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May 21, 2018
Stein's Gate 1-4

Finally decided to give this a go. I am absolutely digging how manic Okarin is. This show is completely crazy and I love it, no clue where it is going but I'll be riding till the end.
Oct 25, 2017
and just an extra reminder that Sentai has their own store and almost always prices things cheaper

though this is one of the rare times that it's cheaper on right stuff (well season 1 is, season 2 is slightly cheaper on the sentai store)

in general it's common for the rightstuf prices to be 20-30% more though :P

and the even better part. the sentai store ships using rightstuf :P

now now if you want to get DTL to watch something you do it like


it doesn't really matter if it's canon or not it will be for DTL soon enough ^^;
You've kept this secret from me and especially when it's a sports show? I feel so betrayed. Creys.

You shouldda told me sooner.


Oct 25, 2017
Arata is legit boring half the time he is on screen though
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Oct 25, 2017
Take it back! He's cute and powerful!
Over the course of 221 chapters I think the only time I've enjoyed him winning a match was when he beat Taichi back in that grade school tournament. On the flip side I can watch Chihaya stomp scrubs all day. It's easy to get hyped when she rallies herself.


Oct 25, 2017
Chihayafuru S3E9:
I prefer the fan translation of the guy's nickname being "The Blunderer" versus Goofsaku.


May 21, 2018
Chihayafuru 9.

I hate what this show does to Taichi. It just seems mean spirited with how little time Arata gets given he's supposed to be the reason Taichi can't be the best . Eh.


Nov 16, 2017
Chihayafuru S3 9
Taichi trying to speed run to the master finals ended as expected. Poor lad, they threw in some symbolism too of his doomed to failure pursuit of Chihaya. Arata tries desperately to find some style in his karuta because the master's words really got to him. Again that nice juxtaposition of Arata the naturally talented but "plain" type and Taichi the "flashy" type that just can't get by. We finally contrast them both with Dr Haruda, a man who's spent 45 years working on his game, never to win a master's but has learnt that intuition Taichi so badly wants. So the question is presented to Taichi: are you willing to put in the years of effort? It's this what you really want?

Chihayafuru 9.

I hate what this show does to Taichi. It just seems mean spirited with how little time Arata gets given he's supposed to be the reason Taichi can't be the best . Eh.
I actually like this characterisation. You can't always get what you dream of. Someone out there is always going to be better than you. Chihayafuru is populated by characters like this, all to varying degrees. Taichi is that guy who seemingly could and does have it all but in reality is very different.
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May 21, 2018
Chihayafuru S3 9
Taichi trying to speed run to the master finals ended as expected. Poor lad, they threw in some symbolism too of his doomed to failure pursuit of Chihaya. Arata tries desperately to find some style in his karuta because the master's words really got to him. Again that nice juxtaposition of Arata the naturally talented but "plain" type and Taichi the "flashy" type that just can't get by. We finally contrast them both with Dr Haruda, a man who's spent 45 years working on his game, never to win a master's but has learnt that intuition Taichi so badly wants. So the question is presented to Taichi: are you willing to put in the years of effort? It's this what you really want?

I actually like this characterisation. You can't always get what you dream of. Someone out there is always going to be better than you. Chihayafuru is populated by characters like this, all to varying degrees. Taichi is that guy who seemingly could and does have it all but in reality is very different.

I completely agree that is how his arc is presented , the fact that Harada is always used to reinforce this makes it painfully clear. It just seems odd that our main character is shown to work on getting her skill up but unlike Taichi
she will be able to win (come on we all know she will be Queen) . Add on top that Arata is always presented as being a master with born talent, forged by his grandpa. It just feels odd that they both get to have an arc where "yay we became the best through hard work/emotional growth" , and then throw everyone else the , "eh, but for most it doesn't work out regardless of effort." script. I think if Arata was more of a character we could have a fairer view of his inevitable win.

I would give Arata and Chihaya the same arcs they have. But Taichi should have a, you know what I am fine with never being the best , so long as I can play with the person I love. Chihaya ends with Taichi. Arata helps Snowman Queen become social and the they get together or something. Dr Harada keeps his Arc which is just Taichi +45 years.


Oct 25, 2017
I got interested in trying out the Aokana adaptation after playing the VN but completely lost interest when I read its based on Asuka's route with the MC relegated to just a side character. Out of all the routes they pick the paper thin sickly sweet "naive genius" cliche character to focus on.

