Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
It's was your weekend, where did you go, oh that sounds really fun, haha great, alright catch you later! Back to work it goes until the next interaction where I force small talk like I actually give a shit about which cottage they stayed at or what new recipe they experimented with.

Granted, I'm younger than everyone at the company and thus it makes sense that I have trouble connecting with these people 7-8 years older. But for real, I much prefer sticking my headphones in and ignoring everyone around me, do my own work on time, and head home.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah, especially when the conversation becomes one of measuring macho-ness by comparing how much they drank that weekend.


Oct 25, 2017
I have almost nothing in common with my co-workers, so most idle conversations stay very short. I think everyone likes them that way.
Oct 27, 2017
most of the people in my office are like 1-3 decades older than me (intern @ oil and gas comany for supply chain) ... yep, they are nice people, but man are they boring. Their lives consist of office work ONLY, and many of them are married/kids and just going with the flow. It's a lot easier to connect with people my age, because it's easier to talk about music, share social media information (OLD PEOPLE DON'T USE TWITTER OR INSTAGRAM!) and it's just easy to connect and stay connected with younger guys/gals.

Skinny Pete

Nov 2, 2017
It's not bad. I used to be more anti social but I found being friendly and talkative can go a long way in business.

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
Oh yeah, especially when the conversation becomes one of measuring macho-ness by comparing how much they drank that weekend.

See like, I prefer those because I'm still in that phase and at least there's a story to be told or you learn more about the person you're talking to. 'I got so shitfaced and I blah blah blah' at least tells me that, hey, this dude likes to go buck wild and party, cool.

What does 'I found a new bagel place to try out' or 'I moved this weekend' really tell me about someone, honestly? I struggle even holding my attention to this monotonous chitchat.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I just have no interest in it. I pop in my headphones, turn on Spotify, and concentrate on getting my work/studying for certs done.


Oct 31, 2017
Meh, I like it. Makes the day go quicker and is fun. Except the one time I worked with some Pokémon nerds. Dudes in their 20s and they'd go on all day everyday about it.

I do have my days where I just wanna be left alone tho.


Nov 25, 2017
I prefer to just get my work done but since I'm an introvert and I don't go out of my way to get in people's faces and talk to them, I sarcastically get called "Chatty Cathy" and people like to make cracks like "Hey, quit talking so much!". That shit pisses me off to no end. I'm nowhere near anti social, I even love public speaking. But come on...people need to quit getting on my case just because I spend more time at work actually working rather than flapping my gums out in the halls.
Oct 27, 2017
It's tedious, but once you mature a bit, you'll see the benefit of cultivating these sorts of relationships (and the negatives of being perceived as aloof and antisocial) in a professional environment, especially with those more senior than you.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't do chit-chat in office hours, but a drink after office helps bonding with my colleagues.
I found that drinking helps me connect with them without having anything in common.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
It's tedious, but once you mature a bit, you'll see the benefit of cultivating these sorts of relationships (and the negatives of being perceived as aloof and antisocial) in a professional environment, especially with those more senior than you.

On the contrary - the majority of people you meet in your life will be meaningless, especially in a work environment. Networking can be helpful depending on your industry, but there is a difference between passive small-talk and actual engaging conversation.


Oct 25, 2017
I work with my best friend so socialising at work is easy. I'd rather be laughing and joking with the other people than be stressed of the job I do so I try to talk to others as much as possible .


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Don't try to force yourself to do it. If someone lives where I have some family, been there, or have been thinking of going there, it's really easy to talk about it.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017

I'm interested in the people in my environment and their lives.

Meh, I like it. Makes the day go quicker and is fun. Except the one time I worked with some Pokémon nerds. Dudes in their 20s and they'd go on all day everyday about it.

I do have my days where I just wanna be left alone tho.

Okay, yeah. Addendum. I'm interested in most of the people in my environment and their lives.


Oct 28, 2017
Hate it

I'm socially awkward and find small talk incredibly difficult, so whilst I'll usually go to smaller departmental meals out where I know people fairly well, I usually make excuses not to attend the bigger work parties, eg at Xmas.


