Oct 25, 2017
So last night, a little after midnight, I get a phone call from a new friend I made at my job. I answer and I immediately hear a lot of commotion. All of a sudden I hear some angry ass dude asking who I am and why his girlfriend (my friend) has my number. I'm like, "Oh fuck...here we go..."

Some back story: Every time my company hires new staff, they typically ask me to help give them a run down of the job and help out with OJT (on the job training). The other day I had to help a new hire who was genuinely really polite and really funny. Typically they're shy. But she was really cordial and had a lot of hilarious commentary.

Lately I've put in more effort in making new friends. Men and women, it doesn't matter. So I gave her my number just for the hell of it. No intentions besides wanting to keep in touch and possibly be friends. She texted me about how she was going out for her birthday over the weekend and asked where she should go with her boyfriend. Besides that, there are a few texts about work related stuff. Nothing else at all.

Anyway, fast forward to last night, I tell him we're just friends and everything between us is 100% professional and platonic. Obviously he doesn't believe me. He starts cursing and making threats. I laugh and dismissively call him a "tough guy". That just pissed him off even more.

At this point he's screaming, saying he's gonna come to my job and kill me, fuck me up, ect. Asking when I'm going to be there. I call him a dick head and basically tell him to fuck off. I then hear more commotion and the phone hangs up.

Now, fearing this guy is 1) an idiot and 2) an asshole, I immediately call the police. The last thing I want is for this jackass to do anything to her. He doesn't know who I am or what I look like, so I'm not concerned at all about what he claimed to do to me. I tell the police her name and number and to see if she is okay. I asked to give me a call back later when they were through.

In the end, the police said everything was fine and thanked me for my concern. I know this dude won't do anything to me, but any hint at domestic violence should be taken very seriously. I didn't want anything bad happening to her. My friend texted me and said she was fine and that her boyfriend left. She said she felt embarrassed and apologized many times. I let her know that she isn't at fault at all and hopefully she can resolve whatever issues they have between themselves.

Any of you got similar stories?

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
that guy is an asshole

the boyfriend just made himself look more like a creepy jealous asshole in front of his girl, so that should increase your chances with this girl somewhat if you're the type who likes to shit where he eats


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry OP. You shouldn't have given her your number in the first place.

I should have mentioned that she didn't tell me she had a BF until AFTER I gave her my number. In fact she told me when she asked about where to go to dinner for her birthday.

So, I mean, I can't read minds, lol.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I should have mentioned that she didn't tell me she had a BF until AFTER I gave her my number. In fact she told me when she asked about where to go to dinner for her birthday.

So, I mean, I can't read minds, lol.
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Sounds like the guy needs to cut down on caffeine and red meat lmao

I just can't imagine being so blindly angry at something so benign. What a dick.


Oct 25, 2017
I even asked her to apologize on my behalf for calling him a dick head. I tried to explain to him precisely what I put in the OP. That I help with OJT and simply thought she was friendly. Just trying to network and make new friends, nothing more. Literally zero intentions besides making platonic and professional connections with coworkers. But he didn't wanna hear that. He was going ape shit from the get go. So I just said fuck it, gave up trying to explain things peacefully and rationally and told him to piss off.

I felt bad for getting cops involved. Then again, I don't really know what this guy is capable of or how he treats her. I shouldn't pass judgement, but then again...you never know. I just had to be sure she was safe. Glad she is.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?
Lol yeah that last sentence he wrote clearly points to him waving away the "wrongness" of getting her number. OP, you should probably stop texting her.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

So one shouldn't every contact women just incase they have a deranged jealousy-prone SO?
one shouldn't try to hit on someone one supervises, whether they're single or not

in fact, OP said he wouldn't have given out the number had he known she had a boyfriend. that makes him look MORE suspect than if he had done it knowing there was no chance of getting with her

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Congrats on the future sex, OP

But if some jealous partner ever called me asking why my number was in his girlfriend's phone, I'd be like... because I gave it to her, and hang up. I wouldn't keep that conversation going more than about 5 seconds. It takes a special type of jealous freak to know when someone's contact list changes with a new number.

