
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
It's also spawned this reddit thread with almost 6K upvotes
You committed the ultimate cardinal sin, you got personal. You, as a team of professionals trying to make money, got personal. You got personal and decided to insult your playbase, calling us "ass-hats" and "freeloaders". Not a wise move.

We won't forget this. You've set a new tone for the kind of interaction we'll be having with you. It's a cold one. One where there aren't any illusions about the reality of the situation. Previous notions of "family" are dead. We are mere consumers to you, and that is obvious.

You have chosen to bring in a new era of hostility and bitterness. Well done. Great PR move.

EDIT: OMG thank you so much for platinum!
Jesus fucking christ...


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
See this is what I don't get. When someone says "the developers fucked up", it's not an attack on an individual. Almost never individuals get called out outside of legit harassment campaigns we saw with Gamergate. If I was a dev I would just not engage in this nonsense, PR people are there for a reason. I get the problem with Indie devs who don't have people relegated just to community issues, but at least when it comes to pricing models indie devs rarely have problems anyway. Especially when the criticism is directed at a genernal thing like monetization (and let's face it, that's the topic more often than not these days), it's unlikely most devs had a say in it outside the higher ups.

I guess that's what I'm getting at. Devs are increasingly asked to take on frontline PR roles, especially for service games. I don't know in this particular case if the devs are supposed to be responding to people on the subreddit or not, though.

I think it's easy to say that the criticism isn't being aimed at specific people, but at specific elements of the games. And that's true for the most part. But I can tell you as someone who doesn't even work on games but has worked on internet stuff with a large audience before, that on some level it almost doesn't matter. People can't help but identify with their own work, especially in creative industries like video games. It can get very hard to distinguish yourself from the work, and from criticism of the final product from criticism of your own work. This can be doubly problematic in cases where, let's say, you fought against a particular decision, and then got criticized for that decision. Sometimes that feels like validation, that your professional opinion turned out to be right. But sometimes it just feels frustrating, like an own-goal you saw coming and could've avoided, and now feel like you're taking heat for. I realized a while ago that the specific target doesn't even matter sometimes; all you hear is the vitriol and the aggression.

For me, I see a developer being sarcastic about assholes in the gaming community and I think, "that's someone lashing out because they've taken a lot of shit." I've been there before, so I'm sympathetic. I don't think it's entirely a conscious act, sometimes. I don't think that developer woke up that morning and thought, "I'm going to finally tell those gamers off like they deserve!" You're right in that it's not necessarily professional or proper. But I'm happy to give these people the benefit of the doubt because torrents of internet criticism are not a thing most people are prepared for, and some people are going to react badly.

It should go without saying but that doesn't take anything away from people arguing in good faith against Apex Legends' monetization techniques. I think there is absolutely room to keep talking about that and even boycotting the game if you think there's no recourse and that EA isn't listening.


Oct 30, 2017
The people who are willing to pay are often times children, who are taught gambling addiction, or adult gamblers who have a problem that is being exploited.

There is no systems in place by these companies to reach out to such people and say "hey, you're spending a lot on our game recently. Here are some resources on gambling addiction". It's 100% a system made to exploit fans.

And yes, it's just cosmetics in a f2p game. Im actually surprised that EA is getting such backlash, but it's clear that previous EA games have added up to the outrage here. At some point, it becomes about the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Notice that there are companies like Activision that have got away with exploiting their customers.

What started out as "just cosmetics" in a $60 paid game has turned to selling DLC weapons that are overpowered and dominating lobbies in Black Ops 4.

So what do kids do when they are beaten by a 1-shot weapon? They spend money on lootboxes to buy it

But oh look, a few weeks after the devs nerf the overpowered weapon, that was obviously overpowered to anyone who would have playtested it.

Now all that money you spent trying to get a weapon is worth nothing.

Do people really think that the devs at Treyarch dont know what they are doing? They have taken complete advantage of gambling, and then screwed those people over.

