
Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
It's so weird to see BioWare transition to a company incapable of making games with soul in their characters/world/interactions and instead focus on polished visuals and moment to moment game feel, It's like the complete inverse of what made me care about their wonderful games historically.

Oh well, I hope they find a new audience cos this stuff just isn't for me anymore.

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Oct 27, 2017
That's not good if true. Everyone should be allowed to like a game and talk about it in a positive way even if a lot of people don't like it

I think I'm just disappointed with 2019 so far.

And that's completely fair, at least it's only mid-Feb and there's a lot of year to go!

Or Maxis, Visceral, and a host of others.

If Anthem isn't an immediate hit, it's likely over.

I wouldn't say it's likely anything.

We don't know what EA's expectations are besides the 6 million goal, and it's not like they can easily replace a huge studio to continue Dragon Age like they plan on doing next. The culling does have to end eventually, or else you have no one making games anymore lol

The periods of time and strings of "failures" made by Maxis/Visceral were much longer than the 4 years since Dragon Age: Inquisition was a success story for the company.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think they should be able to give a "final" review before the Day 1 patch, at least.
Of course they should. And if you think the day 1 patch is going to fix anywhere close to the problems people are having right now Idk what to tell you. What everyone is playing isn't going to be at all radically altered for this magical day 1 patch.
Oct 30, 2017
Which dev would want to make these xp quest loop games that are like designed for player retention and microtransactions?

Ask someone at BioWare. Im sure they thought it was an amazing idea that would work out for them. Respawn has already come out and told everyone EA had nothing to do with Apex and its something they had to sell EA on, and yet its exactly what you described. A endless loop battle royale game designed around player retention and micro transactions.


Oct 25, 2017
67. Calling it. Pretty classic GAAS score at launch, but question is whether EA will support it so that it grows into what Ubisoft and Bungie grew their worlds into.

Put another way, does EA believe Anthem long-term?

I doubt it.
If it was Ubisoft I would say low scoring wouldn't stop them from trying to build the game up. Especially since they've done that a few times now to great success. For example if the Division 2 came in scoring low I'd still be willing to buy that game given Ubisoft's record. EA I easily see cutting and running with the game with it only ever getting the content that was already prepared as they move on to the next thing.

The story was THE thing I was waiting to hear about because I didn't feel the gameplay was enough at all for me to invest time into it. The demo didn't leave me in a good place.


Oct 26, 2017
Gamecentral's review-in-progress sounds like the game is good but won't set the world on fire:

The first bit of the above link:

Last week was, as you may have noticed, a busy week for new video games. But why Far Cry: New Dawn, Metro Exodus, Crackdown 3, and Jump Force all thought it was a good idea to come out on the same day is a mystery, especially as they're bound to cannibalise each other's sales. The only positive is that it did help raise the profile of all concerned, which means the fact that Anthem also came out on Friday – sort of – almost got ignored.

Thanks to the bizarre way that EA sells games nowadays, with multiple release dates depending on the format and whether you pre-order or not, it's easy to get confused as to when exactly Anthem is being released. Officially it's out on Friday, February 22 (except the PC is the 21st for some reason) but it is available earlier via both EA Origin and a 10-hour EA Access preview on Xbox One. The only review access EA allowed (slightly) ahead of time is for the PC, which we were able to get stuck into over the weekend.
Ah got it, thanks.

Doctor Avatar

Jan 10, 2019
Ask someone at BioWare. Im sure they thought it was an amazing idea that would work out for them. Respawn has already come out and told everyone EA had nothing to do with Apex and its something they had to sell EA on, and yet its exactly what you described. A endless loop battle royale game designed around player retention and micro transactions.

I don't buy this comparison. Competitive multiplayer games are very different beasts than co-operative loot shooters.


Oct 27, 2017
Not a review, more like a preview while we wait for the full review, but these are the first impressions from the Spanish media outlet Vidaextra:

- The Javelins and its gameplay.
- Flying (controls are smooth and very responsive).
- Gunplay & Combat.
- Mind-blowing mo-cap and animations.
- Matchmaking.

- Loading screens everywhere.
- Connectivity issues.
- Missing map/navigation options like setting a waypoint, destination, etc.
- Tombs of Legionnaires mission (bad mission design).


