
Jun 7, 2020
I do not like him.like yeah I agree with some of his criticism of The military industrial complex, Toxic masculinity, and stuff, but then you have a lot of nasty Gorn, and shit like Kyle Rayner (Green lantern) getting raped as a joke because Garth Ennis hates superheros, to get through if you want and Almost all Superheros are Perverse rapist posers that don't actually fight crime, get sexually assaulted, or are mentally disabled,

To get to His few good points like characters you have to get through all the rape and gorn, it's like listening to a guys lecture but every few minutes he pukes or shits his pants for five minutes at the time.

like he really hates Superheros and portrays them in the worst way possible, expect for Superman, he likes Superman,

their are some good points in his work, but only if you are able to stomach a lot of garbage.

I'm ten years older now. A lot of Garth Ennis' work is edgelord garbage. If you like it, great - this is opinion, but I hate it and I hate Preacher and I hate the Boys and frankly everything of his that I've read sucks, relying on the same old tired shock value that Mark.

Yeah when Garth Ennis stories says "Toxic masculinity is bad"
But then have the stories antagonists be taken down by bloody violence, with nary a hint of supposedly "feminine" methods like, conflict De-escalation, and compassion.

Like maybe have a Superhero parody where the hero's attack some aliens heading to earth because they think their invading,but actually their refugees and fleeing a bigger threat, and know the hero's have to fight their alien attack, and the one that caused their refugees to flee, and it all could have been averted with basic communication skills,

See that's better then all Superheros being rapist, and fakes.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't read a whole lot of comics. My only exposure to him is "The Boys", which I felt was written by a 12 year old who was trying to be "adult", but had no clue what maturity meant. It was awful. The Amazon adaptation is much better.


Jun 7, 2020
That's nice he actually wrote a children's book called Erf. I've never read it but it likes cute

I don't see why people like "preacher" I don't think it would have its status of one of the greatest comics ever if released today.
Oct 27, 2017
I definitely prefer Garth Marenghi.



Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
not a fan, but i don't dislike him. He does have his moments, but too often he comes across as a self aware Mark Millar


Oct 30, 2017
I don't like the majority of his work, but he brought Preacher to this world - so I'm glad he's in the industry.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
I've not read most of his work. I keep being told to read Hitman and Punisher Max for instance. Alongside Preacher, that seems to be his trifecta of notable and largely beloved works.

I did enjoy Preacher, but didn't come away loving it to the level of its reputation, but it was fine.


Nov 25, 2018
I've never read his superhero stuff so can't say...but some of his earlier stuff related to Northern Ireland/The Troubles/Religion is interesting & entertaining.

I think it's actually important to remember that he would have grown up in that the pile of shit that was the Troubles in Northern Ireland and I think it's safe to say that this had a profound impact in shaping his output. This context might be difficult for some a lot of people to understand, however.

Also laughing at his wiki article stating he's American...
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Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
He is, without a doubt, the worst pro LGBTQ+ author. Every time he writes about homosexuality, there is a bizarre underlying aggression. And he uses being gay as a plot twist. A LOT.

It seems weird to complain about someone being anti discrimination. But his messages aren't very clear or good and there's always crying and relationships exploding when someone engages in gay sex versus straight sex.

Dude is certainly working through something there


Oct 26, 2017
I'd say his best work is "Enemy Ace" and the rest of military stuff, Hitman, Hellblazer, Preacher and The Punisher.

Haven't read his latter stuff. But he Was such a breath of fresh air in 90's. Also I just love Steve Dillon, anything he draw was such a delight.

Edit: Just found out Steve Dillon died from a ruptured apendix in 2016. Damn


Oct 26, 2017
That's nice he actually wrote a children's book called Erf. I've never read it but it likes cute

I don't see why people like "preacher" I don't think it would have its status of one of the greatest comics ever if released today.

Well that's the point, it was released in the 90's. Made a huge impact then


Oct 25, 2017
No, I enjoy most of his work: Preacher, Punisher, his war comics. He's basically comic book Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez
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Oct 27, 2017
I've always thought his shit is weird with a lot of bizarre rape jokes and people being secret sexual deviants and shit all the time


Oct 27, 2017
Preacher isn't any good, but I liked that Punisher run he did. He seems to be correctly rated.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was younger I thought he was a *throws up devil horns gestures* pioneering, but looking back on a lot of his past work I don't enjoy it as much. I still think he wrote the best Constantine and Punisher comics, but much of what he put out later makes me shake my head. I think his adapted works are far better than his original comics because they bring a modern perspective to it.


Dec 28, 2017
I liked Punisher and Preacher. I've tried to read The Boys and Crossed and they weren't doing it for me.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've read a lot of his stuff. He largely hates his own heroes, lol. And he's an edgelord. But some of his work is quite good despite the edge.


Mar 18, 2018
Underneath all the disgusting and horrific stuff he does there is a sort of genuine understanding of the interrelationships between people, communities and families.

Unfortunately rather than right a genuine meaningful story he'd rather bury it under rape zombies and pornographicly presented rape, incest rape, more rape, and also, did I mention the rape zombies?