What's to stop this from happening at Respawn? The people at Treyarch are COMPLETELY SILENT on this issue by the way. They know better than to start talking about their monetization.

In fact, this is also the theme with IW and the new COD.

There is ZERO TALK by the devs on forums about monetization. We know activision adds things AFTER reviews and day-one purchases. Yet the COD community has completely stayed silent and allowed this to happen.
Whoa now. We've diverged here slightly and are beginning to wander into what-if territory. I'm arguing against purely cosmetic loot boxes such as in your Fortnites and Apexes. COD boxes that incorporate game-changing items are pure trash and actually deserves harsher criticism than they may already be receiving. I understand where you're trying to go with it but we can only really address Apex's system as it is currently. Purely cosmetic, which is functionally harmless to the game itself and to those that choose not to engage in monetization schemes.

Is it exploitative? Sure. A lot of things in life are. However, COD's exploitation is far more egregious than Respawn's. I also think that responsibility takes a role in here somewhere. Either by the adult end user or the adult responsible for the end user.


Oct 25, 2017
Why would I want to side with toxic asshats who shit on the dev team constantly then have a meltdown when they get some of the insulting back

Not all pushback is toxic, and not in this situation either. It is normal to have a bad reaction to a $200 cosmetic event.

Remember everything EA has done and continues to do that is predatory by design.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude, this is some brain porridge.

Are you seriously asking if we'd feel more comfortable if they hired non-experts to develop gambling mechanics aimed primarily at minors?

Like do you even understand what the core issue here is?
Damn, it's almost like...the fact that they're psychologists isn't really what the problem is, and is arbitrarily made into a pharmakon in an attempt to legitimize a basically-unrelated concern by playing into an exaggerated and ignorant idea of what psychologists are.

thank god it isn't like that, and it is indeed the fact that they're hiring psychologists that's the problem


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
You really don't have a clue on the Apex situation if you side with the devs on this one.

You can still disagree with how Respawn has handled the monetisation of Apex's limited time events, while agreeing with someone who works for them that the way the game's community has behaved is toxic as fuck.

Why should developers interact directly with the fans, when the fans are going to dogpile anyone associated with the devs with abusive tirades?

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Dude they are literally gamers, whatever they think about themselves.
You can post on a gaming forum while not having your entire identity centered around the fact that you buy video games.

Are you seriously asking if we'd feel more comfortable if they hired non-experts to develop gambling mechanics aimed primarily at minors?

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Probably not the best avenue to let some steam off. People act like assholes to devs, devs act like assholes back, everyone has mud on their face and looks bad and has a bad time.

It's a shame most discourse on the internet has boiled down to this. I don't think its unique to the gaming industry anymore.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I definitely think $18 is way too much, but I feel most people that wouldn't buy a $18 skin wouldn't buy a $10 skin. Which is what that dev was saying...

Who knows though. This is all so esoteric and superficial. My dream would be to have a like town hall where devs and gamers could just talk about shit, I hate all the arguing.
Fine for the majority of them but having the super rare one just be "buy everything else and then you can buy it", and that amounting to £130, is way past that line imo.


Oct 25, 2017

Jesus fucking christ...

Apex generally had a good reception from the community up until this point. That post is bang on the money. If you want to poke and prod people and openly talk about how they are dollar figures to their face, that's fine. You just shouldn't expect it to go over well with everyone, or for the benefit of the doubt to be there in the future. It's not a good idea or a good look.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Probably because they've seen gamers do it for so long.

I still remember Jeff Gerstmann getting death threats for giving Zelda a 8.8/9 instead of 9.0.
Unforuntantely, engaging on that level only serves to make things even worse. I'm already seeing those comments the dev made being used to further stir the pot around the internet. That's not even talking about people actually defending the orginial shitty practice that started this whole event in order to not be roped in with the toxic crowd.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden
I was one of the complainers about the Iron Crown event, but the lengths I saw some people go, nah, Respawn have earned the right to call these cunts out.