Oct 27, 2017
Ive been a fulltime work from home employee for the last 18 months or so. On the few occasions ive had to go back to the home office, i haven't been able to sit at my desk for more than an hour at a time without wanting to quit from having to engage in face to face conversations with people on small talk and really anything else.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
It's the favourite part of my job. My coworkers are an amazing, diverse group that gives me so many new ideas and great laughs every week.


Oct 25, 2017
It's tedious, but once you mature a bit, you'll see the benefit of cultivating these sorts of relationships (and the negatives of being perceived as aloof and antisocial) in a professional environment, especially with those more senior than you.
Yeah, this. It shouldn't have to work this way, but it's often more important to be well-liked than to be the person doing the most/best work (don't be shitty at your job obviously).


Nov 15, 2017
Only if you have similar interests with me will I actually enjoy talking to you, like old/modern RPGs, and older white men love those, so I don't particularly have trouble at work at least.


Nov 16, 2017
I felt the same way for most of my time at work after finishing up grad school. I was much younger than anyone else in the office I worked in and had little in common with others there. Over time I got to know some of them better, and even gained a mentor and a couple of people I could talk to at a deeper level.

I still only have genuine conversations with a few colleagues, and small talk is still very much annoying.

About the aloof thing, it worked in my favor because of a few fiery people I worked with. Their personalities made them stand out negatively a few times, while I got praise for being steady and drama-free and getting my work done.


Oct 25, 2017
I only like talking to people I speak to on a daily basis and we have a bond. I ignore people who barely speak to me unless they need something.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
. But for real, I much prefer sticking my headphones in and ignoring everyone around me, do my own work on time, and head home.

Then you pout and wonder why you're not moving up the way you want and why no one knows your name or what you do.

Learn to socialize folks. No one likes that stuck up person that doesn't want to talk to anyone. No one considers this person when it comes promotion time.
Oct 27, 2017
Socializing is such a huge part of my job so I have to like it, which I do. But I know everyone of my employees really well so that makes it much more fun I guess.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I'm really quiet at the current group is only me and one other person, and all the other groups (like professional groups - not talking about social groups) have like 10+ people in them, and they talk more basically cause they have more moment to moment interactions, which will lead to small talk.

I only get involved in their processes at very specific times, so while I talk to everyone at some point, I can go weeks / months before I talk to them again, so basically I'm the guy that everyone likes, but no one ever talks to.

I also HATE talking randomly over cubical walls - so I won't even throw a 'hey neighbor - did ya see the game etc' out ever - just cause I don't know they are there / are they busy / do they even I just don't.

Thing is, I've been very social in past lives / keeper of the office candy jar where everyone would take some and talk to me / commisioner of fantasy football / golf with coworkers weekly etc - but now, can almost get through a day without talking to people - maybe I do - sometimes all I say is 'goodnight' to the one admin I walk by on my way out -

I also hate this job (not the people - its just a BLAH job and no one really cares here because its government - been private industry worker for 15 years - now govt for almost 7) - so I am just unimpressed by the people here (not all - some are sharp as hell - but if I went back to private industry with the keys to build a new department - I'd probably steal no one away from here)

So yea..just BLAH I suppose (plus Im now older / got kids / always tired / not gonna go out after work with people anymore / so F it lol)


Oct 25, 2017
No, I love talking to people makes the day go faster

This for me too

I am lucky though. Many of my co workers are gamers so we talk constantly about games. Most of them are >30 and are playing since the 80s so we have a lot to talk about.

With the others I just talk casually about their hobbys or soccer or anything really...


Jan 8, 2018



"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Corporate office conversations suck. Retail or service? It's what keeps you sane.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Depends on the mood. Sometimes I feel chatty, others days I don't. Somedays I want to talk about something and then I have to deal with this Holocaust Denial, "moon landing is fake", Black Panther is disgustingly bad because I don't like it, kind of guy. Then I talk to my other coworker and it is a good fun talk and back to work.

Then the next day I rather read Era.

Deleted member 4372

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I keep work convo light and positive and never shit talk or gossip. I really enjoy talking to coworkers during day. It really helps situations where you are teamed up or are handling a task together that you already have a comroderie.