
Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
like all of it

donald TRUMP
who I previously knew best from being roasted on comedy central

was president for 4 years. then his supporters successfully invaded the capitol.

now i'm watching the inauguration of biden and it feels weird, like a fever dream. where reality is the dream cuz we got so used to crazy.
we also have a WOC vice president who wears converse shoes. still doesnt feel real.


Oct 13, 2020
I feel like people originally voted him in as a joke. I'm not sure what that says about the US.
May 31, 2018
And it ended with "Have a good life" as if he just watched the episode of Cheers where Diane leaves then "YMCA" plays. Weird.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a lesson that people need to be real careful who they prop up on platforms because the machine at work in the 2 party system will work to annihilate the competition at all costs. Dude was an amoral dumbass piece of shit that was probably compromised in a hundred different ways but the gears that turn masked and obfuscated the insanity for the masses that don't bother or follow politics beyond a vote on election day. There are 10s of millions of those types of folks.
Oct 29, 2017
It's been a long, long 4 years. I've learned a lot that I am thankful for, and a lot that I am sad to now know. Here's hoping to a peaceful and productive 4 years under Biden's new administration. I believe he can do it.


Dec 10, 2018
I believe it.

Assholes wanted an asshole in charge and "entertainment" if you could call it that placed into politics to regurgitate their own hatred.


Oct 25, 2017
I've spent nearly every day of the past four years being angry, upset, or disappointed. I am having a hard time accepting a return to reasonable leadership. I feel like the rug will be pulled from under me any second, because the past four years have trained me to expect the worst happening, all the time.

It will take some time to heal.


May 8, 2018
Colton, CA
What sucks is that it took a fascist to get us close to 70% voter turnout. This democracy is depressed and oppressed and just barely shows up to vote out a demagogue. I'm worried that the boredom of Biden will depress turnout and we'll be back to neoliberal status quo.
Oct 27, 2017
I almost made a similar thread today, but on how the last five years were both simultaneously the longest five years ever but also how they seemed like a dream that almost wasn't real. Like we are waking up almost like going from Obama straight to Biden after all having had the same nightmare.


Oct 25, 2017
was president for 4 years. then his supporters successfully invaded the capitol.

Yep even after four years, my mind still can't entirely wrap itself around it. Growing up knowing Donald Trump as tabloid fodder, I'm still flabbergasted that this guy managed to become President and sparked a riot against Congress.


Nov 13, 2017
We were told growing up never to mistake fiction for reality. More important than ever we should heed its inverse and never mistake reality for fiction. The rise of a cult of personality, a resurgence of white supremacy, the regression into barbarism, endless propaganda, culminating in a failed coup where we narrowly escaped fascism. These were terrible events, and more importantly these were terribly real events. We can not mask these last four years behind some veil of unreality.
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May 8, 2018
Colton, CA
Did people know he was a bit fascist during the 2016 election?
People didn't take him seriously enough. A few did, but so many pundits took the American Democracy experiment for granted and thought he would be constrained by the institution or legacy.

underestimating white supremacy in America is idiotic and far too many people did just that.


Oct 30, 2017
It really feels like a bad dream. His vulgar reign had a sense of unreality, like a bizarre nightmare.

We came so close to an army of morons and a hopelessly corrupt GOP crowning America's dumbest D-list celebrity as the most powerful dictator in the world. Like what the actual hell. People can be such stupid animals.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I am. I'm an Australian who's watched in disbelief the past 4 years' events struggling to wrap my head around things. I'll have days where I wake up and just think "Holy shit, Donald Trump, that fat joke buffoon who got stunnered by Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 23 is the president of the United States." Like when I'm listening to to NPR and they say with cold and flat monotone "Today, President Trump said....." and I try to put myself in the mindset of someone from 2005 and thinking how absolutely bonkers this would all be.

And then all the downright insane and baffling shit he got up to over the course of that period, the most egregious he left till last: literally trying to steal an election, then sow doubt in the very fabric of democracy in the USA to the point where a non-insignificant portion of the population actually think Biden successfully stole the election. The guy who was a complete laughing stock across the planet was revealed to be one of the nastiest, most narcissistic, vile, unabashedly petty, spiteful and dishonest public figures in recent western history.
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Dec 20, 2017
People didn't take him seriously enough. A few did, but so many pundits took the American Democracy experiment for granted and thought he would be constrained by the institution or legacy.

underestimating white supremacy in America is idiotic and far too many people did just that.
Here in Australia no one took it seriously either, and though it was a big joke when he was elected. It's also scary how he emboldened similar racists groups here and around the world also; it's something that effected everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
I wish Biden ran against Trump in 2016 but understood why he couldn't. He might have come through for us then too but alas whats done is done.

I really hope dems have good picks for 2024. They need to hold power. Here is to hoping at least DC is granted statehood.


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
lots of tears today, I'll admit. relief, joy, and optimism, but then somehow trauma, shock, and mourning at the same time.

to anybody who might troll this thread and offer some "lulz baby" to that:

my sister is a teacher and has suffered. I have friends who work as doctors and lawyers and have been bewildered by the pointlessly evil efforts and mandates of this administration. and economist friends have been gobsmacked and fear the insane bubble-burst we're going to see when all the policies that favored stock buybacks and trickle-down hogwash come crashing down and hurting middle-class families the most. plus, our national security and telecommunication efforts have been the laughing stock of the world. it's been maddening and embarrassing if you've paid any attention, with so little "winning."