I generally have a soft rule to not shit where you eat, but if you're hungry and you gotta eat, fuck it, eat man.
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Jul 18, 2018
Yikes, shouldn't have enticed him with the ole "tough guy" comment because you wanted to assert some sliver of being better/dominant.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that her first text to you was about her boyfriend gives you a good idea of what she thought your intentions were.

Should have kept it professional. You don't start texting a new employee that you're in charge of from your personal number.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?
What the heck is this? OP literally said that there was no intention behind him giving out his number, lol. Way to jump to conclusions there.

Prophet Steve

Oct 26, 2017
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?

...the fuck?

Ignoring a bunch of other assumptions, calling the police perhaps might not have been "a move" and instead have been something for safety.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I've worked with a number of coworkers (girls) through out the years and only had 1 of their numbers due to getting close as friends. Imagine getting their numbers immediately... damn dude don't shit where you eat lmao
Oct 27, 2017
OP be honest with us, did you intend to ask the girl out or not?

I was in a similar situation about 6 years ago. I had to train a new hire and vibed really well with them. I was really dumb and asked them out. It didn't go this way and luckily they were cool about itand I didn't get in shit because of it. Probably should have. We remained friends afterwords but it could have gone the other way and it would have 100% been my fault.

So I guess the moral here is. It's OK to be friends with a new hire. But maybe give them some space and time.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
What the heck is this? OP literally said that there was no intention behind him giving out his number, lol. Way to jump to conclusions there.
if there was no intentions why did OP post this:
I should have mentioned that she didn't tell me she had a BF until AFTER I gave her my number. In fact she told me when she asked about where to go to dinner for her birthday.

So, I mean, I can't read minds, lol.
why would it matter whether she had a boyfriend if his intentions were purely platonic. something is not adding up
The fact that her first text to you was about her boyfriend gives you a good idea of what she thought your intentions were.
Should have kept it professional. You don't start texting a new employee that you're in charge of from your personal number.


Oct 28, 2017
If you were really concerned about domestic violence why would you provoke him by calling him names and making him angrier?

Prophet Steve

Oct 26, 2017
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?

...the fuck?

Ignoring a bunch of other assumptions, calling the police perhaps might not have been "a move" and instead have been something for safety.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is no one asking why she's calling him after midnight?
Don't know about you, but if I am gonna contact anyone after 11pm, it's by text.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
oh and just to get this out of way:

just because OP is acting highly sus, doesn't mean that the boyfriend wasn't out of line

boyfriend was clearly out of line regardless of OP's intentions


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Why in the hell are people assuming that his true intentions were to ask the girl out, when he literally said he was looking for a platonic relationship?

Saying things like, "Don't lie to us." "Be honest with us."

Are we really just cynics to not believe anything people say? I dunno. Maybe I'm being naive.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Why is no one asking why she's calling him after midnight?
Don't know about you, but if I am gonna contact anyone after 11pm, it's by text.
Can we get era detectives (pls don't) to actually figure who's really at fault here?? Who's the main villain?

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?

Lmao. Didn't miss a beat jumping to all kinds of conclusions. Dude sounds like an asshole OP. You did nothing wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
That dude clearly has issues, but it's also weird she called you after midnight. I wouldn't call my closest friends after midnight.


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
Don't give your number to people you're training OP FFS.


Oct 28, 2017
Why in the hell are people assuming that his true intentions were to ask the girl out, when he literally said he was looking for a platonic relationship?

Saying things like, "Don't lie to us." "Be honest with us."
"I was looking for a friendly relationship that I also wouldnt have pursued if I knew she had a bf" seems pretty contradictory. Why would you not pursue a platonic friendship if someone was in a relationship?

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Why in the hell are people assuming that his true intentions were to ask the girl out, when he literally said he was looking for a platonic relationship?

Saying things like, "Don't lie to us." "Be honest with us."
because his actions are indistinguishable from someone trying to get with this girl

first giving out his number (which he apparently would have felt different about had he known she was not single)

then, instead of defusing the situation, he calls him a tough guy, to provoke him and make him look bad. and finally (this is where he clearly overplayed his hand) calls the cops on the boyfriend

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Why in the hell are people assuming that his true intentions were to ask the girl out, when he literally said he was looking for a platonic relationship?

Saying things like, "Don't lie to us." "Be honest with us."