Fuck gamers.


Oct 26, 2017

On one hand, claiming "It's been developed by psychologists!" is a not-entirely-accurate oversimplification of the literal decades of refinement of the F2P model that's built upon the exploitation of well-established psychological ticks - most of which have been lifted straight out of studies on gambling addiction.

On the other hand, this comes off as a dismissive, defensive shitpost.

I remember working on F2P modeled games years ago and our public response to criticism of the monetization practices of our products was basically "We don't want to do this, but the publisher makes this the only viable way to fund the game and keep the studio open." And now I'm getting a completely different tone from active devs - which is honestly pretty weird. It way more "Fuck you, pay me". Then again, I haven't had to deal with the shit-show that is dealing directly with players in a few years.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
No one looks good in this exchange. Players need to be respectful to devs, but there's also nothin respectful about devs treating their player base like idiot cash cows. Which, to be clear, a $170 limited time event absolutely does say that's how Respawn views Apex players.

F2P games seem to naturally lead to more antagonistic relationships between devs and players for obvious reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh...I guess this is the only case in my recent memory where I would accept a "both sides" argument.

Gamers being assholes, companies being greedy fucks...

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
As always, the truth lies in the middle. A lot of gamers are cheap asshats. But the monetization aspect in a lot of games is just shitty.

Additionally, I feel like there are just extreme positions left when discussing stuff. Difficult to have normal discussions.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Are you seriously saying these freemium models are not based on addiction psychology? Really? Even the freaking way lootboxes open is made as flashy as machines in Casinos to entice people. I really don't care who you work for, but don't peddle nonsense please.
Feel free to look through my post history as I've explained this to exhaustion.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the problem with that thread is that it reads like a threat with no teeth to it. I understand the sentiment, but if you're still giving the game traffic and potential MTX sales then what have you really accomplished?

The 'outrage' has already had Respawn commit to more reasonable events in the future. There is always a place for constructive criticism and protest.


Nov 3, 2017
I definitely think $18 is way too much, but I feel most people that wouldn't buy a $18 skin wouldn't buy a $10 skin. Which is what that dev was saying...

Value for money is important to me, if I feel like I'm getting ripped off I won't pay it, so in my case I wouldn't pay $18 but I may well pay $10. And it's also likely I'd buy multiple $10 skins, but again not a single $18 one. But then again they're not aiming their sights on someone like me who will think before they buy, they're going after the kids and their parents CC, or people who can afford to overpay for skins.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you seriously saying these freemium models are not based on addiction psychology? Really? Even the freaking way lootboxes open is made as flashy as machines in Casinos to entice people. I really don't care who you work for, but don't peddle nonsense please.

afaik he's just saying the notion that devs/pubs hire psychologists to maximize their return and find specific ways to get ppl addicted isn't true. I don't think anyone in this thread disagrees that there are tons of sinister f2p models that have kind of become the de facto way to do business in large multiplayer games now.

I think the problem with that thread is that it reads like a threat with no teeth to it. I understand the sentiment, but if you're still giving the game traffic and potential MTX sales then what have you really accomplished?

my issue with this thread is that it sounds totally insane


Oct 27, 2017
This "Freeloader" already put $30 into the game but hasn't bought a skin, and has none of the new event cosmetics because even the "free" tier is grindy as all get out. I've gotten quite a bit of fun out of the game, but the whaling isn't giving me a ton of reasons to keep playing. Also, Battle Pass as a monetization method is pretty devious - I put in money up front, but only if I play 100s of hours can I actually get what I "paid for" which turns playing into an obligation, not fun.

And this is ignoring the fact that when 2/3 daily challenges are to perform an execution and they still haven't fixed the bug where the enemy leaving mid-animation results in no credit for you is super frustrating.