...with the exception being, staying out of armed conflicts we arguably should have been a part of in terms our moral code, but backing off of to please mighty Putin, all while playing loosey-goosey with Iran and North Korea as a form of destructive, unproductive theater.

I'm not sure I can think of anybody who has praise for this administration beyond the biggest financial cheats in the world. which his pardons made abundantly clear.

so watching everything today, and seeing an earnest, principled, and policy-backed pledge to rebuild this nation... I lost it. I absolutely lost it, for all of the things above plus the "executive is meant to lead and connect with us as our humble servant" level. god.

the last four years haven't been a fever dream to me. they've been all too predictable if you read any WW1 and WW2 history books. I'm only shocked that we didn't see more outward-facing rot. but I'm still curious how much rot from within can be fortified and fixed up in the next two years.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
It's definitely still surreal to me. Today I felt like I finally woke up from a 4+ year long nightmare consisting of me constantly internally screaming.

I never want to go through a Trump-like presidency ever again for as long as I live. Even if Biden turns out to be a disappointment (he's making a damn good first impression, though), I would take him over a second Trump term 100 out of 100 times, easy. We went right up to the cliff's edge and somehow managed to pull the brakes and reverse it before it was too late.

Today has been a very, very good day.
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John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly the magnitude of Kamala Harris being VP only hit me when she appeared in the "Celebrating America" program tonight. It's absolutely INCREDIBLE to have a woman, especially a woman of color and a daughter of immigrants, as the number 2 official in the country.


Chicken Chaser
Feb 17, 2019
Yes it's still hard to believe and is surreal, i swear i have PTSD from the last 4 years


Oct 27, 2017
Nope. I really can't believe it. An openly racist, sexist, corrupt, reality TV star ran the United States and exposed how truly broken we are.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm more shocked we have a temporary reprieve, these slides are usually take firmer hold. But like I said, this is probably just temporary these whackos aren't going anywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
After the last few years, I'm just kind of numb. I've always been pissed off at our leaders, but the last four years have been something else.
Sep 15, 2020
I can't believe it's over already. Where'd the time go. I had a good laugh when I saw the neighbors take down their big Trump signs the day before election day.


Aug 24, 2019
Nope. I really can't believe it. An openly racist, sexist, corrupt, reality TV star ran the United States and exposed how truly broken we are.

Only good thing about it was him exposing these people for who they really are.

Not sure if now they will try to run with it and continue to be pieces of shit, or try to put the cat back in the bag and pretend it was all a "misunderstanding".


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
It feels like I'm slowly waking up from a long nightmare.

These last 4 years I've been expecting bad news near every day. It's taken a toll on my health.

I don't expect everything to be fixed now, but to think we'll actually get "normal" politic problems, and not cartoonishly evil (yet incompetent) super villain politic problems...
I'm not even sure how to react, it doesn't feel real yet.


Nov 8, 2017
I believe Trump as president but there are moments from his presidency that feel too much like fiction. Shit like these



Nov 14, 2017
I still can't wrap my head around how Qanon caught on so much with grown-ass adults.

I've read articles on it, listened to podcasts, watched videos on it and really tried to understand it all, but still, the fact that it was so widespread (and still is) really does my fucking head in
Oct 27, 2017
lots of tears today, I'll admit. relief, joy, and optimism, but then somehow trauma, shock, and mourning at the same time.

to anybody who might troll this thread and offer some "lulz baby" to that:

my sister is a teacher and has suffered. I have friends who work as doctors and lawyers and have been bewildered by the pointlessly evil efforts and mandates of this administration. and economist friends have been gobsmacked and fear the insane bubble-burst we're going to see when all the policies that favored stock buybacks and trickle-down hogwash come crashing down and hurting middle-class families the most. plus, our national security and telecommunication efforts have been the laughing stock of the world. it's been maddening and embarrassing if you've paid any attention, with so little "winning."

...with the exception being, staying out of armed conflicts we arguably should have been a part of in terms our moral code, but backing off of to please mighty Putin, all while playing loosey-goosey with Iran and North Korea as a form of destructive, unproductive theater.

I'm not sure I can think of anybody who has praise for this administration beyond the biggest financial cheats in the world. which his pardons made abundantly clear.

so watching everything today, and seeing an earnest, principled, and policy-backed pledge to rebuild this nation... I lost it. I absolutely lost it, for all of the things above plus the "executive is meant to lead and connect with us as our humble servant" level. god.

the last four years haven't been a fever dream to me. they've been all too predictable if you read any WW1 and WW2 history books. I'm only shocked that we didn't see more outward-facing rot. but I'm still curious how much rot from within can be fortified and fixed up in the next two years.
This here. Having a leader who understands that leading is actually serving the people being led and the greater good is paramount before anything else can be accomplished. This office is not meant for a king but rather a humble servant. I'm profoundly glad to see that we now have one.


Sep 28, 2020
Millions of Americans have now been radicalized and emboldened. This isn't going away any time soon. The battle lines are drawn, and the situation will only keep getting worse.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i used to know him as the weird asshole who 'fired' people on tv and was comparable to someone like a Gordon Ramsey

now he makes me feel embarrassed not just as an American but as a human as well


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty surreal. There's a lot to be happy about. Feels good that we're hopefully going to be opening up to refugees and asylum seekers, that my family isn't travel banned, that we might get some competency around the pandemic.

Not to say I'm going to be complacent under Dem leadership, but I'd much rather push them for progress than dig my heels in to try and resist regression.