It makes sense that they'd want to take out any romance so as not to piss off fans of other routes but they really should have adapted Misaki's route as that was the best written one that brought out more of the MC and fleshed out the more interesting heroine. The show would have been better received if they had gone with that.

I completely agree that is how his arc is presented , the fact that Harada is always used to reinforce this makes it painfully clear. It just seems odd that our main character is shown to work on getting her skill up but unlike Taichi
she will be able to win (come on we all know she will be Queen) . Add on top that Arata is always presented as being a master with born talent, forged by his grandpa. It just feels odd that they both get to have an arc where "yay we became the best through hard work/emotional growth" , and then throw everyone else the , "eh, but for most it doesn't work out regardless of effort." script. I think if Arata was more of a character we could have a fairer view of his inevitable win.

I would give Arata and Chihaya the same arcs they have. But Taichi should have a, you know what I am fine with never being the best , so long as I can play with the person I love. Chihaya ends with Taichi. Arata helps Snowman Queen become social and the they get together or something. Dr Harada keeps his Arc which is just Taichi +45 years.

Chihaya and especially Arata have been at it for much longer than Taichi though and in Arata's case he had support from his Grandfather who was a master and yet Taichi is still doing really well for his age and the fact that he only started taking the game seriously for like the past year or two.

Chihaya has had plenty of chapters where she had to work hard after losses/injury to get where she is now and Arata has had his own hiccups along the way plus he will have some more stuff to come later on. His current development of working out how he feels about Chihaya and the sport itself runs in parallel to Taichi though so I don't agree that he lacks development. He's dealing with the pressure of his deceased Master grandfather while trying to grow the sport of Karuta and forming a club despite being a shy person.

A lot of Taichi's despair is coming from his own head and the pressure he feels that he needs to go to medical school from his mother and the series shows that. It doesn't mean that's the way it has to be or it will always be for him and that's why he is one of the better written characters in terms of the different struggles he deals with. The author has done a good job of showing his flaws and how he's overcoming them but that doesn't mean he deserves to become a master and definitely doesn't mean Chihaya should lose all agency and be his girl.
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Oct 25, 2017
Demon Slayer 1-3
I may end up rewatching these, not because I didn't like what I saw, but because I watched them on an airplane. Really not the direction I was expecting things to go in right off the bat with the extended training arc given the nature of the world itself and its impact on our two main characters so far. Really digging where this is going and look forward to what will come after Tanjiro passes his final test.


May 21, 2018
I got interested in trying out the Aokana adaptation after playing the VN but completely lost interest when I read its based on Asuka's route with the MC relegated to just a side character. Out of all the routes they pick the paper thin sickly sweet "naive genius" cliche character to focus on.

It makes sense that they'd want to take out any romance so as not to piss off fans of other routes but they really should have adapted Misaki's route as that was the best written one that brought out more of the MC and fleshed out the more interesting heroine. The show would have been better received if they had gone with that.

Chihaya and especially Arata have been at it for much longer than Taichi though and in Arata's case he had support from his Grandfather who was a master and yet Taichi is still doing really well for his age and the fact that he only started taking the game seriously for like the past year or two.

Chihaya has had plenty of chapters where she had to work hard after losses/injury to get where she is now and Arata has had his own hiccups along the way plus he will have some more stuff to come later on. His current development of working out how he feels about Chihaya and the sport itself runs in parallel to Taichi though so I don't agree that he lacks development. He's dealing with the pressure of his deceased Master grandfather while trying to grow the sport of Karuta and forming a club despite being a shy person.

A lot of Taichi's despair is coming from his own head and the pressure he feels that he needs to go to medical school from his mother and the series shows that. It doesn't mean that's the way it has to be or it will always be for him and that's why he is one of the better written characters in terms of the different struggles he deals with. The author has done a good job of showing his flaws and how he's overcoming them but that doesn't mean he deserves to become a master and definitely doesn't mean Chihaya should lose all agency and be his girl.

I do agree that timeline wise Arata has been at it longer. But in the show he does not get the screen time to make me as a viewer feel that he has been at it longer. Arata and Taichi having parallels in their development, but one certainly gets more exposure.

I am not advocating for Chihaya to not have agency. I just think that to me it would be odd for her to fall for Arata based on a few games she's seen him play versus her friend who has been with her all throughout the show displaying similar growth. I don't think Chihaya will actually do anything about this love triangle. I think it would be a disservice for her to fall for either of them on the grounds of how they play Karuta, now that would be robbing real agency.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Demon Slayer 1-3
I may end up rewatching these, not because I didn't like what I saw, but because I watched them on an airplane. Really not the direction I was expecting things to go in right off the bat with the extended training arc given the nature of the world itself and its impact on our two main characters so far. Really digging where this is going and look forward to what will come after Tanjiro passes his final test.
For me, episode 9 is where the show went from "well, this is pretty okay" to "woah, this series is awesome!".