Oct 28, 2017
So I guess I don't understand the alternative? I'm assuming you think just the existence of f2p mp games are predatory. So what is the alternative? There are a lot of people that really love Apex, just NOT making it would be really disappointing. So charging a base price? You couldn't charge $60 for a mp only br game. So $40? But no other Br game is paid to play, so you'll surely be dead by now if you did that. So you copy the models out there already? But now you have to charge for thing piece meal, which becomes "predatory" no matter what... so what do you do? Price it so that all cosmetics in the game are total to $40? But then you have the majority of players buying 1-2 skins paying $1-2. How is that sustainable?

I definitely think $18 is way too much, but I feel most people that wouldn't buy a $18 skin wouldn't buy a $10 skin. Which is what that dev was saying...

Who knows though. This is all so esoteric and superficial. My dream would be to have a like town hall where devs and gamers could just talk about shit, I hate all the arguing.

The crux is that people just don't want the games to exist period under this model. If that means something like Apex Legend's doesn't exist than they are fine with that. Personally, I am fine with games not existing for reasons of ethics or whatever the case is but until lootboxes are made illegal or classified under gambling it's a valid model.

It's a direct result of youtubers fear mongering by spreading myth and speculation. Phrase it a specific way and even the idea that devs make specific design decisions to evoke a specific feeling for the player can AND HAS been demonized by gamers.

It makes me wonder if people know what most people who study psychology end up going into. The most basic social psych 101 course will explain the things people here are framing as super deep super manipulative practices plainly. All marketing employees these techniques. It's not that nefarious or secretly hidden.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty hard to side with the devs here. Sure gamers have an entitlement issue but the whole reason their subreddit exploded was because of their incredibly high priced skins for the event and the system it uses. They basically outright said they're full on EA whale hunting season too.

Price apparently doesn't move the needle much and everyone else are feeeloaders, so if you aren't happy with their record price skins that's your fault for not being vulnerable enough to the tactics, not theirs for setting the price that caused the uproar.
Sep 14, 2018
You really don't have a clue on the Apex situation if you side with the devs on this one.

I think people here just kneejerk defend devs whenever they can, drawing from previous experiences.

This is predatory microtransactions looking for easily manipulated children and/or impulsive people, free game or not that's what they're doing.

And thinking the goods being cosmetic and not affecting gameplay has no impact on the rest of the game sounds like baby's first f2p economy.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
I'm with the devs on this one, but only for their personal attacks on gamers. :) Their handling on micro-transactions is way off the mark.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to " side with anyone " but I would also not side with the giant corperation trying to sell gambling to children and preditory monetization. I personally don't think anyone should be siding with anyone in this situation. Some people were being shits, some devs called them out. But the larger backdrop for this problem is the issue
I mean that's just the industry as a whole at the moment. Capitalism works this way. I'm not saying respawn are virtuous or anything, but I still favour them over people shitting over them constantly whilst they try to make a good game. Also people thinking that respawn implemented the prices all themselves with no persuasion from EA are just a little bit naive.


Oct 28, 2017
While the gaming community can be toxic and maybe deserves to be knocked a peg or two, we are still the consumer in this conversation. There are, and will continue to be, other great games vying for our attention and dollars. The least developers can do is show professionalism and pretend to hear our concerns about cost. The most egregious comment is the accusation of "freeloading" followed by the disgustingly disingenuous '(and we love that!)'... It's a free to play game, and that wasn't our call. I'd honestly rather pay $60 for the game like I did for Overwatch, and get an actual shot at all the skins. They can't really berate just the asshats, unfortunately, they attack us all when they attack us - and it's just not a good look.

I love Apex. I don't consider myself a toxic asshat gamer. I'm relatively frugal, yes, but I've spent some money on Apex Legends. This 'iron crown loot boxes' + 'store cost' + 'devs showing their asses' thing has definitely affected how I view the game as a whole.
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