
Oct 27, 2017
I've always been known to be worried all the time about something. But I'm studying for the CPA (Certifified Public Accountant) exam and I passed my first one last year and it expires in June 2021. So time is ticking and I have 3 more.

I had my 2nd part this morning, i can't tell you how awufl I felt last night. I was sweating in bed, my chest felt like it was tightening, my stomach was killing me.

This morning my stomach was awful too and I was taking the exam and felt like I used most of my breaks in the restroom trying to calm the hell down.

Does this sound like a panic attack at all?


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
Nov 20, 2017
That sounds like a panic attack. I had one, and petting my cat helped.

I thought I was having a heart attack or something, but nope, panic attack. Felt the same exact way that you described, and it suuuuucked.


Oct 25, 2017
I had quite a few bouts during my 20s, just sorta went away once I hit my 30s. They were the worst, absolutely convinced that I was dying of a heart attack on several occasions. Twice I went to the emergency room and the doctor just looked at me like I was stupid, and didn't do a damn thing for me, or even suggest what the hell was going wrong.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I used to get them. Still do every once in a blue moon. My heart-rate shoots up, I start hyperventilating, trembling. Feels like death. Shit sucks.


Nov 2, 2018
My anxiety attacks completely incapacitate me and I feel like I'm dying. Finally got on some meds several months ago and life has considerably improved.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I get them all the time. I honestly don't know how I haven't caught fire. My whole system starts vibrating.


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure if this will help others here, but one of the things that helps me through panic attacks/anxiety is running my hands under hot water.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Yes. I had two late last year.

I thought I'd had panic attacks before. They were stressful and disorienting but they were nothing like this. When I had my first, real panic attack I thought I was having a heart attack and that I was going to die. Experiencing that fear and such intense disorientation has changed me as a person. I remember hitting the floor and staring up at the ceiling feeling time dilate and compress in between each crashing heartbeat. Every time my heart pumped it was like getting hit with a hammer on an anvil and I was just waiting for one of those crushing blows to finally pop me open and kill me. I took every heart beat like it was my last one and waited for there to be no more.

It was devastating. When I started to calm down and it passed I didn't even know how to react emotionally. It was a fake near death experience but it still felt like I'd come back from the dead. I'm not the same since then.

By the time I had the second one I knew what it was so it didn't impact me as intensely.


Nov 9, 2017
I don't really know the difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks, but I probably have had both.

Recently been having the ones that you 100% believe you are having a heart attack more often. they fucking suck OP.

General anxiety I have had for years, but the attacks are just awful.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Had one after my first kiss right there in front of the other person 😖.

Feels bad man, even all these years later.

Prophet Five

Pundeath Knight
Nov 11, 2017
The Great Dark Beyond
I have them frequently. Often enough that my doctor prescribed me Xanax for when I first feel one coming.

I've had them since I was 14. I hate it. It's so embarrassing.

Deleted member 5334

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Almost every day. Sometimes for minutes. Sometimes hours. Sometimes days. The worst one lasted for over a month and I went to the emergency room to rule out some sort of heart attack (which thankfully wasn't, but they did note the heart rate was unusually high and that was absolutely documented).

And before anyone asks, yes I'm seeing professionals on this issue. And I have for my whole life. Medication and Therapy, though helps manage it, doesn't seem to help completely alleviate and it's more about coping with it at this point. It's awful. Really don't wish these issues on anyone. Worst things is how close it can be to a heart attack, including the arm pain sensation, that you're also on that extra level of worry too.


Oct 28, 2017
I used to get them often OP, and very close to what you've described (I also tend to grit my teeth and hear my own pulse). I've gotten a lot better about them any my anxiety in general with the help of therapy, but ironically, today's been on the verge of having once for a while( I'm awaiting final confirmation of my Master's Degree and I should have had it by now).

Things that have helped me:

-Force yourself your breathe slowly. Doing so can make your body calm itself automatically in response, which can reduce the physical symptoms.

-Show affection to a pet, especially tactile.

-Cuddles from a significant other.