The best stuff with his name attached is the spin offs or interpretations made by other writers. For example the boys TV show is far superior to the comics.


Oct 26, 2017
not a fan, but i don't dislike him. He does have his moments, but too often he comes across as a self aware Mark Millar

Well Ennis was a well stablished star before Millar was. I don't see this comparison making much sense, in any case would be the other way around.

Which I don't see either. People like to put Millar againts Ennis all the time, and it never made much sense to me. I'm sure they both would (did) have a laugh at it.

PS: I did also meet Millar at a con and have to say he was even more friendly than Ennis.

PPS: People should give Ennis war comics a try, for me it's when he is at his best (War Stories, Enemy Ace, Battlefields, etc.)


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
His comics aren't my thing at all. For many of the reasons you listed.

Luckily there are enough great works out there that it's easy to ignore authors or artists you don't enjoy.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't ever really been exposed to most of his big works outside of Marvel, like I never read Preacher or anything. I really like his Max stuff though: Punisher MAX, Fury, and Thor: Vikings.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Garth Ennis runs the gamut for me.
Sara, War Stories, Battlefields, Dreaming Eagles, etc... are grounded and really good.
Fury, Punisher, Hitman, Preacher are a bit out there but mostly enjoyable.
Boys is extremely divisive and is extremely over the top, as is something like Jimmy's Bastards.
Then he has absolute shlock like Crossed, Dicks, and others that I can't even read.

I don't think he's a bad writer by any means, but he is prone to excess at times and when he goes too far off the rails it's not for me. With that said, he's done some very good works that I think those who think he's just a one-note edge lord are unaware of. If you think that about him I'd urge you to read Battlefields or Sara as he's far from the caricature that people build him up to be when dismissing him as an edgelord.


Oct 26, 2017
He's still one of the best there is:


His Hitman, Preacher, Hellblazer, Punisher runs are still legendary.

His more modern stuff for Marvel like Fury: My War Gone By is still some of the best comics.

People just get caught up in the internet meme of Ennis ie "everything he writes is Crossed"
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Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Great writer who is hobbled and undercuts himself with his negativity and hatred of Superheros, to the point his greatest stuff works against itself and sometimes gets buried under his spite, and the not good stuff ranges from unreadable to offensive.


Oct 25, 2017
His Punisher MAX run is some of the best comics I've ever read while Crossed is one of the worst comics I've read so uh that's Garth Ennis to me.
I tried to read The Boys once but though it was crap as well. TV show is great though.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
I like his work on Hellblazer. But Hellblazer has problematic content for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
He made comics i enjoyed he made comics that i don't care for

I liked tv Boys way more than the comic but i love Punisher Max and his Hellblazer is great

Though he does get excessive in a way i hate like crossed and comic Boys


Oct 28, 2017
I know it's an unpopular opinion on ERA but I liked Crossed and The Boys. Those at least have a story to tell unlike most of Millar's shit like Wanted.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I do want to seriously encourage people to never read this. I wish I hadn't. It's just so incredibly cruel and mean spirited in a harsh, dehumanizing way. This turned me off to Ennis entirely-he's got some severely fucked up ideas in his head.
I think Garth Ennis has a lot of interesting things to say, but I have a hard time getting past the fact that some of his work is just mean spirited as fuck. I don't know what he himself is looking to derive from that outlook.


Jun 7, 2020
I think Garth Ennis has a lot of interesting things to say, but I have a hard time getting past the fact that some of his work is just mean spirited as fuck. I don't know what he himself is looking to derive from that outlook.

I know it's like a guy having a mediocre lecture but every few minutes he throws up.


Oct 28, 2017
I love his work. He is a cape author that doesn't like capes and it's great. Preacher was legendary, I love what he has done with the character Cassidy. Garth Ennis is an asshole with a soft heart.
Oct 25, 2017
When he tones down the edgelord stuff is when he's best, you ever read his War Stories or Battlefields? Just straight WW2 stories, shit is amazing
That one Nick Fury Max series he did was also incredible


Oct 25, 2017
Blue Mountains
Loved his Hitman series with John McCrea (his Dead Eyes series with Duggan is wonderful), one of the most underrated comic artists out there and a lovely chap, I've bought art from him in the past. Also liked Preacher and loved his Demon run. His work with 2000ad and Crisis was pretty good. He does write some vicious shit though, needs to smoke some weed and chill the fuck out.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy his work though some of his more extreme stuff is just too much. I still really like his more famous work like Preacher and Punisher Max but I can deal with some edge and don't mind his rather dour outlook on a lot of things.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My too, all his stuff is so nasty.
"all his stuff"?

In the Comics thread you had the same basic post and I as well as others shared some examples that are different from what you think all of his titles are like. In this thread as well several have done the same. If you want to believe that everything he writes is like Boys or Crossed then feel free, but it's not the reality and at this point it seems like you want to view him in an overly simplistic way that doesn't recognize the range of different books he's written and the tones he has used.