal. I for one got bamboozled a couple times, and while it didn't always lead to a loss altogether (in one case it just bought my opponent some extra seconds to live before we grabbed the win), it's a great instrument when used correctly.

Yeah the ability has so many uses. Also just sending it out and getting the enemy postion who shoots it is fantastic.

The fact that he does the Magnum of Derek Zoolander in one of his animated portraits just gives it icing on the cake. Can see me having loads of fun with this character for the time being.


Oct 27, 2017

Good. The map has the same look everywhere you go.
Off the top of my head, you have:
- River with huts
- Big Power plant\comms plant
- Desert with colored tarp houses
- Burned down forest
- Closed caves
- Canyons
- big towers and small buildings

And i have only been to like 10-15 drop spots. there's still plenty to explore.
It's pretty diverse for their first map.
Maybe the textures of the industrial areas make you feel that.

On thing i think they got right is the size.
it's just enough for minimal downtime, which i hated in PUBG.

PUBG always felt like either, shopping in a mall in the desert for half an hour, or what the fuck is going on city.


Oct 25, 2017
ApexERA what are your favourite character lines? I love Bangalore's "Clips are what civvies put in their hair, this is called a magazine."

Cymbal Head

Oct 25, 2017
Is there a place yet where I can read up on the weapons and gear available in the game? I never stop to read anything and just pick up every attachment I can use. It would be nice to have a better idea what's going on with my loadout.
Feb 1, 2018
why the fuck would my teammate RUN AWAY AS I'M DEPLOYING MY HEALBOT

A lot of people don't know the abilities of all the Legends. A bit like a MOBA game, it takes some time. But yeah, there are some wierd people. Every 10 games or so, I have a lone wolf, breaking off the drop and dropping in some totally different part of the map (and 90% of the time dying quite fast).
Oct 28, 2017
Had a really obnoxious teammate last night who demanded we all stay on the supply ship, even though it was going to be outside of the zone, and he sat on it until the 1st circle ate all his health away.

Weird bastard.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm quite enjoying the game but I'm relatively crap at it. I think my main issue with BR as a genre is that you don't have much time to actually practice shooting at people, so when you get into a fight there's an element of panic involved.
That's generally me as well. I found that I did the tutorial, then played some matches and was as you said rarely shooting. It's actually really helpful after you've played a while to go back into the tutorial. I didn't notice until then that the weapons in the range are sorted by ammo type, and you can also try the gold unique-ammo weapons out there. I found that the tutorial on its own at the start was too much to take in in terms of weapon variety being overwhelming without some real play context. I spent a while trying everything out and getting to know the names properly, figuring out what I like and what I don't, and now I'm much better at not just taking everything I see and filling up my inventory.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I wish there was a way to just universally disable voice chat. I'd prefer it to be opt in rather than opt out
If you're on PS4 can do what I do and just make a private party for yourself. Stops you hearing random in-game chat. Find the comms tools in-game more than up to scratch for general play.


Oct 29, 2017
I always find it hard to get into these games, I spend more time looting and figuring out what the fuck ammo/gun/attachment works with something; even with the cross on items I pick stuff up that doesn't get equipped to anything I own. all the weapon looks so generic that I'm having hard time knowing what it is I'm picking up either. I just need to learn..stick to it.....


Oct 27, 2017
I wish there was a way to just universally disable voice chat. I'd prefer it to be opt in rather than opt out

I wouldn't mind so much if you could at least mute it straight away, if someones talking shit or blasting music you're forced to listen to it through the character select unless I'm missing something

Deleted member 22407

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Oct 28, 2017
Hahaha, finally installed this on PC. Played with two random people, they each got guns then left me to die without any, told me to "shut the fuck up" when I tagged the squad that down me. Ah well. What can you do?
I played a bit on PC yesterday, got put into a squad with 2 guys who were playing together. As soon as we landed and they start running around like head bins picking everything and anything up leaving me with nothing. I find a weapon then suddenly the two get gunned down. One of the guys goes mental over comms screaming at me as to why I'm not there RIGHT NOW to revive them, how I'm terrible, why does he get paired with idiots, etc. etc.

Anyway I sneak around, kill the whole squad and revive my team mates, the guys doing all the shouting is like 'huh... well ok I suppose your not too bad'. Two minutes later both proceed to get downed again, the quite one disconnecting before I can revive and the other one screaming at his mate then disconnecting.

Honestly some people need to get outside and take a break.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I wouldn't mind so much if you could at least mute it straight away, if someones talking shit or blasting music you're forced to listen to it through the character select unless I'm missing something
Yeah this is the exact issue I have. There's like thirty seconds of kinda of lawlessness before you can do anything that is really frustrating. I've had a few people take the opportunity to act super obnoxiously before you get the opportunity to mute them. It's a bummer!

Zac Dynamite

Oct 27, 2017
Is there any way on this game to adjust the mini map so that I my arrow is always pointing up and the map rotates to accommodate that instead of the map staying static and having my arrow turn? That is how I have it on every other game like this and the way it is on this game is distracting to the point where I find the game not fun.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any way on this game to adjust the mini map so that I my arrow is always pointing up and the map rotates to accommodate that instead of the map staying static and having my arrow turn? That is how I have it on every other game like this and the way it is on this game is distracting to the point where I find the game not fun.
That would be good.
I still get confused sometimes when looking at the MM.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
Got my 8th win and a win with all characters yesterday - felt really satisfying!

As a PSA - you get 1000 coins for having a EA membership - I pay 20 pounds a year but you can get a membership for 4 quid a month - it's cheaper to get coins that way than by buying them I think! May be useful for anyone who wants to unlock characters! Ea access has been fantastic for me so I was pleasantly surprised to get the bonus coins

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I bought the starters pack, the founders pack, used the EA Access 1000 coins and bought the largest pack of gold. I bought the two characters with it, 25 or so lootboxes (for the thrill and to get enough scraps to get a godlike skin for my lovely Bloodhound), keeping the rest for passes, new characters and whatnot that will arrive in the upcoming months. No regrets whatsoever, this will most certainly be my main multiplayer shooter for some time. I don't normall dive into the MTXs but this time I am very satisfied of the core game and I want Respawn to make good money from this game because goddamn they deserve it after what this franchise went through despite the quality and the originality of the games so far.

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018

I've peaked in my first game of the day, might as well turn it off.


Oct 26, 2017
This game is so good. That feeling at the end when you are alone at the end and 1v3 whiping a squad for the win is an amazing feeling.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018
Nonsense. The map is as visually varied as any map in BO/PUBG, and until this season, as visually varied as Fortnite's map too.
Nonsense. The map is as visually varied as any map in BO/PUBG, and until this season, as visually varied as Fortnite's map too.
Sure, assuming you literally only land in the same spot of the map every time and then never make it out of said spot lol
How does all the desert area look like the grassy valleys?
Off the top of my head, you have:
- River with huts
- Big Power plant\comms plant
- Desert with colored tarp houses
- Burned down forest
- Closed caves
- Canyons
- big towers and small buildings

And i have only been to like 10-15 drop spots. there's still plenty to explore.
It's pretty diverse for their first map.
Maybe the textures of the industrial areas make you feel that.

On thing i think they got right is the size.
it's just enough for minimal downtime, which i hated in PUBG.

PUBG always felt like either, shopping in a mall in the desert for half an hour, or what the fuck is going on city.
When I think back to it, it feels like it's the same everywhere. This is probably because the colors are the same.
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