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Oct 25, 2017
Conception 01


I played the 2nd Conception game and they always made it rather ambiguous about if you were actually having sex with the girl because I don't recall anyone ever treating it like sex. This they are very clearly indicating, "Yea they bang." unless episode 2 has something else in store.


Oct 25, 2017
People should watch Idol Incident/Idol Jihen now that they've been bitten by the idol bug


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
watched an episode of asobi asobare. not sure how i feel about it - probably would have been more shocked/had more fun if i had gone in blind. as it was, expecting it, it kinda just devolved into 'reaction shots: the anime'.

also i hate (well, don't like) every character, which makes it difficult to go with...


Oct 25, 2017
Star Driver [END]

Based Bones.

My main take out of this, is that anything that has to do with the mechas was pretty good. The designs, which as I previously said was the reason I even watched this, but also the action. As far as I remember, while there are some lazy episodes, the action was good more often than not and most importantly, the most crucial moments in the series were handled really well. The finale itself was full of magnificent sakuga. Moreover, there were some very stylish scenes on Zero Time, I rather liked that dueling ground even if the CGI didn't do it justice some times. I enjoyed the Utena-esque format the the series tried to employ, even though the recycled animation kind of stopped eventually. lol The entrance through the Cyber Casket was very good, while the songs that went with them were very nice. Especially the first one, I wish the blue haired girl had a bigger role. Second miko was a huge downgrade, though the plot twist was pretty cool.

Still, as I feared, the characters ended up the weakest part of this. A lot of melodrama and pointless banter, along with how underdeveloped a lot of the side characters were, kind of ruined it for me. I never fully grasped why Sugata acted like a dick sometimes, or what the Class Rep girl wanted or expected other than Sugata acknowledging her. The storyline with Takashi seemed to get scrapped middle way, and several other characters never got a proper role or a proper closure, something to explain their motives. Even with the main trio, I feel that the show just stalled their developments. During the Mizuno arc, they basically took a backseat, which kind of ruined the momentum that existed.

Overall, very enjoyable series though. With 2D Mecha being more or less dead, that was a neat surprise considering it's not even 10 years old.

Conception 01


I played the 2nd Conception game and they always made it rather ambiguous about if you were actually having sex with the girl because I don't recall anyone ever treating it like sex. This they are very clearly indicating, "Yea they bang." unless episode 2 has something else in store.

Given how much this first episodes goes for it, I don't think it going to stray away from this.


Nov 1, 2017
Bunny Girl show 02

The way they delivered the scene with her mom felt a bit weird and awkward, but aside from that it was a really nice episode.


Oct 26, 2017
watched an episode of asobi asobare. not sure how i feel about it - probably would have been more shocked/had more fun if i had gone in blind. as it was, expecting it, it kinda just devolved into 'reaction shots: the anime'.

also i hate (well, don't like) every character, which makes it difficult to go with...
Yeah, I was pretty excited at first going by the silly gags(Olivia trying to English, playing games etc) but the next couple of episodes were mostly forgettable. I really wish they didn't cop-out with Olivia being more Japanese than she appears to be and tried something interesting with the intersection of cultures (Kiniro Mosaic is a bigger culprit in this regard).
Oct 25, 2017
watched an episode of asobi asobare. not sure how i feel about it - probably would have been more shocked/had more fun if i had gone in blind. as it was, expecting it, it kinda just devolved into 'reaction shots: the anime'.

also i hate (well, don't like) every character, which makes it difficult to go with...

Not everyone is made for fun things.


Nov 1, 2017
Karakuri Circus 01

Man this was really good. Probably my favorite episode so far from this season.

Didn't even know that Hayashi Yuuki is the composer.


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
Katakuri Circus 01
While it's visually good, the protagonist is extremely uninteresting (no merits, just a heir) and I cannot shake the feeling that this will be discount JoJo with puppets instead of stands.

Merc something 01
I literally fell asleep watching this. It doesn't happen often.


Oct 25, 2017
So after Karakuri Circus I've seen all the shows I wanted to check out, and with some more episodes for other shows it's time to update the list. I wanted to wait until Sunday to get some more episode 2 impressions, but I really wanted to emphasize how much I liked Karakuri Circus :P
(Number of episodes watched in parenthesis)

Karakuri Circus (1)
SSSS.Gridman (1)
Thunderbolt Fantasy S2 (1)
Zombieland Saga (2)

Very good-tier
Bunny Girl Senpai (1)
Double Decker (3)
GioGio (1)
Index S3 (1)
SAO: Alicization (1)
Slime Isekai (2)

Goblin Slayer (1)
IRODUKU: The World in Colors (1)
Radiant (1)
The Girl in Twilight (2)

Already dropped-tier
Between the Sky and Sea (1)
Release the Spyce (1)
Ulysses: Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemy Knight (1)

The ones in "Decent" are in danger of being dropped unless they turn it around.


Oct 25, 2017
Re: Cutie Honey

this could have a perfect fun little three episode OVA, but it's held back by it's dull second episode. Itou Naoyuki is just completely outclassed by Imaishi and Anno. Still the first episode is fantastic and the third is really great.

it was gayer than I expected.

The OP will be stuck in my head for a while.

Listening to Three moves ahead about Valkyria chronicles 4 and Austin talked about what makes anime interesting and sometimes problematic is how much action there is from even the smallest actions. However, it can lead to having certain element being bigger then they should had been. Thinking back on series I really enjoy found ways to balance their big actions and small moments out. Goblin Slayer is very much in the camp of being too much of action and not holding back. The assault scenes could had cut away or not shown at all and would allow the show to have better ground to stand on it dark tone. The show needs help in a lot of ways, going all the way to the original manga, but they could had taken steps to present it better.
Oct 25, 2017
Listening to Three moves ahead about Valkyria chronicles 4 and Austin talked about what makes anime interesting and sometimes problematic is how much action there is from even the smallest actions. However, it can lead to having certain element being bigger then they should had been. Thinking back on series I really enjoy found ways to balance their big actions and small moments out. Goblin Slayer is very much in the camp of being too much of action and not holding back. The assault scenes could had cut away or not shown at all and would allow the show to have better ground to stand on it dark tone. The show needs help in a lot of ways, going all the way to the original manga, but they could had taken steps to present it better.

It was pretty clear that the real intent here was fetish fuel.
Oct 27, 2017
Re: Cutie Honey

this could have a perfect fun little three episode OVA, but it's held back by it's dull second episode. Itou Naoyuki is just completely outclassed by Imaishi and Anno. Still the first episode is fantastic and the third is really great.

it was gayer than I expected.

The OP will be stuck in my head for a while.

It sucks the new series has probably killed the chances of another Cutie Honey series. It was so damn bland.


Oct 25, 2017
What! Why did no one tell me Tokyo Godfathers was getting a Blu-Ray release in the Uk next week!?


Oct 30, 2017
Not gonna lie, it sounded like a real nothing of a song when I first heard it.

Seeing it with the ED visuals is making me come around, though. They made it work. It's got a good post-episode winding down feel.


Oct 25, 2017
Beelzbub 01

Wow Hell sure seems like a place that isn't all that bad to live. But maybe they keep the people suffering eternal damnation somewhere else. Anywho, Beelz herself is pretty cute for a fallen angel and the humor got chuckles out of me so this is a keeper.

Merc Storia 01

I didn't expect much out of this and I'm actually impressed. Water jar fairy girl is cute as a button and her dialogue is pretty amusing. I was thinking the boy being so young would annoy me but it didn't so good so far will keep on this.

Jojo sucks but their ED/OPs are usually something I like. ED is vastly better than the OP. That OP is a trash fire.
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