
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
What the fuck is with these people and their obsession with labeling every kid a "child actors".

It's to convince their public that they aren't actually for the detainment, defilement and often times, the death of children. Just say it's fake, who cares, it'll keep the wheels on the cart.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
This is how you enable suffering, with a platform of lies and hate. It's time these people are no longer given a pot to piss in.
Oct 26, 2017
God damn, these shitbags really don't even put effort into their lies anymore. They know they don't need to. They get the attention they want either way.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
An educated and informed population was supposed to be the fix... but now those very ideas are being demonized. Education is "liberal propaganda", facts are "fake news". I don't know how you even begin to fix this mess. I don't like the "__ is doomed" kind of fear-mongering, but at times, it sure feels like it.

I mean, like, you have fucking concentration camps in your country now that prey on children. Children! And enough people are okay with that to maintain the status quo. Your president can't string two words before slurring like a drunk and an entire political party devoted to covering his ass.

How do you fix things when the deck is that fucking stacked? When people are happy to let pure evil foster?


Oct 26, 2017
Anyone who's undocumented on here and has had to put up with the mods softballing people trying to dehumanize or advocate for all kinds of horrendous shit upon us could have told you that months ago. The rest of ERA's just catching up now.
I've been saying this stuff for a while now.

"If you're gonna be hateful at least be polite about it."

Reminds me of the gay kkk in chappelle's show.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I mean, like, you have fucking concentration camps in your country now that prey on children. Children! And enough people are okay with that to maintain the status quo. Your president can't string two words before slurring like a drunk and an entire political party devoted to covering his ass.

How do you fix things when the deck is that fucking stacked? When people are happy to let pure evil foster?
I mean, to be fair...

We recovered before...

The problem is we don't learn. Or rather, we fail to remember, so we make the same mistakes over and over, usually using race as a way to distract white people from actual economic problems by reminding that "the darkies are coming for your daughters".

And we end up back here. Over and over.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
We have a deal, sir.

Mr. Giggles

Oct 31, 2017
So if they're child actors why doesn't she go there and prove they are.

I mean, how can she make that claim with no proof?


Oct 27, 2017
Typical right wing projection. A donkey dressed in a loosely fitting human costume peddling opinions she allegedly doesn't believe in. The NRA should give a statement against this evil witch.


Oct 27, 2017
If anyone is trying to find any kind of relief when it comes to dealing with Ann Coulter, track down the roast she was a part of. I can't remeber who the roast was of, but she was one of the roasters and everyone let her have it. It won't solve any of the migrant issues, but it's at least somewhat cathartic. She's a horrible person.

Deleted member 15933

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I just imagine Cruella de Vil hearing this on the radio while hunting Dalmatian puppies in her car, pulling over to the right and shaking her head in disgust :(

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could full on say how I feel about this, hell about this admin this country this world right now but I am willing to bet mods would not like it. What in the hell can we even do about this all it feels like every thing even trying to fight this will end up hopeless and on deaf ears due to the GOP refusing to do anything at all.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I goddamn want to punch every person who is bullshitting about this. Fuck all you all, you soulless ghouls.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Any person capable of even the smallest amount of critical thought would be able to conclude how absolutely unlikely that is.

There are unfortunately too many right-leaning folk that fall victim to these conspiracy theories, likely due to a lack of critical thought.

Parkland was an example of this earlier this year with the widespread claim that the teenagers from the high school were just actors. It seems to be repeating itself once again.


Oct 25, 2017
Ann Coulter has the same personality weakness Trump has.

Both got roasted on TV in front of a big audience. So, now they're getting revenge by being immoral bastards.

Vindictive and cruel to the end. Incapable of humanity.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I thought "worthless" fit pretty well but thanks for clarifying.
Wasn't aware of the second meaning actually, just the "weak and ineffective" one. She's certainly a worthless human being, so I wouldn't mind retracting the "not feckless" comment.

You saw what I did there though, right


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Nothing from Sarah Huckabee Sanders yet? Probably will be "you reporters are so mean to me".

She is hiding:

A White House official tells CNN that Sarah Sanders did not want to do the press briefing today amid a swirl of questions about the separation policy, so Homeland Security chief Nielsen is being flown back from New Orleans to take questions.

This explains the repeated delay for today's White House press briefing. It's an open question whether Nielsen will make it back by 5 p.m. ET.