-Hot shower or bath (releases endorphins similar to emotional warmth).

-Mindfulness exercises (if you want to see the basic concept in action, try the song/scene "Here Comes a Thought" from the Steven Universe Mindful Education episode).

-If all else fails, settle for distraction. Ruminating on the anxiety even after the attack has passed can lead to another getting set off.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Many. Sounds like it, sorry you went through it OP. I've been put in ambulances by them. Awful things.

Try a hot (hot) bath next time with the light from another room, candle or small light. Find it relaxes the muscles allowing you to relax easier and calms the stomach. They've become my go-to when I feel one coming or hit.


Oct 27, 2017
Once, a couple of years ago. Started sweating, had trouble breathing, sharp pains in the chest; seriously thought I was having a heart attack. And this was while I was driving (wasn't due to driving, just happened to be driving at the time); had to pull over and calm down. Not fun.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Once, while I was driving home. I'm generally a very anxious person, but that was a uniquely awful experience.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, several in the last year. It's truly awful, I'm sorry you're going through that OP :( I haven't personally found ways to help yet, I just wait them out, basically.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, several. All of them sucked but the first especially scared the shit out of me, I honestly thought I was having a heart attack.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks all. It seems like I may have. I am bummed it was right before my exam... it deff killed my vibe for it.


Oct 28, 2017
All the time and is so awful, especially if you are doing something important.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Felt like I was about to have a stroke or aneurysm or something. Never experienced anything like it before or since. Had to sit down.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I take valium on a PRN basis for when I feel my levels start to spike. I have to do it that way because there's a lot of addiction in my family and my doctor and I are both wary of bumping me up to Xanax and other anti anxiety meds at that level. I take buspirone daily which helps with my baseline (background radiation I call it) anxiety.

I don't really know the difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks, but I probably have had both.

If you look it up, they are different things, but most people use them interchangeably so you have to ask the symptoms to get to know which it really is.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I had one just before a team project due date where I was putting in 90% of the team work in college.
And i had another one after smoking a huge blunt when I was 19.

Both times I thought I was having a heart attack and was sure I was dying. Not a fun time.


Oct 27, 2017
I've gotten them where I lose my footing and drop to my knees it's so bad. My new worry is I won't recognize a real heart attack when it comes...


Oct 25, 2017
Yep, had a couple recently. Was literally walking through the store and honestly thought I was having a heart attack.


Feb 15, 2018
I get them very rarely, but the first time I got one I thought I was going to die. Nowadays, if I do get one, I know and understand it's just a panic attack, and I'm able to keep my cool pretty well.

My panic attacks generally manifest as a deep sense of dread, as well as a tight-feeling and tingly chest.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah and they're kinda weird.

I also had them in my 20s and they were gone by my 30s mostly because I got used to them which seems counterintuitive.

It's kinda like "oh this again? oh brother..." which tends to stop them in their tracks. If it stuck around it'd be okay because they never really stay permanently.

My panic attack symptoms never resembled a heart attack though. It's mostly an intense fear and a desire to get up and leave the room immediately along with depersonalization and a sense of losing control. Physically I mostly just get light headed and my senses dull.


Oct 25, 2017
Have had 1 anxiety attack, and that was a couple years ago now. Hyperventilating, sweating, narrowing vision. Shit was scary af. Working on my anxiety over the past year or so has helped a lot with calming my nerves in situations.


Nov 9, 2017
I take valium on a PRN basis for when I feel my levels start to spike. I have to do it that way because there's a lot of addiction in my family and my doctor and I are both wary of bumping me up to Xanax and other anti anxiety meds at that level. I take buspirone daily which helps with my baseline (background radiation I call it) anxiety.

If you look it up, they are different things, but most people use them interchangeably so you have to ask the symptoms to get to know which it really is.
quickly googling I guess I have both? Recently panic attacks though, unprovoked and no explanation, feeling like I am dying and no stress before.