Nov 16, 2017
Chihaya and especially Arata have been at it for much longer than Taichi though and in Arata's case he had support from his Grandfather who was a master and yet Taichi is still doing really well for his age and the fact that he only started taking the game seriously for like the past year or two.

Chihaya has had plenty of chapters where she had to work hard after losses/injury to get where she is now and Arata has had his own hiccups along the way plus he will have some more stuff to come later on. His current development of working out how he feels about Chihaya and the sport itself runs in parallel to Taichi though so I don't agree that he lacks development. He's dealing with the pressure of his deceased Master grandfather while trying to grow the sport of Karuta and forming a club despite being a shy person.

A lot of Taichi's despair is coming from his own head and the pressure he feels that he needs to go to medical school from his mother and the series shows that. It doesn't mean that's the way it has to be or it will always be for him and that's why he is one of the better written characters in terms of the different struggles he deals with. The author has done a good job of showing his flaws and how he's overcoming them but that doesn't mean he deserves to become a master and definitely doesn't mean Chihaya should lose all agency and be his girl.
I couldn't have said it better myself.


Nov 6, 2017
west coast
The most interesting aspect of Demon Slayer to me is the fact that it takes place in the beginning of the 1900s. Its a time were old ideals and customs are getting overshadowed by rapid development of technology. Same reason I like Golden Kamuy.


Oct 26, 2017
Chihayafuru S3 Episode 9

Taichi, why are you sad? You already used up your whole luck - remember?

Also please Harada sensei don't die.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Iruma-kun - 09

The show about a child being sold to demons by his parents after a life of being abused and taken advantage of is the most wholesome show of the season. And its so dumb I just love it to bits.


Jan 10, 2018
Demon Slayer 1-3
I may end up rewatching these, not because I didn't like what I saw, but because I watched them on an airplane. Really not the direction I was expecting things to go in right off the bat with the extended training arc given the nature of the world itself and its impact on our two main characters so far. Really digging where this is going and look forward to what will come after Tanjiro passes his final test.


Bruh, stick with it cos its about to get SO GOOD.


Oct 25, 2017

Crunchyroll and VIZ Media Europe Group have announced the closing of a deal that brings the global platform of Crunchyroll together with VIZ Media Europe Group's EMEA-wide network of partners, distributors, and licensees. With the transaction complete, Crunchyroll is officially the majority owner of VIZ Media Europe Group, and will now have offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Chisinau, Paris, Berlin, and Lausanne.

VIZ Media Europe Group—one of Europe's most established anime licensors and distributors—encompasses VIZ Media Europe, VIZ Media Switzerland, AV Visionen, KAZÉ, KAZÉ Manga, Anime on Demand, and Anime Digital Network (in partnership with Citel, a subsidiary of Média-Participations).


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast USA
Elemental Gelade Ep. 1-END

My most random watch was another b/c tier adventure "romance" series that pits a lame MC trying to man up and get with the mysterious OP girls he wants to help. The show is very trope driven and includes multiple kidnappings (shocking, I know) however, it wasn't obscene to my intelligence, so I was able to follow along and enjoy my time with it in the background. It's not something I'd openly recommend as it does nothing new/interesting as a show outside of being media entertainment in the form of anime.....


Oct 25, 2017
Chihayafuru 09
Really enjoyed the use of luck of the draw in team matches when there is some strategy to making sure teammates have same card/or split. In individual matches it is just kind of an unsatisfying way to decide a match, win or lose. It is what is is though. (I'm not convinced on Harada's experience will let you know which card won't be called theory, but he got the result).

Chihayafuru 9.

I hate what this show does to Taichi. It just seems mean spirited with how little time Arata gets given he's supposed to be the reason Taichi can't be the best . Eh.
Taichi has been on a pretty crazy run. Didn't lose a game in nationals between team tournament and class b. Then in first(?) rank a tournament is runner up and only lost to an opponent that got to take a nap in semi finals.

Was coming dangerously close to losing his underdog factor!


Jan 10, 2018
Dragon Pilot Ep.1

"Oh this seems pretty cool, let's see where this goes"

Dragon Pilot Ep.2

"Right looks I'm dropping this fucking shit"
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