Deleted member 25108

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Id be all over this if it wasnt always online. Even though it is, im still somewhat interested which is a big check mark on EAs part.

But I refuse to buy games without offline single player modes. Point blank period.


Nov 4, 2017
I would think that most of Edmonton would have moved to it after DAI.
MEA had major development issues and dev staff including senior devs were taken to make MEA in 18 months from both Edmonton and Austin. It's why Anthem and DA4 got delayed and SWTOR had its expansion plans massively changed.


Oct 27, 2017
AAA Iron Man game when?


Oct 29, 2017
New York City
I can't say I want to hop into this if it's just a grindy week toward max power and endgame. Want something a little meatier to sink my teeth into. More MMO then Destiny.


Oct 25, 2017
They concepted it out after ME3 came out in 2012 but it's a game they've apparently wanted to make since 2009. Keep in mind though it's only really hit the full production since 2017, as bothe MEA and DAI took devs away from it

im pretty sure its been in full production well before 2017...


Mar 8, 2018
The excitement for this game, from a message board where anything and everything EA is universally so weird. Is this so people can be outraged? Because this is a EA GaaS game, which means it will have MTX and DLC out the wazoo. Where are the people that swore off EA after Battlefront 2?

No to mention that everything we've seen from the gameplay looks mediocre.

Let me say this again: this will be a critical flop and it will have MTX that is the definition of what everyone here hates.


Oct 25, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah
im pretty sure its been in full production well before 2017...
They had to take devs from it for MEA - Mike Gamble for example who's doing the livestream today and is a lead producer for Anthem was on MEA. So was the lead writer. A lot of senior staff from Edmonton and Austin had to take over from Montreal to get MEA out. Anthem was originally meant to be out like a year ago.
I'm sure they put work on hold to finish MEA, but they had nearly 2 years between DAI shipping and stepping in to help finish MEA and I would think that they weren't just sitting on their thumbs for that time.


Nov 4, 2017
im pretty sure its been in full production well before 2017...
They had to take devs from it for MEA - Mike Gamble for example who's doing the livestream today and is a lead producer for Anthem was on MEA. So was the lead writer. A lot of senior staff from Edmonton and Austin had to take over from Montreal to get MEA out. Anthem was originally meant to be out like a year ago.


Nov 4, 2017
I'm sure they put work on hold to finish MEA, but they had nearly 2 years between DAI shipping and stepping in to help finish MEA and I would think that they weren't just sitting on their thumbs for that time.
They didn't have full Edmonton and don't think had Austin on board at that point (they had SWTOR expansions). There was a DLC team for DAI, and a DA4 team as soon as DAI shipped which didn't par down til mid-2016. I'm not saying they had a small team, just not the full production force, where pretty much most of the studio is part of it, both Edmonton and Austin. Just like DA4 has been in production since 2014 and had various degrees of numbers of devs, I wouldn't consider it to be in full production til after Anthem ships (though there are already a few devs moving across to "unannounced project")


Oct 28, 2017
Frostbite Engine making miracles dam.

Looks great. All people will see is an Ironman simulator, with options to make hulk buster, genji, and electric storm editions.

Gonna sell like hot cakes
Nov 23, 2017
I am getting this game day 1, I really like what I am seeing for sure. But all the personally insulted EA fans who instantly brigade all criticism in every thread of this game is a little sad. Yes you feel victimized that "hardcore gamers" or whatever don't like EA or this game and you do and that the market will like it (as if that matters) and that Destiny looks "last gen" (bullshit) and this and that and and...ok. But it's so ironic and laughably to see someone obviously emotionally invested in it being successful say "you're emotionally invested in it failing" as a gotcha.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
My response boils down to "That's it?"

Really would have liked to see some build variety and branching abilities for the javelins if there were only going to be four of them. Making me wonder what else the game is skimping on. I was really excited but the more I see how limited things are in this game the more wary of it I become.


Oct 27, 2017
Game looks better everytime, only thing that worries me a little is that the progression systems will be very shallow. Otherwise its gorgeous.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Only reason I'm hype for this is because it'll be the closest Iron Man game I can get. It doesn't look amazing but I'm liking the flight and the way the armors look. We'll see how fun it is with some friends or solo.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh man, I'm getting excited for this one. Looking forward to giving the Storm class a go.


Nov 3, 2017
If I get this game I'll definitely main the Storm first.

I don't know if it's because I'm being spoiled by certain other games, but I wish they did more to differentiate the classes than just weight build and generic RPG roles.