Oct 27, 2017
Cleveland, OH
I had a lot of them for past couple years. They come on quite suddenly and I'm never able to predict them. The first time I suffered from one I was convinced I was dying and went to the ER. They assured me that my vitals were fine and suggested I see a therapist. So I did that and also started taking Lexapro which helped.

The side effects eventually caused me to stop and I started having them again, but I've been able to limit them by changing my mindset and accepting anxiety as a part of life. I've even gotten to the point where I just accept panic attacks when they do happen and just let them run their course.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I did 6 months or so ago. Was driving home had got to the highway exit and it was blocked off so I took a side street at the next exit and that was blocked off as well and I shouted something like 'son of a bitch' then all the sudden had this feeling that I couldn't breathe. I started getting thoughts that I was dying and I needed to get home and that made it worse. Eventually I got my breathing rhythm back but it was scary, lasted maybe 10-15 minutes.


Oct 27, 2017
I got 2 or 3 of them, 1 was just last year.

They don't feel like a heart attack for me, I just have a lot of difficulty breathing and start hyperventilating really heavily as a result.

There isn't really anything I can do to make it stop, but I figured taking a cold shower helps a little. Also having someone with one, trying to calm you and talking to you is great.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have heart attack-like symptoms, but I'll get very anxious and my thoughts start racing. I usually huddle up with blankets/plushies on the bed or curl up, depending on where I'm located at the time.

I have medicine I take daily that helps lessen their severity & frequency, started getting them after surviving a pretty bad car accident. Was bad enough that it was interfering with my daily life for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
I had one recently due to a scumbag at work trying to throw me under the bus. Luckily I had emails saved to prove they were actually at fault but still freaked me out. I had to just turn my car around and go Homs to do a mental health day. I'm overweight too so I was considering going to the ER


Nov 2, 2017
Yeah. It started out of nowhere - one day my nervous system became completely jacked up, and I soon started having panic attacks on a regular basis.

Then I did a therapy called mineral replacement. It rapidly and completely cured my panic attacks and overall anxiety. It was unbelievable.

Disclaimer: what I'm describing is alternative medicine. I don't make any claims to its basis, soundness, safety, or general efficacy. Merely saying what worked for me.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Harrisburg, PA
When I get in a weird high stress mode, it feels like my skull is being crushed inwards or something...I can't describe it when I'm not in it.

Scarlet Spider

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Sorta, more anxiety attacks rather than panic. Ever since 2014 I would wake up every single day outside of weekends freaked out, afraid and wishing for someone to just end me. It goes away after a few minutes but fuck I hate it. Living like this is not fun.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Bumping as I came across this when searching. But for those that experience panic attacks, what have you found works best for you in the heat of the moment? Any particular 'rituals' you go through to help?


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Bumping as I came across this when searching. But for those that experience panic attacks, what have you found works best for you in the heat of the moment? Any particular 'rituals' you go through to help?

I have tried (and been taught) many different things. Nothing has really worked for me. Now I just go to my room, shut the door, maybe pop a pill, lie down and try to get through it. I have found it much easier to try to cut them off at the pass through healthier management of anxiety symptoms. I used to have them multiple times a day, these days it is about three times per month.

The "I'm dying" thoughts don't get to me so much anymore, just because I have had so many of them. I'm able to remind myself how many times I have been here and not died.

edit: re-reading my post and realizing this is, in fact, a ritual lol

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
Bumping as I came across this when searching. But for those that experience panic attacks, what have you found works best for you in the heat of the moment? Any particular 'rituals' you go through to help?
Nothing really outside of identifying what your brain is doing and trying to be aware of that at all times. It helps to read about the causes of panic and anxiety in depth.