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
If it was Ubisoft I would say low scoring wouldn't stop them from trying to build the game up. Especially since they've done that a few times now to great success. For example if the Division 2 came in scoring low I'd still be willing to buy that game given Ubisoft's record. EA I easily see cutting and running with the game with it only ever getting the content that was already prepared as they move on to the next thing.

The story was THE thing I was waiting to hear about because I didn't feel the gameplay was enough at all for me to invest time into it. The demo didn't leave me in a good place.



Nov 2, 2017
Oh cool I didnt realise the poster I was responding to was the sentient incarnation of a videogame company. I guess their perspective which implicitly excused developers releasing sub-par games for full price wasn't odd then.

Given their post started 'EA won't care if it sells well' then I'd suggest you perhaps read what you reply to.

How much anthem have you played btw?


Oct 27, 2017
Game will review somewhere between 65-75. Will be praised for the gameplay, but will be ripped apart for technical issue and baffling design decision.

Will still very well though probably slightly below EA expectation. Forsaken is 5 months old and The Division 2 isn't out until a month after Anthem, so many looter shooter audience will flock to Anthem. Playerbase however will drop really quick soon after release.

Months later, the game will have it's Taken King/Forsaken/Division 1.8 moment and people will praise saying it should have been how the game launched from the beginning.

I just hope Bioware survive this to finish Dragon Age 4 :(
Oct 30, 2017
I don't buy this comparison. Competitive multiplayer games are very different beasts than co-operative loot shooters.

That wasn't the posed question though. They implied that no developer would want to make such a game by choice. Despite that most likely not being true, Apex is an example of a developer that said they wanted to make exactly that. The internet got mad and said "EA must have forced them to make this game!" then Respawn straight up said that was bullshit. So despite whatever anyone wants to believe, developers want to make these games too.

I have a hard time imagining EA telling BioWare they had to do this. Especially when BW has been doing just fine with a genre they were competent in pre Andromeda.

what are your thoughts on how these two different genre's that follow the same design aren't comparable to the issue?


Dec 19, 2017
That VG247 review is pretty informative. And brutal. Very brutal.

I just read on Reddit the game doesn't even have a stats page? Sounds half baked.

Thankfully I had zero interest in this game so therefore zero disappointment. Just jaded curiosity at how this will all pan out. As a fan of the Mass Effect trilogy however, I am sad at Bioware's fate.
Feb 10, 2018
Ask someone at BioWare. Im sure they thought it was an amazing idea that would work out for them. Respawn has already come out and told everyone EA had nothing to do with Apex and its something they had to sell EA on, and yet its exactly what you described. A endless loop battle royale game designed around player retention and micro transactions.

Respawn, did there model the right way though.
The core gameplay loops in apex are great.
These type of games with mediocre gameplay where you just kill loads of NPC's just to procure more xp with no, end, are like a group of suits designed the concept.
I just think these xp hunts are just missing the point, people do like them, destiny proved that.
But to me there has to be more then collecting more xp.
Xp procurement is a means to a end
No the main driving force.

Even when we cast our minds back to call of duty 4.
Leveling up was crucial process, in order to get more guns, perks and gun skins, but the core gameplay was fun and people did not play it just level up, they played for the joy of play and the joy of being skillful and the joy of winning, much like fortnite, apex, PUBG etc.
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Oct 25, 2017
I have a hard time imagining EA telling BioWare they had to do this. Especially when BW has been doing just fine with a genre they were competent in pre Andromeda.

Not really, ME3 was pretty meh, Dragon Age 2 was a mess, Dragon age: I somewhat okish. Last truly great game from Bioware was ME 2 and that was long time ago.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Hope this game gets the support it needs.

If they can fix the loading issues and get a good content update or two I'll probably get it.


Nov 8, 2017
I miss the days of getting a complete experience for $60. Now I have to wait a year and a half.
Oct 30, 2017
Respawn, did there model the right way though.
The core gameplay loops in apex are great.
These type of games with mediocre gameplay where you just kill loads of NPC's just to procure more xp end are like a group of suits designed the concept.

I see what you're saying, but i still wouldn't be surprised to find out that BioWare chose this. I would put my money on BioWare being to ambitious. If they pulled this off, nobody would care about the cosmetics and loot because it would compliment it well. I dont think people are mad that its a loot based game with cosmetics, i think people are mad because its an empty game that has no substance with loot and cosmetics which is making it feel like a cash grab. I just think what they envisioned isn't what they were able to produce.