Are we really just cynics to not believe anything people say? I dunno. Maybe I'm being naive.
Possibly, OP could be 100% honest but the likelihood is very small. I've seen this story 1000 times before so I know how it plays out.


Oct 27, 2017
When my fiancé tells me about a guy or whatever, I ask her if the sex was good lol. I trust her and we love to mess with each other a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
so you did give her the number with the intention of hitting on her

i kind of had a feeling

you thought that calling the police in was a smooth move, but you probably ruined your chances there. she can see through that bullshit easily. "you did it for her sake" bullshit. you wanted to make the boyfriend look bad. don't lie to yourself

also, don't give out your number to the girl you're supposed to train with the intention of hitting on her. wtf dude. you really don't see how there's a power imbalance there?

What universe do you live in where being friends = hitting on someone?

It's wrong to want to make friends at work? L O L W H A T

Never give ur number out to someone your training that's a bad move.

It's more of one time session, not an on going training thing.

Still, it's funny how some of you are adverse to MAKING FRIENDS at work. I have no intentions besides that.

Lol yeah that last sentence he wrote clearly points to him waving away the "wrongness" of getting her number. OP, you should probably stop texting her.

I don't plan to. I don't wanna potentially escalate matters at all. Plus, I don't want any drama or bullshit.

Congrats on the future sex, OP

But if some jealous partner ever called me asking why my number was in his girlfriend's phone, I'd be like... because I gave it to her, and hang up. I wouldn't keep that conversation going more than about 5 seconds. It takes a special type of jealous freak to know when someone's contact list changes with a new number.


Again, just trying to make new friends. Nothing more.

It blows my mind how insane this dude was. Never encountered a situation like this, ever.

The fact that her first text to you was about her boyfriend gives you a good idea of what she thought your intentions were.

Should have kept it professional. You don't start texting a new employee that you're in charge of from your personal number.

Besides talking about her dinner plans with her boyfriend, we've exchanged only a few texts regarding work. That's it.

If that isn't "professional" I don't know what is, apparently. Im the last person to compromise my job or fuck up someone's relationship.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Tbh the bf got jealous why his gf was calling some dude after midnight. I'd probably be irrational as well but oh well
Oct 25, 2017
Have lots of my female coworkers numbers, it's no big deal just convenient to contact each other. The only dickhead in this situation is the controlling insecure boyfriend that I no doubt won't be around for long.


Dec 17, 2017
The Un-united Kingdom
Sorry to hear OP!

The BF is obviously insecure/possessive and acted out of fear.

Chalk it upto a life lesson and move on and act professional around work colleagues, if your into somebody before you hand out your number try and scout out if they have a SO.

Don't worry PXG the guy isn't going to kick your ass, they rarely do tbh.
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Oct 25, 2017
Op you didn't do anything inherently wrong but this is why you have to be extra careful with work relationships. There are some shitty, possessive spouses out there that can drag you into their hell hole of a relationship regardless of what your actual intentions are. Ask her to no longer contact you outside of work and if this guy actually threatened to come down there and kill you, report that shit to your employer. It may be embarrassing but you don't know how crazy this guy is or what he's actually capable of.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
What universe do you live in where being friends = hitting on someone?

It's wrong to want to make friends at work? L O L W H A T
nothing wrong at all, but you don't ask that on literally their first day

if you had no intentions, why does it matter whether you knew she was single before getting the number?

you have to be very careful if you want to make friends with someone, who could think you're hitting at them, at work. you'd first try to socialize everyone together at an after-work or something, before giving out your private number to them which makes it look like you want to meet them one on one


Oct 25, 2017
I love how some of you insist I'm the bad guy, lying by omission or intentionally leaving out critical details.

Never change...

OP, are you single?


Yes and no desire to be in any relationship right now. Concerned with me, myself and I. Just wanna focus in me, but still want to at least make new friends though.

The last place I'd be looking for a date is at my place of employment.


Oct 27, 2017
OP you're gonna get your ass kicked at work in front of this girl and it's only going to solidify her relationship with her boyfriend and emasculate you at the same time. She'll never see you as an equal ever again and it's gonna be tough working there from now on, all cause you got antsy cause you were talking to a girl and have her your number 10 minutes into a work conversation.