I've only experienced panic in multi-week long attacks about three times in the past few years. It sucks super hard, but SSRIs seem to have evened me out and put a stop to them! Never really have had a "short" attack because it takes time to build up in the first place, I find.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Bumping as I came across this when searching. But for those that experience panic attacks, what have you found works best for you in the heat of the moment? Any particular 'rituals' you go through to help?
Here are a handful of strategies/coping techniques that I've developed with my clinical psychologist:

1. BEFORE a panic attack, be aware of triggers and behavior patterns that contribute to a sense of unease/panic/anxiety/etc. Do you find yourself often falling into negative self talk (things like, "I'm not good at my job" or "People hate me")? If so, it's important to recognize and call it out to yourself when it happens and then counterbalance it with positive self-talk ("I'm a kind person" or "I work hard and put in a good effort"). It sounds obvious and simple, but it can honestly make a big difference if you really commit to it.

2. DURING a panic attack, it's important to remember that you're experiencing a mental and a physical response - these are separate responses that often run on difference schedules. Personally, the physical effects of a panic attack (chest tightness, breaking out into a cold sweat, hyperventilation) usually outlast the mental effects ("Oh god, I'm freaking the fuck out!"), but it varies from person to person. Either way, for the physical aspects, just remember that it will pass. Don't be the swimmer fighting to swim against the waves - be the fish that flows with the current. Eventually, your body will calm down and you'll return to normal. Even if it feels like your heart is beating a million times a minute, you're not going to have a heart attack. A healthy heart can actually beat at an elevated rate for two weeks straight without taking on lasting damage. So your 30-minute thump-a-thon is not going to kill you.

3. AFTER a panic attack, do a mental checklist of what happened before that may have triggered your response. Think about what exactly it was that made you feel so anxious with the situation. Is there a way for you to handle it with more ease next time? Is there someone you can talk to about making this situation easier?

Also, remember to keep up with a self-care ritual/routine that helps bring down your stress level. Over the last few weeks, I've gotten very into taking an afternoon bike ride after work. It helps me clear my head and just focus on what my body is doing, rather than living inside my head. Plus, exercise is itself a great way to manage anxiety and stress. Do you have something like that? If not, is there something you'd be up to try?

Best of luck! As someone who was only diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder with a predisposition towards panic attacks last year, it was kind of a revelation. So many things from my past started to make more sense and I was finally able to take steps to living a more healthy, stress-free life. I'm still on that path, but I can genuinely say that things have gotten a lot better. They will for you, too. :)


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Bumping as I came across this when searching. But for those that experience panic attacks, what have you found works best for you in the heat of the moment? Any particular 'rituals' you go through to help?

Someone told me years ago that they "take stock" of their surroundings, like literally start counting the things that are around you. Two pencils, four cups, one can, one keyboard, one mouse, two candles, etc. I guess maybe it takes your mind off your anxiety that for a lot of people can build on itself. But I'll be honest, it's never occurred to me to try to do it during my attacks.


Dec 18, 2017
I've always been known to be worried all the time about something. But I'm studying for the CPA (Certifified Public Accountant) exam and I passed my first one last year and it expires in June 2021. So time is ticking and I have 3 more.

I had my 2nd part this morning, i can't tell you how awufl I felt last night. I was sweating in bed, my chest felt like it was tightening, my stomach was killing me.

This morning my stomach was awful too and I was taking the exam and felt like I used most of my breaks in the restroom trying to calm the hell down.

Does this sound like a panic attack at all?

LOL, I had one after taking my bar exam (Florida). Felt like I was suffocating.


Oct 25, 2017
Bumping as I came across this when searching. But for those that experience panic attacks, what have you found works best for you in the heat of the moment? Any particular 'rituals' you go through to help?

I've had them enough that it's pretty much "oh this shit again" and i just tell myself it's a panic attack and nothing will happen. Realize what it is and try not to fall down the rabbit hole and make it worse. Distracting myself helps too, either with TV or interacting with my dog/cat.


Oct 27, 2017
I've had one my entire life when I was in my late teens. Funnily enough I was leaning out of my bedroom window smoking a spliff on a lovely afternoon whilst listening to music when it struck, an unusual time to panic you'd think.

I thought I was dying, I went the doctors and had blood tests and all sorts trying to determine what it was. A few weeks later when everything came back clear a nurse casually suggested it may have been a panic attack and I knew immediately it was. Since then I've learned to notice early signs of anxiety and I havent had another one.