Not really, ME3 was pretty meh, Dragon Age 2 was a mess, Dragon age: I somewhat okish. Last truly great game from Bioware was ME 2 and that was long time ago.

ME3 was fine outside of the ending. ME2 was better though, for sure. DA2 was a mess, i agree, and DAI just had to get rid of the bloat. I think it would have actually been a more memorable game if they got rid of the ridiculous open world and boring fetch quests. Maybe this is an issue of BW chasing trends just like what happened with FFXV. I think they have potential, but they have to refocus themselves. But your right, its been awhile since they had a clean hit with little negativity attached to it.


Nov 10, 2018
Is there a Simpsons gif that perfectly encapsulates dealing with Frostbite engine?
from bioware point of view

Doctor Avatar

Jan 10, 2019
what are your thoughts on how these two different genre's that follow the same design aren't comparable to the issue?

I feel there is very much a difference in how cynical I find each game to be. Anthem from day one looked simply like EA wanted some of the Destiny pie, it always looked completely soulless to me. It never looked, felt or was marketed like the BioWare I knew and loved. Maybe they really wanted to make an exp loot grind shooter with little else to it, but again that isn't the BioWare I grew up with and loved. That BioWare would not be happy with a second rate Destiny knock-off which is pretty much what Anthem is.

Apex Legends on the other hand is a genuinely fresh and innovative approach to BR.

And of course the major difference: Apex legends is a free game. Anthem is a paid game.
Feb 10, 2018
The OST is some of the best music in games though.

The Neil Blomkamp short film was great too.

Makes me sad if they focus on the story and world more it could of been great.


Nov 27, 2017
I agree with mostly what<s been said in reviews.
I also think that PC players with the 20$ thing is perfect. Play for a month, wait for it to update a bit and get better and then buy it at a discount.

edit: Just saw that Loot run video...yeah that needs change asap.
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Oct 27, 2017
That's a shame. It's even better than I expected after the trailers. The mini open world segments work so well, and are a perfect evolution for the series. I also love the more varied environments. Not to mention the graphics are absolutely stunning. And the series' greatest strength is better than ever: a superbly immersive and atmospheric world.

Yeah, that game seems super well received. Unfortunately, I have zero interest in Battle Royale games, or multiplayer of any kind for that matter.

Agree with everything you said. Metro Exodus is excellent. I only played the intro/prologue and damn, it's real good. Enjoying it a lot. No interest in online gaming whatsoever but there is one "battle royale" game that I want to play but it's not Apex Legends or any of these other games. It's actually Tetris 99. LOL. I don't know when I'll play it but I will at some point.


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
For some reason I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of fun playing this game.

Revolutionary? Best game ever? No. But RDR2 was praised as second coming by most people here and I couldn't get myself to play it for more than a few days. Sure, the mud dried realistically from my jacket and stuff. But I expect this game to be, you know, fun! With the flying and shooting and spectacular looking world. And most reviews agree on that. But, but EA, loading screens and bugs and EA.

The only thing that would make this thread even more spectacular would be if - for some weird magical reason - the game was an Epic Store exclusive. I think that combo would cause real life human explosions.
Feb 10, 2018
I see what you're saying, but i still wouldn't be surprised to find out that BioWare chose this. I would put my money on BioWare being to ambitious. If they pulled this off, nobody would care about the cosmetics and loot because it would compliment it well. I dont think people are mad that its a loot based game with cosmetics, i think people are mad because its an empty game that has no substance with loot and cosmetics which is making it feel like a cash grab. I just think what they envisioned isn't what they were able to produce.

ME3 was fine outside of the ending. ME2 was better though, for sure. DA2 was a mess, i agree, and DAI just had to get rid of the bloat. I think it would have actually been a more memorable game if they got rid of the ridiculous open world and boring fetch quests. Maybe this is an issue of BW chasing trends just like what happened with FFXV. I think they have potential, but they have to refocus themselves. But your right, its been awhile since they had a clean hit with little negativity attached to it.

Yeah you could be right.
Whoever came up with these xp hunt style games like anthem, division and destiny.
I hate it, I think it's a wrong way.

Fornite, apex, World of tanks, sea of Thieves
Are the right way to do it.
And I think there is also a way to incorporate more story into gaas, but its not been done correctly yet.
But it will, one day.