Have some unique mechanic or combat resource exclusive to a class.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Still love Bioware, still interested in Anthem, still waiting to get my grubby hands on it. Flight and underwater freedom and environments look amazing. I hope this is a game of exploring as much as blowing shit up.


Oct 25, 2017
I will say one thing in the games favor. It's the first of these social looter shooter games that actually embraces the MMO style class system. The Colossus plays like a tank, the mage plays like a spellcaster, and the interceptor plays like a nimble assassin.


Aug 13, 2018
That's not hard to accomplish. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that Destiny 2 looks last gen as fuck. At least on PS4 it does.

I disagree with that playing Destiny 2 Forsaken currently on PC it is drop dead gorgeous in art,light and structure everything looks beautiful.

And i'm not sold on the game just yet, for every game coming out EA and made by those studios it is a wait and see approach since they fucked it up big time with the likes of MEA and BF2 even NFS died along the process.


Oct 29, 2017
I just need a lot of stuff to unlock and do in game. A compelling PvE is all I want. Been itching for one since I forced myself off Warframe.


Story Director
Oct 30, 2017
Destiny 2 may have a lower fidelity of graphics (it's been released in 2014...), but it's got a superb art direction. Anthem looks pretty, but, from what we've been shown, looks very bland.


Oct 26, 2017
So, the warrior/ranger/rogue/wizard archtypes? I was a bit hyped until I got to Interceptor and Storm. You can essentially reskin these two as fantasy or super hero characters.


Oct 26, 2017
Destiny 2 may have a lower fidelity of graphics (it's been released in 2014...), but it's got a superb art direction. Anthem looks pretty, but, from what we've been shown, looks very bland.

If they have crazy customization for armor in player model geometry, it might outweigh the blandness. Alas, so far they have not shown any of that.

The live stream last night left a lot to be desired. Just two producers mucking about without structure.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Destiny 2 may have a lower fidelity of graphics (it's been released in 2014...), but it's got a superb art direction. Anthem looks pretty, but, from what we've been shown, looks very bland.

Spot on for my concerns for this game too, I hope it doesn't feel generic and get boring. Destiny and Bungie more specifically have such wonderful art direction, it's through all things Destiny 1 or 2. They really push that with the variations in enemies and their weapons or environments or tactics etc. It feels all part of the art driving it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I have played a lot of Destiny (1) so can't help but compare. What's interesting to me are the "class" abilities and how these could mingle in a team to produce better destruction. In D1 it often makes end-game missions much much easier if the team has certain abilities and deploys them well.

(in D1 the bubble shield titan was very valuable, in almost every scenario. Second place was a target-marking hunter, to significantly increase DPS).

Looking at the 4 suits, there's actually a fair bit of overlap, (with much bigger differences in weapons and ultimates). This *could* be a good thing if it means 1 suit/ability doesn't dominate the "must have" list.

I've pasted the abilities below. The ranger has the ability that looks closest to the bubble titan, and it's interesting that they've put this on the "generalist" suit rather than the tank suit. It creates a safe/critical zone for the team to be in and around, and that may fit more naturally with the Tank role. That said the Colossuss has a Taunt ability, which doesn't exist in Destiny, and that could be used to setup cross fire and flank situations, which would be handy.

Deflector buff on the colossus sounds very similar to the ranger ability...but there may well be differences in strength of the effect. Also the colosuss ability may help more with melee damage.

Target beacon on the interceptor sounds similar to the DPS buff and could also be a key feature in end game content. It says rally cry removes status effects, but i don't think we know how many effects there are or how strong they might be, so who knows how critical this will be?

The Storm's windwall sounds identical in function to the ranger for gear cooldown...who knows...that could be situationally useful.


1. Ranger Javelin Support Gear

Bulwark Point: Deploys a spherical field which deflects incoming enemy projectiles.​

Muster Point: Creates a field which increases weapon damage for teammates who enter its radius. (NOTE: in a previous article, this ability had been listed as reducing gear cooldown. The ability has been changed to increase weapon damage instead.)

2. Colossus Javelin Support Gear

Taunt: Forces all enemies within a certain radius to divert their attacks to the Colossus.​

Deflector Pulse: Gives all nearby allies a damage-resistance buff.​

3. Interceptor Javelin Support Systems

Target Beacon: Marks a target for increased damage which will switch to another enemy if the marked target is destroyed.​

Rally Cry: Removes status effects from all nearby allies.

4. Storm Javelin Support Seals

Wind Wall: Generates a defensive wall of wind that deflects incoming enemy projectiles.​

Nexus: Creates a field which provides gear cooldown reduction to teammates who enter its radius.​